英文VI百寶書Unit 2

Unit 2 Where Did Surnames Come From?
1. __________ Germany (德國) is famous for its i______n and steel industry.
2. __________ After the exam, the teacher i______med the students of their grades
3. __________ I was a______d to see my brother stealing mom’s money. I couldn’t
believe he would do that.
4. __________ There is no doubt that the computer has been the greatest i______n in
the 20th century.
5. __________ Although the climber has disappeared in the mountains for three days,
there is still a p______y that he is alive.
6. __________ N______s people crowded into the department store to purchase
things on sale.
7. __________ You should examine all facts before jumping to c______ns.
8. __________ Being a computer programmer is often seen as a well-paid o______n.
9. __________ The air-conditioning s______m is not working, so it is very hot in
10. __________ Ms. Webster has such an effective m______d of teaching that her
students always get good grades in school exams.
11. __________ After having been on a diet for months, Grace e______y succeeded
in losing 5 kilograms.
12. __________ It was so dark in the w______s at night that none of us dared to go
through it.
13. __________ Helen had been a secretary for a short p______d of time; now she
works as a government official.
14. __________ The couple has decided to r______e in Kaohsiung since they both
found a job there.
15. __________ Miranda doesn’t believe in marriage; she has made up her mind to
remain s______e for life.
1. 你可以在網路上得到許多關於這座教堂歷史的資訊。
You can get lots of ____________ about the history of the church on the Internet.
2. 令所有人驚訝的是,這嬰兒從事故中毫髮未傷生還。
To everyone’s ____________, the baby survived the crash without a scratch.
3. 電話的發明回溯到 1876 年;它是由 Alexander Graham Bell 所創。
The ____________ of the telephone dates back to 1876; it was created by
Alexander Graham Bell.
4. 新當選的市長舉行了一次會議以認識鎮上的官員。
The newly elected mayor held a meeting to get ____________ ____________ the
town’s officials.
答案:acquainted; with
5. 在研究所有資料後,這位研究員推斷全球氣候變遷會造成全世界糧食短缺。
After studying all the information, the researcher ____________ that global
climate changes would cause worldwide food shortages.
6. 這個攻擊事件引起全世界對航空安全的廣泛關切。
The attack caused ____________ concern about air safety all over the world.
7. 這兩國之間的貿易已經增加了。他們正互相銷售越來越多的商品。
There has been an increase in ____________ between the two countries. They are
selling more and more goods to each other.
8. Joe 有色盲,所以他無法分辨某些特定的顏色。
Joe is color-blind, so he can’t ____________ between some certain colors.
in any case
as a result
come into being
end up
in existence
1. Their discussion ____________ ____________ fighting with each other.
答案:ended; up
2. I got up late this morning; ____________ ____________ ____________, I went to
work by taxi.
答案:as; a; result
3. I wonder how humans ____________ ____________ ____________.
答案:came; into; being
4. The beautiful park has been ____________ ____________ for over ten years.
答案:in; existence
5. ____________ ____________ ____________, I won’t disappoint you.
答案:In; any; case
1. I am acquainted with the man./The man spread out the rumor.
(以...N + V-ing/Vpp...合併)
答案:I am acquainted with the man spreading out the rumor.
2. The pictures remind me of my childhood years./The pictures were taken by my
(以...N + V-ing/Vpp...合併)
答案:The pictures taken by my father remind me of my childhood years.
3. I particularly admire the paintings./The paintings are displayed in the local
(以...N + V-ing/Vpp...合併)
答案:I particularly admire the paintings displayed in the local museum.
4. The flood caused hundreds of deaths in the village./The flood resulted from a
massive typhoon. (以...N + V-ing/Vpp...合併)
答案:The flood resulting from a massive typhoon caused hundreds of deaths in the
1. My father eats twice as much as my mother.
答案:My father eats twice more than my mother.
2. This box is three times as heavy as that one. (以...times...than...改寫)
答案:This box is three times heavier than that one.
3. The bag is four times more expensive than the purse. (以...times...as...改寫)
答案:The bag is four times as expensive as the purse.
4. The country is ten times bigger than the island. (以...times...as...改寫)
答案:The country is ten times as big as the island.
1. strange/Leon/not/appear/in the meeting (以 It...that....用簡單過去式完成句子)
→ ________________________________________________________________
答案:It was strange that Leon didn’t appear.
2. shocking/the earthquake/kill/most of the residents/in the town
(以 It...that....用簡單過去式完成句子)
→ ________________________________________________________________
答案:It was shocking that the earthquake killed most of the residents.
1. helpful/look on/the bright side of life (用簡單現在式完成句子)
→ _________________________________________________________________
答案:It is helpful to look on the bright side of life.
2. time-consuming/complete/the report (用簡單現在式完成句子)
→ ________________________________________________________________
答案:It is time-consuming to complete the report.
Surnames have been __(1)__ for quite an interesting reason. A long time ago,
most people lived in small villages, __(2)__ people knew each other well. There was
no __(3)__ that people would fail to recognize someone by his or her name. As the
population grew, so did the number of people __(4)__ the same name. Thus, people
who __(5)__ a common name were often mistakenly recognized as someone else. To
solve the problem, people began to put a surname right after the first name.
(1) (
) (A) in sight (B) in existence (C) in common (D) in reality
(2) ( ) (A) which (B) where (C) when (D) ×
(3) ( ) (A) possibility (B) invention (C) information (D) trade
(4) ( ) (A) share (B) shared (C) who shares (D) sharing
(5) ( ) (A) gave (B) were giving (C) were given (D) given
答案:(1) B (2) B (3) A (4) D (5) C
Surnames help people avoid __(1)__ for someone else. Though __(2)__,
surnames are actually a recent invention. One of the ways surnames come from is to
__(3)__ the person’s occupation __(3)__ his or her first name. For example, Fisher
and Smith are originally names of trades. Another way of taking surnames is
according to the places where people live; these surnames __(4)__ Hill and Bush.
Surnames also come from the name of a person’s father in order to tell a father
__(5)__ his child. For instance, Robin’s child might get the surname Robinson.
(1) ( ) (A) mistaking (B) mistakes (C) being mistaken (D) to mistake
(2) ( ) (A) use in common (B) commonly used
(C) they commonly used (D) are common in use
(3) ( ) (A) reside; in (B) name; after (C) distinguish; from (D) add; to
(4) ( ) (A) to include (B) includes (C) including (D) include
(5) ( ) (A) from (B) by (C) between (D) apart
答案:(1) C (2) B (3) D (4) D (5) A
1. A: Hi! My name is Huteson, Greg Huteson.
B: Hello! Mr. Huteson. ______
A: It’s Greg, G-R-E-G.
(A) Sorry, I didn’t catch your first name. (B) My name is Jenny, Jenny Wu.
(C) Can you spell my name? (D) It’s nice to meet you.
2. A: My name is Benjamin. People call me Ben.
B: Hi! Ben. ______ I’m Sophie.
A: Nice to meet you, too.
(A) It’s a common name. (B) How do you do?
(C) Nice to meet you. (D) Let me introduce myself.
3. A: ______
B: Actually, I was born here, but my family moved to New York when I was three.
A: So you are coming “home” this time.
B: You may as well say so.
(A) I am from Texas, and I’ve never been to Taiwan.
(B) Is it your first time to visit here in Taiwan?
(C) How was the flight from New York to Taipei?
(D) How long are you planning to stay here?
4. A: Hi! My name is Clark, Steve Clark.
B: Hi! I’m Jill Cook. I’m from Florida. ______
A: No, I have lived in California all my life.
(A) Have you been there before? (B) How about you?
(C) Are you from the United States? (D) Where were you born?
(A) That’s quite possible.
(B) My ancestors are no exception.
(C) It is said that surnames have something to do with our ancestors.
(D) Actually, it is the most commonly used surname at present.
Michelle: __(1)__
Jennifer: That’s true. My surname Armstrong might come from one of my ancestors
who had strong arms.
Michelle: That’s interesting. I guess my ancestors made things from metal, so I have
Smith as my surname.
Jennifer: __(2)__ By the way, Smith seems to be a very common surname.
Michelle: It certainly is. __(3)__ I myself have known more than five people whose
surname is Smith.
Jennifer: Wow! There were definitely numerous people working as a smith before.
Michelle: Yeah. __(4)__
答案:(1) C (2) A (3) D (4) B
Brand names are names given to products or services. They are designed to be
interesting and easy to remember so that customers will think of them when making a
purchase. People are familiar with these names, but few ever wonder where they
come from.
Two brand names that are famous in the computer industry are “Yahoo” and
“Google.” The word “yahoo” first appeared in the novel Gulliver’s Travels by
Jonathan Swift in 1726. In the story, a yahoo is a wild and dirty creature. Traditionally,
this word refers to someone who is rude or uncultured, but today, it is used as an
exclamation of excitement. Another famous word, “google,” comes from “googol,”
which stands for the number one followed by one hundred zeroes. The inventors of
the Google website chose this word to represent how efficiently (有效率地) their
search engine (引擎) could find and organize all the information on the Internet.
Other brand names also have interesting origins. For instance, Nike takes its
name from the Greek goddess of victory, and Reebok refers to a kind of African
antelope which runs very fast. Moreover, Coca-Cola is a playful spelling of cocaine
(古柯鹼) and kola nuts, which are used to produce the drink. Finally, Pepsi is short for
pepsin (胃液素) in the stomach because the drink was originally sold to people who
were feeling sick after eating.
So, next time you see a brand name, think about what it means. If you look up its
origin, you may find something interesting.
(1) ( ) Which of the following statements about the word “yahoo” is NOT true?
(2) (
(A) It is a dirty creature in Gulliver’s Travels.
(B) It is a word related to numbers.
(C) It can be used as an exclamation of excitement.
(D) It refers to someone who is impolite or uncultured.
) Why did the inventors of the Google website choose the word as the brand
(A) They found the interesting word in a novel and decided to use it.
(B) It indicates that their search engine works quickly and efficiently.
(C) The original meaning of the word has something to do with computers.
(D) It is so difficult to remember that people may pay more attention to it.
(3) (
(4) (
) The word antelope in the third paragraph may refer to a kind of ______.
(A) airplane (B) search engine (C) wild animal (D) desert plant
) Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) The name “Nike” comes from the Greek god of war.
(B) Coke is made from cocaine and kola nuts.
(C) Pepsi used to be a kind of medicine treating stomachache.
(D) Pepsi is a shorter spelling of pepsin in the stomach.
(5) ( ) Brand names are usually designed to be interesting because ______.
(A) customers prefer to buy funny items
(B) few people care about the origin of brand names
(C) the more interesting the name is, the cheaper the item is
(D) interesting names may impress customers
答案:(1) B (2) B (3) C (4) A (5) D
Find out Where the Surnames Came From!
1. 教師可先請學生在課餘時間找出 3~5 個課本中未提到的常見英文姓氏,並歸
納其可能的命名依據,種類則以課文的分類為主 (occupations, locations,
nicknames, family relationships),然後將其命名依據寫在卡片上。卡片格式可
2. 學生完成自己的卡片後,由教師統一收回,再抽出其中幾張卡片,讓學生猜
3. 活動結束後,可將所有的卡片張貼於班級佈告欄讓學生利用時間多學習。
1. 答對卡片搶答的學生可以加分鼓勵,以增加同學答題動機。
2. 教師亦可將學生分組,變成以分組競賽的模式進行此活動。
Surnames (卡片正面)
Origins (卡片背面)
1. Hill
1. (location) People who lived on the hill
got the surname “Hill.”
2. ______________________________ 2. _______________________________
3. ______________________________ 3. _______________________________
4. ______________________________ 4. _______________________________
5. ______________________________ 5. _______________________________
1. period 2. distinguish
1. invention
3. single 4. trade 5. numerous
2. information
3. astonishment
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C
5. D
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. C
5. B
1. D 2. C
5. D
3. D 4. B
4. conclusion
5. statement
1. A 2. D 3. D 4. D
5. A
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C
5. D
1. In, any, case, inform, of
2. came, into, being
3. a, period, of, time, acquainted, with
4. The old man selling fish (over) there lives next to my house.
5. This river is twice/two times as long as that river/one.
6. This car is one hundred times more expensive than that bicycle/bike.