吳裕振歷年著作 - 中原大學應用數學系

教師:吳裕振( Yung- Jenn Wu )
(A)期刊論文(B)研討會論文(C)專書及專書論文 (D)技術報告及其他等。
版年、月份、題目、期刊名稱、起訖頁數之順序填寫。若期刊屬於 SCI、EI 等時,請
A. 期刊論文
Chang, I.S., Hsiung, C.A., Wen, C. C., Wu, Y.J. and Yang, C .C. (2007). Nonparmetric
Maximum Likelihood Estimation in a Semiparmetric Mixture Model for Competing-Risks Data,
Scandinavian Journal of Statistic, 34, 870-895.
Chang, I. S., Wen, C. C., Wu, Y. J. and Yang, C. C. (2007). A fast algorithm for the
nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate in the Cox-gene model, Statistics Sinica, Vol.17,
No. 3, pp. 841-856.(SCI).
Chang, I. S., Wen, C. C., and Wu Y. J. (2007) A profile likelihood theory for the correlated
gamma-frailty model with current status family data, Statistics Sinica, Vol.17, No.3,
pp.1023-1046. (SCI).
Wen, C. C., Wu, Y. J., Huang, Y. H., Chen, W. C., Liu, S. C., Jiang, S. S., Juang, J. L., Hsiung, C.
A. and Chang, I. S. (2006). A Bayes regression approach to array-CGH data. (Statistical
Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, vol.5, Issue 1, Article 3. The Berkeley
Electronical Press; Joint first author)
Lee, J. C, Wu J. W. and Wu, Y. J. (2005). Asymptotic Behavior of Some Dynamical Systems
on Metric Spaces.Chung Hua Journal of Science and Engineering. Vol. 3, no. 4 pp. 41-45.
Chang, I. S., Hsiung, C. A., Wu, Y. J., and Yang, C. C. (2005). Bayesian survival analysis using
Bernstein polynomials. Scandinavian journal of statistics, 32, 447-466. (Authors are arranged in
alphabetic order)(SCI).
B. 研討會論文
Chang, I. S., Hsiung, C. A., Wang, M. C., Wen, C. C., Wu, Y. J., and Yang, C. C. (2003). An
asymptotic theory for the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator in the Cox-gene model.
Joint Statistical Meetings - Biometrics Section-to include ENAR & WNAR. P868-875.
Chang, I. S.,Tsung-His Wang ,Huang, Y. H. Donald Dah-Shyong Jiang, Jhy-Yuan
Yang,Ting-Hsiang Lin, Yang, C. C., Wu, Y. J., Wen, C. C., Ih-Jen Su, and Hsiung, C. A.
Survival analysis of Taiwan SARS data by a semiparametric mixture model. Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Workshop: disign and analysis of infectious disease
studies, Oberwolfach Report 49.
Chang, I. S., Chien, L. C., Hsiung, C. A., Wen, C. C., and Wu Y. J. (2007). Shape
restrictedregression with random Bernstein polynomials, the Vardi Volume, IMS
LectureNotes-Monograph Series, Vol.54, pp.187-202.
Chang, I. S., Hsiung, C. A., Wen, C. C., and Wu, Y. J. (2005). A note on the consistency in
Bayesian shape-restricted regression with random Bernstein polynomials. In Random Walks,
Sequential Analysis and Related Topics: A Festschrift in honor of Y.S. Chow, Edited by C.H.
Zhang, Z. Ying and C.A. Hsiung, In-Press, World Scientific, Singapore.
D. 技術報告及其它
1. Chang, I. S., Chien L. C., Gupta Pramod K., Wen, C. C., Wu, Y. J., Jiang S. S., Juang J. L.,
Hsiung, C. A. (2007) Profiling Time Course Expression of a Virus Gene –An Illustration of
Bayesian Inference under Shape Restrictions. (Submitted)
2. Wu, Y. J., Wen, C. C., and Wu, S. M. (2007). Bayesian Survival Analysis for Current Status Data
Using Bernstein Polynomials. (In preparation).
3. Chang. I. S., Wen, C. C., and Wu, Y. J. Nonparametric Bayesian Estimation for Cox- Model. (In
4. Wu, Y. J., Wen, C. C. and Chang, I. S. Bayes regression for two or more variables Using
multivariate Bernstein Polynomials. (In preparation).