publications - USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts

USC School of Philosophy
3709 Trousdale Parkway
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0451
/ (213) 740-0798
December 2013
Stanford University, BA., 1968
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D. Philosophy, 1976
Phi Beta Kappa, 1967
Danforth Graduate Fellow, 1971-76
Woodrow Wilson Graduate Fellow, 1971
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, elected to membership
in 2010.
Albert S. Raubenheimer Award for excellence in research,
teching, and service, 2009. The Raubenheimer is the highest
faculty honor of the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences
of the University of Southern California.
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
Fellowship 1998-99 Academic Year.
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship 198990. Title of Project: "Truth and Meaning"
Class of 1936 Bicentennial Preceptorship, Princeton
University, 1982-1985
National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellowship
for 1978-79. Title of Project: "The Philosophical
Investigation of Linguistic Theory"
Director of the School of Philosophy, University of Southern
California, August 2007 –
Distinguished Professor, Department of Philosophy, University
of Southern California, 2011 –
Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Southern
California, 2004 - 2010
Professor, Department of Philosophy, Princeton University,
July 1989 - 2004
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Princeton
University, July 1985 - June 1989
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Princeton
University, September 1980 - June 1985
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Yale
University, January 1976 - June 1980
Instructor, Linguistics Department, M.I.T., 1974-75
Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, Graduate School
& University Center, City University of New York, Spring 1997.
Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of
Washington, Summer 1989
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy,
University of Washington, January 1986 - June 1986,
Summers 87, 88
Editor-in-Chief, The Princeton Series in the Foundations of
Contemporary Philosophy -- a series of state-of-the-art books
on the most important areas of research in contemporary
analytic philosophy, written by leading experts in their
fields. Each book is a high-level introduction to advanced
thinking in an area. Although major questions and approaches
are covered, the books are neither neutral surveys of the
literature, nor highly specialized contributions filling gaps
in already well-known research programs. Instead, each
presents the author’s own unifying vision of a field or topic
as it is exists today – its recent history and leading
themes, its most exciting new developments, and its most
important unanswered questions. The premise of the series is
that with so much specialized work being done on so many
different topics, there is a need to articulate synoptic
views of active areas of research, with an eye to developing
common understandings, and charting future progress. The
books are designed to appeal to advanced undergraduates and
graduate students, to provide specialists with the new ideas
and unifying perspectives of the leaders of their own fields,
and to offer compact and comprehensible explanations of
neighboring fields to other working professionals.
In addition creating the series, choosing the authors and
topics, and reviewing the manuscripts, I wrote the book in
the philosophy of language. Other books in the series include
philosophical logic, modality, truth, vagueness, metaphysics,
epistemology, philosophy of physics, philosophy of biology,
decision theory, philosophy and economics, normative ethics,
meta-ethics, political philosophy, moral psychology, free
will and moral responsibility, philosophy of mind, philosophy
of psychology and cognitive science, philosophy of law,
aesthetics, and philosophy of religion.
International Advisory Board, Analytica, a journal for the
study of analytic philosophy and its history, published by EL
Centro do Estudios de Filosopfia Analitica, Universidad
Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Press, Lima Peru.
Editorial Advisory Board for Philosophical Perspectives, 2004 Consulting Editor, Oxford International Encyclopedia of
Linguistics, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2003.
In addition to contributing 2 articles, I selected, oversaw
and edited 10 others.
Associate Editor, Linguistics and Philosophy, Reidel
Publishing Company, April 1993 - Sept. 1997.
Consulting Editor, Bradford Books, M.I.T. Press, 1982-1992.
Associate Editor, Linguistics and Philosophy, Reidel
Publishing Company, September 1982-1989.
Topic Editor, Oxford International Encyclopedia of
Linguistics, Oxford University Press, 1987-1989.
Editorial Board, Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy,
Reidel Publishing Company, 1984-1989
Outside departmental reviewer and co-author of five-year report
evaluating the Department of Philosophy, California State
Polytechnic University at San Luis Obispo, November 2005,
October, 2011.
Member of the Nominating Board for The Philosopher’s Annual,
which selects the 10 best articles in philosophy published
each year, 2011 Member of the board of evaluators for philosophy of language,
the history of analytic philosophy, and for overall
departmental strength, for the Leiter Report, 2009 Advisory Committee to the Program Committee, Eastern Division
of the American Philosophical Association, 2000 -- 2007
Chair of Program Committee for Philosophy of Linguistics,
10th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and
Philosophy of Science, 1995
Advisory Committee to the Program Committee, Eastern Division
of the American Philosophical Association, 1993-97.
Visiting Committee for the Department of Linguistics and
Philosophy, M.I.T., 1985-1996.
Program Committee of the 9th International Congress of
Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Section 14,
Linguistics and Philosophy of Language, 1991.
NEH Review Panel for Philosophy and Linguistics, Summer
Seminar Program for College Teachers, 1980.
Representative from philosophy on the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation's "State of the Art Committee On Cognitive
Science," 1978. I authored the section on the Philosophy
of Language in the Committee's final report
Rethinking Language, Mind, and Meaning: The Hempel Lectures,
(Princeton University Press) forthcoming 2015.
Analytic Philosophy in America, and Other Historical and
Contemporary Essays, (Princeton University Press). Forthcoming
in January of 2014.
The Analytic Tradition in Philosophy, Vol. 1, The Founding
Giants: Frege, Moore, Russell,(Princeton University Press),
forthcoming in February of 2014.
“Preface,” Metasemantics, Alexis Burgess and Brett Sherman,
eds., Oxford University Press.
“For Want of Cognitive Propositons: A History of Insights and
Missed Philosophical Opportunities” in Analytic Philosophy
in America, and Other Essays, Princeton University Press,
also forthcoming in in Arapinis, Moltmann, and Textor, ActBased Conceptions of Propositional Content: Historical and
Contemporary Perspectives, Oxford University Press.
“What is the Frege/Russell Analysis of Quantification?” in
Analytic Philosophy in America, and Other Essays, Princeton
University Press.
“Language, Meaning, and Information: A Case Study on the Path
from Philosophy to Science,” in Analytic Philosophy in America,
and Other Essays, Princeton University Press.
“Methodology in Late 19th and Early 20th Century Analytic
Philosophy,” in Cappen, Gendler, and Hawthorne, eds., The
Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology, Oxford University
“David Lewis’s Contributions to Philosophy,” forthcoming in
David Lewis, edited by Barry Loewer and Jonathan Schaffer,
2009 – to the present
New Thinking about Propositions, with Jeff Speaks, Jeff King
(Oxford University Press), 2013.
Philosophy of Language, The Princeton Series in the Foundations
of Contemporary Philosophy, (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton
University Press), 189 pages.
What is Meaning?, Soochow Lectures in Philosophy, (Princeton
and Oxford: Princeton University Press), 2010, 132 pages.
Philosophical Essays – Vol. 1: Natural Language: What it
Means and How We Use It (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton
University Press), 2009, 428 pages.
Philosophical Essays-Vol. 2: The Philosophical Significance
of Language, (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University
Press), 2009, 461 pages.
With Andrei Marmor, Philosophical Foundations of Law and
Language, (Oxford: Oxford University Pres), 2011.
PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE, Volume 27, 2013, 1-23.
“Quine’s Position in the History of Analytic Philosophy,” for
A Companion to W.V.O. Quine, edited by Gilbert Harman and
Ernie Lepore, Wiley-blackwell, 2013, 432-464.
“Deferentialism: A Post-Originalist Theory of Legal
Interpretation,” FORDHAM LAW REVIEW, Vol. 82, No. 2, November
2013, 597-617.
“Two Versions of Millianism” in, Campbell, Joseph, Michael
O’Rourke, and Harry Silverstein, eds, Reference and
Referring, Topics in Philosophy, Vol 10 (Cambridge: MIT
Press), 2012, 83-118.
“Vagueness and the Law,” in Adnrei Marmor, ed., Routledge
Companion to the Philosophy of Law,(New York: Routledge), 2012,
“Propositions,” in Delia Graff Fara and Gillian Russell,
eds., The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Language,
Routledge Pres, 2012, 209-220.
“Toward a Theory of Interpretation,” THE NYU JOURNAL OF LAW AND
LIBERTY, 2011, 6:231-259.
“Kripke on Epistemic and Metaphysical Possibility: Two Routes
to the Necessary A Posteriori” for Saul Kripke, Alan Berger,
ed., (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 2011, 78-99.
“What Vagueness and Inconsistency Tell us about Interpretation”
Marmor and Soames, eds., Philosophical Foundations of Law and
Language, (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2011, 31-57.
“True at,” ANALYSIS, 71, 1, 2010, 124-133.
RESEARCH, Vol. 81, 2010, 464-474.
“What are Natural Kinds?” PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS Vol. 35, Nos:
1 & 2, 2007, 329-342. Actually published 2010.
“Interpreting Legal Texts: What is, and what is not, special
about the law,” in Philosophical Essays, Vol. 1, 2009, 403-423.
“The Possibility of Partial Definition,” in Philosophical
Essays Volume 2, 2009, 362-381.
“The Gap between Meaning and Assertion: Why what we literally
say often differs from what our words literally mean,” in
Philosophical Essays, Vol. 1, 2009, 278-297.
“Ontology, Analyticity, and Meaning: The Quine-Carnap
Dispute,” in Chalmers, David; Manley, David; and Wasserman,
Brian; eds., Metametaphysics: New Essays at the Foundations of
Ontology;(Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2009, 424-443.
“Meaning, Implicature, and Assertion,” in Dagfinn Follesdal
and John Woods, eds., Logos and Language: Essays in Honor of
Julius Moravcsik, (London: The Tribute Series, College
Publications), 2009.
2004 – 2008
Reference and Description: The Case Against TwoDimensionalism, (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University
Press),2005,359 pages.
“Truth and Meaning – in Perspective,” in Peter French, ed.,
Truth and its Deformities, MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY, Vol.
XXXII, 2008, 1-19. Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
“Truthmakers?”, Symposium Truth and Ontology by Trenton
Merricks, PHILOSOPHICAL BOOKS, 49, 4, 2008, 317-27.
“Analytic Philosophy in America,” in The Oxford Handbook of
American Philosophy, Cheryl Misak, ed., (Oxford University
Press), 2008, 449-481.
“Drawing the Line Between Meaning and Implicature – and
Relating both to Assertion”, NOUS,42:3, 2008, 529-554; also
in Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
“Why Propositions Can’t be Sets of Truth-Supporting
Circumstances,” JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC, 37, 2008,
267-276; also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 2.
“No Class: Russell on Contextual Definition and the Elimination
of Sets,” PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES, 139, 2008, 213-218.
Précis for symposium on Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth
Century, Volume 2. By Scott Soames (Princeton University Press,
2003), PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES, 135,3, 2007, 425-428.
“What we know now that we didn’t know then: Reply to Critics”
for symposium on Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth
Century, Vol. 2. By Scott Soames (Princeton University Press,
2003), PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES, 135, 2007, 461-478.
“The Quine-Carnap Debate on Analyticity and Ontology,” SOOCHOW
August 2007.
Supplementary Vol. LXXXI, 2007, 251-277. Also in Philosophical
Essays, Volume 2.
“Saul Kripke” BRITANNICA CONCISE ENCYCLOPEDIA, 2007, Encyclopedia
“The Substance and Significance of the Dispute over TwoDimensionalism: Reply to Dever, Jackson, and Lowe,” Symposium
on my Reference and Description (Princeton University Press,
2005), in PHILOSOPHICAL BOOKS, vol. 48, January 2007, 34-49.
“Ambitious Two-Dimensionalism,” in Mathew Davidson, ed., On
Sense and Direct Reference: A Reader in the Philosophy of
Language, (McGraw-Hill), 2007, 690-718. Also in Philosophical
Essays, Volume 2.
“The Philosophical Significance of the Kripkean Necessary
Aposteriori,” PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES, Vol. 16, E. Sosa and E,
Villanueva (eds.), (Blackwell Publishing Co.), 2006, 287-309.
Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 2.
“Understanding Assertion,” in Judith Jarvis Thompson and Alex
Byrne, eds., Content and Modality: Themes from the Philosophy
of Robert Stalnaker, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006),
222-250. Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 2.
“Descriptive Names vs. Descriptive Anaphora,” Symposium on
Terms and Truth, by Alan Berger (MIT Press, 2002), in
“Is H2O a liquid, or Water a gas?,” PHILOSOPHY AND
PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH, Vol. 72, No. 3, 2006, 635-639.
“Hacker’s Complaint,” PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY, Vol. 56, No.
224, July 2006, pp. 426-435.
Précis” for Symposium on Philosophical Analysis in the
Twentieth Century, Vol. 1: The Dawn of Analysis by Scott
Soames (Princeton University Press, 2003), PHILOSOPHICAL
STUDIES, Vol. 129, No. 3, 2006, 605-608.
“What Is History For?: Reply to Critics of The Dawn of
Analysis” for Symposium on Philosophical Analysis in the
Twentieth Century, Volume 1, (Princeton University Press,
2003),PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES, Vol. 129, No. 3, 2006, 645-665.
“Saul Kripke, the Necessary Aposteriori, and the Two
Dimensionalist Heresy” in M. Garcia-Carpintero and J. Macia,
eds., The Two-Dimensional Framework: Foundations and
Applications, (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2006, 272292.
“Précis” for Symposium on Beyond Rigidity, by Scott Soames
(Oxford University Press, 2002), in PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES,
128, 2006, 645 – 654.
“Reply to Critics,” (Linsky, Richard, Braun and Sider) for
Symposium on Beyond Rigidity in PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES, 128,
2006, 711 – 738.
“Philosophical Analysis,” Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Second
Edition, Macmillan, 2006, Volume 1, 144 – 157.
“Propositional Attitudes,” Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Second
Edition, Macmillan, 2006, Volume 8, 74 – 79.
“Entailment, Presupposition, and Implicature,” Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, Second Edition, Macmillan, 2006, Volume 3, 250–254.
RUSSELL STUDIES, Vo. 25, No. 2, winter 2005-06, 172-7.
“Why Incomplete Definite Descriptions do not Defeat Russell’s
Theory of Descriptions,” TEOREMA, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, 2005, 730. TEOREMA is a Spanish Journal, the issue is special
edition commemorating 100th anniversary of “On Denoting.” Also
in Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
“Reference and Description”, Oxford Handbook of Contemporary
Analytic Philosophy, Frank Jackson and Michael Smith, editors,
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, 397- 425.
“Beyond Rigidity: Reply to McKinsey,” CANADIAN JOURNAL OF
PHILOSOPHY, March 2005, 169-178.
“Reply to Ezcurdia and Gomez-Torrente,” Response to review
essays on my Beyond Rigidity (New York: Oxford University
Press) 2002, in the Spanish / English journal CRITICA, Vol.
36, Issue 108, December, 2004, 83-114.
“Knowledge of Manifest Natural Kinds,” FACTA PHILOSOPHICA,
Vol. 6, No. 2, 2004, 159-181. Also in Philosophical Essays,
Volume 2.
“Naming and Asserting” in Semantics vs. Pragmatics edited by
Zoltan Szabo, (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press),
2004, 356-382. Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
1999 - 2003
Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century, Volume 1:
The Dawn of Analysis, (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton
University Press), 2003, 430 pages.
Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century, Volume 2:
The Age of Meaning (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton
University Press), 2003, 501 pages.
Beyond Rigidity: The Unfinished Semantic Agenda of Naming and
Necessity, (New York: Oxford University Press) 2002, 379 pages.
Understanding Truth, (New York: Oxford University Press)1999,
268 pages.
“Higher-Order Vagueness for Partially Defined Predicates,” in
Liars and Heaps: New Essays on Paradox, edited by J.C. Beall
and Michael Glanzberg, (New York and Oxford: OUP) 2003, 12850. Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 2.
“Understanding Deflationism,” PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES, Vol.
17, 2003, 369-383. Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 2.
“Truth and Meaning: The Role of Truth in the Semantics of
Propositional Attitude Ascriptions,” in Proceedings of the 7th
International Colloquium on Cognitive Science, edited by Kepa
Korta and Jesus M. Larrazabal, (Dordrecht: Kluwer),2003, 21-44.
“Philosophy of Language,” Overview article in the Oxford
International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Second Edition,
William Frawley Editor in Chief, (Oxford and New York: Oxford
University Press), 2003, 268-275.
“Pragmatics and Contextual Semantics,” Overview article in the
Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Second
Edition, William Frawley Editor in Chief, (Oxford and New York:
Oxford University Press), 2003, 379-381.
“Précis to Understanding Truth”, and “Replies to Gupta,
McGrath, Tappenden, and Williamson,” Book Symposium in
September 2002, 397-401 and 429-452.
"The Indeterminacy of Translation and the Inscrutability of
Number 3, 1999, 321–370.
1994 - 1998
"The Modal Argument: Wide Scope and Rigidified Descriptions,"
NOUS, Vol. XXXII, No. 1, 1998, 1-22. Also in Philosophical
Essays, Volume 2.
"Facts, Truth Conditions, and the Skeptical Solution to the
Rule-Following Paradox", in PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES, Vol.
12, Language, Mind and Ontology, James Tomberlin, ed.,
Blackwell, 1998, 313–348. Also in Philosophical Essays, Vol.
"Skepticism about Meaning: Indeterminacy, Normativity, and
the Rule Following Paradox", THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF
PHILOSOPHY, Supplementary Volume 23, (1997), Meaning and
Reference, Ali A. Kazmi (ed.), 1998, 211–249. Also in
Philosophical Essays, Volume 2.
"More Revisionism about Reference," in The New Theory of
Reference, P. W. Humphreys and J. H. Fetzer (eds.), Kluwer,
1998, 65-87.
"The Truth about Deflationism," PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES, Vol. 8,
Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Ridgeview Publishing Co.,
Atascadero California, 1997, 1-44.
"Reply to Garcia-Carpintero and Richard," PHILOSOPHICAL
ISSUES, Vol. 8, Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Ridgeview Publishing
Co., Atascadero California, 1997, 79-93.
"Beyond Singular Propositions?," THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF
PHILOSOPHY, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1995, 515-550.
"T-Sentences," in Modality, Morality, and Belief: Essays in
Honor of Ruth Barcan Marcus, edited by Asher, Raffman, and
Sinnott-Armstrong, Cambridge University Press, 1995, 250-270.
“Revisionism about Reference:
104/2, 1995, 191-216.
A Reply to Smith”, SYNTHESE,
"Donnellan's Referential / Attributive Distinction,"
PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES, 73, 1994, 149-168. Also in
Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
"Attitudes and Anaphora, PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES, Vol.
8, Philosophy of Language and Logic, edited by James
Tomberlin, Ridgeview Publishing Co., 1994, 251-272. Also in
Philosophical Essays, Volume 2.
1989 – 1993
"Introduction to Section on Truth and Meaning," in Basic
Topics in the Philosophy of Language: a collection of readings
edited by R. M. Harnish, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993, 493-516.
"Truth, Meaning, and Understanding," PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES,
65, 1992, 17-35. Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
"The Necessity Argument," LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY, Vol. 14,
1991, 575-580. Also in Philosophical Essays, Vol. 1.
"Philosophy of Language: An Overview," Oxford International
Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Vol. 3, William Bright editorin-chief, 1991, 188-92.
"Pronouns and Propositional Attitudes," in THE PROCEEDINGS
"Belief and Mental Representation," in Vancouver Studies in
Cognitive Science, Volume 1: Information, Language and
Cognition, edited by Philip Hanson, University of British
Columbia Press, 1990, 217-246. Also in Philosophical Essays,
Volume 2.
"Semantics and Semantic Competence," PHILOSOPHICAL
PERSPECTIVES, Volume 3: Philosophy of Mind and Action Theory,
1989, 575-596. Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
"Direct Reference and Propositional Attitudes," in Themes
from Kaplan, edited by Joseph Almog, John Perry, and
Howard Wettstein, Oxford University Press, 1989, 393-419.
Chapter on Presupposition in Handbook of Philosophical
Logic, Volume 4: Topics in the Philosophy of Language,
edited by D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner, Reidel, 1989, 553-616.
Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
"Subject-Auxiliary Inversion and Gaps in Generalized Phrase
Structure Grammar," LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY, Volume 12,
No. 3, 1989, 373-82.
Review of Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar by G. Gazdar,
E. Klein, G. Pullum and I. Sag, THE PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW,
Volume XCVIII, No. 4, 1989, 556-566.
Review of Collected Papers by Gareth Evans, THE JOURNAL OF
PHILOSOPHY, LXXXVI, No. 3, 1989, 141-156.
1984 – 1988
Propositions and Attitudes, Oxford Readings in Philosophy,
(New York: Oxford University Press) 1988. Edited, with an
introduction, by Nathan Salmon and Scott Soames.
Review of Knowing Who, by Stephen Boer and William Lycan, THE
JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC, Volume 53, No. 2, 1988, 657-659.
"Substitutivity," in On Being and Saying: Essays for Richard
L. Cartwright, edited by Judith J. Thomson, MIT Press
1987, 99-132.
"Direct Reference, Propositional Attitudes, and Semantic
Content," PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1987, 47-87.
Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 2.
Review of Logic as Grammar, by Norbert Hornstein, JOURNAL OF
PHILOSOPHY, LXXXIV, No. 8, 1987, 447-455.
"Incomplete Definite Descriptions," NOTRE DAME JOURNAL OF
FORMAL LOGIC, Volume 27, No. 3, 1986, 349-375. Also in
Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
"Peacocke on Explanation in Psychology," MIND AND LANGUAGE,
Volume 1, No. 4, 1986, 372-387.
"Semantics and Psychology," in THE PHILOSOPHY OF
LINGUISTICS, edited by Jerrold J. Katz, Oxford University
Press, 1985, 204-226. Also in Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
"Lost Innocence," LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY, Volume 8, No.
1, 1985, 59-71.
"Linguistics and Psychology," LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY, Vol.
7, no. 2, 1984, 155-179. Also in Philosophical Essays, Vol. 1.
"What is a Theory of Truth?", THE JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY,
LXXXI, No. 8, 1984, 411-429. Also Philosophical Essays, Vol. 2.
1979 – 1983
Syntactic Argumentation and the Structure of English,
co-authored with David M. Perlmutter, (Berkeley and Los
Angeles: University of California Press) 1979, 602 pages.
"Generality, Truth Functions, and Expressive Capacity in the
Tractatus," PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW, XCII, No. 4, 1983, 573-589.
"How Presuppositions are Inherited: A Solution to the
Projection Problem," LINGUISTIC INQUIRY, 13, 3, 1982, 483-545.
Review of Philosophy
Structure by Douglas
Philosophic Overview
Volume 11, number 2,
and Language by Steven Davis, Deep
Stalker, and Noam Chomsky: A
by Justin Leiber, in METAPHILOSOPHY,
1980, 155-164.
"A Projection Problem for Speaker Presupposition,"
LINGUISTIC INQUIRY, Volume 10, Number 4, 1979, 623-666. Also
in Philosophical Essays, Volume 1.
Review of Hans Reichenbach's Philosophy of Grammar by W.E.
McMahon, LANGUAGE, Volume 55, number 9, 1979, 690-692.
An Examination of Frege’s Theory of Presupposition and
Contemporary Alternatives, 1976 MIT Dissertation, (Cambridge
Mass.: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics) 2001.
Review of Presupposition by David Cooper and Presuppositions
and Non-Truth-Conditional Semantics by Deirdre Wilson, THE
PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW, Volume LXXXVI, No. 2, 1977, 274-278.
"Rule Ordering, Obligatory Transformations, and Derivational
Constraints," THEORETICAL LINGUISTICS, Vol. 1, 1974, 116-138.
“Beyond Singular Propositions,” Canadian Journal of
Philosophy, Virtual (Online) Issue, July 2, 2013. This issue contains the editors selection of
22 of the best articles published in the journal from its
founding in 1971 to its 40th anniversary in 2011.
“Kripke on Epistemic and Metaphysical Possibility: Two
Routes to the Necessary Aposteriori,” translated as
“Kripke sobre a possibilidade epistemica e metafisica: As
duas rotas para o necessario a posteriori” Revista
Skepsis, no. 9, vol 6, 2013, 160-188.
“Truth, Meaning, and Understanding,” in Andriy Synytsya,
ed., in Anthology of Contemporary Analytic Philosophy,
Lviv: Ukraine: Litopys Puslishing House, 2013.
"Understanding Assertion", reprinted in Asa Kasher, ed.,
Pragmatics: Critical Concepts II, Vol. 1, Routledge, 2011.
"Drawing the Line between Meaning and Implicature – and
Relating Both to Assertion", reprinted in A. Kasher, ed.,
Pragmatics: Critical Concepts II, Vol. 3, Routledge, 2011.
“The Possibility of Partial Definition,” is reprinted in
Richard Dietz and Sebastiano Moruzzi, eds., Cuts and
Clouds: Vagueness, its Nature and its Logic, Oxford
University Press, 2010, 46-62.
“Interpreting Legal Texts: What is Special about the Law
and What is Not,” has been translated into Spanish, and
reprinted in Revista De La Facultad De Derecho De Mexico,
no. 235, January to June, 2009
“The Necessary Aposteriori,” from chapter 15 of
Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 2,
(Princeton University Press, 2003), reprinted Mathew
Davidson, ed., On Sense and Direct Reference: A Reader in
the Philosophy of Language, (McGraw-Hill), 2007,950-999.
“Rigid Designation and its Lessons for the Semantic
Contents of Proper Names,” from chapter 2 of Beyond
Rigidity (Oxford University Press, 2002), reprinted Mathew
Davidson, ed., On Sense and Direct Reference: A Reader in
the Philosophy of Language, (McGraw-Hill), 2007, 654-689.
“Substitutivity,” is reprinted in On Sense and Direct
Reference: A Reader in the Philosophy of Language,
(McGraw-Hill), 2007, 327-356.
“The Indeterminacy of Translation and the Inscrutability
of Reference,” is reprinted in Meaning, edited by Mark
Richard, Blackwell, 2003.
12a. "The Modal Argument: Wide Scope and Rigidified
Descriptions," reprinted in The Philosopher's Annual,
Vol. 21, edited by Patrick Grim, Peter Ludlow, Gary Mar,
and Ken Baynes, Ridgeview Publishing Co., Atascadero,
California, 2000, 221–246. The volume contains articles
selected as the ten best to appear in print in 1998.
12b. “The Modal Argument” is also translated and published in
The Philosophy of Language, edited by Richard Cedzo and
Marian Zouhar, Kalligram publishers, Bratislava,
Slovakia, 2005.
"Incomplete Definite Descriptions," is reprinted in
Definite Descriptions: A Reader, edited by Gary
Ostertag, M.I.T. Press, 1998, 275-308.
"Revisionism about Reference: A Reply to Smith," is
reprinted in The New Theory of Reference, P. W.
Humphreys and J. H. Fetzer (eds.) Kluwer, 1998, 13-35.
“Direct Reference and Propositional Attitudes,” Spanish
trans. by Dr. J. A. Robles, “Referencia Directa y
Actitudes Proposicionales,” in Pensamiento y Lenguaje:
Problemas en la atribucion de actitudes proposicionales,
Margarita Valdes, (ed.), Instituto de Investigaciones
Filosoficas UNAM, Mexico, 1996.
"The Necessity Argument," is reprinted in Noam Chomsky:
Critical Assessments, Part 1, Volume 2, edited by Carlos
P. Otero, London: Routledge, 1994, 671-676.
"Linguistics and Psychology," is reprinted in
Understanding and Sense, Vol. 1, edited by Christopher
Peacocke, Dartmouth, 1993, 219 - 243.
18a. "How Presuppositions are Inherited: A Solution to the
Projection Problem," is reprinted in Pragmatics, edited
by Steven Davis, Oxford University Press, 1991, 428-470.
18b. “How Presuppositions are Inherited” is also reprinted in
Pragmatics: Critical Concepts, volume 4, edited by Asa
Kasher, Routledge, 1998.
19a. "Direct Reference, Propositional Attitudes, and Semantic
Content" is reprinted in Propositions and Attitudes,
edited by Nathan Salmon and Scott Soames, Oxford
University Press, 1988, 197-239.
19b. “Direct Reference, Propositional Attitudes, and Semantic
Content” is also reprinted in Readings in the Philosophy of
Language, edited by Peter Ludlow, MIT Press, 1997, 921–962.
19c. “Direct Reference, Propositional Attitudes, and Semantic
Content” is reprinted in Philosophy of Language,
Critical Concepts in Philosophy, Vol. 3, edited by A. P.
Martinich, Routledge, 2008.
19d. “Direct Reference, Propositional Attitudes, and Semantic
content” is also translated and published in The
Philosophy of Language, edited by Richard Cedzo and Marian
Zouhar, Kalligram publishers, Bratislava, Slovakia.
20a. "Semantics and Semantic Competence" is reprinted in
Cognition and Representation, edited by Stephen Schiffer
and Susan Steele, Westview Press, 1988, 185-207.
20b. “Semantics and Semantic Competence,” is also reprinted
in The Philosopher's Annual, Vol. 11, edited by
Patrick Grim, Gary Mar, and Peter Williams, Ridgeview
Press, Atascadero, CA., 1990, 121–160. This volume
contains articles selected as -- "the ten best to
appear in print in 1988."
20c. “Semantics and Semantic Competence” is reprinted in
Meaning, edited by Mark Richard, Blackwell, 2003, and
in Reading Philosophy of Language, edited by Jennifer
Hornsby and Guy Longworth, Blackwell, 2005.
20d. “Semantics and Semantic Competence” is reprinted in
Philosophy of Language, Critical Concepts in
Philosophy, Vol. 2, edited by A. P. Martinich,
Routledge, 2008.
"Lost Innocence" is reprinted in The Philosopher's
Annual, Vol. 8, edited by Patrick Grim, Christopher J.
Martin, and Patricia Athay, Ridgeview Press, Atascadero,
Calif., 1987, 260-272. This volume contains articles
selected as --"the ten best to appear in print in 1985."
22a. "What is a Theory of Truth?" has been translated into
German and published as "Was ist eine Theorie der
Wahrheit?" in Der Wahrheitsbegriff, edited by L. B.
Puntel, Eissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt,
1987, 256-283.
22b. "What is a Theory of Truth?" is also reprinted in the
volume, Theories of Truth, edited by Paul Horwich, The
International Research Library of Philosophy, vol. 8,
Dartmouth Publishing Co.,1994.
22c. “What is a Theory of Truth” is also reprinted in The
Nature of Truth: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives,
edited by Michael P. Lynch, M.I.T. Press, 2001, 397–418.
22d. “What is a Theory of Truth” has also been translated into
Hungarian by Laszio Kocsis. It will appear in Laszio
Kocsis, ed., Az Igazsag Elmeletei (Theories of Truth),
L’Harmattan, May, 2014.
"Generality, Truth Functions, and Expressive Capacity in
the Tractatus" is reprinted in The Philosophy of
Wittgenstein Vol. 2: Logic and Ontology, edited by John
V. Canfield, Garland Publishing Company, New York and
London, 1986, 317-333.
Online Videos, Interviews, and Discussions
Interview: Centro de Estudios Filosoficos, Pontificia
Universidad Catolica del Peru,Lima, Peru, May 17, 2013
Hempel Lectures in Peru, Centro de Estudios Filosoficos,
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima Peru, May 15,
16, and 17.
Lecture 1: Language, Meaning, and Information: A Case Study in
the Path from Philosophy to Science; Lecture 2:The Metaphysics
and Epistemology of Information; Lecture 3: Millian Modes of
Interview: Moscow Center for Consciousness Studies: May 27, 2010
Discussion with Dean of the School of Philosophy, and
Professors of the Department of Foreign Philosophy, at Moscow
State University
NYU Journal of Law and Liberty Spring 2011 Sympoisum:
Generalist Panel
Jurisprudence Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Really Like
(Lots), University of Miami School of Law“when-is-using-a-firearm-not-really”an-eminent-philosopher-of-language-helps-us-decide/
Analytic Philosophy, Films for Humanities and Social Sciences,
Commentary by Harvard University’s Hilary Putnam, Rutgers
University’s Colin McGinn, and the USC’s Scott Soames
Films on Demand. Digital Eduational Video
Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute 1991,
University of California at Santa Cruz: one month graduate
seminar on truth.
Australian Linguistics Institute, Australian Linguistics
Society, Sydney, Australia, June 1992: Plenary Lecture.
Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 6
Semantics and the Philosophy of Mind
St. Petersburg, Russia
June 10, 2013
Legal Theory Workshop on Law and Language
Edinburgh School of Law
Edinburgh University
May 30, 2013
Philosophy of Semantics Workshop
St. Andrews University
St. Andrews, Scotland
May 25, 2013
The New Originalism in Constitutional Law Symposium
Fordham School of Law
Fordham University
March 1, 2013
Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association
Author Meets Critics Session on Soames, What is Meaning?
December 29, 2011
Washington D.C.
Richard Cartwright Memorial Conference
MIT Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
Cambridge, Massachusetts
September 30 – October 1, 2011
Pragmatic and Contextualist Approaches to Vagueness in Legal
Theory and in Philosophy
Institut fur Staatswissenschaft und Rechtsphilosophie
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
Freiburg Germany
July 1-3, 2011
Arche Philosophical Research Center for Logic, Language,
Metaphysics, and Epistemology, St. Andrews University, Scotland
Center for Study of Mind in Nature, University of Oslo, Norway
Conference and Workshop on Propositions
May 17 – 20, 2011. Two Presentations
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey
Pillars of Truth Conference
April 8-10, 2011
New York University School of Law
Conference: Plain Meaning in Context: Can Law Survive its own
Journal of Law and Liberty
February 18, 2011
Inland Northwest Conference in Philosophy
Washington State University and University of Idaho
Pullman Washington and Moscow Idaho
Plenary Lecture
May 2, 2010
XXII World Congress of Philosophy
Seoul National University
Special Session on Philosophy of Language
Korean Philosophical Association
Seoul, South Korea
July 30 – August 5, 2008
Law and Language
Center for the Study of Mind in Nature
University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway
Three presentations: June 23–25, 2008
Opening Conference of the Saul Kripke Center
Graduate Center of the City University of New York
New York, New York
Three Presentations: May 21-23, 2008
Early Analytic Philosophy Conference
Department of Philosophy
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
April 5, 2008
Central States Philosophical Association
Keynote Speaker
Des Moines, Iowa
October 5, 2007
Symposium on Realism vs. Anti-realism
Department of Philosophy
Soochow University
Keynote Speaker
Taipei, Taiwan
June 21, 2007
International Conference on Analytic Philosophy
Soochow University
Invited Speaker
Taipei Taiwan
June 18, 2007
Joint Session: the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association
University of Bristol
Invited Session Speaker
Bristol, England
July 9, 2007
The Arche Conference on the Nature and Logic of Vagueness
AHRC Research Center: Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics and Mind
University of St. Andrews
Invited Speaker
St. Andrews, Scotland
June 9, 2007
Fifth Barcelona Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Reference
Logic, Language, and Cognition Research Group
Invited Speaker
Barcelona, Spain
June 5, 2007
International Conference on Law, Language, and Interpretation
University of Akureyri
Invited Speaker
Akureyri, Iceland
April 1-2, 2007
Central Division Meetings American Philosophical Association
Author Meets Critics Session on Reference and Description:
Reply to David Chalmers and Robert Stalnaker
Chicago, Illinois
April 29, 2006
Pacific Division Meetings American Philosophical Association
Author Meets Critics Session on Philosophical Analysis in the
Twentieth Century, Vol. 1: Reply to Pincock and Hurka
Portland, Oregon
March 25, 2005.
Pacific Division Meetings American Philosophical Association
Author Meets Critics Session on Philosophical Analysis in the
Twentieth Century, Vol. 2: Reply to M. Kremer and P. Horwich
Portland Oregon
March 25, 2005.
Third Steven Humphrey Excellence in Philosophy Conference
University of California at Santa Barbara
Invited Speaker
February 20, 2006
Conference: Saul Kripke: Philosophy, Logic, and Language
Graduate Center, City University of New York
Invited Speaker
January 25, 2006
American Philosophical Association
Eastern Division Meetings
Symposium Honoring the 100th anniversary of Russell’s “On
Invited Speaker
December 29, 2005
Tenth Annual Southern California Philosophy Conference
California State University, Northridge
Invited Speaker
October 29, 2005
Asserting, Meaning, and Implying
A Conference in Linguistics and Philosophy Honoring Jay Atlas
Pomona College
Invited Speaker
April 1, 2005
Semantics and Linguistic Theory
Fifteenth Annual Conference
Invited Speaker
March 26, 2005
Society for Exact Philosophy
Annual Meetings
Plenary Lecture
University of Maryland, College Park
May, 2004
Pacific Division Meetings American Philosophical Association
Author Meets Critics Session on Beyond Rigidity,
Reply to Michael McKinsey and George Wilson
Pasadena California, March 27, 2004.
City University of New York
7th Annual Graduate Student Philosophy Conference
Keynote Address
February 15, 2004
Northwest Philosophy Conference
Plenary lecture
Reed College
October 4, 2003
Barcelona Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Reference
Logic, Language, and Cognition Research Group
Barcelona Spain
June 5-7, 2003
Logic and Language 2003
University of Birmingham
Invited Speaker
Birmingham UK
April 14-16, 2003
Liars and Heaps: The Logic and Semantics of Paradox
The University of Connecticut – MIT Conference
Invited Speaker
Storrs Connecticut
October 11-13, 2002
Fourth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy
Workshop on Truth
Invited Speaker
Lund, Sweden
June 14-18, 2002.
Rutgers Semantics Workshop
Rutgers University
Invited Speaker
May, 2002
Seventh International Colloquium on Cognitive Science
Invited Speaker
Donostia, Spain
May 12, 2001.
Pacific Division Meetings, American Philosophical Association
Author Meets Critics Session on Understanding Truth
Reply to Hartry Field and Anil Gupta
Albuquerque New Mexico
April 6, 2000.
Conference on Methods in Philosophy and the Sciences
The New School for Social Research, New York City
Invited Speaker
December 4, 1999
Workshop on Polysemy and Meaning
Stanford University
Center For the Study of Language and Information
May 1999.
International Conference: Logic in Natural Language
Four Lecture Series
Departamento de Informatica
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Invited Speaker
Recife, Brazil
January 25-30, 1998
International Conference on the work of Saul Kripke
Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Invited Speaker
Mexico City
October 28-31, 1996
Ninth Conference of the Sociedad Filosofica Ibero Americana
Invited Speaker
Queretaro, Mexico
June 17-19, 1996
Saul Kripke's Contribution to Philosophy
Republic of San Marino
Universita degli Studi
International Center for Semiotic and Cognitive Studies
Invited Speaker
May 1996
Chapel Hill Philosophy Colloquium
University of North Carolina
Invited Speaker
October 1995
Conference on Discourse
University of Pittsburgh
Center for Philosophy of Science
March 24-26, 1995
Conference on Truth and Truth Definitions
Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy and History of Science
October, 1992
University of Rochester
Department of Philosophy
Ninth Annual Conference: Belief and Belief Attribution
May, 1991
Conference on Mental Representation
Simon Fraser University
Invited Speaker
February 1986
Pacific Division Meetings of the American Philosophical
Association, 1978, 1985, 1991, 1993, 1994
Central Division Meetings of the American Philosophical
Association, Chicago, 1998, 2010
Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical
Association, 1977, 1994
Sloan Conference on Semantics of Natural Languages,
Stanford University, 1980
University of Alberta, 1986, 2006
University of Arizona, 1985
Arizona State, 1990, 1999, 2004, 2013
University of Barcelona, 2001
University of British Columbia, 1986
Brown University, 2011
University of Calgary, 1986, 1989, 2002, 2006
University of California at Berkeley, 1984, 1996, 2007
University of California at Davis, 1990, 1998
University of California at Irvine, 1979, 1997
University of California at Los Angeles, 1997, 1999, 2002
University of California at Riverside, 1984
University of California at Santa Barbara, 1986, 1999
University of California at Santa Cruz, 1983, 1989, 1990,
1998, 2005
University of California at San Diego, 2005
California Institute of Technology, 1995
California Polytechnic State University, 1984
California State University at Northridge, 1999
City University of New York, Graduate Center, 1978, 1987,
1992, 1993, 1994, 1997
University of Connecticut, 2003
Cornell University 1998
Dartmouth College, 1983
Green River Community College, Auburn, Washington, 1986
University of Illinois, 1985
Harvard University, 1997
Johns Hopkins, 1988
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 1992
M.I.T., 1991, 2010
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1988, 2003
University of Maryland, College Park, 1992
McGill University, 2004
University of Missouri, 2009
University of Nevada at Las Vegas, 2007
New York University, NYC, 2013
North Carolina State University, 1985
University of Notre Dame, 2009, 2013
Ohio University, 1999
Pomona College, 1990
University of Pennsylvania, 1985, 1987, 1992
Princeton University, 1981, 1984, 2001
University of Puget Sound, 2012
Reed College, 1996
Rutgers University, 1996
Simon Fraser University, 1983, 1986, 1989
University of Southern California, 2003, 2005
Stanford University, 1979, 1981, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1999, 2006
State University of New York at Albany, 1979
State University of New York at Buffalo, 2007
Sydney University, Sydney, Australia, 1992
University of Texas, 2003
Tufts University 1998
Tulane University, 1994
University of Washington, 1981, 1986, 1988
Wayne State University, 1995
Yale University, 1979, 1983
Lectures on Law and Language
Center for Law and Cosmopolitan Values
Law Faculty
University of Antwerp
Antwerp, Belgium
December 3 and 4, 2013
Philosophy in the Twenty-first Century
University of Augsburg
Augsburg, Germany
November 26 and 27, 2013
The Hempel Lectures in Peru
Centro de Estudios Filosoficos
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
Lima, Peru
May 15, 16, 17, 2013
The Carl Hempel Lectures
Princeton University
Department of Philosophy
April 22, 24, and 26, 2013
28th Annual Selfridge Lecturer
Lehigh University
Bethleham, Pennsylvania
March 14, 2012
Lecture to the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences
Lehigh University
Bethleham, Pennsylvania
March 13, 2012
Three Seminars to the Faculty
Department of Philosophy
Lehigh University
March 13, 14, 15, 2012
Center for Consciousness Studies
Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Two Lectures: May 25, 26, 2010
Meaning and Modality and Truth Conditions
Research Workshop with Scott Soames
University of Cologne
Two Presentations: May 19, 20, 2010
Meaning and Modality and Truth Conditions
Graduate Conference with Scott Soames
University of Cologne, Keynote Address
May 17, 2010
Research Conference on the Work of Scott Soames
University of Cologne
Cologne, Germany
May 19-20, 2010
Second Annual Soochow Lectures in Philosophy
Soochow University
Taipei, Taiwan
June 8, 10, 12 2009
Jowett Philosophical Society
Oxford University
May 16, 2008
University of Kansas
Department of Philosophy and the Hall Center for Humanities
Lawrence Kansas
Public Lecture on Language and the Law
March 2008
University of Kansas
Department of Philosophy
Special Departmental Lecture and Seminar
March 2008
Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Scienceset
des Techniques (IHPST)
Paris, France
Three Lectures: April 18, 19, and 23, 2007
University of Iceland
Department of Philosophy
Reykjavik, Iceland
March 29, 2007
University of Southern California
The Society of University Professors
December 5, 2005
University of California at Santa Cruz
Department of Linguistics
Distinguished Visitor Series
Two Lectures: May 18 – 19, 2005
Arizona State University
Philosophy Department
Onsager Lecture
January 26, 2004.
The 25th annual Gail Stine Memorial Lecture
Department of Philosophy
Wayne State University, Detroit Michigan
March 23, 2003.
Instituto De Investigaciones Filosoficas
Autonomous University of Mexico
Mexico City
Two Lectures:October 25–26, 2001
Jowett Philosophical Society
Oxford University
Oct. 12, 2001
Instituto De Investigaciones Filosoficas
Autonomous University of Mexico
Mexico City
Three lecture series: January 26-31, 1996
Catedra Jose Gaos, (Jose Gaos honorary Chair for
distinguished visitors)
Instituto De Investigaciones Filosoficas
Autonomous University of Mexico
Eight lecture series: April 16 - June 16, 1995
Instituto De Investigaciones Filosoficas
Autonomous University of Mexico
Mexico City
Two lecture series
January 27-29, 1993
Aristotelian Society
London, England
April 30, 1990.
Cambridge Moral Sciences Club
Cambridge University
Cambridge, England
May 1, 1990.
Distinguished Visiting Scholar
Calgary University
Calgary, Canada
Three lecture series
October 24-27, 1989
Speaker, as Representative of the 784 Members of the Faculty
of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, at the March 23, 2011
Ceremony Naming the USC Dana and David Dornsife College of
Letters, Arts and Sciences
Member of Search Committee for a new Dean of the Dornsife
College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences at USC – 2011-2012.
Member Provost Humanities Advisory Committee, USC 2011 –
Member of Provost’s Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee on Law School
Request to Grant Juris Doctorate, May 2011.
Member of Faculty Tenure and Privileges Appeals Committee,
USC, 2009 Member of the University Committee on Appointments,
Promotions, and Tenure, USC, Fall 2007 –
Member of the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences
Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure, USC, Fall,
Member of USC Task Force on Graduate Education, 2005-6
Placement Officer, Princeton Philosophy Department, 19861989, 1996 – 1998, 2000.
Director of Graduate Studies, Princeton Philosophy
Department, 1990-1994.
Acting Head of the Program of Linguistics, Princeton
University, January 1987-June 1987.
Interdepartmental Committee on Linguistics, Princeton
University, 1982-3, 1986-9.
Interdepartmental Committee for Cognitive Studies, Princeton
University, 1986-9.
Yale College Course of Study Committee, 1977-78.