
The Early Americans
Review and Assessment – p. 30
2a. Describe the land – bridge theory that scientists have developed to
explain how people first came to the Americas?
A land bridge between Asia and North America was formed by
lower sea levels during an Ice Age. People used the land bridge to
migrate from Asia to the Americas.
2b. Some scholars have different ideas about how people first came to
the Americas. Why do you think we are not sure about this event?
There are no written records of the event.
3a. How did the Aztecs build a large empire?
They used armies to conquer other people.
3b. What features did the Aztec civilization have in common with the
civilization of the Incas?
The Aztecs built monumental architecture, cities, and roads.
3c. How did the civilization of the Aztecs differ from other societies of
North America?
The Aztec religion included human sacrifice; the Aztecs forced
conquered people to pay taxes and give them treasure, food, and
4a. What was the purpose of the League of the Iroquois?
To keep the peace.
4b. What did each Iroquois Nation give up by joining the league? What
did they gain?
Fighting with other nations; peace
4c. Why do you think the Iroquois League succeeded?
Possible responses: The nations of the League benefitted from the
common laws that kept peace but kept their freedom to deal with their
own affairs.
5a. How did trade goods move between West Africa and the Middle
5b. Describe two ways that goods from China might have reached the
trading states of East Africa.
By caravans on the Silk Road and over land in the Middle East
and East Africa and by merchant ships sailing to East African ports
such as Kilwa.
5c. Based on your reading, write a one – sentence generalization about
the importance of trade routes in Asia and Africa.
Sentences will vary, but mention the value of the trade to Asians
and Africans, and the cultural exchange that resulted.
6a. Which Greco – Roman traditions influenced the shaping of
government in the United States?
Democracy, republic, equality under the law for all citizens
6b. How do these Greco – Roman ideas directly impact political life in
the United States today?
Our government is a representative democracy in which the
people elect representatives to make laws in our Congress.
7a. What were the Crusades?
A holy war started by the Roman Catholic Church to win control
of the Holy Land from Muslims.
7b. What were the long – range effects of the Crusades?
Europeans came into contact with Muslim civilization, became
interested in goods from the Middle East, and learned about advances
in technology used for navigation.
7c. Do you think the Crusades were a failure or a success? Explain.
Answers may vary, but should mention that although Europeans
were not able to maintain control of the Middle East, they learned new
skills and ideas that affected European civilization.