BOROUGH OF POOLE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY GROUP – THURSDAY 7 JULY 2005 REPORT OF HEAD OF TRANSPORTATION SERVICES ON HAYMOOR SCHOOL AND ASHDOWN SCHOOL - 20 MPH ZONE IN ASHDOWN CLOSE 1. Purpose and Policy Context 1.1 To consider a scheme to install a 20mph zone and improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists leading to Haymoor and Ashdown Schoosl on Ashdown Close, Canford Heath. 1.2 The programme of 20 mph Zones outside Schools is contained within the Transportation Capital Programme. This programme of works aims to improve the safety and environment outside schools and achieve targets set out in the Local Transport Plan. 2. Recommendations 2.1 It is recommended that (i) the scheme to install the scheme as described in this report and shown on the attached Drawing Number: T0035.02, and (ii) authorisation to advertise the associated traffic regulation orders, be approved. 3. Background 3.1 The concept of 20 mph Zones outside Schools was first considered at the 13 November 2003 TAG. Subsequently a priority list of Schools was then approved at the 14 April 2005 TAG, within which Haymoor and Ashdown schools were both in the highest priority category A1. 3.2 Budget allocations with the current 2005/06 Capital Programme are as follows: 20mph zones outside schools £60,000 School schemes £50,000 4. Scheme Details 4.1 The main elements of the scheme, shown on Drg. No. T0035.02 as Appendix A, can be summarised as follows: (a) 20mph speed limit will apply to the whole length of Ashdown Close 1 (b) There will no further parking restrictions on Ashdown Close, thereby keeping the overflow parking for the Ashdown Leisure Centre in the evenings. (c) Footways on both sides of the road will be widened to accommodate shared footway / cycleways – On the southern footway (housing side) over its entire length to a width of 3.5m by building out approx.1m into the existing road On the northern footway (School side) as far as the entrance to Ashdown School to a width of 2.5m by extending further into the school. (d) A pre-formed raised table (speed hump) will be constructed at the entrance to Ashdown Close to re-enforce the 20 mph speed limit signing. (e) A raised junction with level crossing facilities will be constructed at the entrance to Ashdown School. (f) Existing tracks to the housing on the southern side of Ashdown Close will be surfaced with gravel to regularise these informal routes. (g) Other more minor improvements are detailed on the attached plan. 4.2 The total scheme cost is estimated at £72,000. This will be funded from the £50,000 from the schools schemes budget with the remaining £22,000 from 20mph zones budget. 4.3 Consultation with stakeholders has taken place, and is summarised in Appendix B. 4.4 As a result of the need to advertise and consider any objections to the associated traffic regulation orders it is not possible to carry out the widening, speed humps and 20 mph limit works until later in the year. Subject to this Group’s approval to the scheme the opportunity may well be taken to carry out some of the works, primarily the new paths on leisure land to the south, during the main summer holidays. JAMES T BRIGHT Head of Transportation Services Appendix A - Proposed Layout drg T0035/02 – please note this appendix is unavailable electronically. Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact: Ken Pearce (01202) 262041 TAG070705T3M 2