Review of Basic Research in Mathematics

Publications :
1. Strømgren, T., Lande, R. and Engen, S. (1973). Intertidial distribution of the
fauna on muddy beaches in the Borgenfjord area. Sarsia 53: 49-70.
2. Engen, S. (1974). On species frequency models. Biometrika 61: 263-70.
3. Engen, S. (1975). A note on the geometric series as a species frequency model.
Biometrika 62: 697-99.
4. Engen, S. (1975). The coverage of a random sample from a biological
community. Biometrics 31: 201-8.
5. Engen, S. (1976). A note on the estimation of the species area curve. J.Cons.Int.
Explor.Mer. 36: 286-88.
6. Engen, S. (1977). Exponential and logarithmic species area curves. Am. Nat.
111: 591-94.
7. Engen, S. (1977). Comments on two different approaches to the analysis of
species frequency data. Biometrics 33: 205-13.
8. Engen, S. and Thaillie, C. (1978). A basic development of abundance models.
The proceedings of the second international ecological congress, satelite program
in statistical ecology, Vol. 4, pp. 289-311.
9. Engen, S. (1978). Abundance models; sampling and estimation. The proceedings
of the second international ecological congress, satelite program in statistical
ecology, Vol. 4, pp. 313-32.
10. Engen, S. (1978). Stochastic abundance models with emphasis on biological
communities and species diversity. Chapman \& Hall, London. In the series:
Monographs on applied probability and statistics, eds. M.S.Bartlett and D.R.Cox.
11. Engen, S. (1979). Some basic concepts of ecological equitability. The
proceedings of the second international ecological congress, satelite program in
statistical ecology, Vol. 6, pp. 37-50.
12. Engen, S. (1979). Stochastic abundance models in ecology. Biometrics 35: 33138 (invited paper)
13. Aagaard, K. and Engen, S. (1980). Species diversity of Chironimid
Communities. Acta. Univ. Caralinae 12: 5-12.
14. Engen, S. and Stenseth, N.C. (1984). A general verion of optimal foraging
theory: the effect of simultanious encounter. Theor. pop. biol. 26: 192-204.
15. Engen, S. and Stenseth, N.C. (1984). An ecological paradox: A food type may
become more rare in the diet as a consquence of being more abundant. Am Nat.
124: 352-59.
16. Engen, S., Järvi, T. and Wicklund, C. (1984). The evolution of aposematic
colouration by individual selection. Oikos 46: 397-403.
17. Engen, S. (1984). The association between pairs of species on discrete
habitable islands. Biometrics 40: 729-38.
18. Engen, S. (1984). A comment on stochastic approaches to optimal foraging
theory. Ecology 65: 652-54.
19. Engen, S., Nørseth, S. og Wibe, J. (1984). Matematikk - databehandling i
skolen. Nordisk matematisk tidsskrift 32: 55-63.
20 Framstad, E., Engen, S. and Stenseth (1984). Regression analysis, residual
analysis and missing variables in regression analysis. Oikos 44: 319-23.
21. Nilsen, A. and Engen, S. (1985). A statistical procedure for counting alveolar
macrofages. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 42: 205-8.
22. Engen, and Sæther, B.-E. (1985). The evolutionary significance of sexual
selection. J. Theor. Biol. 117: 277-89.
23. Slagsvold, T., Røskaft, E. and Engen, S. (1986). Sex ratio, differential cost of
rearing young, differential mortality between the sexes during period of parental
care: Fisher's theory applied to birds. Ornis Scandinavika 17: 117-25.
24. Engen, S. and Seim, E. (1987). Optimal invariant stopping rules. J. Appl. Prob.
24: 77-87.
25. Iversen, O.J. and Engen, S. (1987). Aspekter ved AIDS-epidemien, noen
regneeksempler. Tidsskriftet for den norske legeforening 19,20,21: 1598-1600.
26. Iversen, O.J. and Engen, S. (1987). The epidemiology of AIDS - statistical
analysis. Journal of epidemiology and community health 41: 55-58.
27. Engen, S., Sæther, B.-E. and Stenseth, N.C. (1988). The effect of competition
on the ranking of food items. Am. Nat. 132: 629-42.
28. Engen, S. and Sæther, B.-E. (1988). Optimization of constrained life histories:
some generalizations. J. Theor. Biol. 130: 229:37
29. Engen, S. and Stenseth, N.S. (1989). Age-specific optimal diets and optimal
faraging tactics. A life-historic approach. Theor. pop. biol. 36: 281-95.
30 Sæther, B.-E. Engen, S. and Andersen, R. (1989). Resource utilization of moose
Alces alces during winter: Constraints and options. Finnish Game res. 46: 79-86.
31. Vivås, H.J. and Engen, S. (1991). Estimation of circadian activity pattern when
the beginning and end of active periods are not always observable. Biometrics 47:
32. Engen, S. (1992). Sexual mixing models; A comparison between analogue
deterministic and stochastic models. Math. Biosc. 108: 279-97.
33. Yoccoz, N., Engen, S. and Stenseth, N.C. (1993). Optimal foraging: The
importance of environmental uncertainty and accuracy in parameter estimation.
Am. Nat. 141: 139-57.
34. Engen, S. and Sæther, B.-E. (1994). Optimal allocation of resources to growth
and reproduction. Theor. pop. biol. 46: 232-48.
35. Langvatn. R., Bakke, Ø. and Engen, S. (1994). Retrospective studies of read
dear reproduction using regressing luteal structures. The Journal of Wildlife
management 58: 654-63.
36. Bevanger, K., Bakke, Ø. and Engen, S. (1994). Corpse removal experiments
with Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) in power-line corridors. Õkol. Võgel
16: 597-607.
37. Lande, R., Engen, S. and Sæther, B.-E. (1994): Optimal harvesting, economic
discounting and extinction risk in fluctuating populations. Nature 372:88-90.
38. Lande, R., Engen, S. and Sæther, B.E. (1995): Optimal harvesting of
populations with a risk of extinction. Am. Nat. 145: 728-45.
39. Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S. and Lande, R. (1995). Density-dependence and
optimal harvesting of fluctuating populations. Oikos 76: 40-46.
40. Engen, S. and Lande, R. (1996). Population dynamic models generating the
lognormal species abundance distribution. Math. Biosc. 132: 169-84.
41. Engen, S. and Lande, R. (1996). Population dynamic models generating species
abundance distributions of the gamma type. J. Theor. Biol. 178: 325-31.
42. Tufto, J., Engen, S. and Hindar, K. (1996). Inferring patterns of migration from
gene frequencies under equilibrium conditions. Genetics 144: 1909-19.
43. Engen, S., Lande, R. and Sæther, B.-E. (1997). Harvesting strategies for
fluctuating populations based on uncertain population estimates. J. Theor. biol.
44. Engen, S. and Lillegård, M. (1997). Statistical simulations conditioned
sufficient statistics. Biometrika 84: 235-40..
45. Tufto, J., Engen, S. and Hindar, K. (1997). Stochastic processes in dispersal of
airborn seed and pollen. Theor. pop. biol. 52:16-26.
46. Lande, R., Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S. (1997). Threshold harvesting and
sustainability of fluctuating resources. Ecology 78: 1341-50..
47. Engen, S., Bakke, Ø. and Islam, A. (1998). Demographic and environmental
stochasticity - concepts and definitions. Biometrics 54: 39-45.
48. Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S., Islam, A., McCleery, R. and Perrins, C. (1998).
Environmental stochasticity and extinction risk in a population of small song bird,
the great tit. Am. Nat. 151:441-50.
49. Tufto, J., Raybould, A.F., Hindar, K. and Engen, S. (1998). Genetic structure
and dispersal pattern in sea beet. Genetics 149: 1975-85.
50. Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S., Swenson, J.E., Bakke, Ø. and Sandgren, F. (1998).
Viability of scandinavian brown bear Ursus Arctos populations: The effect of
uncertain parameter estimates. Oikos 83: 403-16.
51. Lande, R., Engen, S. and Sæther, B.-E. (1998). Extinction times in finite
metapopulation models with stochastic local dynamics. Oikos 83: 383-89.
52. Engen, S. and Sæther, B.-E. (1998). Stochastic population models: Some
concepts, definitions and results. Oikos 83: 345-52.
53. B.-E. Sæther and S. Engen (eds.).1998. Population dynamics in a stochastic
environment: theory and facts. Proceedings of an Oikos seminar held at Røros,
Norway, 4-7 April, 1997. Oikos 83: 343-416.
54. Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S. and Lande, R. 1999. Finite metapopulation models
with density-dependent migration and stochastic local dynamics. Proc. Roy. Soc.
Ser. Lond. B. 266: 113-118..
55. Lillegård, M. and Engen, S. (1999). Exact confidence intervals generated by
conditional parametric bootstrapping. J. appl. statistics: 26:447-59.
56. Lande, R., Engen, S. and Sæther, B.-E. (1999). Spatial scale of population
synchrony: correlation versus dispersal and density regulation. Am. Nat. 154: 27181.
57. Tufto, J., Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S.,Swenson, J.E. and Sandegren, F. (1999).
Harvesting strategies for conserving minimum viable populations based on World
Conservation Union criteria: brown bears in Norway. Proceedings of the Royal
Society London. Series B. 266: 961-67.
58. Tufto, J., Sæther, B.-E, Engen, S., Arcese, P., Jerstad, K., Røstad, O.W. and
Smith, J.N.M.(2000). Bayesian meta-analysis of demographic parameters in three
small temperate passerines. Oikos 88: 273-81.
59. Sæther, B.-E-, Tufto, J., Engen, S., Jerstad, K. Røstad, O.W.and Skåtan, E.
(2000). Population dynamic consequencies of climate change in a small temperate
songbird, the dipper. Science 287: 854-856 .
60. Diserud, O. H., and Engen, S. (2000). A general and dynamic species
abundance model, embracing the lognormal and the gamma models. The American
Naturalist. 155: 497-511.
61. Engen, S. and Sæther, B.-E. (2000). Predictions in Brownian motions applied
to population viability analysis. Journal of theoretical biology 205: 649-658.
62. Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S., Lande, R., Arcese, P. and Smith, J.N.M. (2000).
Estimating time to extinction in an island population of song sparrows.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 267: 621-626.
63. Ødegaard, F., Diserud, O.H., Engen, S. and Aagaard, K. (2000). The magnitude
of local host specificity for phytophagous insects. Conservation Biology 14: 118286.
64. Lande, R., Sæther, B.-E. and Engen, S. (2001). Sustainable exploitation of
fluctuating populations. In Conservation of exploited species, D.J. Reynolds, G.M.
Mace, K.H. Redford and J.G. Robinson, eds. Cambridge University press.
65. Engen, S. (2001). A dynamic and spatial model with migration generating the
log-Gaussian field of population densities. Mathematical Biosciences 173: 85-102.
66. Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S. and Solberg, E.J. (2001). Optimal harvesting of agestructured populations of moose in a fluctuationg environment. Wildlife Biology
67. Engen, S., Sæther, B.-E. and Møller, A.P. (2001). Stochastic population
dynamics and time to extinction of a declining population of barn swallow.
J.Anim.Ecol. 70: 789-797.
68. Sæther, B.-E. and Engen, S. (2002). Including stochasticity in population
viability analysis. In Population Viability Analysis, pp. Steven R. Beissinger and
Dale R. McCullough, editors. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois.
69. Engen, S., B.-E. Sæther and R. Lande (2002). Migration and spatio-temporal
variation in population dynamics in a heterogeneous environment. Ecology
70. Aanes, S., Engen, S. and Sæther, B.-E. (2002). Sustainable harvesting
strategies of willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus) in a fluctuating environment.
Ecological Applications 12:281-290.
71. Lande, R, Engen, S. ,Sæther, B.-E., Filli, F. and Matthysen,E. (2002).
Estimating density dependence from population time series using demographic
theory and life history data. American Naturalist 159:321-337.
72. Engen, S., Lande, R., Walla,T. and DeVries, P.J. (2002). Analysing spatial
structure of communities by the two-dimensional Poisson lognormal species
abundance model. American naturalist 160: 60-73.
73. Sæther, B-.E., Engen, S. and Matthysen, E. (2002). Demographic
characteristics and population dynamical patterns of solitary birds. Science
74. Engen, S., Lande, R.- and Sæther, B.-E. (2002) . The spatial scale of
population fluctuations and quasi-extinction. American Naturalist 160: 439-451.
75. Lande, R., Engen, S. and Sæther, B.-E. (2002). Estimating density-dependence
in age-structured populations.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 357: 1179-1184.
76. Sæther, B.-E., and S. Engen. (2002). Patterns of variation in avian population
growth rates. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 357:1185-1195.
77. Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S, Lande, R., Both, C. And Visser, M.E. (2002). Densitydependence and stochastic variation in the dynamics of newly established small
songbird population. Oikos 99: 331-337.
78. Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S., Filli, F., Aanes, R., Schröder, W. And Andersen, R.
(2002). Contrasting stochastic population dynamics of two introduced Swiss
populations of Ibex. Ecology 83: 3457-3465.
79. Lande, R., Engen, S. and Sæther, B.-E. (2003). Stochastic population models in
ecology and conservation. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
80. Engen, S., Lande, R. and Sæther, B.-E. (2003). Demographic stochasticity in
populations with two sexes. Ecology (in press)
81. Sæther, B.E. and Engen, S. (2003). Routes to extinction. (Book chapter, in
Papers submitted:
82. Engen, S., Lande, R. and Sæther, B.-E. (2003). Extinction in relation to
demographic and environmental stochasticvity in age-structured models. (revised)
83. Engen, S. (2003). Stokastisk modellering i økologi og bevaringsbiologi.
Akademiets årbok (submitted).