Sample RFP Comparison Huntington Library Fellowship Fellowships.html Robert C. Ritchie, W. M. Keck Foundation Director of Research 626-405-2194 626-449-5703 (fax) The Huntington 1151 Oxford Toad San Marino, CA 91108 Organization Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens One of the largest and most complete research libraries in US in AngloAmerican civilizations. One of the finest collections of rare books in the world Founded in 1919 by Henry Edwards Huntington; made public in 1928 Serene park-like setting of the estate 10 miles from downtown LA Purpose Academic fellowship intended to provide access to collections to scholars at the forefront of scholarship in areas of library collections. Primarily aimed at scholars without recent support., both doctoral candidates, scholars with non-tenure appointments, and junior scholars Areas include: American history, British history, literary research, art history, science and technology, women’s studies Award Expect to award 100 fellowship in 00-01 History Info on collections can be found at LibraryHome.html Guides to the collections can be ordered from Huntington Library Press at alog/reference.html Sample lectures to be given by Fellows now in residence can be found at Contact Info ACLS Fellowship brochure can be requested at ACLS 228 East 45th Street New York, NY 10017-3398 No program officer listed American Council of Learned Societies Mission is to advance humanistic studies in all fields of learning in the humanities and related social sciences. Established in 1919 to represent the US in the International Union of Academies Works to establish consensus in the humanistic fields Intended to allow scholars after years of teaching and service to devote a year to research and writing. Younger scholars are also encouraged. Areas include Lit and Lang, history, anthr, pol theory, phil, classsics, religion, art history, linguistics, musicology, world civ and culture; social sciences with humanistic methods Expect to award 60 fellowships in 00-01 66 Fellowships awarded in 98-99; 769 applicants Recipients can be found at Sample RFP Comparison Award ograms Requires continuous residence Short term (ST): 1-5 mo; PhD-PhD candidate, non tenured faculty, $2,000$2,300 per mo Long Term (LT): recent PhD; $30K with project for collections Require PhD before Oct 1, 1997, US citizen, 3 years w/o support Salary replacement $40,000 for Senior Fellowship $25,000 Junior Fellowship 6-12 consecutive mo full time research to be initiated between July 1 and Feb 1 Request application through mail by Sept 28 Mail application Oct 1 Work Deadline: Dec 15 postmark no form 1. Cover sheet: name, mailing address, telephone & fax, email, present rank & institution; name of fellowship area, number of months support requested, title of project, history of aid received in last five years. 2. ST: 1-3 single space description of project and collections to consult; progress to date. LT: 3-5 project description for nonspecialists 3. 3 page CV 4. 3 letters of recommendation 5. To apply for both ST and LT: 2 copies with separate cover letters; 2 sets of recommendation letters Processing No info on decision process; appears to be in house. Intensive peer review with external reviewers Decisions announced in April Deliverables A scholarly work making use of the Huntington collections while in residence. A scholarly work using humanistic methods and advancing humanistic scholarship in its respective field Overall Both fellowships are aimed at PhD in the humanities without recent support. The Huntington supports dissertation candidates as well. Projects for the Huntington must be related to their collections; projects for ACLS must be well-centered in a humanistic field. The Huntington supports 1-12 mo of residential work; the ACLS supports 6-12 mo work wherever. Both provide support for projects already underway, not for initial development. ACLS may be more rigid and less experimental work; Huntington seems to like things a bit more on the edge.