November 2012 Minutes of the Charles Council Literacy Council

November 2012 Minutes of the Charles Council Literacy Council
November 6, 2012
In Attendance:
Marlene Cleaveland Lisa Hackley
Carrie Dotson
Valerie Kettner
Jack Faherty
Art Payne
Yvette Thomas
Edna Troiano
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.
Tutor/Student Discussion:
 Carrie has spoken with her student, has received her materials, and is eager to begin
 Art Payne’s student is progressing in his attempt to get his learner’s permit and will
retake the test Thanksgiving week.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes were amended to correct the dates of the gift wrapping to
December 14-15 and 21-22. A motion to approve the amended minutes of the October 2012
meeting was made by Lisa, seconded by Yvette, and passed.
President’s Report: In Sonja’s absence, Jack presented the president’s report. Jack said that
by-law changes would be presented in December and asked that all executive board members
and committee chairs review and revise their job descriptions before the December meeting.
Vice-President’s Report:
 Yard Sale—The October 6 yard sale netted $537.83. Additional yard sales will be held
in the future.
 Christmas Gift Wrap—The dates for the gift wrap are Friday, 12/14 (2:00-9:00),
Saturday, 12/15 (9:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m.), Friday, 12/21 (2:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.), and Saturday,
12/22 (9:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m.). The location will be in the food court. Volunteers are needed
to wrap gifts and to contribute wrapping paper, bows, and gift boxes. Volunteers are also
needed to go to local stores to request donations to buy wrapping supplies.
Financial Report:
 Checking Balance—In Darlene’s absence, Jack reported a checking account balance of
 Income/Expenses—The expenses over income as of 11/2/12 is $1,488.92.
Program Coordinator’s Report:
 Student Matches/Issues—Marlene is in the process of matching the 21 students on the
waiting list with the 16 newly trained tutors.
 Yard Sale—Thirteen volunteers worked at the yard sale, and many others donated
goods. All donations have been acknowledged.
 Maryland Independent—An article about CCLC featuring Lisa Hackley and her student
James Cutchember created interest among both potential tutors and students.
United Way Application—The application to be a UW partner agency was submitted
prior to the 10/15 deadline. Jack and Sonja met with the UW executive board to justify
the partnership.
Homeless Resource Day—Lisa, Rose Markham, and Marlene participated at HRD on
October 24. They saw approximately 40 people and spoke with 7 who signed up to learn
more about tutoring. Two people indicated they would like to become tutors. The event
was not as widely attended as before. Marlene will attend a review of HRD on November
United Way Quarterly Meeting—Sonja and Marlene attended the October 25 meeting,
which discussed these points:
a. The county application will be available online soon and will be due January
14. The total grant has been reduced to $861,000, and there is a $100,000 limit on
requests. The applications must focus on outcomes and measures.
b. The Combined Federal Campaign application will be due December 13.
c. The Maryland Charity Campaign will be due in January or February;
organizations are responsible for applying independently.
Website—Programming for the website update is beginning.
Combined Federal Campaign—CCLC needs to increase the effort to attract CFC
donations. We recently received an anonymous donation of $780.
Bowling Fundraiser—Marlene received information about a potential bowling
fundraiser which she will share later for discussion.
Newsletter Committee: Valerie met with Sonja and Edna to discuss the newsletter. They
decided to change the committee title to Social Media Chair to reflect the inclusion of Facebook,
Twitter (CCLiteracy), the tutor forum, and other media. Newsletters will be sent approximately
every two months during the academic year, and news blasts will be sent out whenever
appropriate. Valerie is also creating a fundraising flyer.
Workshop Committee: Edna reported that the workshop, which trained 16 new tutors, received
positive evaluations. Participants are creating a list of suggestions for changes in future
workshops and will meet to discuss them.
New Business:
a. Both executive and committee chair positions will be open for the March election. The
revised job descriptions will be available at the December meeting, and the current
executive board encourages people to review them and apply.
b. Art Payne is encouraging the real estate community to become involved with CCLC and
encouraging realtors to become tutors.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7: 42.
Respectfully submitted,
Edna Troiano
Next Meeting: The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December
4, 2012 at the United Way conference room.