PERFORMING ANIMALS LICENCE APPLICATION FORM The Licensing Team Environment and Regulatory Services Derby City Council The Council House Corporation Street Derby DE1 2FS Application for a Performing Animals Licence Part 1 – Applicant(s) Details 1. First / Sole Applicant Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Other (please specify) 2. Surname: 3. Other name(s): 4. Home Address: 5. Telephone: Postcode: Daytime: Mobile: Evening: 6. Email Address: 7. Joint / Second Applicant (if applicable) 8. 9. Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Other (please specify) Surname: 10. Other name(s): 11. Home Address: 12. Telephone: Postcode: Daytime: Mobile: Evening: 13. Email Address: 14. Stage or Act Name: 15. Have any of the applicants being registered under the Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 1925? If so, please state which authority, the date and number of the Certificate of Registration and the stage / act name used. Part 2 – Premises Details 1. Full address where the performance will take place Postcode: 2. Number of rooms being used, including training and housing 3. Arrangements for: Heating Ventilation Lighting Water Disposal of soiled bedding Food storage 4. Full list of the types of animals being trained or exhibited: 5. Describe the general nature of the performance(s) or exhibitions the animals will be taking part in. Mention any equipment used as part of the performance, the duration of the performance and number of performances proposed. Part 3 – Checklist and Declaration I/We confirm that, to the best of my / our knowledge and belief, the information contained in this application is true I have submitted the appropriate fee. I agree to pay the cost of any veterinary officer’s inspection of my animals, if deemed necessary and understand that this will be charged at an hourly rate and that I will be advised of the total amount once the inspection is completed. This fee must be paid before the grant of any licence. 1. Signature of applicant or applicant’s solicitor or other authorised agent. If signing on behalf of the applicant, please state in what capacity. Signature Print Name Capacity Date 2. For joint applications, signature of 2nd applicant, or 2nd applicant’s solicitor or authorised agent. If signing on behalf of the applicant, please state in what capacity Signature Print Name Capacity Date If there are more than two applicants please enclose an additional sheet clearly marked ‘Signature(s) of further applicant(s)’