Space Weather Project for National Science Foundation: 9/2002

Ming Qu
33 Branch Brook Pl, Apt #2L
Newark, NJ 07104
Mobile: (973) 202 8103, Office: (973) 596 5584, Mobile: (973) 202 8103
 Seeking a challenging position that requires strong knowledge and experience of Software
Development, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Computer Vision.
 Over 9 years software development experience and 4 years PhD concentration in the area
of Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
 Multi-years software development experience with C/C++, MATLAB, Java, RSI IDL,
ASP, and Unix Script.
 Expertise in Solar Image Processing and Medical Image Processing.
 Strong knowledge on Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, Image Segmentation,
Image Enhancement, Image Reconstruction, Computer Vision, Medical Imaging,
Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Intelligence and Parallel Processing.
 Proficient skills in Solaris 2.8, HP Unix 11.0, Win2000/NT, Linux, MAC, and Parallel
 Strong skills of PL/SQL programming on RDBMS (SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase,
Filemaker), Data Modeling.
 7 journal papers and 5 conference papers in the area of image processing and pattern
 Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer
 Certificate of Unix System Administrator
PhD in Computer Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology 4/2001-present
Space Weather Project for National Science Foundation: 9/2002-present as a
Researcher and Developer
 Developed IDL, MATLAB and C++ program for automatic solar feature detection
including solar flare, filaments and Corona Mass Ejections.
 Published papers on the Journal of Solar Physics and IEEE conference about solar
feature detection using Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Image
Segmentation, Image Enhancement, Morphology, and Motion Tracking
Research in the area of Pattern Recognition such as Support Vector Machines and
Neural Networks.
 Research in the area of Image Enhancement such as Multi-scale Filtering, Wavelet,
Sharplet, and Stabilize Inverse Diffusion Equation.
 Developed the program of Edge Detection, Line Detection, Morphological thinning,
pruning, and adaptive edge linking.
 Developed Motion Tracking program for solar flares.
 Worked on Parallel Computing to fasten image processing.
 Worked on Oracle 9i setup and development for the Virtual Solar Observatory.
 Also worked on Unix scripting and web development using JSP, PHP, and PERL.
Infra Camera Project: 4/2001-10/2002 as a Researcher and Developer
 Developed C++ program to capture and analyze images.
 Development of data grabbing and processing using multi-threading.
 Design and test system performance.
 Develop C++ function library and live image display function.
Medical Image Project for University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ: 1/2004- 1/2005
as an Image Analyzer and Developer
 Developed IDL program to analyze eye images.
 Worked on MAC system, and Filemaker Database.
Hewlett Packard Corp, Senior Software Developer
9/1997- 3/2001
E-business System: 01/00-03/01, working as a Java/ C++ developer
 Fulfilled Electronic Business through Internet and implemented HP Virtual-Vault on
the Multi-CPU Servers, Clusters. This system afforded the transaction between the
Bank and Customers.
 Developed Entity and Session EJBs for the server side data processing.
 Participated the functional analysis and GUI components design, technical skills
utilized are Java AWT/Swing
 Developed Unix scripts and PL/SQL procedures for the scheduler, data importing and
Call Center Project: 01/99-12/99, working as a C++ Developer
 Developed Call Center System that is the important part of the Customer Support
 Developed server side C++ on Unix components to retrieve and update data through
the Oracle DBMS using PRO*C.
 Developed server side C++ components to get and process the phone number
 Developed client side components with JSP, Servlet.
 It is a CORBA-based program can interoperate with a CORBA-based program from
almost any other computer, OS, programming language and network.
 PhD in Computer Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology (GPA: 3.9)
 M.S in Computer Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology (GPA: 3.9)
 B.S in Computer Science, Beijing Polytechnic University (GPA: 3.5)
Dr. Haimin Wang
Relation: Supervisor
Distinguished Professor, Physics
Associate Director, Center for Solar Terrestrial Research & Big Bear Solar Observatory
Tel: (973) 596 - 5781
Dr. Frank Y. Shih
Relation: Advisor
Professor & Associate Chairperson
Dept of Computer Science
Director, Computer Vision Laboratory also joint faculty in
Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Dept of Biomedical Engineering
Tel: (973) 596 - 5781
Wenzhuan He, M.D.
Relation: Colleague
Dept of Neurological Surgery
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Tel: (973) 972 - 8210
Kai Jing
Relation: Colleague of HP Corp
Current: Agilent Technologies
Title: IT Consultant
Tel: (408) 553 – 4462