Texas Society for Histotechnology, Inc

Texas Society for Histotechnology, Inc.
35thAnnual Symposium/Convention
“Fiesta of Progress”
San Antonio, Texas
TSH Leadership
Symposium Dates: April 13-15, 2012
Exhibit Dates:
April13-15, 2012
2011-2012 Board of Directors
President…………………………...Donna Willis
Vice President……………………..Veronica Davis
Secretary……………………….......Meredith Hale
Treasurer…………………………...Brenda Brummell
Speaker of the House……….……...Donna Willis
Membership………………….…….Sandra Bottomley
District I Director…………….…….Victor Santana
District I Asst. Director……….........Kyle Cummings
District II Director……………........Maria Singhal
District II Asst. Director……….......Shea Scott
District III Director………………...Tammy Puente
District III Asst. Director…………..Michelle Coker
Omni San Antonio Hotel
9821 Colonnade Blvd.
San Antonio, Texas78230
Who Should Attend
Lab Supervisors/Managers;
Histotechnician/Histotechnologist in
Clinical/Veterinary and Research Settings;
Students and anyone who is involved in
2012 Convention Committee
Convention Coordinator …….…...Kathy Dwyer
Registration Coordinator……........Sandra Bottomley
Program Coordinator...…………..Veronica Davis
Exhibit Coordinator……………Sandra Christiansen
Local Convention Chair………….Tammy Puente
AV…………………………….. ..Joe Nocito
Awards………………………… Sharon Whitley
Why Should I Attend?
Convention Committee:
Tammy Puente
Michelle Coker
Joe Nocito
Hector Hernandez
A special thanks to the 2012 Convention Committee!
Individualized Training… With many
workshops to choose from, the 2011
convention provides an opportunity for you
to design a unique schedule of training to
meet your specific needs.
Spectacular Speakers… Learn from
national histology experts who are
successfully meeting the same challenges
you face. Boost your personal energy as you
exchange ideas with instructors and fellow
attendees during hands on, skilled based
training sessions.
Exhibit Hall…Return to your lab armed
with ideas and solutions for over 30 vendors
in the histology and laboratory supply fields.
Networking…Meet and learn from over
200 fellow participants who work in
histology around the state.
Table of Contents
Welcome from the President-----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 4
Schedule at a Glance---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 5
Convention Events------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 6-7
Scientific Exhibits-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 8
Workshop Index---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 9
Workshop Descriptions------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 11-17
Housing/Travel Information -----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 18
Registration Information----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 19
Registration Form------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 20
Membership Information---------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 21-22
Dear Registrants, Speakers, Vendors, and Colleagues:
The Texas Society for Histotechnology welcomes you to our 35th Annual
Symposium/Convention in San Antonio, Texas. The Convention committee members are
pleased you can join us for a few days of educational opportunities. Several months of
dedicated planning has gone into the convention to provide excellent educational
workshops. Thank you for being committed to continuing education and taking the time
out of your busy schedules to attend the convention!
Without the time and effort of our dedicated speakers, we would not be able to offer so
many exciting topics this year in the field of Histotechnology and management. TSH
appreciates everything you do for us.
Also, I want to thank our wonderful Vendors, for without their continuous support to the
field of Histotechnology we would not be successful. We appreciate are vendors for
taking time out of thier demanding schedules to visit with us and showing us the latest
and greatest equipment and supplies. So, please enjoy the workshops, exhibits, and social
Make new friends and reconnect with the old ones. Have a wonderful TSH learning
experience and come again next year. Thanks for your SUPPORT!
Donna Willis, HT/HTL (ASCP)
President TSH
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Exhibitor Set Up
Executive Board
Registration Open
1:00 – 4:30pm Workshop #1
1:00 – 2:30pm Workshop #2
3:00 – 4:30pm Workshop #3
4:30pm-6:00 pm
House of Delegates
Meeting (HOD)
Workshop Liaison
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Exhibit Area
(1970’s Theme)
First Time Attendee
Workshops #4 - #6
Workshops #7 - #8
Workshop #9
Exhibits Open
12:00pm -1:00pm
Membership Lunch
Exhibits Open
Workshops #10– #12
Workshop #13
Workshop #14
District Meetings
Rooms TBD
Buses leave
TSH Awards
Registration Opens
Exhibits Open
Workshops #15-#19
Executive Board Meeting
*Room assignments to be included in
attendee registration packets
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Texas Society for Histotechnology
Membership Luncheon
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Enjoy Lunch with your colleagues and learn what is happening in
your TSH society!
Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate our students with our
TSH Student Awards!
2012 Convention Events!
Presidents Reception
Let’s turn back the hands of time to the 1970’s
Wear your favorite 1970’s attire
Best 1970’s attire will win a prize
Friday, April 13, 2012
6:30p.m. – 9:00p.m.
First Time Attendee Breakfast
Saturday, April 14, 2012
7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
If you are a first time attendee to our convention, come and enjoy this
informal gathering for breakfast.
Food, Fun and Door Prizes!
Plan to be a mentor to a First Timer!
Would you like to be a Workshop Liaison? Indicate on your registration form.
You will receive that workshop FREE.
Sign up and attend the Workshop Liaison meeting on Friday Night!
Saturday April 14, 2012-7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.
at the
Historic Sunset Station at St. Paul Square
1174 E. Commerce St. San Antonio, Texas 78205
Buses will leave the Omni hotel at 6:00pm for the Banquet
Buses from the Sunset Station will take BANQUET attendees to the
River walk or back to the Omni hotel.
Buses will return to the hotel beginning at 9:00pm
More information will be in the attendee packets.
Make Sure to visit the Exhibit Hall as part of you
Convention experience!
Don’t miss the opportunity to preview laboratory equipment, supplies and
services for your lab.
Exhibits Hall Hours:
Exhibits are located in Ballroom
Presidents Reception
Friday – 6:30pm-9:00pm
Saturday - 9:00am-11:30am
2:00pm – 5:00pm
Sunday – 9:00am – 12:30pm
Professional Development
Special Stains
Workshop Number
Workshop Index
The Science of Fixation and Processing
A Process Based Approach to Problem Solving in the Lab
Double Staining and Choosing Control Tissue for IHC
Sectioning Artifacts: Paraffin and Frozen Section
Decalcified/Undecalcified Bone-Hard Tissue Histology
Principles of Gold Leadership
They're Here!! Are you ready for a CAP Inspection
Manufacturing Class 1 IVD Antibodies for IHC
Attitude Will Mess You Up!
Process Improvement - Managing for a Quality in Histology
Trace Evidence
Water Quality and Standards in the Histology Laboratory
Subspecialties in Pathology
The Mysteries of Histopathology
Interpretation of Special Stains
A Pathologist Looks at the Passion and Death of Jesus
The Evolution of Digital Pathology
Basics of IHC (Wet Workshop)
Scrambled Brains: Alzheimer's and CJD
Friday, April 13, 2012
Afternoon Workshops
Workshop #1:
Title: The Science of Fixation and Processing
Time: 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Category: Technical
Level: Basic
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speaker: Jan Minshew, HT/HTL(ASCP) – Field Product Manager-Sectioning, Leica Microsystems,
Buffalo, Grove, IL
The purpose of this presentation is to explain the science involved in fixation and processing in an easy to comprehend
manner so participants will understand and appreciate the effect and importance of each step. Participants will leave with
the skills necessary to obtain consistent, high quality specimens and troubleshoot easily if problems arise. Emphasis will
be placed on formalin fixation and routine and rapid paraffin processing, since they are the most common.
Workshop #2:
Title: A Process Based Approach to Problem Solving in the Lab
Time: 1:00– 2:30pm
Category: Management/Quality Assurance
Level: Basic
Contact Hours: 1.5 hours
Speaker: J. Kevin Day, Ph.D., Caris Diagnostics, Part of Miraca Holdings
Type: Mini Workshop
Each day, laboratories are faced with problems in quality that could potentially affect test outcome or results
with significant impact to the patient. Some issues are easily identified and corrected, while others require more
intense scrutiny, surveillance, and long term resolution. Often though, with both, there is a percent that recur
because root cause was never truly assessed or understood. The purpose of this workshop is to introduce an
approach to problem solving in the laboratory that drives to the heart of root cause. Its foundation is a process
known in Six Sigma circles as DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control. To that, there is another
very important element: Reporting. This workshop will incorporate that culture with an approach to
characterizing, understanding, and validating root cause. From there, the workshop will take the participant
through another exercise whereby corrective action will be validated and controlled through a management
system designed to monitor, and prevent further recurrences.
Workshop #3:
Title: Double Staining and Choosing Control Tissues for IHC
Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm
Category: Immunohistochemistry
Level: Intermediate
Type: Mini Workshop
Contact Hours: 1.5 hours
Speaker: Liz Beitman, Senior Technical Consultant, Cell Marque Corporation, Rocklin, CA
Come and learn about the benefits of utilizing double stains and what to consider in selecting the best tissues for your
IHC positive controls.
We are talking about multi-chromogen (double and triple staining) techniques, a complex method that can deliver on
the promise of saving you time and money, but only with a thorough understanding from you. We will de-mystify multichromogen staining, taking a step by step approach to the process, and discuss the benefits of this technique that both you
and your Pathologist will appreciate. Then we will delve into the topic of choosing positive control tissue and getting the
most out of what you have to work with in order to demonstrate the best options for patient care. Utilizing both of these
tools in a clinical laboratory setting can ensure the highest standards of clinical laboratory work while keeping your lab on
the cutting edge of histology and IHC.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Morning Workshops
Workshop #4:
Title: Sectioning Artifacts: Causes and Cures
Time: 8:00am – 11:30am
Category: Techniques
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speaker: Peggy A. Wenk, A, BS, HTL(ASCP)SLS, Program Director, Schools of Histotechnology
Safety Officer, Anatomic Pathology-Beaumont Health Systems
Why are my sections coming off thick and thin? What's causing the microchatter in the GI biopsies? Is it better to cut
skin through the epidermis first, or through the connective tissue? Why does the pathologist complain about folds in the
cervix or skin sections, but never in the liver or lung sections? Why can I never cut with this company's disposable
blades? What are these unidentified objects on top of the tissue, and where did they come from? Why are my frozen
sections shattering/chattering/curling? The causes often lie, not just with the microtome, but in all the previous steps of
fixation, processing and embedding. Causes and cures to these questions, and many more, will be discussed in this 3 hour
workshop, and demonstrated with the use of photos.
Workshop #5:
Title: Decalcified/Undecalcified Bone - Hard Tissue Histology Techniques
Time: 8:00am – 11:30am
Category: Techniques – Hard Tissue
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speaker: Vicki Kalscheur, Department of Surgical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of WI.
Elizabeth A. Chlipala, BS, HTL(ASCP)QIHC, Manager-Premier Laboratory, LLC Boulder, CO
The intricacies of decalcified and undecalcified bone samples are a constant challenge for research histology
laboratories. The first half of this workshop will cover specimen collection, fixation, decalcification, processing,
sectioning, routine, special and immunohistochemical staining of a wide variety of bone samples that are received in the
research histology laboratory. The second half of this workshop will discuss the proper handling, preparation and staining
of undecalcified plastic embedded bone samples. Multiple digital images will be used through out the workshop. In
addition to the lecture, there will be time allowed for hands on review of previously prepared block and slides from both
Decalcified and undecalcified samples. Each participant will be provided with a CD that will contain the handout,
PowerPoint presentation and procedures for processing, routine, special and immunohistochemical staining of bone
specimens that will be discussed during the workshop.
Workshop #6:
Title: Principles of Gold Leadership
Time: 8:00am – 11:30am
Category: Management
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speaker: Skip Brown, M.Div., HT (ASCP), Leica Biosystems, Inc - Bannockburn, IL
The need for effective leadership is critical today if laboratories are to be successful and survive in our current
economy. Ineffective leadership results in low quality, lost talent, wasted resources, and sub-optimal productivity.
Participants will learn the knowledge and skills needed to effectively influence those who they manage as well as those
they must collaborate with in their work life. There is no “one size fits all” leadership style and leaders must learn the
need to be flexible and adaptable in their influencing attempts. Four leadership styles will be identified and leadership
effectiveness defined. In order to increase their effectiveness as leaders the group will learn to assess the readiness level
of their followers and respond with the appropriate style for the situation. Participants will have a chance to diagnose
“follower readiness” which will carry over to their everyday work life when they return to work. Another major learning
area will be the identification of seven power bases needed by all leaders in order to be successful. Without power, a
leader cannot be successful. Class will learn how to use state of the art assessment tools. Join us, for a highly interactive
and fun learning experience. Please note: We will be using the OptionFinder Technologies system to demonstrate modern
methods of evaluating employee strengths/weaknesses. OptionFinder is an interactive software program where each
participant has a keypad and their answers to assessment/survey questions will be immediately tallied and presented on
Workshop # 7
Title: They're Here!! Are you ready for a CAP Inspection
Time: 8:00-9:30am
Category: Regulatory
Level: Basic
Contact Hours: 1.5 hours
Speaker: Marty Finger, MHSM, HTL, HT(ASCP), QIHC, RMA
Type: Mini Workshop
The mission of the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program is to improve patient safety by advancing the quality of
Pathology and Laboratory Services through education, standard setting, and ensuring that laboratories meet or exceed
regulatory requirements. This workshop will focus on the new format of the latest CAP Laboratory Accreditation
Checklist. This workshop will give helpful information on how to construct the “Evidence of Compliance” component
necessary for a successful CAP inspection and provide information to assist the managers, supervisors and testing
personnel in what to look for when preparing or maintaining your laboratory for an inspection from the eyes of an
inspector. We will briefly discuss some of the most frequent deficiencies sited in the lab general and discuss some the
problematic histology checklist items. Participants will gain a better understanding of the CAP Laboratory Accreditations
Inspection process and how to be better prepared for the unannounced inspections.
Workshop #8
Title: Manufacturing Class I IVD Antibodies for Immunohistochemistry
Time: 8:00-9:30am
Category: Immunohistochemistry
Level: Intermediate
Contact Hours: 1.5 hours
Speaker: Nora Lacey, President and CEO, Cell Marque, Rocklin CA
Type: Mini Workshop
This presentation will focus on educating the audience on how an IVD manufacturer develops and formulates
prediluted and concentrated antibodies for IHC. The audience will learn how to verify and validate an antibody’s quality
and performance against its claimed intended use. Participants will learn how to pick the best clone, where in the data
sheet to find relevant and important information, and when to call in and receive technical support from vendor. An
informative review of important antibodies and panels will be presented to audience in this advanced workshop.
Workshop #9
Title: Attitude Will Mess You Up
Time: 10:00-11:30am
Category: Management/Motivational
Level: Basic
Contact Hours: 1.5 hours
Speaker: Hazel V. Dalton, MS, HT(ASCP) QIHC – Seguin, TX
Type: Mini Workshop
Attitudes have a tremendous impact on how you respond and react in your personal and professional life. As
laboratory professionals in today’s ever changing world of healthcare, attitude encompasses your thoughts and actions.
Attitude determines why you say and do certain things; and how you feel and respond to changing situations. Your
feelings determine your actions, and your actions determine how you will ultimately react to change.
This mini workshop will explore the types of attitudes that will mess you up in your personal and professional life.
Participants will engage in interactive discussions of assessment strategies for self evaluation of attitudes. Participants will
also be provided with self evaluation worksheets. Development strategies designed to help change or reprogram attitudes
that impede progress, and develop attitudes that allow productive choices in your personal and professional life will also
be discussed.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Afternoon Workshops
Workshop #10
Title: Process Improvement - Managing for Quality in Histology
Time: 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Category: Quality Management
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speaker: William DeSalvo, B.S. HTL (ASCP)- Sonora/Quest – Phoenix, AZ
This workshop will discuss incorporating a quality management process into your lab can provide an increase in
quality and productivity and reduce overall costs. To be successful you must develop a quality management process.
There are many opportunities to improve and fix your process problems when you couple workflow/workload
management with the proper instrumentation and process improvement tools. You must be more active and visual in the
daily management of employees and process to affectively improve quality. The workshop will be a presentation of
learned principles and philosophy of LEAN and Six Sigma as applied to the Histo-Pathology Lab and the Change
Management Process. Also presented will be examples of the value of change in the Histology Lab.
Workshop #11:
Title: Trace Evidence: A CSI’s Behind the Scenes Look Into Interpreting Blood Splatter, Fingerprints and Knife
and Gunshot Wounds
Time: 1:00pm-4:30pm
Category: Forensics
Level: Basic
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speaker: David Tate, Director Medical Laboratory Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
This presentation will focus exclusively on the interpretation of elements of trace evidence found at the crime scene.
Specifically, the interpretation of the various forms of blood spatter; is from an artery, was the victim moving, was it done
with a sharp or blunt instrument? How are fingerprints analyzed, what is considered a ‘match’ and how are they
collected from surfaces? How can the investigator determine what kind of knife, weapon or gun was used on the victim,
is there a difference between an ‘exit’ versus ‘entrance’ wound, what is ‘stippling’ and the use of microscopic technology
to analyze shell casings and various fibers left on the victim or at the scene.
Actual crime scenes will be presented and discussed. Some pictures will be very graphic.
Workshop #12:
Title: Water Quality and Standards for the Histology Laboratory
Time: 1:00pm-4:30pm
Category: Techniques
Level: Basic
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speakers: Ethel Macrea, HT(ASCP)QIHC, Sr. Manager Laboratory Operations, Translational Diagnostics
Ventana Medical Systems Inc.
Water is an essential Laboratory reagent. The quality of the water we use can make or break a procedure and
contribute to hours of frustration when trying to trace a problem to its source. Once water quality has been implicated, we
then struggle with how to identify the causative agent and how to rid our water of the problem. The better we can
understand the various water qualities and the impact it has on our daily work, the more likely we are to avoid problems
and/or address a problem when it occurs. In June 2006, CLSI released the 4th edition of the guidelines “Preparation and
Testing of Reagent Water in the Clinical Laboratory”. After a brief discussion regarding feed water, the workshop will
turn the focus to reviewing much of the material covered in this new edition regarding water purification, methods for
testing and monitoring water quality and testing for some very specific contaminants.
Workshop #13:
Title: Value of Subspecialty Pathology Diagnostics: Frontiers in Pathology Services
Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm
Category: Education
Level: Intermediate
Type: Mini Workshop
Contact Hours: 1.5 hours
Speaker: James Gulizia, MD, PhD – Caris Diagnostics, Part of Miraca Holdings – Irving, Texas
In today’s dynamic medical environment, it is increasingly challenging to stay abreast of the myriad details and
nuances of new and evolving concepts and be prepared to apply them in daily pathology practice. Continuing education
programs provide useful information, but they unfortunately fall short of providing sufficient practical knowledge to
optimize pathology diagnostics. Effective patient care, of any type, requires subspecialty expertise. This concept
certainly holds true in all of pathology, from laboratory services, including histology, etc., to pathologists’ expertise. This
workshop will underscore the rationale and maintenance of specialized pathology diagnostics, emphasizing its importance
in gastroenterology. Specific case examples will be presented, emphasizing the vital role of subspecialized laboratory
technique and pathologist expertise. The workshop will also focus on bourgeoning advanced molecular modalities that
may be employed in "personalized medicine”.
Workshop #14:
Title: The Mysteries of Histopathology
Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm
Category: Safety
Level: Basic
Type: Mini Workshop
Contact Hours: 1.5 hours
Speaker: Debra S. Siena, HT(ASCP) QIHC, Technical Manager, StatLab Medical Products, McKinney, TX
Brent Hart, HT (ASCP) QIHC, Tissue Techniques, Dallas, Texas
Histotechs deal with a lot of products that even thought they are simple in nature have become complicated due to the
lack of reliable information available. Some of the products that we will be discussing are paraffin, slides and coatings,
alcohol, and microtome blades to name a few. We will discover what information is publicly available and how to
educate yourself so that you are a wise consumer. The attendee should come away with a better understanding of what is
known and how to arm yourself with the best information so that the mysteries of histotechnology are no longer as
mysterious as they once were.
4:45pm to 5:15pm TSH District Meetings – Open to All Attendees Please Join Us
Rooms to be announced
Buses Leave the Omni Hotel at 6:00pm for the Sunset Station for the TSH Awards
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Workshop #15:
Title: Interpretation of Special Stains
Time: 9:00am-12:30pm
Category: Techniques
Level: Basic
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speaker: M. Lamar Jones, B.S., HT(ASCP) – Technical Coordinator, Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, GA
In this workshop the participant will be shown many of the special stains utilized in the Histopathology laboratory.
The fixation, theories, staining mechanisms, case studies and troubleshooting will be discussed.
Workshop # 16:
Title: A Pathologist Looks at the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.
Time: 9:00am -12:30pm
Category: Educational
Level: Basic
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speaker: Kevin McQuiad, MD – Caris Diagnostics, Part of Miraca Holdings Irving, TX
In this workshop, Dr. McQuaid will present an investigation of the passion and death of Jesus Christ, primarily from
the perspective of a forensic pathologist. His presentation is based on extensive study of the Holy Shroud of Turin,
ancient crucifixion practices, Jewish burial customs, as well as historical and Scriptural research.
Workshop #17
Title: The Evolution of Digital Pathology
Time: 9:00am – 12:30pm
Category: Techniques
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speaker: Elizabeth A. Chlipala, BS, HTL (ASCP), Manager, Premier Laboratory, LLC – Boulder, CO
This workshop will define digital pathology and how it has evolved through the years. It will describes the
technological advances such as microscopic scanners, that are the basis of digital pathology today how digital pathology
has proven solutions in research, biopharma, education, hospital, and reference labs across the world with a wide variety
of software applications. This workshop will also discuss how advances and adoption of digital pathology will impact the
histology laboratory.
Workshop # 18:
Title: The Basics of Immunohistochemistry
Time: 9:00am -12:30pm
Category: Immunohistochemistry
Level: Basic
Type: Wet Workshop
Contact Hours: 3.0
Speakers: Traci DeGeer, BS, HT (ASCP) – Ventana Medical Systems, Inc., Tucson, AZ
Tanya Ewing Finchem - Ventana Medical Systems, Inc., Tucson, AZ
Many times Histotechnologist working in the immunohistochemistry laboratory have not had the opportunity to run
IHC slides in a manual setting, but do have a great deal of experience with automated immunohistochemistry. Having a
wide variety of experiences can help us expand in the way we approach development of tests and troubleshooting. This
presentation is going to walk back through some of the basic principles of producing immunohistochemical stains in the
laboratory. The wet workshop portion of the class will be used to re-enforce these basic principles and how they are used
to produce IHC slides in the laboratory or troubleshoot slides when they do not come out as expected.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Workshop #19
Title: Scrambled Brains: Alzheimer’s, TSE (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies) and Dementias in
Time: 9:00am -10:30pm
Category: Management
Level: Basics
Type: Workshop
Contact Hours: 1.5 hours
Speaker: Peggy A. Wenk, A, BS, HTL(ASCP)SLS, Program Director, Schools of Histotechnology
Safety Officer, Anatomic Pathology-Beaumont Health Systems
This workshop will discuss various causes/diseases associated with dementia. Emphasis will be on Alzheimer’s and
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE) such as Cruetzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and those found in
animals(CWD, BSE, scrapies, TME, FSE, EUE). Symptoms and the neuropathology will be discussed, such as plaques,
tangles and spongiform changes. Safe handling of specimens for TSE will be covered. Special stains (Congo red,
Bielschowski, Gallyas) and IHC will discussed and demonstrated with PowerPoint photos. Incidents of causes of deaths
of the various types of dementias, and the role of the aging baby boomers, will also be covered.
Omni San Antonio Hotel
9821 Colonnade Blvd.
San Antonio, Texas78230
Room Type
TSH has booked the nights of Thursday, April 12, 2012 through Sunday, April 15, 2012.
Reservations must be received by on or before March 22, 2012 to receive the discounted rate.
When calling the hotel, please state that you are with the Texas Society for
Hotel Highlights:
The Omni San Antonio Hotel is a AAA Four-Diamond hotel
Omni Hotels was named one the 2009 Best Companies to Work for in Texas by Texas
Omni Hotels was named as one of the best companies to work for in Texas in an
annual program created by the Texas Association of Business, the Texas State Council
of the Society of Human Resource Management and the Best Companies Group, 2008.
The Omni San Antonio Hotel at the Colonnade was named to the 2007 City’s Top
Water Savers list by the San Antonio Water System.
 Complementary Shuttle Service from the San Antonio International Airport to the Omni hotel and back
from ( 6:00am to 10:00pm)
 Taxi- $20.00 one way to San Antonio International Airport
Room amenities:
 Complementary wireless internet service for all attendees of this convention
 Complementary Parking in two large parking lot
 Hair dryer
 Coffee/tea in-room
 Iron/ironing board
 Plush robes
Guest Services:
 Concierge desk
 Full-service business center 24 hours
 Fitness Center
 Laundry and Dry cleaning service
 Gift Shop
 Safety Deposit boxes available at front desk
 Award winning dining at Bolo's Rottiserie Grille – Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
 The Lobby Bar from 3:00pm to 1:00am daily
 Room Service from 6:00am to midnight
Membership Information
Why should I join TSH?
 Cutting edge educational opportunities
delivered through workshops and
seminars at the district and state level.
Earn contact hours which qualify for the
Certificate Maintenance Program.
 TSH provides a number of complimentary
resources to members related to education,
health and safety, and tissue control bank.
 Reduced fees for convention workshops
and symposiums.
Registration Information
3 Ways to Register
Via Facsimile
Via Mail
In Person
If you are unable to pre register before March
25, 2011, on-site registration will be available
at the registration desk.
A $25.00 advance registration fee must be
received with registration form to hold space
in workshops
Membership Eligibility
Open to anyone actively engaged in or
interested in histotechnology or other allied
professions. Membership year is November
1st through October 31st.
Registrants can pay by:
1. Check made payable to the Texas
Society for Histotechnology.
2. Credit Card(Visa, MasterCard,
American Express)
3. Money Order
Types of Membership
Professional: Individual gainfully employed
and actively engaged and/or interested in
Histotechnology or an allied health
Student: Individual in a course of training in
Histotechnology recognized by TSH until
they are Registry eligible.
Do Not Send Cash; No PO’s accepted
All cancellations must be received in writing
3 weeks prior to the meeting date. Total
reimbursement will be 75% of the full
amount. On-Site Workshop changes will be
accepted for a $5.00 fee.
TSH membership includes a subscription
to the HISTO*Texas newsletter which is
published quarterly and invitations to
District meetings.
Membership Annual Dues:
Member: $40.00/year
$100.00/3 year
Student: $15.00/year
Honorary: Board recommended
Please fill completely
Name: ________________________________________________________Date________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________________________________
Employer: _________________________________________________________________________________
Work Phone (
) ________________________Home Phone ______________________________________
□ Membership or Student dues were paid after November 2011
□ TSH Member □ Student
□ NSH Member
Email Address: ________________________________
□1st Time Attendee
Check All That Apply:
Circle your selections
FRI 4/13
PM ½ day
SAT 4/14
AM ½ day
SAT 4/14
PM ½ day
SUN 4/15
AM ½ day
MINI Workshops are 90 minutes each and cannot be
taken in conjunction with a ½ day workshop
½ Day Workshop
MINI Workshop EACH
Banquet (off-site)
Lunch/Banquet combo
□ Special dietary need (specify): _______________________
□ Attending Saturday Night Function
I would like to volunteer as a Workshop Liaison: □ Yes □ No
A workshop liaison meeting will be Friday April 13th at 6:00 pm room to be announced.
Friday Workshop
Payment Method (US Funds Only)
Saturday Workshop
Sat Lunch
Sat Banquet
Sat Lunch/Banquet
Sunday Workshop
□ Check payable to “Texas Society for Histotechnology”. #___________
□ Money order payable to “Texas Society for Histotechnology”.
Charge my □Visa □MC □AE
Indicate: □ Corporate □ Private
Credit Card#: __________________________________________________________
Registration Fee
Expiration Date: ____________________ Security Code: _______________________
Grand Total Due
Total Funds Enclosed:
* ON-SITE Registration $30
* Workshop Changes will be $10.00
Pre-registration deadline: March 26, 2012
Card Holder’s Name: ____________________________________________________
Card Holder’s Signature:
CANCELLATION POLICY: Written request for reimbursement must be made by March 23, 2012. Total reimbursement will be 75% of full amount.
Please Return All Registration Materials To:
Sandra Bottomley
email: tsh.registration@hotmail.com
1701 Cottonwood Rd.
Carrollton,TX 75006
Phone: 214-769-6967(S. Bottomley)
SECURE FAX: 972-466-0788 (at my home)
Texas Society for Histotechnology, Inc.
Application for Membership 2011 - 2012
Our mission is to promote high standards and provide leadership and educational opportunities to
support the profession of histotechnology. The Membership year is from Nov. 1 of the current year until
Oct 31 of next year. Application for membership can be made by completing this form and mailing,
together with the appropriate fee to:
Sandra Bottomley
Secure FAX: 972-466-0788
1701 Cottonwood Rd
Carrollton, TX 75006 email: tsh.membership@hotmail.com
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________ New address
City, State and Zip: _________________________________________________________________
Employed at
Home telephone: (
) - ______ - _________ Work telephone: (
) - _______ - __________
Email: __________________________________
*Go Green*
Prefer Newletter via Email  Yes  No
Prefer Membership List via Email  Yes  No  Don’t need it
Check the District in which you wish to be registered (see back page of this form).
County: ____________________
 District I
 District II
 District III
Are you an NSH member?
 Yes
 No
Membership: Please check the most appropriate boxes.
 New member
 Certificate needed
 Out of State
See next page for details of membership categories.
 One (1) Year Member Fee: $40.00
 Three Year (3) Member Fee: $100.00
 Student Member: Fee:
$ 15.00 Date student started program: ______________
Histology Program Coordinator Signature: ____________________________________________
Donation: I wish to donate $____________________ to the TSH Scholarship fund.
Payment: made payable to T.S.H. Please do not send cash.
Annual membership dues
Scholarship Fund Donation
Total submitted
 Visa
 Mastercard
Credit card # ______________________
 American Express
Expiration date __________________
Name on Credit card ________________Security Code ________ Signature_______________________
 Mark this box if paying by CHECK. NUMBER: ______________________________
TSH Membership Information
Individuals interested in the field of Histotechnology.
Student Members
Individuals who are students in an educational program of Histologic Technique recognizable by the TSH
until they become Registry eligible. Student members shall have all the privileges of membership but
shall be non-voting members.
Honorary Members
This category includes individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of
Histotechnology and also those members who have been active members of the Society but have
retired from active laboratory practice. Recommendations must be submitted to the Board
accompanied, not less than sixty days prior to an annual meeting. Honorary member status shall
be conferred by a majority vote approval of the House, and will be effective immediately
thereafter. Honorary members have voting privileges but are not required to pay dues or fees to
the Society.
District I consists of the following counties: Anderson, Andrews, Archer, Armstrong, Bailey,
Baylor, Borden, Bowie, Bosque, Briscoe, Brown, Callahon, Camp, Carson, Cass, Castgro,
Cherokee, Childress, Clay, Coleman, Collin, Collinsworth, Comanche, Concho, Cooke, Coryell,
Cottle, Crosby, Dallam, Dallas, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Delta, Denton, Dickens, Donley, Eastland,
Ellis, Erath, Fannin, Fisher, Floyd, Foard, Franklin, Freestone, Gaines, Garza, Gray, Grayson,
Gregg, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hansford, Hardeman, Hartley, Haskell, Hemphill, Henderson, Hill,
Hockley, Hood, Hopkins, Howard, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jack, Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Kent,
King, Knox, Lamb, Lampasas, Lamar, Limestone, Lipscomb. Loving, Lubbock, Lynn,
McLennan, Marion Harrison, Martin, Mitchell, Miles, Montague, Moore, Morris, Motley,
Navarro, Moland, Ochiltree, Oldham, Palo Pinto, Panola, Parker, Parmer, Potter, Rains, Randall,
Red River, Roberts, Rockwall, Rusk, Scurry, Shackelford, Sherman, Smith, Somervell,
Stephens, Stonewall, Swisher, Tarrant, Taylor, Terry, Throckmorton, Titus, Upshur, Van Zandt,
Wheeler, Wichita, Wilbarger, Wise, Wood, Yoakum and Young.
District II consists of the following counties: Angelina, Austin, Bastrop, Bee, Bell, Brazoria, Brazos,
Brooks, Burleson, Caldwell, Calhoun, Cameron, Chambers, Colorado, DeWitt, Duval, Falls, Fayette, Fort
Bend, Galveston, Goliad, Gonzales, Grimes, Hardin, Harris, Hildalgo, Houston, Jackson, Jasper,
Jefferson, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Klegerg, Lavaca, Lee, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Matagorda,
Milam, Montgomery, Nacogdoches, Newton, Nueces, Orange, Polk, Refugio, Robertson, Sabine, San
Augustine, San Jacinto, San Patricia, Shelby, Starr, Trinity, Tyler, Victoria, Walker, Waller, Washington,
Webb, Wharton, Willacy and Zapata.
District III consists of the following counties: Aransas, Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Blanco,
Brewster, Burnet, Cochran, Coke, Comal, Crane, Crockett, Dimmi, Duval, Ector, Edwards, El
Paso, Frio, Gillespie, Glasscock, Guadalupe, Hays, Hudspeth, Irion, Jeff Davis, Karnes,
Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Kinney, LaSalle, Live Oak, Llano, Mason, McCulloch, McMullen,
Maverick, Medina, Menard, Pecos, Presidio, Reagan, Real, Reeves, Runnels, San Saba,
Schleicher, Sutton, Terrell, Tom Green, Travis, Upton, Uvalde, Val Verde, Ward, Williamson,
Wilson, Winkler, and Zaval