2016 Pre-Resource Adequacy Contract Data

California Independent
System Operator
Data Templates for Determining the Baseline Transmission
Capacity Allocation on Path 26 to LSEs in the ISO Control Area
for Purposes of Resource Adequacy Planning
As part of Decision 07-06-029, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
adopted the “Path 26 Counting Constraint” proposal. Similar to the ISO’s Import
Capability Allocation process under ISO Tariff section, the Path 26 Counting
Constraint proposal is a multi-step, iterative process to allocate Path 26 capability that
will prevent over reliance by Load Serving Entities (LSEs) on the limited transfer
capability across this transmission path when meeting resource adequacy (RA)
The Path 26 Counting Constraint is not currently incorporated into the ISO Tariff.
Accordingly, the Path 26 Counting Constraint, as outlined in the Proposed Decision,
applies only to CPUC-jurisdictional LSEs during the 2016 RA compliance year.
Nevertheless, the ISO requests that all Scheduling Coordinators (SC) for LSEs serving
load within the ISO Control Area respond to this request so that the ISO can accurately
implement the Path 26 Counting Constraint proposal with all available data.
RA commitments are used in the Path 26 Counting Constraint in two ways:
 For determining an LSE’s “baseline” allocation
 For determining the effect of “netting”
This data template applies ONLY to the baseline determination. A subsequent data
template will be forwarded by the ISO that explains and addresses netting across Path 26.
Determining the “Baseline” Allocation
The baseline is the amount of Path 26 transfer capability that an LSE is eligible to receive
in the allocation process without consideration of the impact of netting the north-south
and south-north Path 26 flows related to RA resources. The baseline amount is the higher
of (1) the LSE’s load-ratio share of the load in the zone or (2) the sum of the LSE’s
existing commitments, including Existing Transmission Contracts on Path 26 and
“Grandfathered RA Commitments.” Grandfathered RA Commitments are those RA
commercial arrangements, whether contracts or other ownership rights in supply in effect
as of March 22, 2007.
Scheduling Coordinators (SC) for LSEs must, therefore, submit information on
Grandfathered RA Commitments. This may include: (1) imports into the ISO control
area, (2) physical RA resources within the ISO control area, and (3) Firm LD contracts
with delivery within a specified zone. For existing import commitments that meet the
definition of Grandfathered RA Commitments, SC for an LSE may limit its submission in
this template to only those existing RA import commitments that were entered into
between March 10, 2006 and March 22, 2007 that are deliverable in 2016. The ISO will
capture any import Grandfathered RA Commitments existing prior to March 10, 2006
through the Pre-RA Import Commitment Data Templates sent to implement ISO Tariff
Please complete and submit the correct data based on one of the scenarios below:
My load is completely
within SP26
My load is completely
within NP26, i.e. (NP15
& ZP26)
My load is in both
zones: NP26 & SP26
Complete templates 1 and 2 for existing RA commitments
within NP26 only.
Complete templates 1 and 2 for existing RA commitments
within SP26 only.
Complete templates 1 and 2 for existing RA commitments
within both NP26 & SP26
 Questions:
1. I don’t know in which zone my generator is located.
Please use the “Path 26” column in the most current NQC list posted at:
Attention: North = north of Path 26 and South = south of Path 26.
2. I can’t find my unit in the above-mentioned list (or the unit has no associated
Please contact cmicsa@caiso.com or (916)-608-5704.
3. I don’t know in which zone my load is located.
Please contact your ISO client representative.
 Information Format Requirements
Scheduling Coordinators (SC) for LSEs are asked to submit the required information on
the corresponding sample templates provided below. Some of the information requested
is categorical, while some is numeric; however, several topics are descriptive in nature.
A separate form will be needed for each contract. Templates 1 and 2 request general
contract and/or resource information.
 Contracts Covered By This Request
For each and every firm contract that specifies a supply of energy or capacity that must
be within the ISO control area boundary, Scheduling Coordinators (SC) for LSEs must
provide the information described below and shown on the corresponding form below.
 Glossary:
Name the contracted supplier/producer of energy and/or capacity according to the
contract. This entity is sometimes called the counter party to the contract.
Initial Date Contract was entered into
State the date when this contract was originally signed.
Initial Delivery Start Date
State the initial delivery date of the product(s) being purchased.
Contract type
State the type of contract originally signed, like set term contract, evergreen, etc.
Set term length contracts
Provide the initial (as originally signed), as available on March 22, 2007 and current data
regarding expiration term and expiration date. If this date is contingent upon future
actions by parties to the contract, market conditions, this should be explained in notes
appended to the form. Information regarding the ability of one party to unilaterally
terminate the contract after its inception should be entered under Performance
Requirements and Termination/Extension Clauses and Rights or in notes appended to the
Evergreen contracts
Provide the length of current contract term and its current expiration date. If the contract
has renewed since March 22 of 2007 provide date it renewed and the renewal period. If
this date is contingent upon future actions by parties to the contract, market conditions,
this should be explained in notes appended to the form. Information regarding the ability
of one party to unilaterally terminate the contract after its inception should be entered
under Performance Requirements and Termination/Extension Clauses and Rights or in
notes appended to the form.
Other contract types
Provide a copy of your contract.
Qualifying Capacity (MW)
List the Qualifying Capacity during summer annual super-peak load conditions, as
defined by the relevant Local Regulatory Authority.
Generation Resource Name
Please specify the actual generation resource name(s) and/or its market ID if known.
Please identify provisions of the contract that describe the use of the qualifying capacity
during system peak conditions.
Branch Group/Delivery Points
Name the ISO Branch Group that the contract capacity or energy is most frequently
scheduled across. Name the point(s) at which energy can be delivered (e.g., NP15,
Malin, Lugo substation). If multiple points, indicate whether buyer or seller has option.
Resource Adequacy Transmission Capability Allocation for Path 26
Pre-RA Existing Firm Energy and Capacity Contract Information
Filing LSE:
Contact Number:
Initial Date Contract was entered into:
Initial Delivery Start Date:
Contract type:
⃞Set term length ⃞Evergreen ⃞Other
IF contract type is Set term length:
1. Initial expiration term:
2. Initial expiration date:
3. Contract expiration term as of March
22, 2007:
4. Contract expiration date as of March
22, 2007:
5. Current expiration term:
6. Current expiration date:
IF contract type is Evergreen:
1. Has the contract renewed since March
22, 2007?
2. If yes (to 1 above) date it renewed:
3. If yes (to 1 above) renewal period:
4. Length of current contract term:
5. Expiration date of current contract
IF contract type is Other:
1. Attach a copy of your contract:
⃞ Copy Attached
Qualifying Capacity (MW):
Generating Resource Name:
Branch Group/Delivery Points:
Resource Adequacy Transmission Capability Allocation for Path 26
Existing Pre-RA Utility Owned Generation Resources
Filing LSE:
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Initial Date Contract was entered into:
Initial Ownership Expiration Date (if any):
Ownership Expiration Date as of March 22,
2007 (if any):
Current Ownership Expiration Date (if any):
Generating Resource Name
Branch Group (if