Greatest Figure of the Industrial Revolution Project

The Greatest Figure of the Industrial Revolution Project
Task #1: Each person in class will research two of these individuals and create a “poster” (8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper)
explaining why “you” deserve to be remembered as the greatest figure of the Industrial Revolution.
Please follow this basic format below. You must have each of these 4 statements, which should be a paragraph in length.
Do not combine them into one paragraph. In addition, include a picture of your individual, as well as a quotation by or
about your person. Finally, make sure your person’s name is written large somewhere on the poster/paper.
-What did you do?
-My main contribution to the Industrial Revolution was . . . .
-Why was this contribution so important?
-Without me, . . . .
“Quotation by or about
the individual goes here”
Task #2: Balloon Debate: Pretend that you are in a balloon that will crash unless one person is thrown off. Therefore,
you need to make a case as to why you should NOT be that person. Specifically in this scenario, you need to explain why
your contributions during the Industrial Revolution were more significant and had a greater impact than those of others.
Batches of 3 people (they are listed below) will be chosen to stand at the front of the class to convince their classmates why
they should not be “voted off the balloon.” Each person will have 1-1:30 minutes to introduce him or herself and make his
or her case. After making their initial cases, students will have up to another minute’s time to refute or rebut what their
opponents said. The class will then vote to determine who will have to leave the balloon. The finalists will then go
through another round of “mini-debates” with new individuals before a final round of voting.
To help you prepare for the balloon debate, you must complete the Balloon Debate Report. This will be turned in at the
conclusion of the Balloon Debate.
Charles ‘Turnip’ Townshend
Robert Bakewell
Justus von Liebig
John McAdam
Francis Egerton, Duke of Bridewater
George Stephenson
James Hargreaves
Richard Arkwright
John Kay
Edmund Cartwright
Richard Trevithick
Henry Cort
Henry Bessemer
James Watt
Poster: Creativity/Layout, Analysis (40 pts.)
Balloon Debate Report: Quality and Depth of Answers (40 pts.)
Balloon Debate: Quality of Arguments used to support your position, Quality of refutation made against competitors,
Delivery (20 pts.)
The Greatest Figure of the Industrial Revolution
Balloon Debate Report
PERSON #1: In the balloon debate, I am: _____________________________________________________
The most significant reason why I should be considered the greatest figure of the Industrial Revolution is:
Reason: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
This was so significant because ________________________________________________________________________
The 2/3 individuals who will be arguing against me are: #1_________________________&
#2___________________________________ & #3_____________________________________.
#1 _________________________________ was famous for _________________________________________________
However, when comparing the two of us, my contributions were more significant than his because _________________
#2 _________________________________ was famous for _________________________________________________
However, when comparing the two of us, my contributions were more significant than his because _________________
#3________________________________________ was famous for ___________________________________________
However, when comparing the two of us, my contributions were more significant than his because _________________
PERSON #2: In the balloon debate, I am also: _____________________________________________________
The most significant reason why I should be considered the greatest figure of the Industrial Revolution is:
Reason: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
This was so significant because ________________________________________________________________________
The 2/3 individuals who will be arguing against me are: #1_________________________&
#2___________________________________ & #3_____________________________________.
#1 _________________________________ was famous for _________________________________________________
However, when comparing the two of us, my contributions were more significant than his because _________________
#2 _________________________________ was famous for _________________________________________________
However, when comparing the two of us, my contributions were more significant than his because _________________
#3________________________________________ was famous for ___________________________________________
However, when comparing the two of us, my contributions were more significant than his because _________________
Reason #2: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
This was so significant because ________________________________________________________________________
In looking at the other 3 groups, I can anticipate that these 2 individuals will “make it through” the first round of voting,
and I will have to debate them in Round 2. Identify these 2 individuals below and compare yourself to them.
#1 _________________________________ was famous for _________________________________________________
However, when comparing the two of us, my contributions were more significant than his/hers because _____________
#2 _________________________________ was famous for _________________________________________________
However, when comparing the two of us, my contributions were more significant than his/hers because _____________
**If you were in a Round #1 with only 3 people, choose a third person that you think will “make it through” the first
round of voting that you anticipate having to debate again in Round 2.**
#3 _________________________________ was famous for _________________________________________________
However, when comparing the two of us, my contributions were more significant than his/hers because _____________