OFFICE USE ONLY Registration/Heifer: _____________ _____________ Registration/Heifer: Barn Facility: Facility: ____________ ____________ Barn Agreement: ______________ ______________ Agreement: Campus: Campus:_______ _______ Pen Pen#:#:____________ ____________ Receipt Receipt#:#:_________ _________ FORT BEND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AGREEMENT APPLICATION FOR USE OF AGRICULTURE FACILITY *-Must filled out *Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ *Street Address/City/Zip Code: ____________________________________________________ *Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________ *Parents email address: ___________________________________________________________ *Effective Date: _______________________ *Expiration Date: ________________________ BARN FEES All costs accumulated by raising and caring of the animal are incurred by the student. (i.e. hotel rooms, entry fees to all shows, feed, grooming). Animal 6 Months Due Date Sheep, Goats, Poultry $75.00 Fees, Registration, Agreement due date can be found in the Fall and Spring Feeding Hogs $75.00 Period on page 2 Steers & Heifers $150.00 Rabbits $25 plus $25 deposit Gate Entry Deposit: One gate entry card will be provided to the student with their barn contract. ▪ Additional cards may be rented for $10.00 each. ▪ $50.00 deposit will be reimbursed at end of feeding period after the pen has been cleaned and all cards have been returned. ▪ Students will pay $10.00 for a replacement card. No reimbursement for a lost card. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Animal Type: ______________ *Pen Rental: $____________ Pen Number____________ *Card Numbers: ______________ Additional Cards: ________@ $10 ea. _________ *(if needed) ______________ _______________ _______________ Deposit $50__( $ 25 for rabbits)______ *Total Due ___________ *Total Paid ___________ (Checks made payable to the Travis Activity Fund.) *Date Paid ______________ *Check # _______________ This sheet must be turned into your AST by the contract deadline 1 BARN FEES AND PROCEDURES Barn Use Information ▪ All pens will require a $50.00 deposit, which will be returned upon cleaning empty pen, barn area, and retuning all gate cards (This needs to be completed within two (2) weeks of the animals designated show). ▪ The pen fee and deposit for entire feeding period must be paid by check in advance to Travis High School Activity Fund. o Students require one contract and one check for each animal species at the barn. o Student will forfeit pen deposits if all cards are not returned. o It will cost $10.00 to replace lost or damaged barn cards ▪ Intentional forfeiture of pen deposits will result in loss of future use of the facility. o Student who decline to dig out their pen before the given time line will forfeit the right & the right of any immediate family member to raise future SAE projects at said facility. ▪ This facility was built for market animals only. As space becomes available scramble heifers then commercial halter heifers are allowed. No other breeding animals (i.e. ewes, sow, hens etc.) are allowed at the facility. The facility is not adequately equipped for the birthing of animals. Precedence for pen assignments will be as follows: ANIMALS: 1. Market Animals – (a) steers (b) hogs (c) lambs (d) goats (e) poultry and rabbits 2. Heifers – (a) commercial (b) scramble (c) other (Registered) Scramble heifers are defined as those heifers which will be shown at the county fair or one of the major livestock shows in the scramble division. Commercial halter heifers are defined as those heifers that are tagged in for the county fair and have not already shown in the county fair. ▪ The barn fee, registration papers and agreement must be documented by the barn manager before a pen can be issued. ▪ Students: All projects will be classified into two major categories – either major show or county fair. A student may have two animal projects, one in each category as pen availability allows. ▪ Agreement and fee (deposit, rent fee) dead lines are as follows: Fall Feeding Period: Agreements will be available on the first school day in October at 7:00 a.m. Agreements, registration papers and fees will be due on October 15th . In the case of a holiday or weekend, all fee and paperwork are due the first school day thereafter by 2:30 p.m. Spring Feed Period: Agreements will be available on the first school day in March at 7:00 a.m. Agreements and fees will be due on Monday after Spring Break or in the case of a holiday or weekend on the first school day thereafter by 2:30 p.m. 2 BARN /SHOW RULES The following guidelines have been developed to ensure that our FFA organization will have an efficiently operated agriculture facility. RESPONSIBILITY OF STUDENTS I. Care of FFA Projects ▪ Raising an FFA project is the financial commitment and responsibility of the owner. ▪ Students will be responsible for worming, giving shots, and all other health care of their animal project, however, students must inform Agricultural science teacher before administering any medical substance to their SAE project. ▪ It is the responsibility of the student to have castration, dehorning or any medical attention done by a veterinarian. Veterinarian fees and health papers are the responsibility of the student. ▪ Animal pen will be kept clean at all times by student. ▪ SAE projects will only be allowed to occupy one project per a pen, dependant upon space. Swine will only be allowed one per a pen throughout the duration of the feeding period. ▪ Animal projects will be fed, watered and cared for daily by the appropriate student. All animal projects will be protected from physical harm. Any animal abuse will be reported immediately to an Ag teacher. ▪ Students will remain an active FFA member or will be a Junior FFA member. Junior FFA will be limited to space availability. Active FFA members must be enrolled in an Ag. Science class to use the Ag. Facility. The definition of an active FFA member may be found in the FFA Constitution. II. Show FFA Projects ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ This is a FFA facility only! 4-H Projects may not be raised in this facility (Moved). No male breeding animals are allowed at the facility. Heifers no longer eligible to compete at approved shows must be removed from the facility within two (2) weeks after the last show for which they are eligible to compete. Fort Bend Independent School District (FBISD) is not responsible for the death of an animal project. It is highly recommended that students purchase mortality insurance for their animal. Only registered heifers will be allowed to remain in the FFA facility longer than thirteen (13) months. Registration papers are to be turned in with barn fees and the agreement. Students are responsible for disposition/hauling of animals away from the Fort Bend County Fair and the Ag barn facility within 2 weeks of show date. Animals designated for Fort Bend County Fair must be removed by October 15th. Animals for fair not eligible for show must be removed by October 15th. Students are to secure their own buyer/outlet for sale animal or sifted animal at the Fort Bend County Fair. 3 III. Student Behavior ▪ This FFA facility is only for the raising of animals and is not a place to meet and socialize. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Guests to the facility must be given prior approval from the appropriate Ag Teacher. Failure to do so will cause your guests to be considered a trespasser. You and your immediate family are the ONLY people approved at the facility. Every time a visitor is to accompany a student, permission must be granted by the student’s respective Ag teacher. Permission must be granted per visit. Guest is defined as friends, siblings, cousins, veterinary staff, groomers, etc. Moms and Dads are not guests. Parents and students are accountable for appropriate behavior at the facility, including that of any guests. The facility is not an appropriate place for your pet. For the safety of yourself, others and all animals leave your dogs, cats, snakes, birds, etc. at home. Any person entering the Ag facility and/or Ag event will abide by all school and district policy and procedures. Any person entering the Ag facility and/or attending an event representing FBISD will not consume alcohol, use tobacco products, or use profanity. The FBISD dress code is enforced at the facility. Proper clothing and shoes are mandatory. For your safety flip flop sandals are not allowed. For the safety of the students the 9:00 p.m. curfew during the fall/winter feeding period and the 10:00 p.m. curfew during the spring/summer feeding period will be observed. Please park in appropriate area. Student and/or parent will park in the designated area, and are not allowed to drive in to the facility for any reason without the express permission of their Ag Advisor. Non-district vehicles are not allowed inside the facility. Any person caught maliciously tampering with another exhibitors’ animal and/or tack supplies without approved permission will be subject to disciplinary action or immediate removal from the Agricultural facility. IV. Care of FFA Facility ▪ The student will have animals removed and the pen dug out within two (2) weeks after exhibition at the designated show. Steer pens should be kept below the bottom pipe throughout the feeding period to prevent rusting. ▪ Dump manure in the designated area, and bring the wheel barrels back to the assigned location designated by the Ag teacher. ▪ Feed sacks and/or trash is not allowed in the manure dumpster. The manure dumpster is for manure. ▪ The entire facility and surrounding grounds will be kept clean at all times. This is for the health and safety of the animals and any person on the grounds. ▪ Students will provide feed barrels, rakes, shovels, hoses, etc. ▪ Feed is required to be stored in an enclosed container to prevent varmint and rodent problems. 4 ▪ Power equipment such as tractors, bobcats, other front end loaders, etc. at this facility are not ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ to be used, without the authority of FBISD. Stalls are for the animals. They are not to be decorated with the exception of one identifying small plaque. A clip board should be attached with student name and contact person in case of emergency. Student should keep a daily log up to date on the clip board. Pens are to be accepted as is. Alterations of any kind are not allowed. Intentional Damage or alterations to barn facility may result in the immediate removal of the student and their project. Heat lamps and A/C are not allowed for any reason except the poultry facility. Two fans for steer/heifer pens and one fan for hog, goat and lamb pens are allowed. All students or representatives will participate in required barn clean ups as scheduled by the Ag. Advisors. Rabbit manure/urine pans should be cleaned every 2-3 days and new shavings should be added. All soiled shavings, etc. should be disposed of in the manure pile. Lights in the rabbit facility will be on a timer and should not be altered. V. Accountability ▪ Housing animals at this facility is a privilege granted by the district and can be revoked. The FBISD Ag teachers will follow district disciplinary action when necessary. Students who choose not to respect this agreement the consequences are as follows: 1. One warning will result in a teacher/student conference. 2. Second warning will result in a teacher/parent/student conference with the campus principal. 3. Third warning will result in the removal of project (s) from the FFA Ag facility by student/parent. ▪ Students will be given seven (7) days to remove their animal if the warnings are not respected. It is the student’s responsibility to find alternative housing for their animal. If the animal is not removed after the seven (7) days, it will become the property of FBISD. The animal will be shipped to Port City Stockyards in Sealy, Texas and will be sold for market price. Expenses for hauling animals will be taken out of the sale price. 5 SIGNATURE PAGE ______________________________ ______________________________ Teacher Signature Date At the end of the 6 months…students will be re-evaluated as to whether they can continue another 6 months. Loss of deposits and removal of animal will not be necessary…if the student has adhered to the rules in the agreement. We have read and agree to all of the outlined rules regarding care and housing of my animal at a Fort Bend Independent School District Ag Facility. *Signature – Student Raising Animal Date Name Printed *Signature – Parent/Guardian Date Name Printed *Notary Date Name Printed Notary Seal: This sheet must be turned into your AST by the contract deadline. 6