课程结构Course Structure:

课名 Course:比较政治经济学 Comparative Political Economy
课号 Number:03216270
课类 Type:研究生课程 Graduate Seminar
学分 Credits:3
时间 Time:周五 Friday 8:30-11:30
地点 Place:廖凯原楼 Leo KoGuan Building 3502
教师 Instructor:朱天飚 ZHU Tianbiao(
通讯 Contact:62767665 或 62767274 tianbiao@pku.edu.cn
答疑 Office Hours:周四 Thursday 14:30-17:30(廖凯原楼 Leo KoGuan Building
课程简介 Course Description:
Robert Hancké 博士主持。
This seminar provides an overview of the field of comparative political economy to
students who have no previous background knowledge. The main aim is to help
students understand the interaction between domestic political and economic systems,
forces and actors, including such interaction at and between international and
domestic levels. The course asks two main questions: first, how do states, social
forces and various kinds of institutions affect the flow of economic resources within
national boundaries? Second, how do economic forces constrain the behavior of
political actors at domestic level? More specifically, this course deals with the politics
of economic development, adjustment and transition. The part of comparative
political economy of Europe in this course is organized by Dr. Robert Hancké from
London School of Economics and Political Science.
课程要求 Course Requirements:
课堂表现(class participation):50%;期末论文(research paper):50%。
网上信息 Web Information:
必读 Required Readings:
1. 朱天飚 著,《比较政治经济学》(北京大学出版社,2006 年)。
2. 每周经典英文阅读(见后面)。
泛读 General Readings:
1. Barry Clark, Political economy: a comparative approach (New York, Westport,
and London: Praeger, 1991).
2. James Caporaso and David P. Levine, Theories of political economy (Cambridge
and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992).
3. Robert Gilpin, Global political economy: understanding the international economic
order (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001).
4. Ronald H. Chilcote, Theories of comparative political economy (Westview, 2000).
5. Jan-Erik Lane and Svante Ersson, Comparative political economy: a developmental
approach 2nd edition (London and Washington: Pinte, 1997).
《政治经济学 - 比较的视点》王询 译(当代政治经济学译丛,经济科学出版社,
2001 年)。
《政治经济学理论》林翰 等译(台湾:风云论坛出版社,1995 年)。
《全球政治经济学:解读国际经济秩序》杨宇光 杨炯 译(东方编译所译丛,上
海世纪出版集团,2003 年)。
《比较政治经济学理论》高铦、高戈 译(政治理论译丛,社会科学文献出版社,
2001 年)。
课程结构 Course Structure:
简介 Introduction
2/3:简介 Introduction
范式 Perspectives
9/3:国家主义 Statism
16/3:新古典政治经济学 Neoclassical political economy
23/3:社会联盟理论 Social coalition approaches
30/3:制度主义 Institutionalism
专题 Issues
发达资本主义模式 European Models of Capitalism
By Dr. Richard Hancké
6/4:融合与分离 Convergence and divergence
13/4:当代资本主义分析 Analysing contemporary capitalism
20/4:欧洲经济的调整 Adjustment in European economies
27/4:欧洲资本主义的未来 The future of European capitalism
4/5:五一假期 Public Holiday
后发展资本主义模式 Models of Late Capitalist Development
11/5:发展中经济与发展型国家 Developing economies and the developmental
18/5:发展中国家的问题与危机 Problems and crises of developing countries
25/5:转型国家与转型经济 Transitional states and transitional economies
结论与讨论 Conclusion and Discussion
1/6:结论 Conclusion
8/6:论文选题讨论 Research paper session
15/6:论文选题讨论 Research paper session
9/7:上交论文 Paper Submission
阅读安排 Reading Arrangement:
2/3:简介 Introduction
9/3:国家主义 Statism
Theda Skocpol, “Bringing the state back in: strategies of analysis in current research,”
in Bringing the state back in edited by Peter B. Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, and
Theda Skocpol (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985).
Michael Mann, “The autonomous power of the state: its origins, mechanisms and
results,” in States in history edited by John A. Hall (Oxford and New York:
Blackwell, 1986).
Joel S. Migdal, State in society: studying how states and societies transform and
constitute one another (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), Chapter 1.
16/3:新古典政治经济学 Neoclassical political economy
Mancur Olson, The rise and decline of nations: economic growth, stagflation, and
social rigidities (New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1982), Chapter 2 and 3
Margaret Levi, “A model, a method, and a map: rational choice in comparative and
historical analysis,” in Comparative politics: rationality, culture, and structure edited
by Mark Irving Lichbach and Alan S. Zuckerman (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1997).
23/3:社会联盟理论 Social coalition approaches
Peter Gourevitch, “International trade, domestic coalitions and liberty,” Journal of
Interdisciplinary History 8(2): 281-313, 1977.
Gregory M. Luebbert, “Social foundations of political order in interwar Europe,”
World Politics 39(4): 449-478, 1987.
Ronald Rogowski, Commerce and coalitions: how trade affects domestic political
alignments (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989), Chapter 1.
30/3:制度主义 Institutionalism
Peter Katzenstein, “Conclusion: domestic structures and strategies of foreign
economic policy,” in Between power and plenty: foreign economic policies of
advanced industrial states edited by Peter Katzenstein (Madison: University of
Wisconsin Press, 1978).
Douglass C. North, “Institutions and economic growth: an historical introduction,”
World Development 17(9): 1319-1332 1989).
Adam Przeworski, “Institutions matter?” Government and Opposition 39(4), 2004.
6/4:融合与分离 Convergence and divergence
Peter A. Hall and David Soskice, “Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional
Foundations of Comparative Advantage”, in Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional
Foundations of Competitiveness edited by Peter A. Hall and David Soskice (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2001).
Bob Hancké, Martin Rhodes and Mark Thatcher, eds., Beyond Varieties of
Capitalism: Conflict, contradiction and complementarities in the European Economy
(Oxford UP forthcoming 2007).
Peter A. Hall and Daniel Gingerich, Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional
Complementarities in the Macroeconomy: An Empirical Analysis, manuscript,
Harvard University.
13/4:当代资本主义分析 Analysing contemporary capitalism
Sigurt Vitols, “Varieties of Corporate Governance”, in Varieties of Capitalism: The
Institutional Foundations of Competitiveness.
Estevez-Abe, Iversen and Soskice, “Social Protection and the Formation of Skills: a
Reinterpretation of the Welfare State”, in Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional
Foundations of Competitiveness.
Steven Casper, Mark Lehrer, and David Soskice, “Can High-Technology Industries
Prosper in Germany? Institutional Frameworks and the Evolution of the German
Software and Biotechnology Industries,” Industry and Innovation 6(1): 5-24, 1999.
20/4:欧洲经济的调整 Adjustment in European economies
Peter A. Hall, Governing the Economy: The Politics of State Intervention in Britain
and France (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986), pp. 23-136.
Herbert Kitschelt, Peter Lange, Gary Marks and John Stephens, eds., Continuity and
Change in Contemporary Capitalism (Cambridge UP, 1997), Chapter by Soskice.
Colin Crouch and Wolfgang Streeck, eds., Political Economy of Modern Capitalism
(London: Francis Pinter, 1997), Chapter by Streeck.
David Finegold and David W. Soskice, “The Failure of Training in Britain: Analysis
and Prescription,” Oxford Review of Economic Policy 4(3): 21-53, 1988.
Wendy Carlin and David Soskice, “Shocks to the system: the German political
economy under stress,” National Institute Economic Review 159(1): 57-76, 1997.
27/4:欧洲资本主义的未来 The future of European capitalism
Herbert Kitschelt, Peter Lange, Gary Marks and John Stephens, eds., Continuity and
Change in Contemporary Capitalism (Cambridge UP, 1997), Conclusion.
Suzanne Berger, “Introduction”, in National Diversity and Global Capitalism edited
by Suzanne Berger and Ronald Dore (Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1996), pp.
David Soskice, “Macroeconomics and varieties of capitalism,” Beyond Varieties of
Capitalism: Conflict, contradiction and complementarities in the European Economy
edited by Bob Hancké, Martin Rhodes and Mark Thatcher (Oxford UP forthcoming
Bob Hancké and Martin Rhodes, “EMU and Labor Market Institutions in Europe: The
Rise and Fall of National Social Pacts,” Work and Occupations 32(2): 196-228, May
Torben Iversen, “Economic Shocks and Varieties of Government Responses” in
Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: Conflict, contradiction and complementarities in the
European Economy.
11/5:发展中经济与发展型国家 Developing economies and the developmental
Alexander Gerschenkron, Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book
of essays (Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1962), Chapter 1 (pp.5-30).
Peter Evans, Embedded autonomy: states and industrial transformation (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1995), Chapter 3 (pp.43-73).
Paul R. Krugman, “The myth of Asia’s miracle,” Foreign Affairs 73(6): 62-78, 1994.
18/5:发展中国家的问题与危机 Problems and crises of developing countries
Gregory W. Noble and John Ravenhill, “Causes and consequences of the Asian
financial crisis,” in The Asian financial crisis and the architecture of global finance
edited by Noble and Ravenhill (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000),
Chung-In Moon and Sang-Young Rhyu, “The state, structural rigidity, and the end of
Asian capitalism: a comparative study of Japan and South Korea,” in Politics and
markets in the wake of the Asian crisis edited by Richard Robison, Mark Beeson,
Kanishka Jayasuriya, and Hyuk-Rae Kim (London and New York: Routledge, 2000),
Linda Weiss, “Developmental states in transition: adapting, dismantling, innovating,
not ‘normalising’,” Pacific Review 13(1): 21-55, 2000.
25/5:转型国家与转型经济 Transitional states and transitional economies
Valerie Bunce, “The political economy of postsocialism,” Slavic Review 58
(December): 756-793, 1999.
Joel Hellman, “Winners take all: the politics of partial reform in postcommunist
transitions,” World Politics 50(2): 203-234, 1998.
Michael Burawoy, “The state and economic involution: Russia through a China
lense,” World Development 24(6): 1105-1117, 1996.