OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER, PARADIP PORT TRUST PO: PARADIP PORT – 754142 DIST- JAGATSINGHPUR, ORISSA No. CE/TECH/MISC-IV/1/09 Date: NOTIFICATION FOR ENLISTMENT OF SUPPLIERS (CONTRACTORS) Applications are invited for registration of Suppliers (Contractors) under Paradip Port Trust in different classes i.e. “A”, “B”, “C” & “D” Class-wise for execution of Civil Works of Paradip Port Trust. Registration fee and financial limit will be as follows : Class of Supplier (Contractor) Class-A Class-B Class-C Class-D Financial Limit for each Work Upto Rs. 60.00 Lakhs Upto Rs. 30.00 Lakhs Upto Rs. 15.00 Lakhs Upto Rs. 05.00 Lakhs Registration Fee (non-refundable) Rs. 2000/Rs. 1500/Rs. 1000/Rs. 750/- The application form can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on payment of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand) only (non-refundable) with FA&CAO, PPT on any working day with effect from 16.09.09 and application completed in all respect will be received at this office latest by 15.10.2009 upto 5.00 PM. The application form can also be downloaded from PPT Website which case the applicant has to enclose the application fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand ) in shape of Demand Draft drawn in favour of FA&CAO, PPT alongwith the Registration Fee for the applied class, at the time of submission of applicant form, failing which the application will not be entertained. The application form will be available at PPT Website for downloading with effect from 16.09.09. Paradip Port Trust reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof. Chief Engineer Paradip Port Trust CC to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All Heads of Departments / Heads of Offices / Addl. CE/ SE (R&B)/Mech. Supdt. / Dy. Secretary (Law)/ Labour Officer, PPT for wide circulation. PRO, PPT with a request to publish the above notification in Port Gazette on 16.09.09 & 30.09.09 (two consecutive issues) / The Samaj – Oriya daily and The New Indian Express- English daily in two consecutive issues. This has the approval of Chairman, PPT. Dy. Director, EDP with a CD for publication in the Port Website with downloading facilities of application format. Chief Engineer of all Major Ports for wide circulation. Chief Engineer, R&B/Chief Engineer, National Highways / Chief Engineer, Irrigation / Chief Engineer, PHD / SE CWPD, Eastern Zone / Mg. Director PPL / OCC, OBCC, BBSR for information and wide circulation. Page 1 of 12 Book No. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PARADIP PORT TRUST FORM OF APPLICATION FOR ENLISTMENT OF CONTRACTORS. RS. 1000.00 LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION : 15.10.2009 Up to 5.00 PM DT. ______________________ Issued to Shri / M/s. _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Application fee deposited in F&A Deptt., vide Receipt No. _______________ Date ____________ or furnished Demand Draft favouring FA&CAO,PPT Vide No. _____________________ Dated __________________ Executive Engineer (Design Cell-I) Paradip Port Trust Shri / M/s. ________________________________________________________ is enlisted as ___________________________________________________ class Contractor under Paradip Port Trust. Executive Engineer (Design Cell-I) Paradip Port Trust Page 2 of 12 PARADIP PORT TRUST APPLICATION FOR ENLISTMENT AS CONTRACTOR Passport Size Photograph 1. Name of the Applicant (Full name in Capital Letters) : 2. Permanent Address : : 3. Present Address : : 4. Whether the Firm is a Registered Firm or Individual (Attested copy of the partnership deed to be enclosed) : 5. Name of the Bankers & Full Address (Details to be given) 6. (a) Class for which Enlistment is sought for : (b) Registration Fee of Rs. ______________________________________ Rupees ____________________________________________) only has been deposited in F&A Deptt. Vide Receipt No…………….., dtd. ……………………..(Original receipt attached or vide D.D. No. ………………., dt…………………………(In case of D.D.). Page 3 of 12 7. (A) List of works undertaken / executed other than PPT, during a period of three years preceding the date of application (to be shown in separate statement if the space provided for it is not sufficient). (B) Whether the Applicant was an enlisted Contractor under Paradip Port Trust. (i) Name of Work : (ii) Amount : (iii) Year : (iv) Authority under which carried out : (v) Date of Work order : (vi) Time limit : (vii) Total cost of work done till date of Application I. : LIST OF WORKS UNDERTAKEN / EXECUTED UNDER PARADIP PORT TRUST. a) b) Name of Work Accepted Tender Amount with / without cost of Cement / Steel : c) d) Year : Authority under whom the work executed : e) Date of Work Order / Reference to AGMT No. : f) g) h) II. Date of Commencement : Date of Completion : Time Limit as per Agreement : Date of actual completion : Total cost of work done till date of Application : LIST OF TOOLS & PLANTS IN POSSESSION OF THE CONTRACTOR (Please Enclose a detail list) 7. (C) Technical Qualification and Experience of the Proprietor or Partners and leading technical employees in the Firm. (D) Financial Status Annual accounts of the Firm / Contractor for the last three years ( to be enclosed) : ii) Annual turn over : iii) Solvency (Solvency Certificate, wherever needed may be enclosed) : i) Page 4 of 12 iv) Bank Deposit a) In shape of Cash b) Security (Details of Bank / Other Financial Institution to be furnished) : 8. Whether the Applicant maintains an office capable of preparing bills ? 9. Detailed Particulars of the workshop, machineries etc. held by the applicant with location, site etc. 10. a) Whether enlisted in any other Department ? If so, which class showing amount qualified to tender ( Attested copies to be enclosed) b) 11. 12. 13. 14. If enlisted in Paradip Port, give class, year etc. Has the Applicant or his partners been blacklisted in the past ? If yes give details. Details of I.T.C.C. & S.T.C.C. for last three years : ( Attested copies to be attached) Name of relatives working under Paradip Port Trust, if any, give the details. Are you a Degree / Diploma holder in Civil Engineering ? In case yes, submit the details with regard to such qualification clearly indicating (a) Qualification, (b) Institution from which passed, (c) Year of passing, (d) Field of practical experience – i) Company / Firm / Organisation where worked, ii) Period of experience from _____________ to _____________ iii) Nature of work executed / Supervised. I/ We certify that the particulars furnished are true. I / We certify that I / We will not get myself / Ourselves registered as contractor in the Deptt., under more than one name. I / We undertake to abide by the rules & regulations of the Paradip Port Trust framed from time to time. Note i) Attested copies of Certificates in proof of the statement must be enclosed and the applicant is expected to produce original documents at any time for verification ii) Attach separate sheet in case the space provided is not sufficient Place : Date : SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT WITH SEAL Page 5 of 12 GUIDELINES TO THE APPLICANTS 1. GENERAL INSTRUCTION : a) Applicants are advised to read the instruction provided to them carefully before filling up the Application format. b) This application cannot be considered as a right for selection in enlistment of a contractor under Paradip Port Trust. c) Authority reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof. d) The criteria for enlistment is enclosed for references. 2. Prescribed Registration fee in shape of cash should be deposited with Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officers, Paradip Port Trust and the receipt be enclosed with the application. Demand draft drawn in favour of FA & CAO,PPT towards prescribed Regn. Fee will, however, be entertained. Registration fees :A Class Rs.2000/B Class Rs.1500/C Class Rs.1000/D Class Rs.750/- 3. Near Relative : Near relative means, wife, husband, parents, brothers, son, daughter and inlaws. 4. Canvassing with regard to Enlistment is strictly prohibited. In case of any canvassing, the application will be summarily rejected. 5. Incomplete applications and non-submission of requisite documents would not be considered. Page 6 of 12 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. APPLICATION FORMAT : Each applicant in his application shall furnish the following particulars certifying that the particulars furnished by him / them are true. All the pages of this format should be signed by the applicant in token of acceptance. The Certificates / Credentials furnished should also be signed by the applicant. (I) a) (b) (c) Name & Address (Both permanent and present for communication) of the Person / Firm / Company under which the businesses is to be transacted and contract license to be issued. Class of Contractor for which enlistment is sought for. Work experience, if any (II) Whether the Firm is individual or partnership Firm. In case of Partnership Firm, the extent of the applicant own share in the Firm & names and shares of other partners, if any, each partner being specifically designated by their names and addresses. Attested copies of partnership deed etc. as applicable should be furnished. (III) Particulars of the applicants capital and the manner in which it is held along with necessary supporting documents / certificates duly attested to establish the financial position of the applicant applying for enlistment shall be submitted. (IV) Details of plants, machineries, tools and shuttering materials held by the applicant for execution of works are to be furnished. The location of these materials owned by the applicant is to be indicated for verification. Attested copies of the documents in support of purchase of machineries to be submitted. (V) Name, detail qualification and experience of technical persons and supervisors held by the applicant / firm or intended to be mobilized by the licensee is to be furnished with all attested copies of the certificates. (VI) All works in any Gov’t Deptt. Or public bodies or in private industry executed by the applicant during last three years should be given. Nature and value of each work with / without the cost of steel and cement and the year of their execution by the applicant shall also be stated. Certificates from the concerned authorities (not less than the rank of Executive Engineer) as to his performance, cost of work executed as well as maintenance of specified time frame of the applicant shall be furnished (attested true copies of all documents to be furnished). (VII) Any disability or disqualification imposed on the applicant in execution of his past work by the concerned deptt. shall be furnished. (VIII) The name of surety and amount of security which the applicant can produce as bonafide contractor shall be enclosed with the application. Page 7 of 12 (IX) Valid IT and ST clearance certificates (attested copies) and the Trade License, if any, showing the annual turn over for last three years have to be furnished along with the application. Annual turn over shown in the IT return form shall only be taken in to consideration. (X) In absence of valid Income Tax Clearance Certificate in support of turn over, the applicant may furnish certificates of payments from the Authorities (not below the rank of Executive Engineer) and the attested copies in support of all such documents are to be furnished. (XI) If the applicant has any relationship with any Officer serving in PPT, the fact shall be stated along with the name and Designations of such Officers and Deptt. In which serving at the time of submission of application. (XII) Applicants are also required to furnish the Certificates from competent authorities (not less than the rank of Executive Engineer) in connection with their participation of tenders in last three years only if he / they was / were a valid tenderer. Attested copies of all such certificates / documents shall be submitted along with the application. (XIII) List of works undertaken / executed under PPT and other than PPT during a period of last three years preceding the date of application (separate sheet for each work to be furnished as per application Sl. No. 7 (B) – I). (XIV) Whether the applicant was an enlisted contractor under PPT ? If yes, mention class & year of enlistment. (Order No. to be cited) (XV) One Passport size photograph should be signed and affixed on the application form and two others to be stapled. Page 8 of 12 2. CRITERIA FOR ENLISTMENT The applicant must fulfill the criteria, mentioned hereunder against the Class for which he has applied for consideration of the application for enlistment. A) FOR ‘A’ CLASS CONTRACTOR: (I) Experience : The applicant should have executed minimum two nos. of works under civil contract worth aggregating to Rs.60.00 lakhs out of which one must not be less than Rs.38.00 lakhs, during last three years. Or The applicant should have attended minimum four nos. of tenders having tender value of more than Rs.23.00 lakh each as a valid tenderer during last three financial years and should have executed at least one work of value more than Rs.23.00 lakhs (Necessary original certificate in support of all such document may have to be furnished). (ii) Financial Status: The applicant must have turn- over of Rs.60.00 lakhs in last three years from the date of application. Where the turn- over is less than Rs.60.00 lakhs but more than Rs.38.00 lakhs, the capability to execute the work worth of Rs.60.00 lakhs should be furnished. (iii) Tools & Plants : The applicant must have or having arrangements for the followings: One number of Mixture Machine ( Not older than 5 years.) in good running condition. a) Two nos. of concrete Vibrators and one number of each vibrator ( both not older than 5 years ) in good running condition. b) One number of Truck / Dumper ( not older than 8 years in good running condition. c) One Power Road Roller ( not older than 8 years) in good running condition. d) 200 Sqm. Of steel / ply wood shuttering materials in good usable condition. The authority itself or its authorized representative may inspect the site to verify the correctness of the information. Page 9 of 12 (IV) Technical Hand. The applicant must have two nos. of Diploma Engineers with two years experience or one number of Degree Engineer in his Establishment in addition to 4 nos. of Supervisors with minimum 5 years of experience in Civil Engg. Construction works. These staff must have been working with the contractor since last three financial years. Necessary original document in support of the above may have to be furnished. B. FOR ‘B’ CLASS CONTRACTORS (I ) Experience : The applicant should have executed minimum two nos. of works under civil contract worth aggregating to Rs.30.00 lakhs out of which one must not be less than Rs.18.00 lakhs, during last three years. Or The applicant should have attended minimum 5 nos. of tenders having the tender value equal to Rs.8.00 lakh each as a valid tenderer, during last three financial year and should have executed at least one work of value more than Rs.8.00 lakhs. Or The applicant must be a Degree Holder in Civil Engg. with one year’s experience in execution of civil works. Attested copies of such qualification and experience must be enclosed along with the application and produce originals, on demand. (ii) Financial Status : The applicant must have a turn over of minimum Rs.30.00 lakhs in any one financial year in the last three years from the date of application. This will not be applicable in case of applicant being a Degree Engineer in which case, Solvency to the extent of 20% of the upper limit of the work value. Where the turn-over is less than Rs.30.00 lakhs but more than Rs.10.00 lakhs, the capability to execute the work of Rs.30.00 lakhs should be furnished. III) Tools & Plants : The applicant must have or having arrangements for the followings: a) One number of mixture machine ( not older than 5 years ) in good running condition. b) One number of concrete vibrator ( not older than 4 years ) in good running condition. c) 100 Sqm. of steel / ply wood shuttering materials in good usable condition. IV) Technical Hands : The list of adequate number of Technical hands available with him to carry out the works to be furnished by the Contractor. C. FOR ‘C’ CLASS CONTRACTOR : I ) Experience : The applicant should have executed minimum two nos. of works under civil contract worth aggregating to Rs.15.00 lakhs out of which one must not be less than Rs.7.5 lakhs, during last three years. Or The applicant should have attended minimum 5 nos. of tenders having the tender value equal to Rs.4.00 lakh each as a valid tenderer during last three financial years and should have executed atleast one work of value more than Rs.4.00 lakhs. Or Page 10 of 12 The applicant must be a Diploma Holder in Civil Engineering with three year’s experience in execution of civil works Attested copies of such qualification and experience must be enclosed alongwith the application and produce originals, on demand. II ) Financial Status : The minimum turn over of the applicant should not be less than Rs.15.00 lakhs during the last three financial years. This will not be applicable in case of the applicant being a Diploma Engineer in which case solvency shall be to the extent of 20% of the upper limit of the work value. Where the turn over is less than Rs.15.00 lakhs but more than Rs.6.00 lakhs, the capability to execute the work worth of Rs.15.00 lakhs should be furnished. III) Tools & Plants : The applicant must have or having arrangements for the followings: a ) Minimum one number of 5 or 3 HP Diesel Pump not older than 5 years and in good running condition with suction and delivery pipe. B ) He should have at least 50 Sqm. of steel / ply wood shuttering materials. IV) Technical Hands : The list of adequate number of Technical hands available with him to carry out the works to be furnished by the Contractor. D. FOR ‘D’ CLASS CONTRACTOR : I) Experience : The applicant should have some experience as a Supervisor under any “A” or “B” Class contractor for a period of not less than three years. II ) Financial Status : The applicant must have a deposit of minimum Rs.50,000/- in cash in any Nationalized Bank / Scheduled bank or Govt. Security or solvency obtained against immovable property to the extent of Rs.50,000/- in support of his capability to execute the work. Page 11 of 12 Conditions of the Enlistment / Registration:A. The registration of contractors / suppliers is valid for 3 ( three ) years. B. The contractor / supplier shall be debarred for any period of time as decided by the Port authority for the following reasons. 1. If the contractor fails to deposit ISD within the stipulated period as stated in the letter of indent. 2. If the contractor fails to commence the work on or before the scheduled date stated in the work order. 3. Violates any important condition of contract. 4. If the contractor fails to participate minimum two tender of his class in a year as a valid tenderer. C. The contractor / supplier shall be de-listed from the contractor list for the following reasons. 1. If the contractor fails to execute the work or executed it unsatisfactorily. 2. Is found to have submitted forge / false certificates / documents during the enlistment / tender for any work. 3. If abandon the work during execution at any stage. 4. Has already been debarred for other reasons. 5. Any other reason which in view of enlisting authority is adequate for de-list the contractor. Signature of the applicant with seal Page 12 of 12