Curriculum Vitae Personal information Surname(s) / First name(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) Fax(es) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Măicăneanu Sanda Andrada 11 Arany Janos st., Cluj-Napoca, RO-400028, Romania 00 40 64 593833 extension 5737 00 40 64 590818 Romanian July 20, 1971 Academic training and positions Dates Title of qualification awarded Name and type of organisation providing education and training 1999 – 2002 1994 – 1995 1989 – 1994 Doctor in Philosophy (PhD) – Atomic simulation of oxide materials with catalytic properties Master in Science – Catalysis and Biocatalysis Licence – Technology of Inorganic Substances Cranfield University, Royal Military College of Science, Defence College of Management and Technology, Department of Environmental and Ordnance System, United Kingdom „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Facultaty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Facultaty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Work experience Teaching/research/industry Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector 2008 – present 2003 – 2008 1998 – 2003 1995 – 1998 Associate professor Lecturer Assistant Tutor Lectures, laboratories, final thesis supervisor, research Analysis and Synthesis of Chemical Processes Environmental Technology „Babeş-Bolyai” University, 1 Mihail Kogălniceanu st., Cluj-Napoca, RO-400084 academia Personal skills and competences Other language(s) Engleză, Franceză Self-assessment Understanding Listening Speaking Reading Writing Spoken interaction Spoken production Language E Very well E Very well E Very well E Very well E Very well Language F Well F Well F Well F Well F Well Research interests Environmental pollution control (technologies used to remove pollutants from the environment) Heterogeneous catalysis/Catalytic technologies Research activity Publications: Books – 3 ISI papers – 27 Other papers – 23 Research grants – 20 Member in Professional Associations: Romanian Catalysis Association Romanian Chemistry Association Romanian Clay Association, member of European Clay Group Association Reviewer for: Studia Chemia Bioresource Technology Desalination Chemical Engineering Journal Research training and Invited lectures 1. Socrates/Erasmus Intensive Programme, 27 august 2010 – 7 september 2010, ADVANCECLAY 3 (IP2010) Erasmus IP “Colloid Properties of Clays and Environmental Applications”, Budapest. 2. 29 march 2008 – 13 april 2008, Henry Poincare University, Nancy, France, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique et Microbiologie pour l’Environment. 3. 2 – 17 november 2007, Exeter University, Exeter Advanced Technologies (X-AT) and Cranfield University, Department of Materials and Applied Science, United Kingdom. 4. Socrates/Erasmus Intensive Programme, 29 june 2002 – 7 july 2002, The 4th School (EC Socrates/Erasmus Intensive Programme) and Symposium of the European Mineralogical Union on “Energy Modelling in Minerals”, Budapest. Appendix 1. Publicatios (books and journal papers) 2. Research projects 1. PUBLICATION LIST BOOKS 1. Măicăneanu A., Bedelean H., Stanca M., Natural Zeolites. Characterization and applications in environmental protection, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, ISBN 978-973-610-673-6. 2. Măicăneanu A., Atomistic simulation of oxide materials, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, ISBN 978-973-610-694-1. 3. Stanca, M., Măicăneanu A., Indolean, C., Characterization, utilization and regeneration of main raw materials from chemical and petrochemical industry (lab book), Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, ISBN 978-973-610-502-9. PAPERS ISI 1. Măicăneanu, A., Bedelean, H., Burcă, S., Stanca, M., “Evaluation of ammonium removal performances of some zeolitic volcanic tuffs from Transylvania, Romania”, Separation Science and Technology, 2011, in press. 2. Tonk, S., Măicăneanu, A.*, Indolean, L.C., Burcă, S., Majdik, C., ”Application of waste brewery yeast cells for Cd2+ removal. Equilibrium and kinetics”, Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, 2011, on-line first, doi: 10.2298/JSC100531033S. 3. Majdik, C., Burcă, S., Indolean, L.C., Măicăneanu, A.*, Stanca, M., Tonk, S., Mezey, P., “Suspended and immobilized brewery waste biomass and commercial yeast as biosorbents for Cd(II) removal. A themodynamic study”, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2010, in press. 4. Tonk, S., Indolean, L.C., Burcă, S., Măicăneanu, A.*, Kocsis, B., Majdik, C., „Biosorption of Cd2+ ions by Immobilized Cells of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Adsorption Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, 2010, LV(3), 129 – 138. 5. Gligor, D., Varodi, C., Măicăneanu, A., Mureşan, L.M., “Carbon nanotubes-graphite paste electrode modified with Cu(II)-exchanged zeolite for H2O2 detection”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, 2010, LV(2), TOM II, 293 – 302. 6. Majdik, C., Măicăneanu, A.*, Indolean, L.C., Burcă, S., Stanca, M., “Phenol contaminated water remediation using commercial immobilized bentonites as adsorbents”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, 2010, LV(2), TOM I, 115 – 123. 7. Gligor, D., Măicăneanu, A., Walcarius, A., “Iron-enriched natural zeolite modified carbon paste electrode for H2O2 detection”, Electrochemica Acta, 2010, 55, 4050–4056. 8. Majdik, C., Ould Tfeil, H., Măicăneanu, A., Indolean, L.C., Burcă, S., Tonk, S., Stanca, M., “Fixed bed studies for Cd (II) removal from model solutions using immobilized bentonite/yeast mixtures”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, 2009, LIV, Special issue 2, 153-162. 9. Măicăneanu, A., Cotet, C.L., Virginia, D., Stanca, M., “Phenol removal from eater using carbon aerogel as adsorbent”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, 2009, LIV(4), 33-42. 10. Bedelean, H., Măicăneanu, A., Burcă, S., Stanca, M., “Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewaters using natural clays”, Clay Minerals, 2009, 44(4), 486-495. 11. Măicăneanu, A., Stanca, M., Cotet, C.L., Virginia, D., “Iron Doped Carbon Aerogel as Catalyst for Phenol Total Oxidation”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, 2009, LIV(3), 117-126. 12. Măicăneanu, A., Bedelean, H., Burcă, S., Stanca, M., “Heavy Metal Ions Removal from Model Wastewaters Using Orasul Nou (Transilvania, Romania) Bentonite Sample”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, 2009, LIV(3), 127-140. 13. Gligor, D., Balaj, F., Măicăneanu, A., Gropeanu, R., Grosu, I., Mureşan, L., Popescu, I.C., “Carbon paste electrodes modified with a new phenothiazine derivative adsorbed on zeolite and on mineral clay for NADH oxidation”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 113, 283-289. 14. Măicăneanu, A., Stanca, M., Burcă, S., Bedelean, H., “Fe/ZVT catalysts for phenol total oxidation”, Studia Universitatis BabeşBolyai Chemia, 2008, LIII, 7-24. 15. Majdik, C., Indolean, C., Tonk, S., Măicăneanu, A., Pernyeszi, T., Tothmeresz, B., „Removal of Zn2+ from some synthetic wastewaters by immobilized Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Cells”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, 2008, LIII, 71-76. 16. Burcă, S., Vermeşan, G., Bulea, C., Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Bedelean, H., “Removal of iron and ions zinc from electroplating wastewaters by ionic exchange”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2008, 9(4), 868-882. 17. Varodi, C., Gligor, D., Măicăneanu, A., Mureşan, L., “Carbon paste electrodes incorporating calcium-exchanged zeolite modified with methylene blue for amperometric detection of NADH”, Revista de Chimie, 2007, 58(9), 890-894. 18. Dulămiţă, N., Măicăneanu, A., Sayle, D.C., Stanca, M., Crăciun, R., Olea, M., Afloroaei, C., Fodor, A., “Ethylbenzene dehydrogenation on Fe2O3-Cr2O3-K2CO3 catalysts promoted with transitional metal oxides”, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2005, 287, 9-18. 19. Sayle, D.C., Măicăneanu, S.A., Watson, G.W., “Synthesis of a BaO thin-film supported on MgO(001) using a shell-model amorphisation and recrystallisation strategy”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2002, 4, 5189-5198. 20. Sayle, D.C., Măicăneanu, A., Watson, G.W., “Atomistic Models for CeO2(111), (110) and (100) Nanocrystallites Supported on Yttrium Stabilised Zirconia”, Journal of American Chemical Society, 2002, 124, 11429-11439. 21. Sayle, D.C., Doig, J.A., Măicăneanu, S.A., Watson, G.W., “Atomistic structure of oxide nanoparticles supported on an oxide substrate”, Physical Review B, 2002, 65, 245414-1-15. 22. Sayle, D.C., Catlow, C.R.A., Dulamita, N., Healy, M.J.F., Măicăneanu, A., Slater, B., Watson, G.W., “Modelling oxide thin films”, Molecular Simulation, 2002, 28(6-7), 683-725, review. 23. Măicăneanu, A., Sayle, D.C., Watson, G.W., “Structural characterization of the CeO2/YSZ(111) catalytic system using simulated amorphisation and recrystallisation”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2001, 105, 12481-12489. 24. Măicăneanu, A., Sayle, D.C., Watson, G.W., “Evolution and atomistic structure of dislocations defects and clusters within CeO 2 supported on ZrO2”, Chemical Communications, 2001, 289-290. 25. Sayle, D.C., Catlow, C.R.A., Harding, J.H., Healy, M.J.F., Măicăneanu, S.A., Parker, S.C., Slater, B., Watson, G.W., “Atomistic simulation methodologies for modelling the nucleation, growth and structure of interfaces”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2000, 10(6), 1315-1324. 26. Sayle, D.C., Măicăneanu, S.A., Slater, B., Catlow, C.R.A., “Exercising control over the influence of the lattice misfit on the structure of oxide-oxide thin film interfaces”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 1999, 9(11), 2779-2787, copertă. 27. Dulămiţă, N., Simianu, V., Măicăneanu, A., “A Study on Vibrational Energy in H2O Produced in the Reaction of OH with Cyclohexane”, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1997, 42(5), 343-348. Other papers 1. Bedelean, H., Măicăneanu, A., Burcă, S., Stanca, M., “Romanian zeolitic volcanic tuffs and bentonites used to remove ammonium ions from wastewaters”, Hellenic Journal of Geosciences, 2010, vol. 45, 23-31, ISSN 1105-0004. 2. Keri, A., Măicăneanu, A., Har, N., Avram, S., Rusu, T. “Considerations on acid mine drainage treatment with zeolitic volcanic tuff”, Buletin Ştiinţific al Universităţii de Nord Baia-Mare, Seria D, Exploatări Miniere, Prepararea Substanţelor Minerale Utile, Metalurgie Neferoasă, Geologie şi Ingineria Mediului, 2010, XXIV, 59 – 68. 3. Bedelean, H., Măicăneanu, A., Burcă, S., Stanca, M., “Investigations on some zeolitic volcanic tuffs from Cluj County (Romania), used for zinc ions removal from aqueous solution”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geologia, 2010, 55 (1), 9 – 15. 4. Burcă, S., Vermeşan, G., Bulea, C., Stanca, M., Bedelean, H., Măicăneanu, A., “Electroplating wastewater treatment using a Romanian bentonite”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, 2007, LII(3), 155-164. 5. Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Burcă, S., Bedelean, H., “Removal of some heavy metal ions from wastewaters using natural zeolites. A comparative study”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, 2006, LI(2), 187-196. 6. Bedelean, H., Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Burcă, S., “Zeolitic volcanic tuffs from Măcicaş (Cluj county), natural raw materials used for NH4+ removal from wastewaters”, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Geologia, 2006, 51(1-2), 43-49. 7. Bedelean, H., Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Burcă, S., “Zeolitic volcanic tuffs from Şoimeni (Cluj county), raw materials used for NH4+ removal”, Studii şi Cercetări, Geologie-Geografie, 2005, 10, 53-63. 8. Măicăneanu, A., „Applications of Computer Modelling Techniques in Heterogeneous Catalysis. A Short Review”, Progress in Catalysis, 2003, 12(1), 1-18. 9. Stanca, M., Bocskai, Z., Măicăneanu, A., “Decyanidation of Industrial Waters through Ozonization”, Studia Universitatis BabeşBolyai Chemia, 1995, XL, 1-2, 41-46. 10. Măicăneanu, A., Bedelean, H., Burcă, S., Stanca, M., „Utilizarea zeoliţilor naturali la epurarea apelor uzate”, Environment & Progress, 2009, 13, 212-221. 11. Burcă, S., Vermeşan, G., Bulea, C., Stanca, M., Bedelean, H., Măicăneanu, A., „Electroplating wastewaters pH influence over the ionic exchange capacity of some natural zeolite”, Coroziune şi protecţie anticorozivă, 2008, III(3), 2008. 12. Burcă, S., Vermeşan, G., Bulea, C., Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Bedelean, H., „Studii preliminare privind epurarea apelor reziduale cu conţinut de ioni de fier şi zinc de la acoperirile galvanice”, Coroziune şi Protecţie Anticorozivă, 2007, II(2), 9-12. 13. Bedelean, H., Măicăneanu, A., Stanca, M., Burcă, S., “Tufuri vulcanice zeolitice din judeţul Cluj, materii prime naturale depoluante”, Revista de Politică a Ştiinţei şi Scientometrie, număr special, 2005, ISSN 1582-1218, 1-17. 14. Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Burcă, S., Bedelean, H., Dulămiţă, N., “Natural zeolites as adsorbents for insecticides”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea, fascicola Chimie, 2005, XII, 243-254. 15. Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Burcă, S., “Phenol oxidation on chemical modified natural zeolite”, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series D, ISSN 1223-964X, 2005, 306-311. 16. Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Burcă, S., Bedelean, H., Dulămiţă, N., “Removal of organic pollutants from waste waters using adsorption on zeolitic tuff”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea, fascicola Chimie, 2004, XI, 61-66. 17. Bedelean, H., Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Burcă, S., Dulămiţă, N., “Characterisation of zeolitic volcanic tuffs from Măcicaş area (Cluj County)”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea, fascicola Chimie, 2004, XI, 67-72. 18. Stanca, M., Burcă, S., Măicăneanu, A., Afloroaei, C., Dulămiţă, N., „Catalytic filtration and ionic exchange as techniques in wastewater treatment”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea, fascicola Chimie, 2003, X, 33-39. 19. Stanca, M., Afloroaei, C., Dulămiţă, N., Măicăneanu, A., „Synthetic ionic exchangers in depollution processes”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea, fascicola Chimie, 2003, X, 154-159. 20. Măicăneanu, A., „Atomistic simulation of oxide-oxide interfaces”, Analele Universităţii din Oradea, fascicola Chimie, 2003, X, 2003, 129-144. 21. Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Pop, Al., Dulămiţă, N., “Eliminarea cuprului din ape reziduale prin schimb ionic pe tuf vulcanic de Mirşid ( Sălaj )”, Natura Silvaniae, 1997, 1, 201-206. 22. Stanca, M., Măicăneanu, A., Dulămiţă, N., “Eliminarea catalitică a dioxidului de sulf din gazele reziduale”, Analele Universităţii din Craiova, 1995, număr special, 380-383. 23. Dulămiţă, N., Măicăneanu, A., Crăciun, R., “Cinetica oxidehidrogenării etilbenzenului la stiren”, Analele Universităţii din Craiova, 1995, număr special, 384-387. 2. RESEARCH PROJECTS 1. Innovative system for industrial wastewater (resulted from electroplating and mining industry) reuse, SIREMEGRE, grant PN II, INOVARE, manager partner II –„Babeş-Bolyai” University. 2. Innovative photocatalytic materials applied in chemical and microbiological indoor air decontamination, MATDECON (2007-2009), grant PN II, PC 71-136, member. 3. Nanomaterials with applications in mediated electrocatalysis using modified electrodes, (2008-2010), grant PN II, IDEI, ID 512, member. 4. Fuel cell systems for bio alcohols direct electrooxidation, BioDAFC (2006-2008), grant CEEX 760, member. 5. Photo electrolytic H2 production, HIDROSOL (2006-2008), grant CEEX-MENER 710/2006, member. 6. Applications of clay minerals in wastewater treatment processes, (2006-2008), grant CNCSIS 1334, member. 7. Advanced electrode materials formed from redox mediators immobilized on solid ionic exchangers, (2006), grant CNCSIS At 66, member. 8. Study of the interactions between compounds with pharmaceutical and ecological interest with nanostructured systems in order to identify new properties and bio-physical-chemical applications, grant UBB TP-T, 2007-2010, member. 9. Zeolites and clays modified electrodes for bio-electro-catalytic detection of some compounds of medical interest, grant CEEX, 20062008, member. 10. TiO2 based nanomaterials and nanostructured films for photo-catalytic applications in the area of destruction of organic pollutants from the environment, NANATICATPOL, grant CEEX, 2005-2008, member. 11. Integrated technologies used to obtain nanostructurated bio-composites with applications in regenerative medicine of the bone tissue, TECOREMED, grant CEEX, 2005-2007, member. 12. Auto assembling of some structures with controlled architecture using as building units, borohydride complexes with different crown azo ethers, (2004-2005), grant CNCSIS 360, member. 13. Zeolitic volcanic tuffs from Cluj county, natural raw materials for depollution processes, grant CNCSIS, 2003 – 2005, member. 14. Ecological and genetic impact over structures and functioning of some aquatic systems from Transylvania, (1998-2000), grant CNCSU 16/1998, member. 15. Systemic ecology and biodiversity conservation, (1997-2000), grant World Bank, member. 16. Teaching software for Chemical technology knowledge testing, (1996-1999), Program Tempus JEP 11219, membru (50.000 USD). 17. Toxic substances removal from environment, 1997, contract SOROS Foundation, member. 18. Heating power study of some solid organic wastes, 1997, contract S.C. Romplast S.R.L. Năsăud, member. 19. Volatile organic compound conversion, 1997, contract S.C. Oltchim S.A. Râmnicu-Vâlcea, member. 20. Adsorption and electrosorption on natural and modified zeolites from Balkan area – alternative methods applied for environmental protection (2005-2007), COOP BIL RO-BU, membru (20.000 EUR). Cluj-Napoca march 2011 Assoc. prof. Dr. Ing. Andrada Sanda Măicăneanu