Transitional Kindergarten Mathematics Module Guide Activity

Transitional Kindergarten
Mathematics Module Guide
1. View the Mathematics PowerPoint Presentation for an overview of this module and key ideas
related to teaching mathematics to young children.
2. Read the California Preschool Curriculum Framework Volume 1
Focus on pages 231-295. You can use a note-taking guide to organize your thoughts (see
PowerPoint Slide 5 for example) regarding the following questions:
 How is the document organized?
 What age groups are addressed?
 What effective teaching strategies are discussed (if any)?
 What are the main areas covered?
 Is the role of play discussed? What is the role of “play” in this work?
You may have discussed the role of play in learning in your courses. For additional
information, visit
5 min.
20 min.
Read the kindergarten Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for mathematics online at
Focus on pages 6-9. Continue to use a note-taking guide to organize your thoughts
regarding the following questions:
 How is the document organized?
 What age groups are addressed?
 What effective teaching strategies are discussed (if any)?
 What are the main areas covered?
 Is the role of play discussed? What is the role of “play” in this work?
You may have discussed the role of play in learning in your courses. For additional
information, visit
20 min.
Access the California Department of Education’s document: The Alignment of the California
Preschool Learning Foundations with Key Early Education Resources.
Focus on pages 68-93. When reading, notice how the Preschool Foundations align with the
CCSS. Use examples from the document when you respond the questions below.
 Based on your own review of the Preschool Curriculum Framework and the
Kindergarten CCSS as well as this document, what are the common elements?
 Print table 1.9 for a reference or create your own table that clearly indicates what the
framework and standards in sections 2 and 3 have in common.
30 min.
5. In preparation for number 7 below, complete the following:
 Review the teacher’s role and effective teaching strategies from your notes from
numbers 2-4 above
 Review the role of the teacher and effective teaching strategies found on TK
Math instruction in TK Classrooms
15 min.
40 min.
A. Observe a math lesson in a TK classroom.
B. The TK California website includes valuable resources on the teaching of young children.
Select one video of mathematics instruction in a TK classroom. (Each video is less than 20
minutes long.)
For Options A and B, use the questions below to guide your observation and record any
additional insights and questions that you have. You will draw upon your notes to prepare a
post for the Discussion Forum.
Guiding Questions
1. What standard (s) was addressed? Identify the source of the standard.
2. What effective teaching strategies did you observe?
3. Are there any barriers preventing all students from participating (room environment,
manipulatives, language)? How could they be overcome?
4. How could technology be integrated into this lesson?
5. How is “play” integrated in to the lessons?
Discussion Forum Post: Video Analysis
 In 3-4 sentences, discuss one effective teaching strategy (#2 above) that you
observed in the lesson. How did it facilitate learning for young children?
 In 2-3 sentences, discuss how “play” was integrated into the lesson (#5 above).
Discussion Forum Response
Post a response to one peer (as available).
[Instructor note: In-class discussions can replace online forums.]
Integration is an important concept in TK-8 classrooms. The following activities will support
your thinking about curriculum integration and the integration of social-emotional
development in mathematics.
Curriculum integration is an important concept in TK-8 classrooms. One example
is geometry: We can talk about shapes in art. We can talk about shapes of
building in the community and shapes in the classroom. Consider how math can
be intergraded across the curriculum. Think about your classroom or video
observation and your review of the standards. Post or be prepared to discuss
two specific ideas for integrating math with at least one other subject area.
Social-emotional development includes self-regulating behaviors, emotions and
thinking. Think about your classroom or video observation and your review of
the standards. Post or be prepared to discuss two specific ways a teacher can
support social-emotional development through mathematics instruction.
30 min.
For more information on social-emotional development, review
8. After completing the activities above, take a few minutes to reflect on your learning. Select a
concept or activity from the module that is of greatest interest to you at this time. Be
prepared to explain the concept or activity and how it could impact your teaching. Share
your thoughts in class or by posting your comments.
Think about what you have learned in this module. Think about the TK-8 continuum in terms
of curriculum and strategies. Post or discuss your thoughts on whether the strategies that
you have learned would be effective in most TK-8 classrooms. Why or why not? Be specific.
15 min.
15 min.
Approximate Total Time: 3 hours and 10 minutes (not including the Optional Extensions)
*Suggestion: The times listed next to activities are approximate. Each activity could take more or less time. This
module should not be complete in a single sitting.
EXTENSTIONS (check with instructor before completing this section)
 Review the Table 1.9 (paged 75-81) found in (from section 4 above). Note the
benchmarks set for each area based on page.
 Lesson development