Shakespeare in Love script (1) Wessex, Will This conversation is characterized by (1) continuous otherselection (unusual in conversation) and (2) a long insertion sequence Wessex (to Viola) The queen asks for you. Answer well. The lord in waiting ushers viola through the crowd. Will starts to follow. Wessex takes him by the arm. Is there a man? Will A man, my lord? Wessex (impatiently) There was a man, poet--a theatre poet, I heard--does he come to the house? Will A theatre poet? Wessex An insolent penny-a-page rogue, Marlowe, he said, Christopher Marlowe--has he been to the house? Will Marlowe? Oh yes, he is the one, lovely waistcoat, shame about the poetry. Wessex (venomously) That dog! Other selection Insertion sequence The Queen, Viola, Wessex, Will The lord in waiting has presented Viola. Viola speaks from a frozen curtsey. Viola QSQ Queen QSV Viola (agreeing) QSQ Queen QSV Viola QSQ Queen QSV Viola QSQ Your majesty. Stand up straight, girl. Viola straightens. The queen examines her. I have seen you. You are the one who comes to all the plays--at Whitehall, At Richmond. Your Majesty. What do you love so much? Your Majesty Speak out! I know who i am. Do you love stories of kings and queens? Feats of arms? Or is it courtly love? I love theatre. To have stories acted for me by a company of fellows is indeed Queen (interrupting) They are not acted for you, they are acted for me. Viola remains silent, in apology. and--? QSV Viola And I love poetry above all. QSQ Queen Above lord Wessex? QSW (to Wessex) My lord--when you cannot find your wife you had better look for her at the playhouse. (laughter) But playwrights teach nothing about love, they make it pretty, they make it comical, or they make it lust. They cannot make it true. VSV Viola (blurts) oh, but they can! The courtiers gasp. I mean…your Majesty, they do not, they have not, but I believe there is one who can WSW Wessex Lady Viola is…young in the world. Your majesty is wise in it. Nature and truth are the very enemies of playacting. I'll wager my fortune. QSQ Queen I thought you were here because you had none. (laughter). Well, no one will take your wager, it seems. WSW Will Fifty pounds! Shock and horror. Queen Elizabeth is the only person amused. QSQ Queen Fifty pounds! A very worthy sum on a very worthy question. Can a play show us the very truth and nature of love? I bear witness to the wager, and will be the judge of it as occasion arises. I have not seen anything to settle it yet. (She moves away, everybody bowing and scraping). So--the fireworks will be soothing after the excitements of Lady Viola's audience. QSW (to Wessex) Have her then, but you are a lordly fool. She has been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. It takes a woman to know it. WSW Wessex (to himself) Marlowe! Queen selects Queen (self-selection) Queen selects Wessex (other-selection) Queen selects Viola (other selection) Wessex selects Wessex (self selection) Viola selects Viola (self-selection) Will selects Will (self-selection) The Queen organises the conversation. She has the most turns and she does the selecting (either of herself or of Viola). The surprising turn is Viola’s self-selection. This is surprising because: a) a woman at court is self-selecting b) she contradicts the queen (a dispreferred response)