
Information Leaflet
What is Measles?
Measles is a viral illness that causes fever, cough, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, maculopapular
rash and Koplik’s spots (bluish-white flecks with red areola seen on mucous membranes of
mouth early in measles infection). Complications include otitis media, pneumonia
(especially third trimester), diarrhoea and rarely encephalitis, subacute sclerosing
panencephalitis (SSPE) and death.
Measles and pregnancy
Measles during pregnancy is associated with an increased rate of premature labour and
spontaneous abortion. There is no proven evidence of an association with congenital
How is measles spread?
Measles is spread via the droplet and airborne routes, from person to person. It is highly
contagious to those who are not immune. The infectious period is 1-2 days before onset of
symptoms (3-5 days before onset of rash) to 4 days after appearance of the rash. The
incubation period (time from acquiring the infection to developing symptoms) is 8-12 days.
Is there any treatment for measles in pregnancy and the neonate?
Recommend regular paracetamol to reduce fever. Supportive therapy (bed rest, fluids).
Is there any treatment for a pregnant woman/neonate exposed to measles?
Non-immune pregnant women and infants of mothers who develop measles, can be offered
IVIG as soon as possible (within 5 days of exposure).
How can measles be prevented?
Receive 2 doses of the MMR vaccine (not in pregnancy). The MMR vaccine is a live
attenuated vaccine. It can be given post-partum and to infants >9 months.
How do I know if a patient is immune?
A person who has had measles or has had 2 doses of the MMR vaccine, will be immune. If
immunity testing is required, serum can be tested for Measles IgG and IgM (can be ordered
on stored antenatal blood if patient has already had their booking bloods).
 Measles IgG and IgM negative: patient is susceptible. Offer IVIG if definite measles
exposure. Discuss with Microbiologist (Bleep 162 or via switch)
 Measles IgG positive and IgM negative: patient is immune. Reassure.
 Measles IgG positive or negative and IgM positive: patient has active or recent
infection. Advise paracetamol for fever, supportive therapy. Patient is infectious.
Infection Control, October 2012