Reading by Month - word

Alice Hartmans
Grade 1/2 Immersion - Long Range Plans - Reading
Variety of Texts (1.1)
read a few different types of literary texts, graphic texts,
and informational texts
Purpose (1.2)
identify a few/several different purposes for reading and
choose reading materials appropriate for those purposes
Comprehension Strategies (1.3)
identify a few/several reading comprehension strategies
and use them before, during, and after reading to
understand texts, (Gr 1 - initially with support and
Analyzing Texts (1.7)
identify the main idea and a few/some elements of texts,
(Gr 1 - initially with support and direction)
Responding to and Evaluating Texts (1.8)
express personal thoughts and feelings about what has
been read
Text Patterns (2.2)
recognize simple organizational patterns in texts of
different types and explain, initially with support and
direction, how the patterns help readers understand the
Text Features (2.3)
identify some text features and explain how they help
readers understand texts
Elements of Style (2.4)
identify some simple elements of style, including voice,
word choice, (Gr 2 - and different types of sentences,)
and explain (Gr 1 - initially with support and direction)
how they help readers understand texts
Reading Unfamiliar Words (3.2)
predict the meaning of and (Gr 2 - quickly) solve
unfamiliar words using different types of cues
2010 - 2011
Specific Strategies
- shared reading, simple chart stories, structures
- Strategy: picture clues
- Gr 1: a, e, i; Jolly Phonics poems
- Gr 2: i, y, a, e, u
Working with Words:
- Gr 1 vowels & initial consonants
- Gr 2 alph. order; word order; sound/symbol; sentence
compr.; masc./fem.
- chart stories, short texts, sight word texts
- Strategy: sound out letters, visualize (images)
- Gr 1: u, o, é, ê, è; Jolly Phonics poems
- Gr 2: o, é, è, ê, oi
Working with Words:
- Gr 1: medial & final consonants
- Gr 2: syllables, sing./plur., compr. of details; sounds;
sent. order
- chart stories with sight word vocab
- begin Guided Reading & Literacy Centres
- Strategy: make predictions
- Gr 1: review all vowel sounds; an, en, ou; blending
- Gr 2: ou, on, in, an/en
Working with Words:
- Gr 1: consonants
- Gr 2: punctuation (!, ?); identifying sounds
- Guided Reading & Literacy Centres
- Strategy: connect to a word you know; ask questions
- Gr 1: ch; blending sounds
- Gr 2: gn, ai
Working with Words:
- Gr 1: consonants
- Gr 2: alph. order, nouns/verbs, sent. fluency
- Guided Reading & Literacy Centres
- Strategy: reread the sentence; retell the story
- Gr 1: on, oi, in
- Gr 2: ier/ière, bl/cl/fl..., consonant + r, eau/os/au/o/ô/ot
Working with Words:
- Gr 1: start J’apprends à écrire
- Gr 2: proper nouns, capitals, periods
Alice Hartmans
Grade 1/2 Immersion - Long Range Plans - Reading
Demonstrating Understanding (1.4)
retell story; restate info (Gr 1 main ideas, important
events; Gr 2 interesting details)
Making Inferences/Interpreting Texts (1.5)
use stated and implied information and ideas in texts,
(Gr 1 - initially with support and direction,) to make
simple inferences and reasonable predictions about
Extending Understanding (1.6)
extend understanding of texts by connecting the ideas in
them to their own knowledge and experience, to other
familiar texts, and to the world around them
Point of View (1.9)
identify (Gr 2 - initially with support and direction) the
speaker and the point of view presented in a text and
suggest one or two (Gr 2) possible alternative
Text Forms (2.1)
identify and describe the characteristics of a few simple
text forms (Gr 1 - simple fictional story, calendar, “All
About ____” book; Gr 2 - fairy tale, primary dictionary,
How To book)
Reading Familiar Words (3.1)
automatically read and understand some/many highfrequency words, (Gr 2 - some words with common
spelling patterns), words of personal interest or
significance, in a variety of reading contexts [the same
word in different graphic representations such as: on the
word wall (Gr 1); on charts or posters (Gr 2); in shared-,
guided-, and independent-reading texts; on shared- and
interactive-writing texts; in personal writing; in a variety
of fonts (Gr 1); and in the writing of their peers (Gr 2)]
Reading Fluently (3.3)
read appropriate (Gr 1 - familiar) texts at a sufficient rate
and with sufficient expression to convey the sense of the
text to the reader (Gr 2 - and to an audience)
Metacognition (4.1)
identify, (Gr 2 - initially) with support and direction, a few
strategies that they found helpful before, during, and
after reading
Interconnected Skills (4.2)
explain, initially with support and direction, how their
skills in listening, speaking, writing, viewing, and
representing help them make sense of what they read
2010 - 2011
Specific Strategies
- Guided Reading & Literacy Centres
- Strategy: Keep reading; Prior knowledge
- Gr 1: au, eau, eu
- Gr 2: consonant + r, ill, eu/eur/oeur, oin
Working with Words:
- Gr 1: Spell sight words correctly; J’apprends à écrire
- Gr 2:
- Guided Reading & Literacy Centres
- Strategy: Ask and answer questions
- Gr 1: qu, c dur, c doux, g dur, g doux, gu, gn
- Gr 2: ier, ure, ph/th, qu
Working with Words:
- Gr 1: J’apprends à écrire
- Gr 2:
- Guided Reading & Literacy Centres
- Strategy: Retell; Summarize
- Gr 1: bl, cl gl, fl pl
- Gr 2: eil/eille, ail/aille, euil/ouil, avoir
Working with Words:
- Gr 1: J’apprends à écrire
- Gr 2:
- Guided Reading & Literacy Centres
- Strategy: Retell; Summarize
- Gr 1: br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, vr
- Gr 2: être, pouvoir, faire, aller
Working with Words:
- Gr 1: J’apprends à écrire
- Gr 2:
- Guided Reading & Literacy Centres
- Strategy: Review all
- Gr 1: review all blends
- Gr 2: -er verbs
Working with Words:
- Gr 1: J’apprends à écrire
- Gr 2: