
Ivanov B.1, Svyashchennikov P.1,2, Malyshev V.3, Volchkov A3.
1 – Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Bering str. 38, Saint-Petersburg, Russia;
2 – Saint-Petersburg State University, 10 line V.Isl., Saint-Petersburg, Russia;
3 – Research and Production Association “Typhoon”, 4 Pobedy str., Obninsk, Russia
Co-responding author: tel. 812-3523352, fax 812-352268 b_ivanov@aari.nw.ru
The results of Intercomparison measurements of incoming global radiation carried out during the field
programs of International Polar Year in the Arctic (Svalbard, Barentsburg, Ny-Alesun, 2007-2009) and Antarctic (on
board of Russian research vessel "Academic Fedorov", 2009-2010) are presented. Reestablishment and development of
the Russian programs of regular observations of the radiation regime in the Arctic and Antarctic have a high important.
The international practice of comparisons and the joint analysis of historical and contemporary radiation data obtained
by sensors of different types underscore the need for carrying out of Intercalibration procedures for sensors used on
Russian, European and USA polar meteorological stations. Since the beginning of regular Russian radiation
measurements on Svalbard (Barentsburg) and Antarctic research stations, the observation programs were based on the
use of standard Russian pyranometers M-80. At present all programs of regular radiation measurements on Svalbard are
concentrated in Ny-Alesun settlement and integrated in a network within the framework of the international program
«Kongsfjorden International Research Base». This observational network is formed on the basis of pyranometers
manufactured by "Kipp&Zonen" company (Holland). Development and integration of regular Russian radiation
measurements, which are presently carried out in Barentsburg, into this network is highly relevant. The systematic and
random discrepancies between the Russian and Holland pyranometers were revealing. The main reasons of these
discrepancies are connect with cloud conditions and sun angles. These results could be used for the joint analysis of the
historical and modern data with the aim to a better understanding of the radiative climate of the region.
The international practice of comparison and joint analysis of historical and contemporary
data from radiation observation, received in various countries, indicates the necessity of carryingout important procedures associated with comparison of readings from sensors used, in particular, at
Russian and foreign meteorological stations.
From the beginning of regular Russian radiation measurements on Svalbard (Barentsburg
area) the observation program is based on standard Russian sensors (the Yanishevsky-Savinov
pyranometers M-80). At present at the base of scientific stations from a series of countries from
Europe, North America and Asia (Norway, Germany, Italy, UK, France, USA, Japan, Chine and
South Korea), compactly located in the Norwegian settlement of Ny-Alesun, all radiation
measurement are combined into a single measurement network as a part of an international program
“Kongsfjorden International Research Base”.
Fig. 1 Svalbard map
As a rule, the countries listed make use of the universally accepted Kipp&Zonen
pyranometers (Holland). The inclusion of Russian observation in this network at Barentsburg
seemed to be an extremely rational and necessary. The negotiations with representatives from
Norwegian Polar institute (NPI) and Norwegian Meteorological institute (met.no) showed promise
in carrying them out.
This was expressed by a proposal to include Russian observation in
Barentsburg in the network and carrying-out observations as a part of the Intercalibration research
program with the use of Russian and Holland devices. The proposed research would enable us to
receive representative data for joint analysis, to detect (in event of their presences) the consistent
discrepancies between Russian and Holland sensors and to take into account these corrections when
analyzing historical and current data aimed at comparative research as to the radiation climate of the
Svalbard region. In particular, in the capacity of more representative and long term stations to serve
as bases for comparative climatic research it was suggested to use the radiation data from the
Russian station on Svalbard (Barentsburg) and the Norwegian stations in Ny-Alesun.
As a part of an integrated Arctic and Antarctic Research Institution (AARI) expedition, the
first Intercalibration measurements were carried out in the spring of 2007 with the participation of
Russian and Holland radiation sensors (M-80, CMP6, CMP11).
Fig. 2
The pyranometer CMP6 was kindly provided by Main Geophysical Observatory (MGO)
from Saint-Petersburg. To record the readings of the all sensors a multi-channel data logger “BCR8” from the Scientific Production Association (SPA) “Typhoon” (Russia) was used. The preliminary
comparative analysis of the results showed that discrepancies in the devices readings for the hourly
average did not exceed or compare, on average, with the error of the devices themselves. At the
same time, detailed measurement analysis, including with a higher time resolution, showed so far
unexplained coefficient fluctuations in linear regression equations. These describe the connection
between readings of different-type sensors at different averaging times. In particular, it was found
that cloudiness, height and sun azimuth influences the discrepancies in the readings of the used
At the beginning of 2008, as a part of International Polar Year 2007/2008 (IPY) and by the
joint initiative of AARI, Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) and Murmansk Hydrometeorological
Service (MHMS), a program of joint radiation measurements on Svalbard was designed for AprilMay 2008. The program involved carrying out a series of synchronized radiation measurements
using standard Russian and Holland devices at the NPI research station in Ny-Alesun (“Sverdrup”
station) and the MHMS in Barentsburg. At the same time Russian (AARI, MHMS) and Norwegian
(NPI) specialists had to set up devices, carry-out measurements at both research stations, and
conduct joint analysis of the obtained results.
The successful work encouraged operational employment of Russian recourses (AARI,
MHMS) and international (AARI, NPI) projects as well as the financial support of a new IPY NPI
project (Arctic Climate Diversity – ARCDIV). In frame of this project modern devices were
acquired (such as pyranometer CMP11 (Kipp&Zonen), and data logger “Pico”, UK) and also part of
logistics costs connected with delivery and the time spent by AARI/NPI specialists at Ny-Alesun
and Barentsburg were covered.
The NPI research station “Sverdrup” is a modern high tech Arctic laboratory designed for a
wide range of standard and special meteorological and radiation observations, measurements of the
atmosphere’s optical parameters and general and near surface ozone content.
Fig. 3
This is a logistical research center on Svalbard for many scientific, applied research and
educational organizations of Norway (NPI, met.no, Norwegian Institute of Atmospheric Research,
Norwegian Institute of Space Research, Bergen Geophysical Institute, Management of Energy and
Water Recourse, Universities of Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Svalbard and others).
On the station’s roof there is a so called radiation investigation platform, intended for
mounting radiation sensors of any type and connecting them to the station’s main computer.
Fig. 4
AARI specialists set up two standard pyranometers M-80. In order to have continues
measurements of diffuse solar radiation one of them was installed on a special “Tracker” rotating
Fig. 5
The second Russian Pyranometer for measurements of incoming global solar radiation was
installed on a regular stationary (non-rotating) mounting. The calibration of Russian sensors were
carried out by MGO in Saint-Petersburg as well as detailed assessment of the pyranometer’s glass
cover properties and determined corrections to its sensitivity coefficient, conditional on the height
of the sun and its azimuth. Both pyranometers were connected to the station’s main computer and
measured solar radiation synchronically with the Holland pyranometers CMP11 (Kipp&Zonen),
registered the incoming global and diffuse radiation. Naturally the Russian devices did not
immediately fit on the Norwegian station’s radiation platform as they are different sizes to foreign
analogous and also have different mountings. However, the astuteness and inventiveness of the
Russian specialists, working very closely with their Norwegians colleagues from NPI, enabled them
to overcome these problems quickly. So, for the first time the NPI research station “Sverdrup” was
“reequipped” with standard Russian radiation sensors, which worked there for a long time. The
result was a possibility to compare not only instant or average hour readings, but the most important
monthly averages as well as monthly sums. It is the latter that figures in most modern
meteorological reference books, catalogues, archives and date banks and is also used in climate
Then the Russian-Norwegian science team moved to Barentsburg. The temporary
“radiation” platform for carrying out joint radiation measurements was organized on the roof of
local research station. We used a new modification of Russian data logger BCI. The first BCI model
was tested successfully not only on Svalbard (Barentsburg, 2007), but also on the Russian Antarctic
research station “Novolazarevskaya” (2007-2009) and on the Russian drifting station “North Pole
35” (2008).
Fig. 6
The data was registered with discretion of 5 second (in Ny-Alesun discretion was 1 second).
BCI was connected to a portable computer, which made it possible to check results of
measurements in real time, create daily data files of any design discretion, to conduct initial critical
data analysis etc.
Joint measurements, conducted on the roof of Barentsburg research station, showed the
principal technical abilities of the organization and carrying out there special radiation
measurements. The some results of Intercomparison measurements we can see on fig. 7:
Fig. 7
We propose that widening the range of standard radiation observation in Barentsburg is very
important. This station is the furthest west Russian meteorological station in the Arctic, which
worked according to IPY II (1932-1933), the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and IPY
III (2007-2008). The station is close to one of the key, from the point of view of interaction between
ocean and atmosphere, regions in the Northern Hemisphere, the Fram Strait. Long time
meteorological and radiation measurements at this point make it possible to objectively judge the
past and present climate at the polar latitudes. Widening the current standard observation and proper
analysis (often simply “search”) of historical data is a key to understanding climate forming
processes, objective analysis and “rational” interpretation of “global warming” processes on the
planet as whole and in the Arctic in particular.
Besides the Arctic observations, Intercomparison measurements of solar radiation in
Antarctic latitudes are also very important. That experiment was carried out during 55th Russian
Antarctic expedition on “Academic Fedorov” research vessel. Observation works on board were
carried out during all the itinerary, i.e., while crossing the Atlantic Ocean, sailing round the
Antarctic and staying at the Russian Antarctic station “Progress”. As a result, the lack of standard
and special solar radiation measurements in near-Antarctic area was eliminated, as well as heat
balance and thermal physics data for various types of underlying surface. Measurements were made
by means of MF-19 solar radiometry instrument made in RPA “Typhoon” (Obninsk, Russia),
consisting of BCI central measuring unit (a multi-channel data logger) and solar radiation sensors of
various types.
The experiment goals were as follows:
continuous recording of the solar balance components during the whole itinerary;
data retrieving, processing and intercomparison for various solar sensors.
“Academic Fedorov” sailed from St.-Petersburg on November 1st, 2009. All the equipment
was positioned on the upper desk to prevent it from shading by the ship structures. Sensors shown at
fig. 9 were located on a special dismountable holder (an “arm-rack”) and also on a table. The BCI
was placed into a weatherproof box on the arm-rack (fig. 10). The power supply and data transfer
units, as well as a portable PC (notebook), were located in the ship laboratory (fig. 11) and
connected with the sensors and logger by power and interface cables.
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Table 1. BCI logger characteristic
Quantities measured
Measurement range Relative accuracy limit, %
Global solar radiation, kWt/m2
0.01 – 1,6
± 11
Diffuse solar radiation, kWt/m2
0,01 – 1,6
± 11
Reflected solar radiation, kWt/m2
0,01 – 1,6
± 11
Solar radiation balance, kWt/m2
0,01 – 1,1
± 15
Power supply: AC (230±23) V, 50 Hz with voltage adaptor 6 - 12 V, or in-built independent power
supply unit (4 batteries AA type) at a voltage of 6 V.
The arm-rack was designed as a mounting facility for commercially available solar sensors:
pyranometers (M-80, CM-21 and Peleng SF-06 were actually used);
pyrgeometer to measure long-wave radiation (CG-4 was used):
balance meter to measure radiation balance (Peleng SF-08 was used).
During the expedition, continuous observations consisted of:
testing of the sensors working capacity on board and in the Antarctic climate;
continuous data registration;
extra observations of atmosphere and underlying surface conditions;
data processing and intercomparison.
From December 4th, 2009 to February 20th, 2010 “Academic Fedorov” sailed round the
Antarctic starting from Cape Town. Besides onboard observations, the plan was to land at the
Russian Antarctic station “Progress” to arrange observations on its meteorological site. The site was
located on the top of a hill about 100 m above the sea level. At the site an extra sensor for reflected
radiation was added.
As compared to the sea, the site weather conditions were less aggressive, but complicated with
high irradiance and strong wind.
Fig. 12 Solar radiometry equipment on “Academic Fedorov” board in view of Cape Town (SAR).
Fig. 13 Solar radiometry equipment in the Antarctic (Russian station “Progress”)
The solar sensors output data were being registered during all the expedition except of heavy
rains or wet snow, glaze and rime deposit on the sensors. Some extra observations like weather and
underlying surface condition, cloudiness, visibility, air temperature and the sun disk observation
were carried out in cooperation with the ship meteorologists. The sun height was being calculated
by means of special software. On board there were regular observations regarding the ship course
and fix, water temperature, wave height and compacting of ice. Underlying surface conditions were
being estimated by sight. Maintenance work on all the equipment was executed daily.
Daily primary data files and hourly average data files was created automatically. Daily data
processing was added with graphic relations between solar radiation and time (see fig. 14 and 15)
for both primary and hourly averaged data. All results were stored in PC memory and the primary
data stored in BCI memory, as well.
Fig. 14 Relation between solar radiation and time in the Antarctic (“Progress” station)
Fig. 15 Relation between solar radiation and time while staying in Cape Town
During all the expedition period the solar radiometry equipment had been working in due
way. Either “Peleng” or “Kipp&Zonen” sensors had never failed, despite equatorial or Antarctic
weather conditions, salt water or strong wind. Correctness of the measurement results confirmed by
good data convergence (fig. 14 and 15) enables all the above sensors to be applicable for solar
radiometry observations.