Lesson 1 Vocabulary: Using context clues

Lesson 1 Vocabulary: Using context clues
Exercise A - When you come across an unfamiliar word while reading, you can often use clues from the
“context,” which is the sentence or paragraph in which it appears, to figure out the word’s meaning. For
each sentence below, use context clues to determine the meaning of the boldfaced vocabulary word. Write
your definition of the word.
1) Commemorate (v)
To remember those who died, we will build a monument to commemorate them.
My definition:______________________________________________________________________________
2) Eulogy (n)
In the eulogy at his grandmother’s funeral, Kimo spoke of all the wonderful things he remembered
about her.
My definition:______________________________________________________________________________
3) Quarry (n)
From paintings that show whales attacking ships, you might not realize that a whale’s favorite quarry
is giant squid.
My definition:______________________________________________________________________________
4) Vital (adj)
Many refugees would die unless they received vital supplies such as food and medicine.
My definition:______________________________________________________________________________
5) Sustenance (n)
Bananas provided sustenance for the sailors who were shipwrecked on the island.
My definition:______________________________________________________________________________
6) Dire (adj)
A dire forecast on the radio prompted everyone to leave the hurricane area immediately.
My definition:______________________________________________________________________________
7) Immortality (v)
People have long dreamed of achieving immortality, but would it really be good to live forever?
My definition:______________________________________________________________________________
8) Epitaph (n)
The words of the epitaph carved into the tombstone had worn away.
My definition:______________________________________________________________________________
9) Predators (n)
Most plants are not predators, but the Venus’s-flytrap captures and eats insects.
My definition:______________________________________________________________________________
10) Longevity (n)
Longevity runs in Rudy’s family; all four of his grandparents have lived to ninety years of age.
My definition:______________________________________________________________________________
Exercise B – Circle the letter of the answer that best completes each sentence.
11) A eulogy probably would not contain______________.
a. stories about good things the person had done
b. an excerpt from a poem the person had written
c. a detailed description of how the person died
d. reasons why the person will be remembered
12) An example of sustenance is __________________.
a. A bouquet of flowers
b. A loaf of bread
c. Movies on videotape
d. Toothpaste
13) A person’s epitaph would probably contain ________________________.
a. A person’s street address
b. Photographs from a recent vacation
c. The person’s baseball card collection
d. The person’s birth date
14) You could commemorate someone by _______________________.
a. Ignoring all of the person’s faults
b. Taking the person out for lunch
c. Telling the person why you like him or her
d. Dedicating a building in the person’s honor
15) A predator would probably not be very successful if it_____________________.
a. Was much weaker than its prey
b. Could move very fast
c. Was able to hide itself and remain very still
d. Had large and powerful jaws
Exercise C: Using 5 of your vocabulary words, come up with a ghost story to honor Halloween. Make sure
you use each word as the correct part of speech. And you have a beginning, middle and end to your story.
1) Commemorate (v) – to keep the memory alive; honor the memory of someone or something
2) Eulogy (n) – a formal speech that praises someone; usually given at a funeral
3) Quarry (n) – anything being hunted or pursued; prey
4) Vital (adj) – anything necessary to maintain life
5) Sustenance (n) – something that sustains life; food
6) Dire (adj) – warning of disaster
7) Immortality (n) – the quality of being exempt from death; the ability to live forever
8) Epitaph (n) – an inscription on a tomb or grace in memory of the person buried there
9) Predators (n) – one that preys on others; captures and feeds off of others
10) Longevity (n) – long life