Science Coverage – KS1 Y1 Topics

Science Year 2
Biology Strand: Animals, including humans
Discuss how animals have offspring that grow into adults & think about how children have
changed since they were babies. Look at various life cycles & find out what animals need
to survive. Study balanced diets & exercise, which help keep humans fit & healthy.
Description of sessions
Discuss how humans have babies that grow into adults & emphasise
Session A
that they grow & develop. Talk thru stages: baby, toddler, child,
Our bodies teenager, adult. Children think about how they have changed since
they were babies. Find out whether taller children have bigger feet.
Study the life cycle of a frog in detail. Children draw, order & label
Session B
life cycles & sequence life cycles online. They make a tadpole that
Frog life
can metamorphose into a frog, an origami frog & match various baby
animals to the relevant adults.
Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to kick start this session. Then
Session C
study the life cycle of a butterfly in detail. Chn draw & label a
Butterfly life
butterfly life cycle, colour butterflies online & create symmetrical
butterfly paintings. Compare with dragonfly cycle.
Study another different life cycle – that of a chicken. Look in detail at
Session D
an egg & draw & label it & find out how the chick embryo develops in
Chicken life
the egg. Match other baby animals with the relevant adults. Look at a
variety of birds’ eggs.
What do all animals need to survive? Basic survival needs – water,
Session E
food, air (& shelter). Find out about looking after pets, zoo animals,
Basic needs
farm animals & their young. Welcome a guest speaker &/or a pet to
the classroom. Children draw & find out about pets.
One thing humans need to survive is a balanced diet. Discuss food
Session F
groups & what each type of food is needed for. Children draw their
Food Groups own representation of balanced diet. Make a fruit juice survey,
collect the data & graph the results. Start a food diary.
Sort a selection of foods/food labels. Find out which foods we can
Session G
eat a lot of & which should be eaten sparingly. Discuss children’s
food diaries sensitively. Children draw the contents of a healthy
lunch box & design their own lid.
Humans (and other animals) need exercise to be fit & healthy. Talk
Session H
about why exercise is important for our muscles, bones & heart
Keeping fit (which is also a muscle). Find out how exercise affects our bodies.
Discuss children’s favourite ways of exercising.
We need enough rest to stay healthy, so bedtime is important!
Session I
Create a life-size pictogram of bedtimes. Discuss how keeping clean
also helps us to stay healthy. Investigate hand washing. Mention that
medicines can also help us to stay well.
© Hamilton Trust 2013 Y2 - Science
Science Strands KS1
Year 1
Plants Biology
Animals, including humans Biology
Everyday materials Chemistry
Seasonal changes Physics
© Hamilton Trust 2013 Y2 - Science
Year 2
Living things and their habitats Biology
Plants Biology
Animals, including humans Biology
Uses of everyday materials Chemistry
Hamilton Trust
Science Year 2
Biology Strand
Animals, including humans
© Hamilton Trust 2013 Y2 - Science