DEAKIN UNIVERSITY DOCTOR OF PSYCHOLOGY (HEALTH) PLACEMENT SUPERVISION ARRANGEMENTS: CONTRACT Name of Placement Agency: ______________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________ Name of Agency Supervisor:___________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________ Qualifications: _______________________Registration Number: _______________ Email: _______________ Are you a member of the College of (Clinical / Health / Forensic) Psychologists? Yes No Are you eligible for membership of the College of (Clinical / Health / Forensic) Yes Psychologists? No Name of Student: ________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________ Name of University Supervisor: ____________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________ Name of Placement Co-ordinator: Dr Alexa Kambouropoulos Telephone: 9244 6484 Commencement Date of Placement: ______________________________________ Completion Date: __________________________ Attendance Times: __________________________ Expectations of the Agency Supervisor: Administrative 1. To liase with the University Supervisor with regard to student progress in the placement. 2. To meet with student and University Supervisor during the placement. 3. To review and sign the students log book periodically 4. To provide an assessment report to the University regarding the satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance of the student on the placement. The assessment result is determined jointly the Agency and University Supervisor. 5. Help select suitable clients for the student. Educative 1. Provide the student with clinical psychology case load (in consultation with supervisor) – case load between 2 – 6 clients over a two day week depending on the year level of the student. 2. Where appropriate to provide the opportunity to observe individual therapy conducted by the agency supervisor focusing on different issues. 3. Arrange for student to attend / co-facilitate group intervention sessions. 4. Supervise the student’s execution of intervention or appropriate referral when necessary 5. Invite students to attend team meetings for discussion / evaluation / case analysis. 6. Provide opportunities for the student to observe / participate in assessment of clients, and administer appropriate psychometric tests as used by the agency. 7. Provide discussion and feedback on test results. 8. Guide and review student in the report writing associated with assessments. 9. Guide students as to relevant literature that may assist them to execute their role within the agency more effectively Organisational 1. Help students orientate themselves within the agency. This includes giving a background of the agency and its functions (including type of client and problems seen, services offered, professional and administrative procedures, emergency procedures). 2. Introduce students to other staff members and help students define their roles within the agency. 3. Provide students with the opportunity to discuss with other members of the agency team what their roles are and how the team works together 4. Provide students with ongoing feedback concerning their functioning within the agency and suggest remedial action when necessary. Page 2 Supervision 1. The Agency Supervisor will be qualified to give supervision recognised by the Psychology Board of Australia and the relevant College of Psychologists (Clinical, Health or Forensic). 2. To provide the student with a minimum of one hour individual face to face supervision per two days of placement 3. Supervise the student’s execution of intervention or appropriate referral when necessary 4. Provide emergency support when necessary. 5. Assist student with identifying support needs and with problem solving 6. Allow the student to provide feedback regarding the agency and supervision. 7. Make alternative arrangements for the student to receive supervision within the agency when the supervisor is unable to meet this commitment. Expectations of the Student: Administrative 1. To register with the Psychologists Registration Board as a Probationary Psychologist 2. To follow lawful and ethical directions of the Agency Supervisor 3. To maintain a daily log book of placement activities, including all clients contacts, assessment and intervention procedures and supervision 4. To organise meetings with the Agency and University Supervisors to receive feedback and also to give the Agency Supervisor feedback 5. To organise a final review meeting with the agency supervisor 2 weeks before the completion of the placement. 6. Dress appropriately and act in a professional manner at all times. Educative (To be completed after discussion with the Agency supervisor, University supervisor and Student – refer to Expectations of the Agency Supervisor: Educative for possible outline) 1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________________ Page 3 Organisational 1. Maintain and store client records appropriately. 2. Become familiar with the professional and administrative procedures of the agency, including emergency procedures. 3. Discuss with the supervisor any difficulties associated with working in the organisation. 4. Maintain workable relationships with members of the organisation, and avoid politics. Supervision 1. Be appropriately prepared for agency supervision sessions regarding clinical work and any other issues that may have arisen. 2. Approach their University supervisor for any additional guidance and support that is needed in relation to the placement. Expectations of the University Supervisor: To discuss and sign the contract within 14 days of the student commencing placement To meet regularly with the student To meet with the student and Agency Supervisor during the placement To participate in the final assessment of the student To review and sign log book at mid and end of placement. Work Insurance: Deakin University carries Professional Indemnity (Malpractice) Insurance covering training of Psychology students, whilst on placement. The University also carries Host Employers Liability Insurance, which covers the placement student who suffers a workplace injury. Signatures: Date: Agency Supervisor: _______________________ ________________ Student: _______________________ ________________ University Supervisor: _______________________ ________________ Head of School: ________________ Page 4 _______________________