2/15/2016 Module 2: Nutritional Strategies to Minimize Nutrient Loss to Manure By David J. Hansen, University of Delaware Intended Outcomes The participants will learn Basic concepts of animal nutrition. How to improve nutrient yield. Techniques for reducing ammonia losses. Economic considerations when reducing nitrogen and phosphorus excretion. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Nutrient Inputs A. Basic Nutrient Cycling in Animal Systems B. National Research Council (NRC) Guidelines for Diets C. Feed Waste 3. Dietary Strategies to Improve Nutrient Efficiency A. Dairy B. Beef C. Swine D. Poultry References Appendix A: NRC Dietary Tables Questions 1 August 2003 2/15/2016 Reviewers The author wishes to thank Al Sutton, Purdue University, and Bob von Bernuth, Michigan State University, for their review of this module. This module was adapted from the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship (LPES) curriculum, Lesson 10 authored by Theo van Kempen and Eric van Heugten, North Carolina State University; Lesson 11 authored by Paul Patterson, The Pennsylvania State University; Lesson 12 authored by Rick Grant, University of Nebraska, and Stanley (Lee) Telega, Cornell University; and Lesson 13 authored by Galen Erickson, University of Nebraska, and Todd Milton, formerly of the University of Nebraska, courtesy of MidWest Plan Service, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 500113080. 2 August 2003 2/15/2016 Introduction Consumers demand safe, high-quality meat, eggs, and milk at reasonable prices. Increasingly, these consumers are demanding that livestock and poultry operations producing these goods be operated in ways that minimize negative impacts to the environment. Of particular concern are nutrients, primarily nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), excreted in manure. The most effective way to reduce the excretion of N and P is through feed management. The goal of livestock and poultry feed management is to maximize feed efficiency by providing biologically available nutrients in quantities sufficient to ensure productivity while minimizing nutrients excreted in manure and urine. Although both animals and birds are relatively inefficient in their “conversion” of N and P from feed, commonly passing more than 50% of N and P through to feces, research indicates that dramatic improvements are possible. However, the various species have very different sets of challenges. For example, non-ruminants such as swine and poultry have a difficult time digesting phytate-P and require inorganic P supplements or the addition of phytase to increase availability of P for animal growth. This module will focus on nutritional strategies for maximizing nutrient utilization by animals, which reduces nutrient excretion and increases profitability. Nutrient Inputs Basic Nutrient Cycling in Animal Systems All animal diets have the same basic goal: to provide available nutrients in adequate amounts and proportions to meet the maintenance and production requirements of the animals while avoiding waste and overfeeding. Providing nutrients in excess of animal requirements results in increased costs of production and contributes to potential environmental problems. Inefficiencies can be caused by a variety of factors including housing conditions (temperature, moisture, etc.), management (cleanliness, proper maintenance of equipment), genetics, and feed quality (Figure 2-1). Therefore, efforts to maximize efficiency and minimize the loss of nutrients from this system can be targeted at many different points. While it may not be practical to address all these points simultaneously, the following discussions should help producers identify those areas where improvements are most likely to work in their operations. National Research Council (NRC) Guidelines for Diets In 1916, the National Academy of Sciences organized the NRC to “…associate the broad community of science and technology with the Academy's purposes of furthering knowledge and advising the federal government.” The NRC has, in turn, organized subcommittees to address animal nutrition issues. These subcommittees have developed guidelines for beef cattle (Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle: 7th Revised Edition 2000), dairy (Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle: 7th Revised Edition 2001), poultry (Nutrient Requirements of Poultry: 9th Revised Edition 1994), and swine (Nutrient Requirements of Swine: 10th Revised Edition 1998). These guidelines are based on many years of trials under both controlled and field conditions and represent the “state of the art” in animal nutrition. Additional information is included in Appendix A. Feed Waste Although not strictly a dietary issue, feed waste is an important loss of nutrients that can occur before they can be ingested by the animals. Poor feeder design, poor feeder management, and spoilage during storage can lead to losses as high as 20% for both animals and birds. Little research has been performed 3 August 2003 2/15/2016 Feed provided Waste Feed waste Feed consumed Inefficiencies Intestinal secretions (enzymes, cells) Undigested feed and secretions Nutrients absorbed Maintenance Nutrients available for growth Mismatch Nutrients used for growth Inefficiencies Growth Figure 2-1. Nutrient paths in animal feeding operations. Source: van Heugten and van Kempen 2000 to evaluate the effect of feed wastage on environmental pollution. However, its economic impact on producers can be substantial. For example, swine feed waste is strongly influenced by the presentation of the feed. Mash feed tends to cling to the animal’s chin and nose, ultimately leading to waste. Gonyou and Lou, (1998) determined that each time an animal leaves a feeder it takes 1.5 grams of feed with it. Given that swine typically access the feeder 60 times per day, this theoretically could amount to wasting 90 grams (0.2 lb) of feed. Swine also tend to root through the feed, which leads to the waste of 3.4% of the feed in poorlydesigned feeders (Gonyou and Lou 1998). Pelleting feeds may reduce both forms of feed waste by as much as 5% (Vanschoubroeck et al. 1971). Feed costs commonly account for 60% to 70% of the cost of raising poultry. Feed waste for poultry is strongly influenced by feeder maintenance and positioning. Critical issues include proper positioning of feedings or feeding troughs (height appropriate to bird size), consistent “flow” of feed, and depth of feed in the feeders. Too much feed in feeders can lead to increased spillage and waste. To minimize feed waste, Install feeders/feed systems that are designed to minimize feed waste. Adjust and clean feeders frequently. Use pelleted feeds. Dietary Strategies to Improve Nutrient Efficiency Improvements in nutrient yield can come from a number of different sources ranging from changes in rations such as the use of low-phytate corn to diet supplements such as growth hormones, enzymes, or 4 August 2003 2/15/2016 amino acids (AAs). The following section will discuss strategies by animal type: dairy, beef cattle, swine, and poultry. Dairy Nutrients normally become concentrated on dairy farms because more nutrients are brought into the farm system than leave in the products sold (Klausner 1993). Although actual values vary from farm to farm, the percentages of N and P remaining on the operation range from 59% to as high as 81% (Table 2-1). Since the magnitude of nutrient loss to the environment is proportional to the difference between inputs and outputs, it is important that managers have nutrient management plans that ensure efficient nutrient use and minimize the environmental impact of their operation. The primary objective of any dairy feeding program is to achieve profitable milk production. For many producers, this means high levels of milk production. It is possible for high milk production to coexist with reduced excretion of manure nutrients. Keep in mind, however, that the percentage of nutrients needed for maintenance decreases as milk production increases. N The following strategies provide ways to control N excretion: Increase dry matter (DM) intake. Improve forage quality Consider forage protein fraction. Consider feeding method. Consider supplemental protein source. Monitor blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and milk urea nitrogen (MUN). Increase DM intake. The percentage of crude protein (CP) required in the ration to provide an absolute amount of protein to support milk production varies with intake level. A 5% increase in intake reduces the CP needed by about 1%. So, more CP could come from high-quality homegrown feeds, decreasing the amount of purchased feed required. Also, increasing intake level increases microbial protein synthesis in the rumen, which decreases the need for higher dietary protein. Improve forage quality. High-quality legume/grass forage contains more protein, less fiber, and more energy, so it can provide more protein and digestible DM to the ration, reducing reliance on purchased protein sources. If purchased N inputs are minimized, the degree of N introduced into the environment from sources outside the farm will be reduced. In general, providing energy from highly digestible, high-quality forages will maximize dairy cow performance and health. Consider forage protein fractions. Supplement highly degradable forage protein (such as legume silage) with less degradable sources of protein (such as corn silage). Often, this will result in improved milk production at lower CP levels in the diet. Common and effective supplemental sources of rumen undegradable protein (RUP) include blood meal and feather meal combinations, distillers grains, treated or heated soybeans and other oilseeds, and fish meal. Consider feeding method. Method of feeding can alter N utilization. Feeding sequence, feeding frequency, and grouping strategy all influence how the cow uses dietary N. Synchronizing the delivery of readily available, or “rumen degradable” protein (RDP) and rumen fermentable carbohydrate can increase the cow’s efficient use of N and decrease N excretion (NRC 2001). Synchronizing the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates results in greater microbial protein production. Grouping is especially 5 August 2003 2/15/2016 Table 2-1. Mass N and P balances for New York dairy farms. Size of Dairy, Number of Cows* 45 320 500 -----(tons of N per year)----- Input Purchased fertilizer 1.0 13.5 26.1 Purchased feed 3.8 43.8 78.5 N fixation by legumes 1.3 14.6 13.9 0 0.1 0 6.1 72.0 118.5 Milk 2.0 18.6 26.4 Cattle sold 0.1 1.9 1.9 Crops sold .01 0 0 Total Outputs 2.2 20.5 28.3 Remainder 3.9 51.5 90.2 64% 71% 76% Purchased cattle Total inputs Output % Remaining on farm -----(tons of P per year)----- Input Purchased fertilizer 1.2 2.0 5.5 Purchased feed 1.0 8.4 14.2 Purchased cattle 0 0.03 0 2.2 10.4 24.2 Milk 0.36 3.8 5.5 Cattle sold 0.05 0.5 0.5 Crops sold 0.01 0 0 Total Outputs 0.43 4.3 6.0 Remainder 1.8 6.2 18.2 81% 59% 75% Total inputs Output % Remaining on farm *Assumes annual milk production of 16,000; 23,700; and 22,000 gal, respectively. Source: Klausner 1993 important to avoid over-supplementing N and other nutrients. A one-group total mixed ration may be easier to manage, but a multiple grouping approach minimizes protein overfeeding, decreases N excretion, and lowers feed costs. Work by Van Horn (1992) illustrates the N excretion from two different diet formulation approaches. One diet was high in RDP and the other diet was lower in RDP, while meeting the overall protein requirement of the cow with higher levels of RUP, or “bypass” protein. High-producing dairy cows require a proper balance of RUP and RDP to meet their requirements for metabolizable protein (MP). Metabolizable protein is the protein that the cow actually absorbs and uses for production (NRC 2001). The requirement for RUP for lactating dairy cows is 35% to 38% of total CP. When cows were precisely fed to meet RUP and RDP requirements, they excreted 223 pounds of N per year. When cows were fed simply to meet their total CP requirement, however, they excreted 260 pounds of N per year. Consider supplemental protein source. Use protein supplements to allow the cow’s RDP and RUP requirements to be met without overfeeding CP. In the future, more emphasis will be placed on the 6 August 2003 2/15/2016 AA content of various protein sources. Ultimately, an imbalance of AAs available to the cow for digestion and metabolism will impair milk and milk protein production. Monitor BUN and MUN. Blood urea nitrogen and MUN analyses can be used as a signal, or “red flag,” to point out potential problems in your feeding program. A BUN level in excess of 18 to 20 mg/dl or a MUN level in excess of 18 mg/dl can be associated with lower reproductive performance, higher feed costs, health problems, and poor milk production. High MUN values also reflect excessive dietary CP or low rumen degradable nonfiber carbohydrates (NFC). The NFC fraction, usually composed of starch and other sugars, can be low when insufficient grain is fed or grain is improperly processed. James et al. (1999) fed dairy heifers (570-1,080 lb) total mixed rations containing either 9.6% or 11.0% CP. This 14% reduction in N intake resulted in a decrease of 29.6%, 19.8%, and 7.4% or urea-N, total N, and percentage N excreted in manure, respectively. In an in-vitro experiment, ammonia volatilization was reduced by 28.1%. P Phosphorus is the most expensive nutrient in typical mineral-vitamin formulations for dairy cattle. Phosphorus is often supplemented by adding monocalcium or dicalcium phosphate, monosodium phosphate, or ammonium phosphate (high availability); steamed bone meal, defluorinated phosphate, or sodium tripolyphosphate (medium availability); or low-fluorine rock phosphate or soft rock phosphate (low availability) to feed mixes. Most commercial premixes include additional P. Since the 1960s, several researchers have examined P metabolism in the lactating dairy cow. Current guidelines (NRC 2001) specify ranges of 0.32% to 0.42% P during milking and lactation. Although it is a common practice to feed 0.50% to 0.60% P in some parts of the United States, many controlled studies indicate no benefit of these high levels. Recent research from the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center in Madison, Wisconsin (Satter and Wu 1999, Wu et al. 1998) confirms that high-producing dairy cows require approximately 0.40% P in the dietary DM for optimal milk production and reproductive performance. Feeding higher than recommended levels of dietary P has not improved either milk production or reproductive efficiency in controlled research studies. Feeding adequate P is important for cow performance and health, but 0.40% to 0.45% of the dietary DM is near the optimal dietary content for lactating dairy cows. For a cow producing 100 lbs to 120 lbs of milk daily, a diet containing 0.45% P meets the NRC (1989) recommendation. However, the same dietary P level provides about 140% of the daily P requirements for a cow producing only 40 to 50 lbs of milk. Based on this information, it is important that the milking herd is grouped by production level and that multiple rations are formulated over the complete lactation cycle to minimize P excretion into the environment. Economics of reducing N and P excretion Dairy producers have considerable control over mineral excretion in the manure by manipulating the amount of mineral in the feed. For example, feeding a ration containing 0.45% P versus a diet containing 0.55% P would save about $0.05/cow daily. For 100 cows over a year’s time, it would save about $1,825. In a study reported by Klausner et al. (1998), precision feeding decreased N excretion by 34% while improving milk production. Milk production increased 13%, and economic returns improved by more than $40,000 per year for a 320-cow dairy herd. Similar results were reported in other studies (Rotz et al. 1999, Tylutki and Fox 2000). Recent surveys conducted in the United States indicate that producers typically formulate dairy diets to contain 0.45% to 0.50% P (dry basis). This amount is approximately 20% to 25% in excess of the NRC suggested requirement (NRC 2001), and the excess P supplementation costs $10 to $15 per cow annually. A 20% decrease of dietary P can be achieved without decreasing animal performance, and this decrease will result in a 25% to 30% decrease in the P content of manure and a similar decrease in the amount of land required for manure application. As regulations evolve toward restrictions on land application of 7 August 2003 2/15/2016 manure based on P content, these improvements have obvious implications for the viability of the animal operation. Beef Cattle As is the case with dairy (and all other animal operations), nutrients become concentrated because more are brought into the farm system than leave in the products sold. Studies in Nebraska (Bierman et al. 1999; Erickson et al. 2000, Erickson and Klopfenstein 2001) have shown that N and P excretion are highly correlated to the amount of N and P intake. For example, increasing the amount of CP from 12% to 13.5% increased the amount of N excreted by 13.5 pounds per steer in yearling steers over 150 days and 9 pounds per steer in calf-fed steers over 200 days. Diet formulation obviously has a large impact on nutrient excretion. However, it is important to note that simply decreasing the amount of CP in the diet is impractical; there are certain minimum protein requirements that must be met to ensure optimal performance. The following describes dietary strategies for reducing N and P excretion in beef cattle. N Beef cattle finishing diets are commonly formulated on the basis of providing a minimal amount of CP; usually at least 12.5%. These diets consider all protein equal in value; even urea is considered equal in value to other natural protein sources. However, during the past 15 to 20 years, research has consistently found that all protein sources are not nutritionally equal in beef cattle diets. This work suggests that it is important to consider protein availability when formulating diets. The MP system. In 1996, the NRC published an MP system for beef cattle. Metabolizable protein is defined as the total amount of protein absorbed from the animal’s small intestine for metabolic purposes in the animal. The MP system describes animal requirements and differentiates feedstuffs into two categories: degraded intake protein (DIP) and undegraded intake protein (UIP). The DIP portion refers to the requirements of the ruminal microorganisms. The MP system attempts to control the balance of DIP and UIP from feed grains and supplemental protein sources to ensure that microbial N requirements and host animal requirements are met. For example, corn grain contains about 8.5% CP. Of that CP, 60% is considered UIP and 40% is considered DIP. Therefore, dry-rolled, corn-based finishing diets typically need sources of supplemental protein that are degradable (DIP). The microbial protein that is produced from the digestion of corn grain in combination with the high UIP fraction of corn protein will meet the animal’s MP needs. Conversely, high-moisture ensiled corn is 8.5% CP, but only 40% of the CP is UIP and 60% is DIP. Therefore, when high levels of high-moisture corn are used in finishing diets, especially for young calves, a supplemental source of UIP may be needed in combination with the supplemental DIP to ensure that the animal’s MP requirements for maximal growth are met. Table 2-2 shows a comparison of a control diet (formulated on a CP basis) and an experimental diet based on the MP system. (The control diet for calves was formulated as 13.5% CP throughout the feeding period.) Calves on the experimental diet consumed about 9 pounds less protein. Without compromising animal performance, the researchers in that study lowered the CP fed by 1.5% to 2% of diet DM and reduced N excretion by 15% to 20%. 8 August 2003 2/15/2016 Table 2-2. Performance and N balance of yearling and calf-fed steers fed a typical feedlot finishing diet (control) or a finishing diet adjusted to match the animal’s protein requirement with time (phase). Yearlings (May to Oct) Calves (Nov to May) Control Experimental Control Experimental Daily gain, lbs 3.98 4.07 3.45 3.40 Feed efficiency 6.33 6.02 5.88 6.10 Intake, lbs 72.82 59.39 81.4 72.23 Retentiona, lbs 7.90 7.92 10.14 10.04 Excretionb, lbs 64.92 51.47 71.26 62.18 Manure, lbs 12.91 19.61 43.51 41.53 Soilc, lbs 3.85 -0.89 -3.66 -6.46 Runoffd, lbs 2.12 1.51 2.10 2.21 Volatized, lbs 46.04 31.25 29.31 24.91 % Volatized 70.9 60.7 41.1 41.10 Feedlot Performance N a N retention based on daily gain, RC (1996) equation for retained energy and retained protein N excretion calculated as intake minus retention c Soil is core balance on pen surface before and after trial; negative values suggest removal of nutrient present before trial d Volatized calculated as excretion minus manure soil minus runoff. Source: Erickson et al. 1999 Source: Erickson and Klopfenstein 2001 b When finishing younger animals, like calf-fed steers (550-lb starting weight), the type of supplemental protein needed to meet the MP requirement changes significantly during the feeding cycle. The total MP requirement does not necessarily change with time, but the ratio of DIP and UIP needed in the diet does. As time on feed increases for the calf-fed animal, feed intake increases, more feed protein is consumed, and a larger supply of UIP is provided to the animal. In addition, as the animal approaches finished weight, the composition of gain changes from less muscle to more fat deposition, reducing the amount of MP needed for muscle growth. Although the amount of muscle growth decreases, the need for MP for maintenance increases as the animal becomes larger. With these biological changes of the animal and increased UIP supply from the basal ration, supplemental UIP can be reduced, and consequently, the total amount of supplemental protein fed can be reduced as the animal approaches finished weight. Protein supplementation for feedlot cattle is a dynamic and complex issue. When formulating diets to reduce N excretion in feedlot cattle, consider the following issues: Type of animal being fed (calf-fed steer vs. yearling steer) How much and what type (DIP or UIP) of protein the basal dietary ingredients provide What type of supplemental protein source (DIP or UIP) is needed to complement basal ingredients, meeting the animal’s needs Ammonia losses most commonly occur as urea from urine is converted into ammonium following excretion. Therefore, dietary strategies that reduce urinary N also reduce ammonia losses. Satter et al. (2002) noted that employing phase feeding can reduce N excretion by 12% to 21%, and these reductions result in decreased ammonia losses of 15% to 33%. 9 August 2003 2/15/2016 P Phosphorus is both expensive to supplement and may have some of the most deleterious effects on the environment. This is important because recent research has shown that supplemental P in feedlot finishing diets is usually unnecessary. For example, Erickson et al. (1999) found no growth response for yearling steers (850 lbs) fed diets in which the P concentration ranged from 0.14% to 0.34% of the diet DM (Table 2-3). Similar results were obtained from a study conducted on finishing calves (580 pounds) fed for 204 days (Erickson et al. 2001). Since corn grain contains about 0.32 ± 0.04% P (NRC 1996) on a DM basis, the contribution of P from corn grain alone is adequate for feedlot cattle. Table 2-3. Effect of dietary P level on finishing steer performance and bone ash concentration for yearlings. Dietary P level, % of DM Calves Item 0.14 0.19 0.24 0.29 0.34 P intake, g/d 16.4 19.9 27.6 32.0 36.2 DM intake: lbs/day 24.3 22.7 25.4 24.5 23.8 Daily gain: lbs/day 3.88 3.57 3.79 3.85 3.37 6.49 6.36 6.71 6.32 7.04 Grams (first phalanx) 28.3 27.5 28.9 27.5 28.5 Grams/100kg of BW 8.01 8.02 8.20 7.83 8.46 Performance Gain/feed Bone ash Source: Erickson et al. 1999. Phytate-P is readily available to ruminants such as feedlot cattle. On average, 95% or more of the P bound to phytate is released during ruminal fermentation for the animal’s subsequent use (Morse et al. 1992). Based on current data, supplementation of inorganic P is not necessary to compensate for phytates in feed grains or other feedstuffs for feedlot cattle. There are several approaches that reduce the excretion of N and P from feedlot cattle. A brief discussion of some of these methods is provided below. Test feedstuffs from your operation. One of the most important steps in reducing excess N and P excretion from any operation is to determine as precisely as possible their level in the diet so that diets can be formulated correctly and adjusted to reduce excesses. Supplement the diet with the correct source of protein. Based on ingredient analyses, balance your diet so that the basal feed ingredients, supplemental protein, and P complement each other to meet animal requirements. Discontinue use of supplemental P in feedlot diets. When grain is the major feed ingredient in the diet, current research indicates that supplemental P is not needed. Consider a phase-feeding program. This is especially true in finishing younger animals, where the protein requirement changes considerably over time. The phase-feeding approach of supplementing 10 August 2003 2/15/2016 protein means using more than one finishing diet in the feedyard. Yearling steers are less of an issue since the change in N and P requirements during the feeding period remains relatively similar. Take advantage of the type of protein in the feedstuffs. Utilizing differences in the DIP and UIP of feedstuffs to complement each other in the diet can reduce the need for supplemental protein. A good example is feeding combinations of high-moisture and dry-rolled corn based on the desired level of UIP in the diet. Additionally, many byproducts can deliver a considerable amount of DIP and/or UIP to the diet. If not properly taken into consideration, these additions can result in elevated P levels in excreted manure. Evaluate your rations with available tools. Evaluate your feedlot rations with regard to the need for supplemental DIP and UIP with such tools as the NRC (1996) model. You can download this software from the following website: <http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/beef model/>. Swine Diet formulation issues in swine (and poultry) are complicated by the nature of the industry; often, individual producers do not have the resources (or the authorization) to make adjustments to feeding regimens. Even independent swine producers purchasing feed “packages” find that these diets are most often based on CP and formulated to meet nutritional requirements at a minimum dietary cost. It may be desirable for producers to consider the potential economic and environmental benefits of a diet that can dramatically reduce excretion, particularly in situations where nutrient disposal is costly or there is limited land for manure application. N Swine diets typically contain higher protein contents than the minimum required because most feeds contain only two major AA sources (corn and soybean meal). Because diets are usually formulated to supply at least five AAs at a certain minimum level for optimal performance (Table 2-4), a diet that uses two sources has little flexibility and the result is that some AAs are provided in excess to ensure adequate amounts of the other AAs. Table 2-4. True ileal AA profiles for maintenance and growth expressed relative to lysine. Maintenance Growth AA Expressed as % of Lysine AA Lysine 100 100 Threonine 151 60 Tryptophan 26 18 Methionine 28 27 Sulfur AAs 123 55 Valine 67 68 Leucine 70 102 Isoleucine 75 54 Histidine 32 32 Phenylalanine 50 60 Phenylalanine + Tyrosine 121 93 Arginine -200 48 Source: NRC 1998 11 August 2003 2/15/2016 For example, work by Lenis and Schutte (1990) suggested that the protein content of a typical swine ration could be reduced three percentage points (e.g., from 16% to 13%) by replacing soybean meal (SBM) with synthetic AAs and corn without negative effects on animal performance. Even a less comprehensive approach, such as simply replacing some of a corn and soybean meal (CSM) diet with synthetic lysine, has been shown to reduce dietary protein by 1.5% (Reese and Koelsch 1999). Such reductions could exert a large impact on N excretion in manure. Schutte et al. (1993) and Monge et al. (1998) both found that for each percentage point that N is reduced in the feed, N excretion is reduced by 10% to 11%. Van der Peet-Schwering et al. (1997) found that reducing protein by 1% decreased ammonia losses by 10% to 11%. Split-sex and phase feeding. An animal’s nutrient requirement changes with age, sex, and growth potential. If the objective is to avoid wasting precious nutrients, then it becomes important to feed diets that are formulated to match the animal’s nutrient requirement. Examples of this are split-sex feeding and phase feeding. For split-sex feeding, differences in nutrient requirements among gilts, barrows, and possibly boars are taken into consideration. Barrows typically have a higher feed intake capacity without a larger potential for lean gain, and thus diets should be fed with somewhat less protein. Gilts require a higher protein diet for lean tissue gain. Phase feeding refers to feeding programs that match the animal’s nutrient requirement as it changes with the animal’s age and size. To minimize nutrient waste, the animal’s diet is changed continuously to match its requirements. Changing from a one-phase feeding program between 50 pounds and 250 pounds to a two-phase feeding program should reduce N excretion by 13%, while going to a three-phase feeding program may reduce N excretion by 17.5%. Den Brok et al. (1997) showed that using benzoic acid improved feed conversion from 2.92 to 2.83 while reducing ammonia emissions by 40%. This improvement occurs primarily through decreasing the pH of the urine and/or manure. Similar results have been obtained, under experimental conditions, with use of calcium sulfate in swine diets (Mroz et. al 1996). From a practical perspective, it is not feasible to change the feed often, e.g., weekly, unless feeding equipment is available that is designed for this purpose. However, work by Koehler (1998) shows the economic benefits of phase-feeding grower-finish pigs (Table 2-5). Table 2-5. Savings in feed costs with phase feeding for grow-finish pigs. Savings over TwoNumber of Phases Diet Cost/Pig Phase Program Increase in Savings per Additional Phase -----------------------$----------------------2 42.44 - - 3 41.41 1.14 1.14 4 41.01 1.54 0.40 5 40.67 1.88 0.34 6 40.43 2.12 0.24 9 40.10 2.45 0.11 12 39.90 2.65 0.6 066 Source: Kohler 1998 12 August 2003 2/15/2016 P Phosphorus is typically overfed to swine. Spears (1996) analyzed commercial feed samples and found that, on average, P was overfed 40% to 50% (depending on the production phase). Because many states are beginning to limit land application rates of manure based on P, livestock producers should closely monitor the P intake of their pigs. Phosphorus can be fed to maximize bone strength or to maximize performance. The maxima for each of these parameters is approximately 0.1% dietary P different, with maximum bone strength requiring more P. Especially for pigs targeted for slaughter, it may not be necessary to optimize the dietary P content for bone strength, which would lead to a large reduction in P excretion. Care, however, should be taken to avoid jeopardizing the welfare of the animals. Phosphorus in commonly used feed ingredients such as corn, wheat, and SBM is predominantly present in the form of phytate. Phytate is a molecule containing P, but pigs (and poultry) are unable to use this P because they cannot break down the phytate molecule. In corn, 80% of the P is present as phytate, while in SBM, 68% of the P is present as phytate. Since this phytate complex is digested poorly in swine, most of the P contained in the feedstuffs will end up in the manure. To meet the animal’s P requirement, inorganic P such as dicalcium phosphate is traditionally added to the diet. Phytase offers an important opportunity to reduce P excretion. Phytase is an enzyme that breaks down most of the phytate complex, releasing the P in it as well as other nutrients (such as zinc and AAs) bound by it. Mroz et al. (1994) showed that phytase improves P digestibility in a typical swine diet from 30% to 50%. Under production conditions, van der Peet-Schwering (1993) demonstrated that the use of phytase resulted in a reduction in P excretion of 32% in nursery pigs. Feeding low-phytate grains offers another opportunity to reduce P excretion. Although the total amount of P is the same, low-phytate corn has a P utilization of 75% versus standard corn at about 20%. Use of low-phytate corn in conjunction with additional phytase enzyme can reduce or eliminate the need for supplemental inorganic P in diets. Economics of reducing N and P excretion. The impact of the above strategies depends on the extent to which they are adopted by livestock producers, which itself depends on the disposal costs of waste, and thus, the incentive for livestock producers to reduce waste. Adding phytase to a diet at 500 units/kg costs approximately $2.20 per ton of feed for a mash diet. The increase in feed cost required to reduce P excretion in the range proposed is expected to be less than 1%. For N, a reduction on the order of 15% to 30% is believed achievable. This reduction is possible in part through minimizing excesses in diet and through better quality controls at the feed mill. These measures are not expected to affect production costs since savings in feed costs will offset increased administrative and feed-handling costs. A major reduction in N excretion may be achieved by reducing the dietary protein content while maintaining the feed’s nutritional value, which can be achieved by using a broader variety of feedstuffs, including synthetic AAs. Because these feedstuffs and AAs are typically more expensive than corn and soybean, it can be expected that this change will increase the cost of the feed. This increase in feed costs, however, is expected to be less than 5% for the reduction in N excretion indicated above (a larger decrease in N excretion is achievable but only at a very high cost). An associated benefit of reducing dietary protein is that it will reduce odor and may reduce ammonia emissions as much as 10%. 13 August 2003 2/15/2016 Poultry Nutrient excretion from poultry may be reduced by simple measures such as adding dietary enzymes, cutting dietary protein, or reducing additions of inorganic P. However, the requirements and relationships of nutrients with feed ingredients are complex; dietary protein, certain AAs, P, and trace minerals are essential nutrients for poultry and must be provided in the bird’s diet. Failure to provide adequate levels of these nutrients would be physiologically and economically unacceptable. The following discussion is focused on opportunities to more precisely meet the bird’s requirements depending on current dietary levels and any margin of safety additions. N Strategies to reduce N excretion can take the form of additives such as enzymes or AAs, formulations for different development stages, or avoiding compounds that reduce nutrient availability to the birds. As much as 18% of N in poultry feed can be lost as ammonia, and these losses can be reduced substantially by the techniques listed below. Formulate based on AA requirement. Dietary formulation based on bird AA requirements rather than CP can minimize N excretion by simply reducing total dietary N intake. For example, Ferguson et al. (1998) demonstrated with broilers that litter N could be reduced more than 16% when dietary CP was reduced by 2% while maintaining similar levels of dietary AAs. Keshavarz and Jackson (1992) showed that substitutions of methionine, lysine, tryptophan, and isoleucine for as much as 4% CP in hen diets significantly reduced protein intake while maintaining egg production and egg weight. However, attempts to reduce CP in broiler diets have had limited success. At some reduced level of CP, the bird’s performance suffers even though all the requirements for essential AAs have been theoretically met. Although it is possible to reduce dietary CP levels by 3% to 4% (13%-22% N) for broilers and layers, there are biological limits to the amount of dietary protein that can be replaced with synthetic AAs. Similar limitations with turkeys suggest that we do not fully understand the AA requirements of these birds; therefore, CP is critical to realize full performance. Optimize the dietary AA profile. The closer the AA composition of the diet matches bird requirements for maintenance, growth, and production of meat and eggs, the fewer AAs (N) excreted in the feces. In CSM-based broiler diets, the most critical AAs are methionine and lysine. Dietary supplementation of these two AAs can be used to reduce the diet’s CP content and thereby N excretion until the requirement for the next limiting AA is reached. However, this method leaves many AAs in excess of their requirement with the excess excreted as fecal N. Another approach is to deliver an “ideal protein” where the protein portion of the diet meets bird requirements for each AA with no excesses or deficiencies. With the ideal protein concept, N excretion would be reduced to a minimum level. Han et al. (1992) published work on the dietary concentrations of AAs in an ideal protein approach for broiler chickens; the levels of AAs were based on the ratio of digestible lysine to the requirement for other individual AAs. Phase feed poultry. Phase feeding is another technique that can reduce manure N and feed cost. Commercial phase-feeding programs may include as many as six phases to step down dietary protein, AAs, and other nutrients for broilers starting from 22% CP at hatching to 16% CP when the birds reach 4 pounds in less than 6 weeks (Leeson and Summers 1997). This technique of breaking the requirements of 14 August 2003 2/15/2016 growing and adult birds into phases of greater or lesser need for protein and AAs can be further refined to include more dietary phases when birds are consuming large amounts of feed and N near market weight. Utilize the “true AA digestibility” of feed ingredients. Work published by universities and AA manufacturers gives the true digestible AA concentration and/or coefficients of AA digestibility of cereal grains, plant proteins, and animal proteins. Formulating poultry diets based on the true AA digestibility rather than on the total AA concentration goes a long way in refining AA levels provided in the diet. Because true AA digestibility coefficients are directly related to N retention and inversely related to N excretion per g of AA, the ecological value of fish meal (threonine or methionine+cystine) is more than six times greater than that of the low-quality meat and bone meal (Esteve-Garcia et al. 1993). In addition, it allows a better definition of the AA content of feed ingredients, permitting a closer match with the birds' requirement. Formulation based on digestible AAs improves daily gain and feed conversion of growing birds (Esteve-Garcia et al. 1993), and work by the NRC (1994) suggests that calculated digestible AA requirements are 8% to 10% lower than the requirements for total AAs. Select feed ingredients with low nutrient variability. Variability of ingredient nutrients can be a significant problem and induce nutritionists to apply a margin of safety to meet nutritional requirements. The variability can be a challenge with by-product meals such as meat meal and bakery byproducts. Rapid ingredient analysis techniques at the feed mill such as near infrared reflectance (NIR) provide nutritionists with real-time nutrient concentration and variability to minimize overformulation and margins of safety. Near infrared reflectance technology for quick determination of protein, fat, and fiber exists and has been in place in some commercial mills for several years. Digestible AA predictions from NIR analysis have been developed (van Kempen and Simmins 1997) but are not widely used. Utilize enzymes and feed additives. Dietary enzymes have the ability to free up the carbohydrate and fiber portions of many cereals and by-product ingredients for poultry. Water-soluble, nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) including arabinoxylans are the major fiber constituents in wheat and rye that give rise to highly viscous intestinal digesta. Their gel-like viscosity impedes the digestion and absorption of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Inclusion of dietary enzymes (xylanase, arabinoxylanase) can greatly improve their nutrient utilization. Another NSP present in barley, oats, and wheat are the beta-glucans. They also reduce nutrient utilization by way of greater digesta viscosity and are characterized by sticky feces and poor litter conditions among birds fed significant levels of these cereals. Dietary enzymes tailored for these ingredients contain ß-glucanase. Soybean and rapeseed meal, peas, beans, and sunflower seeds are commonly added to poultry diets for their protein and energy value. However, even more complex NSP are an integral part of the cell wall of these oilseeds and legumes. These NSP increase the viscosity of the digesta and interfere with nutrient digestion and absorption. The amount of protein in cell walls may account for 10% to 30% of the total dietary fiber mass. Enzymatic release of these proteins through selective enzymatic additions can increase AA availability as well. Phytate P found in most plant materials is a bound form of P that is not well utilized by monogastrics, especially young birds. Sebastian et al. (1997) studied the apparent digestibility of protein and AAs in broiler chickens fed a CSM diet supplemented with phytase, a microbial enzyme. Phytase supplementation increased growth performance in males and females and both apparent ileal and fecal digestibility of most AAs, particularly in females. Other work with both broilers (Namkung and Leeson 1999, Ravindran et al. 1999) and turkeys (Yi et al. 1996) demonstrated significant improvements in the digestibility of AAs and protein and apparent metabolizable energy when phytase was added to the diet. While antibiotic use has gradually decreased, other growth-promoting agents are still used. The mode of action of most growth-promoting agents is comparable to antibiotics in terms of beneficial modification of the gut microflora. Eliminating deleterious microorganisms can reduce thickening and keratinization at the level of the intestinal mucosa (site of absorption), thereby improving nutrient utilization and feed conversion and reducing nutrients in the waste. 15 August 2003 2/15/2016 Probiotics imply the use of live microorganisms that are either viable microbial cultures or their fermentation products. Most products are centered on Lactobacilli, Bacillus subtillis, and some Streptococcus species. In most instances, feeding live cultures of “good bacteria” modify the gut microflora of birds at the expense of coliforms such as E. coli and Salmonella species. The beneficial effects on nutrient utilization and feed conversion are then similar to antibiotics. With the advent of genetic engineering, these bacteria can be modified to carry other desirable gene characteristics including the production of digestive enzymes or antimicrobial substances to aid nutrient utilization and waste reduction. Avoid or control ingredient anti-nutritional factors. Anti-nutritional compounds including trypsin inhibitor in soybeans, lectin in legumes, tannins in sorghum, and the previously mentioned NSP and phytate P can negatively affect the digestion and use of AAs and other nutrients. These inhibitors are present in many legumes and cereals. Soybeans contain a number of anti-nutritional factors for poultry, the most problematic being trypsin inhibitor. Trypsin is a pancreatic enzyme that aids in the digestion of proteins. Fortunately, the heat treatment used during SBM processing or soybean roasting is usually adequate to destroy it. Lectins are proteins in legume seeds that have a high affinity for certain sugar molecules. They can disrupt the brush borders of cells lining the duodenum and jejunum, causing various adverse effects including reduced growth, diarrhea, and decreased nutrient absorption. While lectins in soybeans are relatively nontoxic with little negative activity, field beans (Phaseolus) including kidney beans are highly toxic in terms of reduced animal performance without moist heat destruction (Cheeke 1998). Various strains of sorghum are well known for their high tannin content, which can decrease the protein’s digestion and utilization, leading to increased excretion in the feces (Cheeke 1998). Specifically, condensed tannins in sorghum react with dietary protein, forming indigestible complexes that bind with digestive enzymes and reducing the digestibility of all dietary nutrients. P Meet bird P requirements. The NRC (1994) recommends 250 mg of available non-phytate P (nPP) per hen per day, while Leghorn breeder guides advise producers to provide 450 to 460 mg per hen per day early in lay and 288 to 390 mg late in the hen’s cycle. Boling et al. (2000) reported that 0.15% available P supported optimum egg production from 20 to 70 weeks on CSM diets, while 0.20% maintained body weight and tibia ash equal to the higher NRC (0.25%) and breeder recommendations (0.45%). Waldroup (2000) indicated that after 3 to 4 weeks of age the P needs of commercial broilers are greatly reduced and that when birds consume a significant amount of feed there is little need for supplemental P in a typical CSM broiler diet. While a small margin of safety is advisable for a commercial flock, the literature supports the NRC recommendation. Calcium added to broiler and laying hen diets as well as Ca bound in dicalcium monocalicum and monocalicum dicalcium phosphates can reduce P utilization and allow it to pass through bird digestive systems undigested. In a study by Van der Klis et al. (1996), phytate breakdown decreased from 34% on the basal diet with 30g Ca/kg to only 10% on a diet with 40g Ca/kg. Select feed ingredients with readily available P. A major impact can be made by selecting ingredients with highly available P (HAP). Phytic acid or phytate P found in many cereal grains and plant byproducts is in a form that birds do not absorb well. For example, the P in corn and SBM has a biological value of only 30 and 25, respectively, and is only 19% and 20% available because of the large phytate content. Compared with the P in animal meals and fish meal, which are almost 100% bioavailable, feeding cereals can contribute to manure P. However, feeding low-phytate grains offers opportunities to reduce fecal P. Highly available P corn contains the same level of total P as normal varieties, although the level of phytate P in HAP corn is only 35% versus 75% to 80% in other corn varieties (Stillborn 1998). Unfortunately, these varieties of corn are not yet commercially available. 16 August 2003 2/15/2016 Use effective vitamin D levels and compounds. Birds with a dietary deficiency of vitamin D do not use P well, and a study from the University of Georgia suggests the active form of vitamin D (found in bird bodies) is even more effective than the precursor form of vitamin D normally supplied in poultry diets (cholecalciferol). Addition of 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 to the feed reduced broiler phytate P excretion by 35% and improved total P retention by more than 20% (Edwards 1993). Use feed additives/enzymes to enhance P availability and retention. Cereal-based diets for poultry can contain a high proportion of P in cereal grains as phytate P. Phytate chelates other minerals, proteins, and starches, making them unavailable to the bird. To improve utilization, phytase enzyme can also be added to poultry diets that contain high levels of phytate. Studies have demonstrated that adding dietary phytase improves apparent ileal digestibility of phytate P as well as AAs in turkey poults (Yi et al. 1996). Boling et al. (2000) demonstrated a 50% reduction in fecal P in laying hens consuming a low-P (0.10% available P) diet plus phytase (300 U/kg) compared to a normal commercial P level diet (0.45% available P). The authors indicated that the CSM diet with added phytase supported optimal egg production from 20 to 70 weeks of age. Similar studies have demonstrated that adding dietary phytase improves phytate P utilization in broiler chickens (Simmons et al. 1990, Broz et al. 1994) compared to the NRC-recommended nPP level of 0.45%. Yi et al. (1996) showed that adding 350, 700, and 1050 U phytase/kg to a CSM diet with 0.27% nPP reduced fecal P excretions by 30%, 37%, and 41%, respectively. Studies by Zyla et al. (1995) demonstrated an advantage of enzymatic “cocktails” over phytase alone for dephosphorylating CSM-based feeds for growing turkeys. Turkey poults fed the enzymatic cocktail from 7 to 21 days of age performed as well as the NRC or positive control diet but retained more dietary P (77%) compared to the NRC or positive control (31% and 42.75%, respectively). Greater retention of Ca was also observed as a result of feeding the enzymatic cocktail (68.15% vs. 45.5% and 49%). Angel (2001) determined the effect of dietary phytase and citric acid on nPP in feed for commercial turkeys. Poults were fed a starter diet that met NRC (1994) recommendations until 8 days of age. Then the birds were fed three levels of phytase (0, 300, and 600 FTU/kg) and four levels of citric acid (0%, 1%, 2%, and 3%) with a diet low in nPP (0.44%) and Ca (1.20%). Phytase and citric acid significantly improved weight gain, feed conversion, feed/gain ratio, and toe and tibia ash. Economics of Reducing N and P Excretion Feed conversion is affected by a number of factors ranging from water management, light management, temperature, etc., so these factors must be considered. Poultry are relatively efficient at feed conversion; on average it takes eight pounds of feed to produce a four-pound bird (feed conversion of 2.0). Assume a situation where a grower has a total capacity of 40,000 birds and an average body weight of four pounds per bird and that the company pays 3.5 cents per live pound with a bonus of 0.1 cents per pound for every point of feed conversion better than the average of 2.00. 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Poultry Sci. 74:3-17. 21 August 2003 2/15/2016 Appendix A: NRC Guidelines The following tables summarize the NRC nutritional guidelines for dairy, beef, swine, and poultry. These tables and additional information are available at the Federation of Animal Science Societies website: http://www.fass.org. Table A-1. Selected nutrient requirements of dairy cows as determined using sample diets. 1 Holstein, 1,500 lb, average body condition, 65 mo age 90 Days in Milk Early Lactation Dry, Pregnant 270 Days in Gestation BW 1,656 lb Milk yield, lb/d 55 77 99 120 55 77 DM intake, lb/d 44.7 51.9 59.2 66 29.7 34.3 30.1 Net energy, Mcal/lb 0.62 0.67 0.7 0.73 0.94 1.01 0.48 Diet % RDP 9.5 9.7 9.8 9.8 10.5 10.5 8.7 Diet % RUP 4.6 5.5 6.2 6.9 7 9 2.1 CP, % 14.1 15.2 16.0 16.7 17.5 19.5 10.8 Ca, % 0.62 0.61 0.67 0.60 0.74 0.79 0.45 a P, % 0.32 0.35 0.36 0.38 0.38 0.42 0.23 b Potassium , % 1.00 1.04 1.06 1.07 1.19 1.24 0.52 Sodium, % 0.22 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.34 0.34 0.10 Copper , ppm 11 11 11 11 16 16 13 Zinc, ppm 43 48 52 55 65 73 22 c a Equivalent to the sum of RDP and RUP only when they are perfectly balanced. bHeat stress may increase the need for potassium. cHigh dietary molybdenum, sulfur, and iron can interfere with copper absorption, increasing the requirement. 1Adapted from Tables 14-7, 14-8, and 14-9, Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 7th Revised Edition, 2001. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. (J. H. Clark, Chair, Subcommittee on Dairy Cattle Nutrition). 22 August 2003 2/15/2016 Table A-2. Protein, Ca, and P requirements for growing and finishing beef cattle.1 Body Weight, lb 525 650 775 900 1025 1150 DM intake, lb/d 21.5 23.5 25.5 14 17 19.5 CP, lb/d 1.0 1.22 1.36 1.49 1.57 1.65 1.72 1.8 1.55 1.69 1.82 1.86 1.91 1.95 2.5 1.87 2.01 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 3.3 2.18 2.32 2.43 2.40 2.38 2.36 4.0 2.49 2.62 2.73 2.66 2.60 2.54 Ca, lb/d 1.0 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.05 1.8 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 2.5 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 3.3 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 4.0 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 P, lb/d 1.0 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 1.8 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 2.5 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 3.3 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 1Weight at small marbling, 1,200 lb. Adapted from Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle 7 th Edition, 1996. National Research Council, National Academy of Science, National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. 23 August 2003 2/15/2016 Table A-3. Protein, Ca, and P requirements for beef cows. 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Months Since Body DM CP Calving Weight Intake Ca _ P lb lb lb/d 0 (Calving) 1,340 24.6 2.20 0.06 0.04 1 1,200 26.8 2.71 0.08 0.05 2 (Peak Milk) 1,200 27.8 2.97 0.09 0.06 3 1,205 28.4 2.82 0.08 0.06 4 1,205 27.4 2.54 0.07 0.05 5 1,205 26.5 2.26 0.06 0.04 6 1,210 25.7 2.04 0.06 0.04 7 (Weaning) 1,215 24.2 1.45 0.04 0.03 8 1,225 24.1 1.49 0.04 0.03 9 1,240 24.0 1.57 0.04 0.03 10 1,260 23.9 1.69 0.06 0.04 11 1,290 24.1 1.89 0.06 0.04 1Mature weight at body condition 5, 1,200 lb; peak milk, 20 lb; calf birth weight 85 lb; calving interval 12 months. Adapted from Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle 7th Edition, 1996. National Research Council, National Academy of Science, National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. Table A-4. Selected nutrient requirements of pigs.1 Pig Weight Nutrient 3-5 kg (7-11 lb) 5-10 kg (11-22 lb) 10-20 kg (22-44 lb) 20-50 kg (44-110 lb) 50-80 kg (110-176 lb) 80-120 kg (176-265 lb) CP, % 26.0 23.7 20.9 18.0 15.5 13.2 Lysine, % total 1.5 1.35 1.15 0.95 0.75 0.60 Lysine, % appt. ileal dig 1.26 1.11 0.94 0.77 0.61 0.47 Ca, % 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.45 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.50 0.45 0.40 P, % avail. 0.55 0.40 0.32 0.23 0.19 0.15 Potassium, % 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.23 0.19 0.17 Sodium, % 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.10 Copper, mg 6 6 5 4 3.5 3 100 100 80 60 50 50 P, % total Zinc, mg 1Adapted from Tables 10-1 and 10-5 Nutrient Requirements of Swine. 10th Revised Edition, 1998. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. (G. L. Cromwell, Chair, Subcommittee on Swine Nutrition). 24 August 2003 2/15/2016 Table A-5. Selected nutrient requirements of poultry.1 LayerLayera,b a,b 100 120a,b Nutrient Layer-80 Broiler 0-3 wk Broiler 3-6 wk Broiler 6-8 wk Protein, % 18.8 15.0 12.5 23.0 20.0 18.0 Ca, % 4.06 3.25 2.71 1.00 0.90 0.80 P,% 0.31 0.25 0.21 0.45 0.35 0.30 Potassium, % 0.19 0.15 0.13 0.30 0.30 0.30 Copper, mg ? ? ? 8 8 8 Zinc, mg 44 35 29 40 40 40 0.19 0.15 0.13 0.20 0.15 0.12 c c Sodium, % Turkey Nutrient 0-3 wk 3-6 wk 6-9 wk 9-12 wk 12-15 wk 15-18 wk Protein, % 28.0 26.0 22.0 19.0 16.5 14.0 Ca, % 1.2 1.0 0.85 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.6 0.5 0.42 0.38 0.32 0.28 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 Copper, mg 8 8 6 6 6 6 Zinc, mg 70 65 50 40 40 40 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 Duck 0-2 wk Duck 2-7 wk Duck Breeding Turkey Tom Turkey Hen Protein, % 22.0 16.0 15 12.0 14.0 Ca, % 0.65 0.60 2.75 0.50 2.25 c 0.40 0.30 ? 0.25 0.35 Potassium, % ? ? ? 0.4 0.6 Copper, mg ? ? ? 6 8 Zinc, mg 60 ? ? 40 65 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.12 P, % c Potassium, % Sodium, % Nutrient P, % Sodium, % a Grams feed intake per hen daily b Based on dietary Metabolizable Energy concentration of approximately 2,900 kcal/kg (1318 kcal/lb) and an assumed rate of egg production of 90% (90 eggs per 100 hens daily). c Phosphorus is nPP. 1Adapted from Tables 2-3, 2-6, 3-1, and 5-1 Nutrient Requirements of Poultry, 9 th Revised Edition, 1994. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. (J. L. Sell, Chair, Subcommittee on Poultry Nutrition). 25 August 2003 2/15/2016 Questions 1. National Research Council (NRC) guidelines are: a. Available for most livestock. b. Inadequate for modern production systems. c. Experimentally derived. d. Both A and C Answer: d 2. Feed waste is: a. Minimal and unimportant in most operations. b. Influenced by proper positioning of feeders. c. Related to amino acid content. d. None of the above Answer: b 3. The nutrients of most environmental concern are: a. Potassium and calcium. b. Phosphorus and nitrogen. c. Molybdenum and lysine. d. All are environmentally important. Answer: b 4. Feed conversion (ratios) for livestock and poultry commonly are: a. Less than 1.0. b. Less than 3.0. c. Between 3.0 and 5.0. d. Greater than 5.0. Answer: b 5. Rumen Degradable Protein (RDP) is best described as: a. Non-digestible protein. b. Amino acid protein. c. Readily available protein. d. None of the above Answer: c 6. A nutrient mass balance can be used to: a. Measure nutrient excesses in the operation. b. Determine amino acid content of feed. c. Characterize digestibility. d. Weigh silage. Answer: a 7. Ruminants usually require inorganic P to be added to their diets. a. True b. False Answer: False 26 August 2003 2/15/2016 8. Phytate-P is important because it is: a. The most available form of P for swine and poultry. b. The most unavailable form of P for swine and poultry. c. A major constituent of inorganic P. d. None of the above Answer: b 9. Diets formulated on the basis of crude protein (CP): a. Are the most efficient of the various techniques. b. Typically supply excesses of certain amino acids. c. Are not used for beef production. d. Both B and C Answer: b 10. Major reductions in N and P excretion from swine are possible but are very expensive. a. True b. False Answer: False 11. An important consideration when formulating diets to reduce P excretion is: a. Animal health b. Land available for manure application. c. Cost of implementing the diet. d. All of the above Answer: d 12. Important amino acids include: a. Lysine. b. Phytase. c. Methionine. d. Both A and C Answer: d 13. Phase feeding: a. Is limiting access to feeders to certain times of the day. b. Is a dietary program that changes with the animal's age and size. c. Has had very limited success in reducing nutrient excretion. d. Both A and C Answer: b 14. Inorganic P is commonly added to poultry diets. a. True b. False Answer: True 15. The Metabolizable Protein System: a. Is more efficient than diets based on crude protein. b. Considers all protein sources equal in value. c. Attempts to maximize IUP. d. Is less efficient than diets based on crude protein. Answer: a 27 August 2003 2/15/2016 16. When compared with NRC recommendations, diets at most dairies: a. Include considerably less P. b. Include considerably more P. c. Include approximately the same amount of P. d. Save money on P supplements. Answer: b 28 August 2003