DEPI breeder training course factsheet

DEPI Breeder Training
Improving animal welfare in Victoria
Following exhaustive public consultation, the Minister for Agriculture and Food Security has released the revised Code of
Practice for the Operation of Breeding and Rearing Businesses (Revision 1), for commencement on 11 April 2014. The Revised
Code sets minimum welfare standards for dogs and cats in breeding and rearing establishments. The Revised Code states that
to operate a breeding and/or rearing business, an operation manager, including proprietors acting in this role, must have
experience or qualifications and show current competency in the husbandry of animals. The Revised Code also states that
animal attendants, including volunteers, who work at the Business must be trained, experienced and competent to properly
manage the type of animals kept by the Business.
How can competency be demonstrated?
There are many available courses on animal care and husbandry yielding various qualifications, for example, a statement of
achievement, a certificate, or a diploma. This DEPI course is designed for people who work in, manage or own breeding dogs
and cats; or for people considering starting a breeding business. It is regarded as the minimum qualification to demonstrate
competency under the Revised Code, and must be renewed at least every three years. The course is free of charge to
undertake and therefore places no extra financial burden on stakeholders.
Members of the general public are welcome to participate and utilise the course as an educational tool and information
When will the course be available?
The online breeder training is available now, free, on the DEPI website People who prefer a printed
copy of the course can purchase the course content booklet for $15 from the DEPI Information Store (incl. GST and postage),
but will still need to complete the course online.
How was the content of the course determined?
The course was developed by a veterinarian who has a special interest in the breeding, rearing and training of dogs. This
veterinarian also has extensive experience working with inexperienced breeders beginning their breeding business. The course
is designed to give breeders basic instruction on planning and executing a breeding program, as well as providing them with an
introduction on genetics and emphasising the importance of considering genetics as part of a breeding program.
It is written in plain English and is easy to understand and work through.
For consistency and uniformity, the breeder training course also refers to and integrates content from multiple Codes of Practice
including the Code of Practice for the Operation of Breeding and Rearing Businesses, the Code of Practice for the Private
Keeping of Dogs/Cats, and the Code of Practice for the Responsible Breeding of Animals with Heritable Defects that Cause
Disease. These are readily available on the DEPI website
The course and its materials will continually be updated for accuracy as well as to reflect current industry best practice, to
ensure participants renewing their qualifications at least every three years continue to receive updated information.
DEPI Breeder Training Course
What does the course consist of?
The course covers the following 7 main topics with associated assessment questions:
Section 1 – introduction
Section 2 – husbandry and care
Section 3 – developing a breeding program
Section 4 – getting pregnant
Section 5 – the pregnancy
Section 6 – birthing a litter
Section 7 – raising a litter
How does the course work?
Breeders and members of the public wanting to participate will create a unique account using an email address and a password.
They will log in and progress through the content of the course at their own pace. Progress can be saved so the course can be
completed in multiple seatings.
Each section has assessments that must be completed with a pass mark of 90% or more. Upon successful completion a
certificate will be generated and emailed to the participant. This should be kept as evidence of completion and hence
competency, and may be printed if required. Enforcement officers may ask to sight records during audits.
Participants may also choose to purchase the course content booklet for $15 from the DEPI Information Store (incl. GST and
postage). To complete the course participants will need to register and take the assessments online, but this can be done after
they have worked through the entire course content from the booklet.
What if I need help?
If you have any questions or feedback please email or call 136 186.
Published by the Victorian Government Department of Environment and Primary
Industries Melbourne, November 2013
© The State of Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries
Melbourne 2013
This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except
in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
ISBN 978-1-74326-657-1 (Print)
ISBN 978-1-74326-658-8 (pdf)
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