Homework Assignment II BIOL2153 Principles of Genetics (Sections 9 & 10) Due at the beginning of your Discussion Section on Monday, September 29, 2003 Problem 1 (2 pts.): The progeny of a Drosophila female (heterozygous at three mutant loci: y ct w) crossed to a wild-type male are listed as follows: females males Phenotype +++ Number 2000 ++w y ct + y++ + ct w + ct + y+w y ct w +++ 773 782 201 209 15 16 3 1 a) On which chromosome do these genes reside? b) What is the gene order and gene arrangement in the trihybrid female parent? c) What are the map distances between these genes? d) Calculate the coefficient of coincidence and the value of interference for this cross. Problem 2 (2 pts.): A cross in Drosophila involves the recessive, X-linked genes yellow (y), white (w), and cut (ct). A yellow-bodied, white-eyed female with normal wings was crossed to a male whose eyes and body were normal, but whose wings were cut. The F1 females were wild type for all three traits, while the F1 males expressed the yellow-body, white-eye traits. The cross was carried to an F2 progeny, and only male offspring were tallied. On the basis of the data shown here, a genetic map was constructed: y + y + + y y + Phenotype + w w + + w + w Male Offspring 8 7 88 97 444 356 0 0 ct + ct + ct + + ct a) Diagram the genotypes of the F1 parents b) Assuming that white is at locus 1.5 on the X chromosome, construct a map c) Were any double-crossover offspring expected? 1 Problem 3 (2 pts.): In tomato the genes for jointless (j), hairless (h), and leafy (lf) are known to be linked on chromosome 5. Plants heterozygous for these three genes (j h lf) were testcrossed and the progeny listed: jointed jointless jointed jointless jointed jointless jointless Phenotypes hairless hairy hairy hairless hairy hairless hairy normal leafy leafy normal normal leafy normal Number 142 139 9 10 96 103 1 a) What is the correct sequence of genes in the linkage group? b) What are the map distances between loci? c) What is the coefficient of coincidence and the value of interference for this cross? Problem 4 (2 pts.): In a cross in Neurospora involving two alleles B and b, the following tetrad patterns were observed: Tetrad Pattern Number BBbb bbBB BbBb bBbb BbbB bBBb 45 55 5 5 2 8 Calculate the distance between the gene and the centromere. Problem 5 (2 pts.): Rabbits fully heterozygous at three loci, BbCcSs (B=black, b=brown; C=chinchilla, c=himalayan; S=long fur, s=short fur) are testcrossed and the 200 progeny are tabulated. Phenotype Number black himalayan long 35 brown chinchilla long 36 black himalayan short 35 brown chinchilla short 37 black chinchilla long 13 brown himalayan long 14 black chinchilla short 13 brown himalayan short 17 a) Which genes are linked? Which gene, if any, is not linked to the others? b) Indicate the map distance between all linked genes. 2