Membership renewal: 2015-16

Havering Arts Council
Registered Charity No. 248171
Membership renewal: 2014-15
Thank you for your support of the Arts in the London Borough of Havering in the past
year through your membership of the Havering Arts Council (HAC). You are now invited
to renew your membership.
Honorary Officers contact information
So that we are able to maintain accurate records, please complete the following:
Contact number:
Email address:
Contact number:
Email address:
Contact number:
Email address:
These details are for administrative purposes only and will not be shared with any
third party. All member groups’ data will be stored in accordance with the Data
Protection Act 1998.
Directory of Members
The Directory of Members is published regularly as a booklet for distribution throughout
the borough. Group details are also published on the HAC website. This provides wider
publicity for your work and we urge you to take advantage of this facility.
Please review the data we hold for you in the current directory of members and verify
this is still correct. If your entry is correct, please indicate this by writing as previous in
the group information section. You will still need to sign and return the form to indicate
you have reviewed the data and are happy for this to remain as displayed.
Whilst we can only update the hardcopy form of the directory annually, we can update
the website as necessary, so please also use this form to advise us of any changes
which occur during the year.
Please submit completed forms by email to and
ensure a signed paper copy is sent to the Hon. Chairman of the HAC:
c/o Fairkytes Arts Centre, 51 Billet Lane, Hornchurch, Essex, RM11 1AX
Havering Arts Council
Registered Charity No. 248171
Directory entry
Information relating to society (maximum of 50 words only):
Under current legislation we require the written consent of each and every person
concerned in order to display any personal contact details provided for representatives
of your society. Please confirm you are happy for your details to be shared publicly in
the directory, both in hard copy format, and on our website, by completing the following:
, am an agreed contact representative for this
group. I consent to the details shown above being shared on both the Havering
Arts Council website and in the directory.
, am an agreed contact representative for this
group. I consent to the details shown above being shared on both the Havering
Arts Council website and in the directory.
, am an agreed contact representative for this
group. I consent to the details shown above being shared on both the Havering
Arts Council website and in the directory.
Failure to complete this form correctly will mean we are unable to display the contact
details of your groups’ representatives in the directory.
Please submit completed forms by email to and
ensure a signed paper copy is sent to the Hon. Chairman of the HAC:
c/o Fairkytes Arts Centre, 51 Billet Lane, Hornchurch, Essex, RM11 1AX
Havering Arts Council
Registered Charity No. 248171
Membership renewal: 2014-15
Payment of membership fees
As part of the renewal process, you are also required to submit payment for your
membership. Membership subscriptions should be submitted no later than 31st May.
Please enter the payment amount to indicate your level of membership in the
‘membership fee’ box on the remittance slip:
Direct (Individual) members
Associate Members
Societies with up to 15 members over 60/65
Societies with up to 20 members
Societies with 21 to 50 members
Societies with 51 to 100 members
Societies with over 100 members
Cheques should be made payable to Havering Arts Council. Payment can also be
made direct to our bank account: Caf Bank Ltd, Sort Code: 40-52-40, Acc: 00023510.
If paying by direct transfer, please send confirmation of the date the payment was made so that
we are able to confirm your payment and allocate it against your renewal fee for the year.
Havering Arts Council
Registered Charity No. 248171
Membership renewal: 2015-16
Attn: Honorary Treasurer, Havering Arts Council
Information relating to society renewing membership
Name of Society:
Number of full members:
Membership fee:
Date of renewal:
Treasurer’s contact information
Contact number:
Email address:
Payment for our society’s membership renewal is enclosed with this remittance slip.
Please return payment with this remittance slip to the Hon. Treasurer of the HAC:
Candy Lillywhite-Taylor, 57 Manors Way, Silver End, Witham, CM8 3QP.