Page 1 of 10 Table 6. Functional Neuroimaging Findings in Panic Disorder [Positron Emission Tomography/Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography] Mea Study Subjects No. of Subjects n (female) Age Comorbid Agoraphobia Medicati Imaging on Status Method Ventromedial Study Paradigm Amygdala Hippocampus Prefrontal Cortex (SD) Other Brain Regions Studies Whose Results Indicate Amygdalar Involvement Neutral State PD 12(9) 29.8 (6.2) Sakai, 2005 Free for at In resting state least 2 weeks [41] FDGPET HC 22(14) 26.3 (without experiencing panic Bilateral amygdala glucose uptake▲ Bilateral hippocampus glucose uptake▲ No significant difference attacks during Bilateral thalamus, midbrain, caudal pons, medulla and cerebellum glucose update▲ scans) (6.8) Off medicatio Bilateral n for at thalamus, bilateral least PD 7 (3) Malizia, 1998 38.1 Never (18.4 have had ) a prescripti [42] on for basal ganglia, Neutral state 6 months. (Nobody experienced a 11 [ C]Flu panic attack either mazenil- during the PET scanning session or during the benzodiaz preparation epines for period). anxiety. Bilateral amygdala/hippocampus benzodiazepine receptor binding▼ Bilateral medial bilateral lateral frontal, bilateral temporal, bilateral orbitofrontal, and medial/lateral anterior cingulate occipital, bilateral regional anterior/dorsolater benzodiazepine al prefrontal, and receptor right insula binding▼ regional benzodiazepine receptor HC 8 (0) binding▼ 38.9 (9.0) TCA for at least Bilateral inferior 4 weeks Kaschka, 1995 PD with dysthymia or mild [43] depression 9 (4) 30.2 with Iomazeni (9.8) steady- l-SPECT state serum levels temporal, and Resting state Left medial inferior temporal regional activity index▼ bilateral inferior frontal regional activity index▼ Page 2 of 10 within a range of 150200 ng/ml . TCA with steadystate serum Patients with a history of dysthymia 9 (4) 29.0 levels (8.5) within a range of 150200 ng/ml . Symptom Provocation Anticipatory anxiety: Left precentral gyrus, At rest Anticipatory (after PD 17(12) Boshuisen, 18 or 2002 [44] older Free for at least 3 weeks the Anticipatory anxiety: pentag Significantly deactivated 15 H2 O astrin on the right side PET challe scan, nge) anxiety: Orbitofrontal cortex, and the anterior cingulate gyrus▲ ctivity▼ Anticipatory anxiety: The left parahippocampus, the superior temporal gyrus, before the hypothalamus, [15O]H2 and and the midbrain O PET after a activity▲ pentaga strin The challen parahippocampus, ge Before the precentral the gyrus, the inferior pentag Anterior cingulate frontal gyrus astrin cortex▼ activity and the challe HC left insula anterior insula▼ nge 21(12) The superior temporal lobe and the midbrain▼- Javanmard, Right handed, naive to CCK- 1999 [45] 4 injection HC Any 20(10) 30 individual s who [15O]H2 O PET Early scan or late Early scan Early scan: Hypothalamic Medial frontal region rCBF▲ region▲ Occipital regions Page 3 of 10 used any scan Anticipatory psychoact coverin anxiety: Anterior ive g the cingulate region medicatio first or rCBF▲ n within a the rCBF▼ Claustrum-insular week second prior to minute the after Late scanning CCK-4 scan region rCBF▲ Left superior Right amygdala rCBF▲ temporal rCBF▲ were bolus Cerebellar excluded injectio rCBFd▲ n, respecti vely Procai Bilateral ne parahippocampal Limbic gyri, left insular stimula ServanSchreiber, HC 10(5) 1998 [46] cortex rCBF▲ tion 20.4 15 (3.66 ) [ O]H2 with O PET intrave nous Anterior cingulate Bilateral amygdala rCBF▲ gyrus activation▲ Placeb procain Left inferior parietal lobule, right thalamus, bilateral o cerebellum rCBF e and right pulvinar▼ CCK-4 Male Anticipatory 26.4 Anticipatory (4.0) / Benkelfat, 1995 [47] HC Free for 8(3) 1 week Fem MRI Bilateral claustrum-insular- anxiety condition: anxiety condition: Cerebellum Left orbitofrontal rCBF▲ rCBF in [15O]H2 Placebo (with or cortical rCBF▲ the bilateral O PET without CCK-4 condition: region adjacent to anticipation) Left anterior the cingulate▲ frontotemporal ale amygdalar region CBF▲ 23.7 poles▲ (1.5) Treatment-Related Bilateral precentral gyrus, Paroxetin Sim, 2010 [48] PD 5 42.6 (7.0) e (12.537.5 mg/d ay) for 12 weeks FDG- 12 weeks of PET paroxetine trial Right amygdala glucose metabolism▲ after treatment bilateral middle No significant No significant frontal gyrus, difference difference right caudate body, right putamen, left insula, left Page 4 of 10 parahippocampal gyrus, left inferior frontal gyrus glucose metabolism▲ after treatment Medicatio Untreated PD 9 n-free for 3 months Openlabel Untreated vs. treatment control: Binding with measure receptor paroxetine hydrochlo Nash, 2008 [49] Treated PD with SSRI 7 potential in the binding in patients ride or 5-HT1A- sertraline PET (1 patient: PD in the Untreated vs. control: untreated state and Binding potential in the after recovery on amygdala▼ treatment with daily dose Treated vs. control: Binding potential in the hippocampus▼ Treated vs. untreated: Binding lateral temporal potential in the cortex▼ Treated orbitofrontal vs. control: cortex▼ Binding potential SSRIs 50 mg, raphe and anterior in the raphe and anterior medial duration temporal cortex▼ of treatment 24 months ) HC 19 Studies Whose Results Do Not Indicate Amygdalar Involvement or Those Which Did Not Assess Amygdalar Regions Spontaneous Panic Attack Healthy volunteer 1(1) Right posterior 42 orbitofrontal rCBF▼ Spontaneous panic 15 Fischer, 1998 None [50] Healthy volunteer 5(5) None [ O]H2 O PET attack during fear conditioning with 24(2. electric shocks and 5) visual white noise No significant difference No significant difference Right anterior cingulate rCBF▼ Right prelimbic rCBF▼ Neutral State Right temporal cortical rCBF▼ Page 5 of 10 ▲ Left/right 41.6 PD 22(20) (11.5 n=9 ) Eren, 2003 HMPAO [51] 19(16) In neutral state -SPECT 35.8 HC No significant difference 99mTc- of the left/right rCBF ratios in the medial temporal regions (10.7 No significant difference of the left/right rCBF ratios in the medial temporal regions ) PD (6) rCBF ratios in the medial frontal ratios in the significant after inferior frontal multiple cortex. comparison correction.) 44.5 Left (4.2) parahippocampal area glucose In neutral state Bisaga, 1998 Free for FDG- [52] 1 month PET HC (6) ▼Left/right rCBF region. (Not (Lactate infusion was begun after 39.8 completion of the (9.3) scan) Left hippocampus No significant difference glucose metabolism ▲ metabolism▲ No significant difference Right inferior parietal, right superior temporal brain regions glucose metabolism▼ PD 7 (5) 24.5 n = 2 had panic disorder without agoraphobia n = 5 (2.5) suffered from panic disorder with phobic avoidance. De Cristofaro, Free for at Inferior frontal least 2 weeks 99mTcHMPAO 1993 [53] Due to limited resolution In neutral state -SPECT HC 5 (3) 27.8 Bilateral cortex rCMRglu of the images, hippocampal hippocampal No significant asymmetry regions may include regions blood difference index▲ Left amygdalar regions flow▼ occipital cortex blood flow▲ (6.9) n=1 drug- PD 12 (7) Nordahl, 1990 naive Left anterior n = 1 free cingulate region 35.5 for at least metabolic rates▼ (11.4 1 year Left medial orbital ) n = 10 free for [54] FDGPET 20.3 (SD Auditory discrimination Left/right Not assessed task hippocampal ratio frontal region metabolic rates▲ of rCMRglu▼ Left inferior parietal lobe metabolic rates▼ 10.19) Right prefrontal days region metabolic rates▲ HC Reiman, 1986 [55] 30 (14) 33.3 (9.8) 34 PD 16 (11) (Ran ge n = 4 were None had extensive phobic avoidance (i.e., receiving agoraphobia) tricyclic antidepres Left/right ratios of [15O]H2 O, 15 [ O]CO, In neutral state Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed parahippocampal rCBF , whole brain Page 6 of 10 22– 52) metabolism▼ in sants and and alprazola [15O]O2 lactate-induced m. PET panic-vulnerable PD patients relative to HC. 35 (Ran HC 2 5(9) ge 19– 74) PD 10 Left/right ratios of parahippocampal rCBF▼in patients [15O]H2 Reiman, 1984 [56] O PET HC In neutral state No significant difference No significant No significant difference difference 6 who had a positive response to lactate infusion compared with those without and HC. Symptom Provocation Untreated PD 5 (4) / One female 27.2 subject excluded later (3.2) No significant None difference / Baseline 15 Kent, 2005 [ O]H2 [57] O PET HC 5 (3) 31.6 Doxapram intravenous No significant difference injection No significant difference orbitofrontal rCBF predicted anxiety scores in response to (6.8) doxapram injection Reiman, 1989 [58] PD Group 1 (Positive lactate-induced anxiety attack) 8 (5) 28 n=1 (Ran taking [15O]H2 Sodium lactate ge 150 mg/d O PET infusion 22– of oral ▲Blood flow No significant difference No significant No significant increase in difference difference bilateral temporal poles, bilateral Page 7 of 10 35) 38 (Ran PD Group 2 (Negative lactate-induced anxiety 9 (5) ge 28– attack) 52) imipramin insular cortex, e claustrum, lateral hydrochlo putamen, near the ride All superior other colliculus, or the patients left anterior medicatio cerebellar vermis n free for in patients who at least panicked 2 weeks compared with those who did not and HC. 25 (Ran HC 15 (8) ge 22– 30) Patie PD 10 nts All who tricyclic panic antidepres Total left ked sant, hemispheric blood flow▼ in patients 34.3 MAOI, or (11.3 alprazola who panicked )/ m-naive, than those who Patie n=7 Stewart, 1988 nts medicatio [59] who n-free, Xenon133 SEPCT did not and HC. Sodium lactate infusion Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed did n=2 not oxazepam increase in panic ,n=1 patients who ked clorazepat panicked that 34.2 e those who did not blood flow (7.4) HC 5 PD 6 (4) ▲Bilateral occipital regional and HC. 31.6 (4.8) ▼Bilateral frontal 30(3) blood flow 99mTc- Woods, 1988 HMPAO [60] HC 6 (4) 30(1 0) -SPECT Yohimbine infusion decrease by Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed yohimbine infusion relative to placebo infusion. Page 8 of 10 Treatment-Related Fluoxetin e or cognitive behavioral Bilateral medial therapySakai, 2006 [61] PD 12(9) 29.8 (6.2) naive and medicatio n free for Before and after FDGPET 2 weeks prefrontal cortex 10 sessions of cognitive- No significant difference behavioral therapy Right hippocampus glucose Left cerebellum, glucose utilization▲ Left and pons glucose utilization▼ anterior cingulate utilization▼ for 6 months glucose prior to utilization▼ study enrollmen t. Right superior/middle/in ferior frontal▼ Right Right medial frontal▼ Left PD assigned to antidepressant treatment medial frontal▲ 6 superior/middle/tr ansverse temporal▼ Left middle frontal▲ Left superior/middle/tr CBT or Prasko, 2004 antidepres FDG- [62] sants for PET 3 months Before and after treatment for No significant difference 3 months No significant ansverse difference temporal▲ Right superior/inferior frontal▼ Right inferior temporal▼ Left PD assigned to CBT inferior frontal▲ 6 Left middle temporal▲ Insula▲ 6 weeks Continuous of Nordahl, 1998 [63] Imipramine-treated PD 9(4) 33.3 (7.2) treatment with imipramin e, including auditory FDG- performance task PET to give a standardized condition Not assessed Abnormally low L/R hippocampal Posterior orbital frontal rCMRglc▼ Left/right posterior inferior prefrontal rCMRglc ratio▼ Page 9 of 10 2 weeks at their final dose with a range of 50– 150 mg 1 had never been on medicatio n 1 had been of of medicatio Untreated PD 12(7) 35.5( 11.4 ns for more than 1 year n = 10 the ange of time off medicatio ns was 20.3_ + 1 0.19 days HC 43(22) 30.2( 9.2) Abbreviations : CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; CCK-4, cholecystokinin tetrapeptide; FDG, 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose; HC, healthy control; MAOI, monoamine oxidase inhibitor; MDD, major depressive disorder; PD, panic disorder; rCBF, regional cerebral blood flow; SD, standard deviation; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; 99mTc-HMPAO, 99mTc-hexamethylpropyleneamineoxime. *Results from these studies [55,56,58] were subsequently retracted. 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