Student Services The University has a range of support services in

Student Services
The University has a range of support services in place for students, which staff need to be
aware of. They were re-organised in 2011 with the purpose of enhancing impact in key
performance areas. These are employability, retention, support for learners and the quality of
our customer services. Student services as a whole will be required to demonstrate “impact”
against performance indicators in each of these important business areas.
These changes have been introduced in the context of the University’s wider commitment to
enhancing the quality of the student experience.
Careers & Employment Services
Head of Service: Mark Diggle
The Careers & Employment Service has been re-orientated to be employer facing, with clear
targets associated with bringing employers into the University, identifying placements and
internships, and bringing more of our graduates into graduate level employment.
Customer Services
Head of Service: Amanda Krebs
The Head of Customer Service Excellence is responsible for the Student Information Desk
and will be increasingly focusing on co-ordinating process improvement through the use of
Triaster mapping and collating procedures. She also manages the Student Money Advice
Team and provides administrative support for the University’s scholarship and bursaries
schemes and for the ASPIRE project.
Learning Resources
University Librarian and Deputy Director: Marcus Woolley
Learning Resources now includes, in addition to the University Library, a range of support for
academic skills development, including Information Literacy, ICT use, study skills and
specific learning difficulties. Professional and Academic Development (PAD) co-ordinates
peer support for learners and will also provide one to one liaise with academic teams to
organise workshop sessions
Sport Facilities & Operations
Head of Service: Steve Pitt
Working within a strategic direction provided by the Director of Sport Professor John Brewer,
the department manages University sports facilities and co-ordinates access to external
services such as those provided by the Bedford Athletics Stadium and Vauxhall Sport Centre
in Luton. The Head of Service also works closely with the Students’ Union to help deliver
support for the full range of sporting activity.
Student Support
Head of Service: Ruki Heritage
The Student Support Department provides direct support services to students with disabilities
including mental health, creating a link with community based health services and providing
the University’s first line of response to infectious diseases, student death or other critical
incidents. The Engagement and Mitigation team are there to provide advice to student in the
event of short term to medium to long term interruptions to study, and to help students resolve
problems which prevent their success.
Tim Stone
Director, Learning Resources & Student Services
Ext 9310 or mobile 07841860503
Student Services September 2012
University Registrar
Faculty Managers
Director for Student Experience
Learning Resources
Student Services
Deputy Director
& University
Head of Careers
& Employment
Head of Student
Marcus Woolley
Mark Diggle
Ruki Heritage
Skills for
Success =
IT support,
Director Learning Resources &
Student Services Tim Stone
Health & Well
Being – Healthy
Head of
Amanda Krebs
One Stop Shop
face to face &
online (SID);
Money advice
for students
Projects Team: Anthony Garvin
Head of Sport Facilities & Operations: Stephen Pitt
Student Services September 2012
Community Projects Co-ordinator: Andrea Thorogood
Chaplaincies: Andrew Goodman, Cass Howes
Director of Sport
Professor John Brewer
Chief Executive UBSU
Michele Flynn