matsci bib - Brown University

Kristie Chin, Peter Johnson, and Katherine Harrington
Allaire, Louis
1980 On the Historicity of Carib Migrations in the Lesser Antilles. American
Antiquity 45.2:238-245.
This article discusses the migration of prehistoric people throughout the Caribbean,
specifically the Lesser Antilles.
Curet, L. Antonio.
1997 Technological Changes in Prehistoric Ceramics from Eastern Puerto Rico: An
Exploratory Study. Journal of Archaeological Science 24.6: 497-504.
Looks at changes in pottery technology, focusing on several physical properties including
original firing temperature, porosity, and density.
Descanes, Christope, Robert J. Speakman, and Michael D. Glascock
2008 Compositional Studies of Caribbean Ceramics: An Introduction to Instrumental
Neutron Activation Analysis. Journal of Caribbean Archaeology, Special
Publication #2: 1-14.
Discusses the potential of compositional and provenance studies in the Caribbean
Delpuech, Andre and Corrine L. Hofman (eds.)
2004 Late Ceramic Age Societies in the Eastern Caribbean. BAR Intl. 1273. Oxford:
Studies societies in the Eastern Antilles, including Trinidad, the Lesser Antilles, the
Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico, focusing on the distribution and exchange of ceramic
materials as well as giving a general overview of the cultures.
Donahue, Jack, David R. Walters, and Sarah Milspaugh
1990 Thin section petrography of northern lesser Antilles ceramics. Geoarchaeology
5.3: 229-54.
Thin section analysis of 44 sherds from four islands, including Montserrat. The authors
use point counting to distinguish three types of temper.
Fitzpatrick, Scott M., et al.
2009 Evidence for inter-island transport of heirlooms: luminescence dating and
petrographic analysis of ceramic inhaling bowls from Carriacou, West
Indies. Journal of Archaeological Science 36.3: 596-606.
Ceramic snuffing tubes from Carriacou, West Indies are analyzed using luminescence
dating and petrographic analysis to show that they were not made using local materials
and appear to have instead been transported to the island as heirlooms. This may be the
first evidence for inter-island transport of drug paraphernalia in the Caribbean.
Fitzpatrick, Scott M. and William F. Keegan
Kristie Chin, Peter Johnson, and Katherine Harrington
2007 Human impacts and adaptations in the Caribbean Islands: an historical ecology
approach. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of
Edinburgh 98: 29-45.
Discussion of how humans adapted to and impacted their environment throughout the
history of Caribbean occupation. Good source for Ceramic Age dietary, climatological,
and agricultural information.
Hofman, Corinne L.
2008 Americas, Carribean: The Lesser Antilles, in Deborah M. Pearsall (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 143-153.
Overview of the history of the Lesser Antilles.
Hofman, Corinne L., Alistair J. Bright, Arie Boomert, and Sebastiaan Knippenberg
2007 Island Rhythms: The Web of Social Relationships and Interaction Networks in
the Lesser Antillean Archipelago between 400 B.C. and A.D. 1492. Latin
American Antiquity 18.3: 243-268.
Study of the variation in social relationships between island communities through the
lens of three types of artifacts: raw materials and utilitarian goods, items as markers of
social status, and prestige goods.
Hofman, Corinne L., Menno L.P. Hoogland, and Annelou L. van Gijn
2008 Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries and National Borders: New Methods and
Techniques in the Study of Archaeological Materials from the Caribbean, in
Corinne L. Hofman, Menno L.P. Hoogland, and Annelou L. van Gijn (eds.)
Crossing the Borders: New Methods and Techniques in the Study of
Archaeological Materials from the Caribbean. Tuscaloosa: University of
Alabama Press: 1-17.
History of the development of archaeological research in the Caribbean, as well
directions for the future.
Hofman, Corinne L, A.J. Daan Isendoorn, Mathijs A. Booden and Loe F.H.C. Jacobs
2008 In Tuneful Threefold: Combining Conventional Archaeological Methods,
Archaeometric Techniques, and Ethnoarchaeological Research in the Study of
Precolonial Pottery of the Caribbean, in Corinne L. Hofman, Menno L.P.
Hoogland, and Annelou L. van Gijn (eds.) Crossing the Borders: New Methods
and Techniques in the Study of Archaeological Materials from the Caribbean.
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press: 21-33.
Study combining conventional techniques like workability tests, thin sectioning, and
microscopic fabric analysis with XRF and ethnoarchaological approachs.
Isendoorn, A.J. Daan, Corinne L. Hofman, and M. Booden.
2008 Back to the Source: Provenance Areas of Clays and Temper Materials of PreColombian Caribbean Ceramics. Journal of Caribbean Archaeology Special
Publication #2: 15-23.
Kristie Chin, Peter Johnson, and Katherine Harrington
This article is part of a larger investigation into pre-Colombian ceramic raw materials in
the Lesser Antilles. The results presented here focus on St. Lucia, and the authors use
petrography and XRF.
Keegan, William F.
2000 West Indian Archaeology. 3. Ceramic Age. Journal of Archaeological Research
8.2: 135-167.
Overview of Caribbean archaeology of the period from 500 BCE to European contact.
Primarily focuses on stylistic changes in pottery, but does highlight the diversity of
subsistence, settlement patterns, and processes of cultural evolution.
MacGregor, A.G.
1936 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences
121.822: 232-152
The article acts as a preliminary account for the geology (especially volcanic) of
Montserrat also outlining previous geological work and how the island fits into the lesser
Miles, David and Julian Munby
2006 Montserrat before the Volcano: A Survey of the Plantations Prior to the 1995
Erruptions. Landscapes 2: 48-62.
Article gives the background, early history, and history of the island, as well as outlining
the Trants estate and sugar industry.
Rice, Prudence M.
1987 Pottery Analysis: A Sourcebook. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Good basic guide to pottery in archaeology, from molecular structure to typologies.
Rodriguez Suarez, Roberto and Jaime R. Pagan Jimenez
2008 The Buren in Precolonial Cuban Archaeology: New Information Regarding the
Use of Plants and Ceramic Griddles During the Late Ceramic Age of Eastern
Cuba Gathered through Starch Analysis, in Corinne L. Hofman, Menno L.P.
Hoogland, and Annelou L. van Gijn (eds.) Crossing the Borders: New Methods
and Techniques in the Study of Archaeological Materials from the Caribbean.
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press: 159-169.
Archaeobotanical study of starch grains in griddle fragments from late ceramic
communities in Cuba. Shows that griddles could be used for a variety of foods, and not
for just for cassava bread as had been previously thought.
Rouse, Irving
1964 Prehistory of the West Indies. Science 144 (no.3618): 499-513.
The article talks about the prehistory of the West Indies within the scope of its Natural
and Cultural Setting, Ethnic and Linguistic groups, chronology and cultures, and its
periods of multiple epochs.
Rouse, Irving
Kristie Chin, Peter Johnson, and Katherine Harrington
1977 Pattern and Process in West Indian Archaeology. World Archaeology 9(1): 111.
Discusses the use of concepts of pattern and process in West Indian Archaeology.
van Gijn, Annelou and Corrine L. Hofman
2008 Were they used as tools? An exploratory functional study of abraded potsherds
from two pre-colonial sites on the island of Guadeloupe, northern Lesser Antilles.
Caribbean Journal of Science 44.1: 21-35.
Use wear analysis of abrasion patterns on modified potsherds indicates that they were
used in the pottery manufacturing process.
Watters, David R.
1994 Archaeology of Trants, Montserrat. Part I: Field Methods and Artifact Density
Distributions. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 63:265-295.
Different research strategies from different field years of Trants, Montserrat are
compared and evaluated
Watters, David R.
2007 Volcanically Induced Loss of Archaeological Sites in Montserrat. In
Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Association for Caribbean
Archaeology 1, 48-55/ St. Augustine, Trinidad, University of the West Indies.
The article gives an outline of volcanic history on Montserrat as well as categories of
loss and specific sites.
Wilson, Samuel M.
1989 The Prehistoric Settlement Pattern of Nevis, West Indies. Journal of Field
Archaeology 16.4:427-450.
The article, while not about Montserrat in particular is about neighboring Nevis which
would obviously share some prehistoric elements because of proximity. The article also
discusses the prehistoric nature of the Caribbean and lesser Antilles.
Wilson, Samuel M.
2007 The Archaeology of the Caribbean. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Comprehensive overview of Caribbean archaeology from the first human settlers in the
region through the arrival of Europeans.
Note: We have also identified articles likely to be helpful in the 14th and 15th IACA, and
have requested these volumes. They have not arrived yet, so we could not include a
description here.