OXFORD RADCLIFFE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST - JOB DESCRIPTION CANCER RESEARCH UK MEDICAL ONCOLOGY UNIT OXFORDSHIRE HEALTH AUTHORITY AND UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD TITLE OF POST: ST3 in Medical Oncology GRADE: Specialist Trainee SPECIALTY: Medical Oncology SUPERVISING CONSULTANT: Dr N Levitt Programme Director EDUCATIONAL SUPERVISOR: Dr N Levitt FULL-TIME/PART-TIME: Full Time BASE HOSPITAL: The Churchill Hospital WORK PATTERN: on-call AVERAGE NUMBER OF HOURS PER WEEK: 48 CORE HOURS: 40 INCLUDES PROSPECTIVE COVER: YES ANNUAL AND STUDY LEAVE ARRANGEMENTS: Duties include cover for colleages absence on annual or study leave. Leave must be planned in advance and must be agreed with your supervising consultant. Annual leave entitlement will be 6 weeks dependent on point of salary. ACCOMMODATION: ACCOMMODATION OFFICER: Job No: SpR012 30.11.06 This post is not compulsorily resident. If accommodation is required a charge will be made. Mrs Paula Gomersall Tel: 01865 225010 Educational Approval No: PGMET No: Medpers/Standard Job Descriptions/Med Onc/30.11.06 1 1. DUTIES OF THE POST a) Principal Responsibilities: The Unit is currently divided into two firms to which registrars are assigned. Firm A (Professor Harris, Prof Middleton, Dr. Midgley, Dr. Levitt and Dr. Patel) have a particular interest in breast cancer, melanoma, upper GI malignancies and colorectal cancer. Firm B (Prof. Hassan, Dr Talbot, Dr Protheroe, Dr. Macaulay and Dr Nicum) have a particular interest in lung, ovarian, sarcomas and urological cancers. Trainees have responsibilities to both inpatients and outpatients for each firm. The inpatients are based on the Oncology wards and Trainees have responsibility for in-patient care, emergency admissions and liaison with GP and patient enquiries, checking the results of investigations returning to the unit, organising and reviewing x-rays at the radiology conference, preparing notes for the out-patient clinics, attending MDT meetings and performing “consults” as required within the Churchill Hospital and at the John Radcliffe Hospital. In outpatients, trainees will have responsibilities for new patients and patients on follow-up. This involves attendance at oncology clinics, and the MDT meetings. Lymphoma and carcinoid clinics also exist, although not on a weekly basis. There are also additional responsibilities that include administrative, research and teaching commitments. There are responsibilities with regard to the running of clinical trials particularly Phase I and II, each specialist trainee will be assigned particular trials to link with the research team. The responsibilities of the post may also vary slightly as the unit integrates with Clinical Oncology. b) Daily Commitment: As above c) Description of Working Pattern Five specialist trainees in medical oncology share the oncology on-call rota commitment, 1:14 shared on call with the clinical oncology trainees. Although the on-call duties are non-resident, you are expected to be within fifteen minutes reach of the unit. Prospective cover is included for annual and study leave. d) Teaching The Cancer Research UK Medical Oncology Unit provides an educational programme in oncology for the members of the multi-disciplinary team. Specialist Trainees are responsible for organising this programme and in teaching undergraduates, Senior House Officers and nursing staff. Specialist Trainees prepare summaries of clinical protocols for entry into the unit ehandbook which contains information on medical emergencies, standard and research protocols. Educational sessions are also held for members of the public who may visit the Unit, or meetings outside the Unit. Weekly educational meetings include: oncology, update on scientific research at the IMM, lymphoma meetings, medical and surgical grand rounds. e) Administration/Management The Unit is keen to support the development of management skills. Specialist Trainees attend management courses and opportunities also exist for developing computing, communication and management skills within the Cancer Research UK, Oxford Radcliffe Trust and the University of Oxford. 2. TRAINING AND RESEARCH: a) Training Scheme: The Cancer Research UK Medical Oncology Unit has five Specialist Trainees posts approved for higher medical training in medical oncology but four currently funded. Each post is a four year structured training programme that provides comprehensive training in all aspects of the staging and Medpers/Standard Job Descriptions/Med Onc/30.11.06 2 management of cancer. During the first two years Specialist Trainees may have the opportunity for day release to attend the London Oncology course which includes the joint core curriculum in oncology. Throughout the training programme Specialist Trainees gain experience in the use and evaluation of cytotoxic drugs and in the multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment. Experience in the management of all common tumour types will be gained in the out-patient and in-patient settings. The unit has a major interest in research and Specialist Trainees are involved in the conduct of phase I, II and III clinical trials. There are close links with the Cancer Research UK Molecular Oncology Laboratories based at the IMM on the John Radcliffe site. Here research teams, including approximately 40 to 50 scientists and clinical research fellows, have major interests in the fields of growth factor research, gene therapy, DNA topology and repair, angiogenesis and ovarian cancer biology. Specialist Trainees may have the opportunity to undertake a higher research degree, outwith the clinical training programme. b) Research: New and on-going studies are discussed at weekly multi-disciplinary meetings which review the practical aspects of running the study, resource management and analysis of results. In addition, a weekly scientific research seminar is held by the Cancer Research UK molecular oncology group. Specialist Trainees will be trained in the co-ordination of clinical research projects, gaining experience in the planning, writing and submission of protocols, paying particular attention to the scientific merit and ethics of each project. The Specialist Trainees take responsibility for a number of Phase I, II and III studies. Each project is run by a team comprising the lead consultant, specialist trainee, research sister, data manager and clinical pharmacist. The majority of studies are conducted in collaboration with the Cancer Research UK molecular oncology laboratories at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine WIMM), other Cancer Research UK units or research organisations in the UK or abroad. Specialist Trainees are expected to prepare and present work for oral and poster presentations at local and international meetings. c) Facilities for Study and Training: Good Library facilities are available at the John Radcliffe Hospital and at other libraries in the Central Oxford Hospitals. d) Postgraduate Medical Education Courses Available: Postgraduate educational facilities and courses are available. 3. SPECIALTY: Description of Specialty Services Provided The Cancer Research UK Unit, a department of the University of Oxford, is part of the Oxford Oncology Cancer Centre now within a purpose-designed Cancer Centre, opened in 2009, on the Churchill hospital site. The principal aims of the department are to conduct translational research and provide a high quality medical oncology service to the region. Access to patient and in-house clinical trial data is available from computers accessible from each Specialist Trainee’s desk via a local network serving approximately 40 computers throughout the Unit. There are also connections from several terminals to the University of Oxford wide network, helpdesk services, library and information services, including “Medline”, and to the internet. The unit operates a computerised prescribing system which allows on-line prescribing of standard and trial -based treatment regimens. The Cancer Research UK Medical Oncology Unit is a part of the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Cancer Centre which includes the departments of clinical oncology, clinical haematology, palliative medicine and the pain relief unit. There are close links with other oncology departments throughout the Thames Valley Cancer Medpers/Standard Job Descriptions/Med Onc/30.11.06 3 Network. The network serves a population of 2.8 million of whom 1.8 million are within the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals catchment area. The workload of the Unit is shared by ten consultant medical oncologists. The unit Director Professor Adrian Harris and Dr. Levitt have particular interest in breast cancer, Dr Denis Talbot in lung cancer, Prof. Bass Hassan in sarcomas, Dr Andrew Protheroe and Dr. Macaulay in urological tumours and Prof. Mark Middleton in melanoma, Dr Rachel Midgeley in colorectal cancer, Dr. Patel in upper gastrointestinal tumours and Dr. Nicum in gynaecological malignancies. The consultants have research interests in angiogenesis, DNA repair, immunotherapy and gene therapy. In 2006 Oxford was designated an Experimental Cancer Centre and National Biomedical Research Centre. There is a strong record of translational research and collaboration between the medical oncology unit and molecular oncology laboratories at the WIMM. There are research groups at the Institute addressing angiogenesis, cancer genetics and immunology, cell signalling, growth factors, genome integrity, DNA repair and the cell cycle. Associated groups are involved in the research of monoclonal antibodies, the cellular pathology of leukaemia, stem cells and immunotherapy, IGF receptor signalling, radiobiology and gene therapy. A new MRC/Cancer Research UK Radiobiology Research Centre based on the Churchill campus was opened in 2004. There are currently five Specialist Trainees working within the unit as well as Trainees undertaking doctoral or postdoctoral research at the WIMM. Four Clinical Research Fellows are undertaking research for higher degrees in the Cancer Research UK Medical oncology unit. There is several foundation and ST1/2 junior doctors involved in the care of patients on the ward. There is excellent nursing support for research, out patient chemotherapy administration and in patient care as well as a specialist pharmacist responsible for the monitoring and auditing of drug prescribing in the unit. A laboratory technician manages the ward laboratory including sample processing and storage and there is a data management team to support administration of clinical trials. The Unit also has a business manager and secretarial support. Medpers/Standard Job Descriptions/Med Onc/30.11.06 4