Attachment C - Miss Boston


Attachment C

2015 Local Scholarship Rules And Regulations

The Miss Boston Organization Scholarship Fund will award scholarships under the following

Circumstances: (Please note in some circumstances a 501 C-3 foundation affiliation may not allow payment of scholarship fund to be utilized for student loans or computer equipment.).

1) Scholarship Usage:

Scholarship funds may be applied to tuition, textbooks, supplies, academic fees and other appropriate mandatory educational expenses. All unusual or questionable items of expense must be referred to the Miss Boston Organization Board of Directors with as much information as possible and far enough in advance for consideration of approval. Amounts received as scholarship payments are taxable income to the extent that they exceed “Qualified Tuition and

Related Expenses”. Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses include tuition and fees required for enrollment or attendance of a student at an educational organization, including fees, books, supplies and equipment required of all students in the particular course of instruction.

Payments for room and board will be made to the education institution (or for off campus housing if your state 501 C-3 permits) to and such requests must be accompanied by appropriate documentation from the educational institution (or fully executed lease agreement) evidencing the charges for same. Contestants must maintain at least 12 credit hours as a full-time student, 9 credit hours part-time status and 9 credit hours for graduate in order to qualify. Payments do not cover key fees or deposits. Utilities (electric, gas, cable, phone, etc.) are also not covered.

It is each contestant’s obligation to determine whether the scholarship, in whole or part, is includable in gross taxable income, regardless of whether a Form 1099 has been issued by either

The State Organization, the Community Foundation or Miss America Organization. Contestants are encouraged to consult a tax advisor regarding the taxability of the scholarship payments

Payment of all approved expenditures will be made directly to the college, university or other accredited institution unless extenuating circumstances exist (with the exception of computer or musical equipment clause). Personal Reimbursements to scholarship recipients will not be honored, so proper planning and time allotment is essential on the part of the student.

2) Requesting Usage:

Requests for scholarships are initially processed by the Miss Boston Organization and forwarded to the scholarship committee for its review and approval upon written receipt of statements from colleges and schools or from the contestant for other educational expenses. All statements and invoices must be accompanied by a cover letter from the contestant.

Requests for computer or musical equipment will be recommended only if the college or school states in writing that it is mandatory requirement in order for the contestant to complete the coursework. The contestant may be reimbursed for this expense provided the contestant submits a letter from the school stating the mandatory requirements or a list of course requirements. There will however, be a $2000 cap on computer equipment, and this type of expense will be reimbursed only once. Computer software is not a reimbursable item. The original bill of sale must be submitted as well as the original credit card receipt or a copy of the canceled check.

3) Priority Of Level In Usage:

Contestants receiving scholarships at the state level must use the scholarship won at the local level prior to applying for funds at the state level. Verification must be submitted in writing form the Local Executive Director that all local scholarship funds have been exhausted. Outside of a request for computer equipment as discussed in Item 2, exceptions to this rule may be granted for payment of college or university room and board which do not fall within the guidelines for disbursement at the local level. The request for an exception must be submitted in writing to

Scholarship Committee for consideration.

4) Student Loans:

Scholarships may be used for outstanding student loan obligations provided the contestant has satisfactorily completed the coursework for which the loan was obtained. In all cases, requests must include a current bill from bona fide third party lending institution showing a current address, a copy of the promissory note showing that the contestant is either the primary or secondary pay of the obligation, and an official transcript showing completion of the coursework.

5) Usage For Future Expenses And Forfeitures:

Scholarships may be used for future educational expenses, provided, however, contestants must begin use of their scholarships within 1 year of the date of the award. Prior to forfeiture, reasonable attempt will be made by the local organization to notify the contestant of impending forfeiture. If a contestant has not submitted a request to the Miss Boston Organization for her scholarship award dollars during this period, her right to request funds will be forfeited. If a contestant forfeits any money from her scholarship award at the local level, her award at the state and national level will automatically be forfeited.

6A) A contestant who begins use of her scholarship within a designated time above the then be required to show continuous activity in her scholarship endeavors up to a limit of 1 year (two for

Miss State) following the date of her award. Any balance remaining in a contestant’s award 1 year following the date of the award will automatically be forfeited.

6B) An exception to the time limits described in Paragraph 6A above may be made if the contestant, prior to the expiration date, makes a written appeal to the Miss Boston Organization citing compelling reasons why the time period should be extended. The Miss Boston

Organization will review the request and determine whether an extension is warranted. Consistent with the Code and the rules and regulations of the Community Foundation, the decision of the

Miss Boston Organization shall be final and binding. Any funds remaining in the account at the end of one year will automatically be forfeited.




I (Contestant) have read and understood the 2015 Miss Boston Organization Scholarship Rules and






Miss Boston 2015 Contract Addendum

You must return phone calls/emails/texts within 48 hours

Must make at least 20 appearances throughout your reign as Miss Boston 2014. Local preliminaries do not count towards these; however we do encourage you to attend as many as possible, admission is free as

Miss Boston. Mandatory appearances include:

St. Patrick’s Day parade – March 2015

One Santa event in December 2015

Attend Miss Boston 2016 and all applicable rehearsals, orientations, and promotional events leading up to the annual pageant, date TBD

Attend events for major MBSO sponsors which include but not limited to: Glitteratti, RX

Strength Training, etc.

Regarding appearances/ events You must be chaperoned if the entire event is after dark, and/or the ratio of men to women is more than 2:1, and/or there are more than 400 people. Times when you will likely not be chaperoned: Luncheon talks, Runs or Walks for a charity, daytime events with fewer than 400 people,

Neighborhood events in your immediate neighborhood. Chaperone’s are defined as a person of 21 years of age or older (NON NEGOTIABLE), it can be a Board Member, friend, pageant sister, parent, family member etc. Prio rity will be given to the Business Manager.

Photography protocol: You may never be photographed with any open drink in your hand that has been poured into an indistinguishable glass, (includes water in a water glass or plastic cup). You may never be photographed in crown/ sash at a non-Miss Boston function, party, appearance or event (if you are not acting as Miss Boston, you may NOT appear as her). No one but children and the elderly may wear your crown, and if you have placed the crown on their head, you should still be holding it, as though you are temporarily crowning them (it may not rest unassisted on the head). You may not appear in crown or sash photos with any titleholder (local, state, national, international) from the Miss USA/Universe system under any circumstance. Either you or the USA delegate must remove your crown and sash for the photo.

Travel protocol: You must find appropriate travel to and from your own events, unless a Miss Boston sponsored service can take you there. The fees associated with this travel may be removed from your general allowance fund, but may not be requested in addition to this. If you cannot travel, every effort will be taken to accommodate all appearances near the subway/ bus system.

- You must always arrive at events 15 minutes early, IN SASH and CROWN and appropriate dress for the event. You may NOT change on site under any circumstance. You may put your crown and sash on a block away from a large event if you have taken public transportation to get here.

- Regarding self-initiated appearances; you must receive approval from your Business Manager before committing to an appearance that you sought out at least 1 week in advance.

-Complete at least 4 mock interviews before the state competition

-Complete at least 4 talent rehearsals in front of Business Manager and/or MBSO Board members

-Be available to the local Miss Boston board for state pageant preparation (including meetings, wardrobe preparation, fitness preparation, etc)

-If you miss five scheduled events without reasonable lead time and communication with the Miss Boston

Board of Directors, (includes meetings with the board, appearances, mock interviews, fundraisers, etc) you will forfeit the title of Miss Boston, and it will be awarded to the First Runner up

-Each local titleholder in the state is required to have 4 shifts at Gillette Stadium (it can be you going 4 times by yourself or, yourself and 3 friends/family members, or 4 friends). Scholarship money will not be paid out until this requirement has been satisfied.

Deadlines to meet this requirement are as follows:

-For Fall semester tuition payments your Gillette requirement must be satisfied by8/15/2015

-For Spring 2015 your requirement must be satisfied by 12/1/2015

- In order to receive your scholarship money AT ALL you must complete your requirement by 2/1/2016.


Signature and Date
