“Unwind” novel pre

“Unwind” novel pre-reading activity
Web quest on organ and tissue donation
Directions: You are going to conduct research on some of the topics included in
our upcoming novel. Follow the directions on this assignment sheet to help you
complete your research properly. You may either work independently, with a
partner, or in a group of three at the most. However, if you work independently,
you will still be responsible for the information included on this assignment.
1. Go to http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=79070 . Links are provided on the
left side of the page that you will be following throughout this assignment.
2. Read the “Welcome” page first and then go to the “Introduction” page and
read the information provided.
3. Next, read the information provided under the tab “Task.”
4. Then, read the information provided under the tab “Process.” Using the
websites provided on this page, completely answer all of the questions
provided on the page (these are typed and included in this assignment
sheet). As you work on your research, be sure to write down any unknown
vocabulary terms as they may be important to your full understanding of
the material.
5. You will then create a poster as indicated at the bottom of the “Process”
page to either support or refute the idea of tissue and organ donation. You
may use materials I have in class to assist you with this portion of the
project. The rubric for the poster is attached (do not use the one on the
“evaluation” tab). It will also be presented to the class at the conclusion of
this web quest.
6. Read the conclusion page and ask if you have further questions. You may
also use the library reference books to assist you if needed.
7. Finally, answer the post-web quest questions that are included in this
assignment packet. This will also be counted towards your grade and we
will discuss in class.
Questions to be completed while working on the web
**If you need additional writing space, use lined paper and staple
everything together before turning in your work**
Role 1: Understanding donation
What tissues and organs can be donated?
What are some myths and facts about organ and tissue donation?
What are some of the types of donation?
Role 2: Giving the gift
How does a person become a donor in the United States?
What must a person who wants to be an organ donor do to make sure
their wishes are carried out?
What things do you learn from watching the 6 Giving the Gift stories found
at the third link listed below? (The stories are found on the left side of the
Role 3: Receiving the gift
How does a person get on the waiting list for a donation in the United
States and how long do they need to usually wait for the donation?
What kinds of issues must a recipient be concerned with?
What things do you learn from watching the 6 Waiting for the Gift stories
found at the second link listed? (The stories are found on the right/middle
side of the page.)
Questions to be completed upon completion of the web
1. Based on your research, would you consider being an organ/tissue
donor? Defend your response (2 points).
2. Based on your research, identify at least 3 things that you did not
know before about organ/tissue donation (3 points).
3. What surprises you about the organs/tissues that can be donated
or about the process in general? (2 points)
4. What did not surprise you about the organs/tissues that can be
donated or about the process in general? (2 points)
5. Identify something else that you have learned from another
group/individual’s research that you did not know before (2 points)
6. Now that the research and presentations are complete, what do
you think the connection may be between the organ/tissue donation
research and the novel “Unwind”? Make a prediction on the
characters, genre of the novel, or anything else you believe will be
relevant to us reading this novel based on this web quest and any
other prior knowledge you have on these ideas (5 points)
7. Are there any additional questions based on organ/tissue donation
you would like answered? If so, list them here:
Grading scale for completing the “Unwind” web quest
Task to be completed
My points earned
Total possible points
Questions completed for
during research portion
Questions completed for
after research portion
Poster presentation
either in support or
against organ and tissue
donation (same grade as
from poster rubric---but
included on this rubric for
the final score entered
into grade)
Total points earned from
web quest