Sample Policies for Chapters Please edit this policy as appropriate for your chapter Chapter Speakers Policy (Chapter Name) (Date Approved) (Date Revised) This policy will provide specific guidelines to for-profit and not-for-profit vendors who wish to present educational programs to the membership of the (chapter name) Chapter of AFP. Vendors are defined as corporate entities who sell a product and/or service. Speakers who are vendors must refrain from overt marketing of their services or products from the lectern. Speakers may distribute their promotional materials before, during or after the luncheon or conference. Speakers are encouraged to have a display table in the room, with their promotional materials, and/or their published books The vendor is required to make advance arrangements, at the time of booking, with the Chapter in the event there is a need to coordinate shipping, receiving, storing or selling a vendor’s materials/books. Financial support from a vendor of a conference or luncheon does not constitute permission to promote their services or products from the lectern. Any speaker will be required to sign a Speaker Acceptance Form (note: a sample acceptance form is included in this policy). The form specifically addresses four expectations: o The content of the presentation is accurate, o The presentation is an original work and will not infringe on any personal or property rights of any other person or organization, o The presentation will be educational in nature and will not include a sales pitch for any specific product or service, o The presentation does not contain any material that is slanderous, offensive, or disparages the products or services of any person or organization. Breach of Policy Speakers who violate the guidelines of this policy may not be invited to participate as a speaker in future AFP chapter activities. Speakers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with this policy and the AFP Code of Ethics (so as not to advocate a contradiction to any point therein). Revised June 2008 Sample Policies for Chapters Please edit this policy as appropriate for your chapter Important information to consider when formulating your chapter policy on speakers: At the time of making initial arrangements, discuss the topic and title for the presentation with your speaker. This way you can share helpful information about the audience, their particular interests and perspectives, and ensure that the presentation will have sufficient educational content. The title of the presentation will be important in marketing the program to your members. Prior to booking your speaker, consider their communication skills: Have you attended one of their presentations? Can you ask for references to make sure this person is an effective presenter? Can you seek previous audience evaluation results from other chapters, or IHQ? The International Conference Committee archives speaker’s ratings from many years of conference proceedings. Develop a standard “Request for Proposal” (note: a sample RFP is included in this policy). Revised June 2008 Sample Policies for Chapters Please edit this policy as appropriate for your chapter Sample Speaker Acceptance Form 1. I agree a. b. c. d. to present the following program: Program Title: __________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Time: _____________________________ Type of Program (in-person, audio, etc.)______________________________________ e. The program will cover information/topics requested by AFP ( Chapter Name) and agreed to by me. 2. I agree to comply with all program-related deadlines provided to me by AFP (Chapter Name), including but not limited to deadlines for handouts, etc. 3. During my presentation, I will not engage in any type of promotional marketing or selling of any product or service, and I will not disparage AFP (Chapter Name) in any way. 4. I agree to notify AFP (Chapter Name)'s program manager immediately in the event that an emergency should prevent me from meeting my obligation as a content leader. 5. I grant to AFP (Chapter Name) a royalty-free license to use, reproduce and distribute my presentation (including all handouts and PowerPoint presentations) in any way in the future, with appropriate attribution to me. I understand that this license does not change the fact that I retain copyright ownership of my presentation, and does not prohibit me from using my presentation in any way or from allowing others to use it. 6. I agree to use the PowerPoint and handout templates and logos provided to me by AFP ( Chapter Name) for any PowerPoint presentation and/or handouts I may utilize in connection with the program, and I agree not to use these templates and logos in any way except in connection with this or other AFP programs. 7. To the best of my knowledge, my presentation does not violate any proprietary or personal rights of others (including any copyright, trademark and privacy rights), is factually accurate, and contains nothing defamatory or otherwise unlawful. I have the full authority to enter into this agreement and have obtained all necessary permissions or licenses from any individuals or organizations whose material is included or used in my presentation. 8. I authorize AFP (Chapter Name) to use my name, likeness, photograph, and biographical data in connection with the use and promotion of the program. 9. I provide consent for AFP (Chapter Name) to record my presentation in audio and/or visual form. I understand that AFP (Chapter Name) will be the sole copyright owner of the recording and can distribute and sell it, along with any supporting materials. Upon request, AFP (Chapter Name) will provide me with one complimentary copy of the recording, however, I agree not to sell, distribute, stream over the Web, or otherwise use the recording in any way other than for my personal, archival use, except with the prior written consent of AFP (Chapter Name). 10. I understand that I will not receive any royalties, honoraria, reimbursement of expenses, or other compensation from AFP (Chapter Name) in connection with the program or the rights granted above. By signing this Presenter Letter of Agreement, and based on mutual consideration, I understand and agree to the above terms and conditions. _______________________ Presenter Signature _______________________ Printed Name _______________________ Date Please fax signed agreement to AFP (Chapter Name) at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Revised June 2008 Sample Policies for Chapters Please edit this policy as appropriate for your chapter Request for Proposals Professional Development Programs (Chapter Name) (Chapter Name) seeks proposals for educational programs for its (year) program year. Our chapter is located in (city, state) and consists of (###) members with a range of experience and organizations represented. Monthly programs are held on (the second Friday) of the month at (7:30 am) at the (location). Programs are typically one hour long, with speakers talking for about 50 minutes and a 10-minute question/answer period. Each monthly program serves 50-80 nonprofit staff, board members and volunteers. Program topics should appeal to fund development professionals, executive directors, board members and volunteers. Topics range from the science of fundraising strategies to leadership skills, current events affecting the field, the use of technology and other areas of interest to our membership. Please complete the attached proposal document and attach a current resume with at least one reference (with phone and email information) who can address your presentation skills. Letter of recommendation is also acceptable. Preference will be given to presenters with a CFRE/ACFRE credential and/or certification from the AFP Faculty Training Academy. Preference will also be given to AFP Members. The Chapter may provide reimbursement of expenses for handouts, mileage at the current IRS rate, air travel and/or one-night’s lodging, if needed. The Chapter does not provide honoraria. Presenters representing companies that provide services for a fee to nonprofit organizations will be considered if the presentation topic provides overall educational value to our members. For-profit presenters will be permitted to bring promotional information, to be available to participants after the program concludes. Sales statements and promotional material are not permitted during the presentation. Please submit proposals by to: Program/Education Chair Address Email Phone Revised June 2008 Sample Policies for Chapters Please edit this policy as appropriate for your chapter Proposal Professional Development Programs (Chapter Name) PROPOSALS DUE (DATE) Program Title: Brief Promotional Description: Learning Objectives and Participant Outcomes: Presenter Name: Credential: CFRE ACFRE FAHP Not Applicable Title: Company: Address: City, State, ZIP: Phone: Fax: Email: AFP Faculty Academy Training? Yes No AFP Member? Yes No Chapter: ________________________________________ Participant Skill Level: __New Fundraiser __Midlevel (5-10 yrs.) Preferred Dates (second Friday of the month at 7:30 am): __January __April __July __February __May __August __March __June __September __Advanced (11-20 yrs.+) __October __November __December Please attach resume and one reference or letter of recommendation. Return by (date) to: Program/Education Chair, Address, Email, Phone Revised June 2008