
Appendix S2. Additional figures.
Figure S1. Schematic showing how elevational range size was determined. The large
triangle represents a mountain and the circles represent sampling locations along a transect.
Transect A (left side of mountain) runs from sea level to 1800m with 200m intervals between
sampling locations. Transect B (right side of mountain) runs from sea level to 1600m with 400m
between sampling locations. One species on the mountain has a true elevational range from 300
– 1100m, as shown by the dashed black lines. Thus, the species would be present at the
sampling points with black-filled circles on each transect, but absent at the sampling points with
grey-filled circles. If we used only the present points to determine elevational range, the species
would have a 600m elevational range on Transect A, but only a 400m elevational range on
Transect B. Instead, we used the midpoint between the upper and lower elevations where the
species was present and absent. Thus, by using the midpoint between sampling locations, the
species would have a range of 800m on both Transects A and B, thereby controlling for distance
between sampling points on different transects.
Figure S2. Impacts of global warming by taxa for all dispersal scenarios. Boxplots show the
proportion of co-occurrences lost (left) and proportion of extinctions (right) for each taxon under
dispersal scenarios of none and infinite. Endotherm taxa (birds and rodents) are shaded gray and
ectotherms (dung beetles, frogs, lizards and snakes) are in white. See Table S2 for results of
multiple comparisons between taxa for all dispersal scenarios.
Figure S3. Proportion of species extinct (mean ± s.e.) across latitude under four different
dispersal scenarios. Points represent transect sites under different dispersal scenarios while
lines show the logit curves for the taxa and dispersal scenarios in which the latitude term was
supported. Points and lines indicate where dispersal was none (open circles, solid black lines),
proportional (closed circles, dashed lines), random (open squares, gray lines), and infinite (open
triangles, dotted lines). See Table S4 for best model fits.
Figure S4. Sensitivity of high and low latitude communities of each taxon to shifts in
dispersal variance. The proportion of co-occurrences lost (mean ± s.e.) for tropical and
temperate communities are shown under shifts in standard deviation of warming from 0.8 to
4°C. For each taxon, tropical sites (< 23.5° latitude) are shown with open circles and temperate
sites (> 23.5° latitude) are shown with closed circles. See Table S6 for best model fits.