SEQS -Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI Associacion Espanola para el Estudio del Cuaternario Fluvial Archive Group INQUA SECTION ON EUROPEAN QUATERNARY STRATIGRAPHY (SEQS) 2012 MEETING SARDINIA (ITALY) Second Circular AT THE EDGE OF THE SEA: SEDIMENTS, GEOMORPHOLOGY, TECTONICS, AND STRATIGRAPHY IN QUATERNARY STUDIES. 26-30th, September 2012 Sassari, Sardinia, (Italy) Coastal cave at Cala Luna DI SASSARI LOCATION Sassari, northern Sardinia, (Italy) INSTITUTIONS SUPPORTING THE CONFERENCE INQUA Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy (SEQS) – Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Quaternario (AIQUA) – Associazione Italiana Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia (AIGEO) -International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) – Association Francaise Etude Quaternaire (AFEQ) – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) – FLAG (Fluvial Geological Archives) –GeoSed (Associazione Italiana di Geologia del Sedimentario) - Groupe de Géomorphologues Français - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) – Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente della Sardegna (ARPAS) – Società Geologica Italiana (SGI) HONORARY COMMITTEE: Cita M.B., Carobene L., Dramis F., Martini I.P., Vandenberghe J., Rose J. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Organizer of the Meeting: Coltorti Mauro, Pascucci Vincenzo, Pirazzoli Paolo Secretary: Università di Siena, Italy. Università di Sassari, Italy. CNRS, Lab. Geographie Physique – Meudon, France. Dr. Pieruccini Pierluigi Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Siena, Via Laterina 8, 53100 Siena (Italy) Fax +390577233938 Antoine P. Antonioli F. Bardají Azcárate T. Bridgeland D. Carmignani L. Clemmensen L. De Waele J. Doglioni C. Ferranti L. Fort M. Frechen M. Fredi P. Funder S. Funedda A. Kolfschoten T. Gibbard P. Graciotti R. Mastronuzzi G. Mozzi P. Oggiano G. Orru P. Melis R. Palombo M.R. Sarria E. Penkman K. Westerhoff W. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: (CNRS, Lab. Géogr.Physique, AFEQ, France) (ENEA, Rome) (Universidade de Alcalà, Spain) (Durham University, UK and FLAG) (Siena University, Italy) (Copenhagen University, Denmark) (Bologna University, Italy) (Roma “La Sapienza” University, Italian Geological Society) (University of Napoli, Italy) (Paris University, Groupe de Géomorphologues Français, France) (Leibniz Institute, Germany) (Rome La sapienza University, AIGEO, Italy) (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) (Università di Cagliari, Italy) (Leiden University, the Netherlands) (Cambridge University, UK) (ISPRA-ARPA Roma, Italy) (University of Bari, Italy) (Padova University, Italy and AIQUA) (University of Sassari, Italy) (University of Cagliari, Italy) (University of Cagliari, Italy) (Roma la Sapienza University, Italy) (ARPAS, Sardegna, Italy) (York University, UK) (Geological Survey of the Netherlands, TNO and SEQS) THE INDOOR MEETING (September 26th-27th): ORAL SESSIONS: Time for contributions is set at 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions.. Please use PowerPoint compatibles for slides. POSTER SESSION: The maximum size for the posters is 80 cm (width) x 120 cm (height), a 75 x 110cm size is recommended. Posters will remain in exhibit all throughout the meeting, nevertheless a poster session might take place with a 5 minutes presentation by the authors. FORECASTED SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS 1. Eemian to Holocene sea level changes and tectonics. 2. The Middle-Late Pleistocene transition, type sequence and GSSP. 3. Relationships between coastal, fluvial, aeolian and slope deposits and landforms in the interior and at the transition from continental to marine environments. 4. Correlating land-sea evidence of Late Quaternary climatic change: paleontological records as evidence for environmental change and biostratigraphic correlation. 5. European Quaternary geochronology. 6. Problems in Quaternary dating methods. Authors are warmly invited to submit the abstract indicating in the Registration Form the Session and the form of the presentation (oral or poster) THE SCIENTIFIC EXCURSION (September, 28th-30th): THE FIELDTRIP IS PLANNED FOR A MAX NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS OF CA. 60. ON A FIRST COME BASIS. EXCEEDING APPLICANTS PARTICIPATION WILL BE EVALUATED ON THE BASE OF POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL BUS OR MINIVANS. WE ALREADY REACHED THE NUMBER OF 30 PARTICIPANTS. Friday, September 28th ALGHERO (half day) (Leaders: Stefano Andreucci and Vincenzo Pascucci) Aim: the late Quaternary (MIS5-3) succession outcropping on the coastal cliff. STOP 1. Las Tronas. MIS 5: Bored tidal notch, sandy and gravelly beaches, algal made bio construction; boundary between MIS5-4: leached palaeosoil; MIS 4: dunes STOP 2. MIS 4-5 boundary. Details of the boundary and paleoclimatic implications. MIS 4 and MIS 5 dunes with animals tracks. STOP 3. Internal view of a MIS 4-3 dunes. SAN GIOVANNI DI SINIS (half day)(Leaders: Stefano Andreucci, Mauro Coltorti, Vincenzo Pascucci, Pierluigi Pieruccini) STOP 4 Phoenicians Tombs: Debated section with MIS5e and possibly older Interglacials; aeolian dunes and interdunes deposits and palaeosoils; post-MIS5e marine deposits STOP 5 Capo S.Marco: Debated tidal notch carved in eolianites, marine deposits and marine terrace (Holocene or Early Late Pleistocene ?); the stratigraphic and chronological position of Cladocora caespitosa found in the notch. STOP 6: Tharros: Visit to the archaeological excavation of the Phoenician and Roman town Saturday, September 29th: OROSEI GULF (Leaders: Stefano Andreucci, Mauro Coltorti, Vincenzo Pascucci, Laura Sanna, Pierluigi Pieruccini) STOP 1. Bue Marino Cave: MIS 5 marine and later cave fluvial deposits; tidal notches and mussel boreholes; speleothemes, U/Th vs OSL age dating. STOP 2. Cala Luna caves: Late Pleistocene marine and cave fluvial deposits; aeolian deposits; tidal notches; mussel boreholes and speleothemes, (STOP 1 and 2 will be possible only with fair marine conditions) STOP 3. S’Abba Meica and Zi Martine: Mid and Late Pleistocene marine deposits; Late Pleistocene alluvial fan and buried palaeosoil. STOP 4. Margheddie: Early Late Pleistocene tidal notches and mussel boreholes; aeolian deposits. STOP 5. SACIM quarry: Late Pleistocene alluvial fan deposits at the edges of the Orosei Gulf STOP 6. Scala è Crocca: Beach ridges deposits in the Orosei Gulf (Holocene ? Late Pleistocene ?). Sunday, September 30th: Cagliari Gulf (Leaders: Mauro Coltorti, Danila Patta, Egidia Melis) STOP 1: Assemini: Late Pleistocene alluvial fan deposits and geomorphology of the eastern side of the Campidano tectonic basin, STOP 2: Riu Corongiu: Late Pleistocene alluvial fan and the geomorphic setting of the Cagliari Gulf STOP 3: Cala Mosca: type section of the Tyrrhenian MIS 5 high stand STOP 4: Is Arenas; debated beach ridge deposits (Holocene ? Early Late Pleistocene ?) STOP 5: Sa Illetta: debated beach ridge deposits (Holocene ? Early Late Pleistocene ?) STOP 6: Cagliari: Visit to the Archaeological Museum CONFERENCE LANGUAGE The official language of the conference is English. TRANSPORT: Sassari is located 20 minutes away from the Alghero Airport that is connected to many European airports. ABSTRACTS: Abstracts for all contributions, including posters, will be published in the conference volume. Abstracts should be submitted electronically (by e-mail) in word format. The text should be in correct English, with a maximum of two A4-sized pages, including figures, captions and references. Please, use the attached format for font size etc. Please underline the name of the speaker when more than one author is involved in the contribution. Authors should indicate their preference for oral or poster presentations. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: The volume of Conference Proceedings is planned. It will be published as a special issue of Quaternary International. REGISTRATION To register please fill the enclosed form and send it by e-mail before 20th of July 2012 to: Pieruccini Pierluigi, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Via di Laterina, 8 – 53100 Siena Email: Fax +39 0577-233938 CONFERENCE FEES The conference fees will cover scientific sessions, the abstract volume and field guidebook, other scientific materials, coffee breaks, lunches and the social dinner that will be held the 26th of September. The conference fee is €200,00 for ordinary participants and €100,00 for students and accompanying persons. The conference fees does not cover accommodation expenses, the September 27th dinner and field excursion. Field trip fees are €250,00 and include transportation (by bus or minivan), 2 overnights, packed lunches and dinners, excursion service, ticket entrance and/or boat fares to Bue Marino cave. Both Conference and Fieldtrip fees must be paid before 20th of July 2012. Payments later than 20th of July will be charged of 50 €. The Fieldtrip ends in Cagliari, late in the evening (ca. 6 pm) of Sunday the 30th of September. Participants may decide to leave Sardinia from the Cagliari-Elmas Airport late in the evening or spend the night in Cagliari. The overnight accommodation in Cagliari is not included. However, the bus and minivans will be back in Sassari ca. at 9 pm , participants may also plan to flight back from Sassari-Alghero Airport. Overnight in Sassari-Alghero is not included. PAYMENT DETAILS BANK TRANSFER TO: IW BANK, Via Cavriana, 20 - 20134 Milano, Italy IBAN IT85O0316501600000011725591 - Swift CODE: IWBKITMM Holder: Mauro Coltorti In the payment order please specify:“Name/Surname SEQS 2012 Conference Fees”. PLEASE SEND THE PAYMENT FORM TO THE SECRETARY PROVIDING ALSO A COPY OF THE BANK TRANSACTION DEADLINES July 20th 2012 – Registration, Fees Payment, Abstracts submission Early August 2012 – Third circular (with the Final program). ACCOMODATION In Sassari there is a limited number of hotels and b&b, some of them spread also around the town. Alghero, a very nice town, is ca. 30 min by car or public transport from Sassari and offer a greater variety of accommodation. We are not able to provide a booking service because prices and conditions are too variable. We warmly advice you to check on the main Hotel Booking Online Services (e.g. and provide to book an early accommodation. The scientific Session will start around 9.0 am in order to allow the arrival of people coming from Alghero. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: The Conference Secretary, Dr. Pierluigi Pieruccini ( or to check news, download information, registration form, payment form and abstract format