NAREA Board Meeting Atlanta, Georgia November 7, 2012 Board

NAREA Board Meeting
Atlanta, Georgia
November 7, 2012
Board Meeting of the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance
Atlanta, Georgia
November 7, 2012
Present: Margie Cooper, Barbara Acton, Lella Gandini, David Fernie, Jeanne Goldhaber, Susan Redmond
Sheri Hunt, Ellen Hall, Angela Ferrario, Jennifer Strange, Beth MacDonald, Carol Anne Wien, Jennifer
Absent: Pat Tarr, Jennifer Azzariti, Amelia Gambetti, Brenda Fyfe, Teresa Acevedo, Simonetta CittadiniMedina
Staff: Judith Kaminsky, Cheryl Rapaport, Laurel Westmoreland
 The Hundred Languages in Ministories
 Lella’s upcoming book—stories told by teachers and children from Reggio Emilia
 Coming in 2013—check for availability
The board meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m.
Staff Reports
Contents of the folder of new materials
 Special 10th anniversary edition of Innovation—the first edition following the redesign
 Magnet with Vea Vecchi quote—reception gift
 Bookmark with ribbon—reception gift donated by Reggio Children in celebration of NAREA
 Luggage tag—for 5+ years NAREA members
 Identity Card—new piece to replace old membership brochure
 Booth Card—new piece for use at NAEYC booth, but could also be packaged for sale
 2013 membership CD
 NAREA Talking Points—a guideline or tool for board and others at Reggio-related initiatives
NAREA needs iconic images. Once the criteria have been communicated, request that the board
submit images based on the criteria.
Mather Data Analysis
 Process strengthened our knowledge of the membership and conference data since inception.
 Mather is donating their services, and offered to update the report annually.
 Since the beginning, we have had a total of 4,600 unique members. In the past, we have only
mailed a renewal letter to the previous year’s members. This year, we mailed a renewal letter
to anyone who has ever been a member as a strategy for increasing membership.
 Mather can help us understand more about our members, which could inform future
membership fees. Also, we could ask for additional information when people join in an effort to
better understand our membership.
NAREA Board Meeting
Atlanta, Georgia
November 7, 2012
Marketing Style Guide
 We spent $5000 on a marketing consultant to improve the communicative value and look of our
materials, including a redesign of Innovations.
 The consultant produced for us a customized Image and Style Guide which outlines guidelines
for the design and production of future NAREA materials in terms of logos, colors, fonts, etc.
 One key observation from consultant was to increase the use of images in keeping with the
spirit of the organization.
NAEYC 2012
 Pre-Conference
 It was certainly positive to have the presence of the international voices. The
comments/questions were very complex, and the question about advocacy was an
interesting one for the board’s consideration. Roughly 2/3 present seemed new.
 Tour of Schools
 There were more than 300 participants.
 10th Anniversary reception
 Brief discussion about the program and gifts.
 We will offer presents throughout the year at our events. We could send gifts to past
board members or honor them in some way.
NAEYC 2013
 2013 pre-conference topic proposal is due January 2013.
 Possible themes and/or connections include the following: public education; international
network speaker; 50th anniversary of MLK “I Have a Dream” speech; rights of children; diversity.
The following work group will send a title to the NAREA office by January 1: Beth MacDonald (point
person), Jennifer Strange, Angela Ferrario, Jennifer Azzariti, David Fernie, Barbara Acton and Jeanne
Goldhaber. The NAREA office will submit the title sent by the work group.
2012 Summer Conference Conclusion
 Brief survey comments summary was shared.
 At the January meeting, the board will discuss ways to address the suggestions that seem to
come up repeatedly. They are very similar to the comments that come up in network/member
Bring ideas for the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award to January board meeting. It should be a North
American educator this time.
2013 Winter Conference
 Brief discussion of program and schedule for the week. The second day of the board meeting
conflicts with the pre-conference.
Summer Conference 2013
 Brief update on the current planning process.
 The plan is to incorporate the involvement of Pacific Rim and island nations, and Reggio Children
will help with promotion.
NAREA Board Meeting
Atlanta, Georgia
November 7, 2012
 Brief presentation of Financial Statement.
 At the board meeting in January, there will be a more comprehensive discussion because we will
then have all of the numbers for the year.
Reggio Children/Reggio Emilia
International Network
 There will be a Winter Institute and an International Network meeting in February.
Reggio Children—Loris Malaguzzi Foundation: Margie Cooper
 Brief discussion of challenges the Foundation Board faces as they develop their own processes
and identity.
 Foundation Participants pay 25 Euro annually; 100 Euro annually now entitles participation in
participant assembly and vote. This is a new change.
New Business
Beginning discussion: the next decade? Lella Gandini and David Fernie
 Are there other functions of NAREA board? This discussion touched on the following topics:
 Exhibit
 Connecting with other boards outside the US
 Connecting at both national and grass roots levels
 Policy-making
 Connecting with other organizations
 Extended learning opportunities for pedagogical coordinators
 Editorial writers’ effort
 Retreat for brainstorming
 New ways to support teachers (webinars, skype, etc.)
 Courses with Lella
 Deepening connections with Canada
Motion to hire a facilitator for half day (amended to full day) at January board meeting to support
board’s discussion of key issues related to 10 year projections and planning made by Barbara Acton
and seconded by Lella Gandini. Motion was unanimously approved.
Connecting to Canada: Carol Anne Wien
 In Canada there are two organizations--Calgary Network and Ontario Reggio Association (ORA)
 ORA would like NAREA to consider a recognized link between the two organizations which
would enable the ORA board to financially support their board members to attend NAREA board
 This link could be a first step to linkages with existing networks.
 Discussion concerning the possible impacts of establishing formal relationships ensued. No
action was taken in favor of continuing the discussion as part of a larger discussion in January
connected to networks.
The board was visited by Paola Ricco, Harold Gothson and Birgitta Kennedy.