Diseases of Deficiency:
Pregnancy Toxemia - Ewe sick from inadequate energy metabolism
CS – sick, recumbent ewe, multiple fetuses in late gestation
TX – propylene glycol, B vitamins, induce parturition (call Vet)
P- Monitor body condition score of pregnant ewes
Colostrum deficiency - Failure of transfer of maternal antibodies in milk
CS- Weak, sick lambs, multiple lambs, pneumonia, entropion
TX – Fluid support, antibiotics, hand feed, likely fatal
P- Colostrum to lambs within 4-6 hours of birth (24 hrs is Max)
White muscle disease- due to insufficient Selenium and Vitamin E
CS – Weak lambs with knuckling over of feet, heart disease, respiratory signs
TX – Bo-Se Injections, assist lambs to nurse, antibiotics if pneumnia
P- Selenium in trace mineral mix, Inject newborns with Bo-SE
Urinary Calculi - Bladder stones
CS- Usually Males unable or straining to urinate, crystals on sheath
TX – Ammonium Chloride 0.5% in diet, loose salt
P- Adequate Phosphorus level, Ammonium chloride in grain, salt/mineral mix
Diseases of Excess:
Chronic Acidosis - too much finely ground grain in diet,
CS – anorexia, depression, weakness, laminitis, diarrhea, “polio”
TX – Correct shock with IV fluids, banamine, oral magnesium hydroxide
P- Adjust feeds slowly in diet, keep crude fiber at 20% of diet, bicarbonate
Bloat – foamy or gassy from acute overload of grain or sudden diet change (rich pasture)
CS – Bloated rumen, foaming at mouth, respiratory distress, death
TX – Orogastric tube, poloxalene, oils, rumen puncture, antibiotics, adjust feed
Enterotoxemia (Overeating Disease, Puply Kidney Disease)
CS – Good body condition (biggest lamb), diarrhea, sudden death
TX – Control concentrate level in diet, oral tetracycline drugs in diet
P- Vaccinate with Clostridium perfringens type D vaccine
Copper Toxicity – Accumulation of too much copper, crisis triggered by stress
CS- Anemia, icterus (yellow eyes, membranes), sudden death
P- Call Vet, chelate toxin with drugs, Correct diet, Feed rations formulated for sheep, NOT CATTLE
Viral Diseases:
Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) – Inherited wasting disease presents as
Pneumonia, Arthritis, Mastitis, or Encephalitis
CS – Triggered by stress, listless, weight loss, chronic degeneration
TX – Treat clinical signs of specific presentation, isolate, cull
P- Close flock, feed OvLV-free colostrum, develop testing schedule and cull
**Ovine Ecthyma (Sore Mouth)- Parapox virus, can live in soil 15 years
CS – Blisters on lamb lips, ewe udders that turn into scabs
TX – Topically treat lambs, monitor lambs for thriftiness and udders for mastitis
P- Vaccinate adults during non-breeding season, then newborn lambs
**Scrapie – Chronic, progressive, degenerative disorder of central nervous system
CS – Behavior changes, fixed gaze, aggressiveness, unsteady, itchy
TX – No effective treatment, fatal, reportable
P – Participate in USDA Scrapie Flock Certification program see directory page _____
**Rabies – Infection of nervous system from bite wound of Rabid animal
CS – Depression, excitation, dizziness, muscle spasm, aggression, paralysis, drooling, leading
convulsions and death within 2 weeks
TX – Isolate any neurologic animal and wear gloves for any treatments
P- Rabies vaccine, protect flock from wildlife
Bacterial Diseases:
Contagious Foot Rot – Soil borne bacterial infection F. necrophorum and D. nodosus
CS- Separation of horn and sole, white exudates, foul odor, severe lameness
TX – Radical hoof trimming, footbath zinc sulfate, Koopertox, parental antibiotics
P- Isolate infected animals, carefully examine new animals, sterilize hoof shears
**Campylobacter jejuni (Vibriosis)– Most significant cause of abortion
CS- late gestation abortions, stillborns or weak lambs
TX – Isolate ewe, antibiotic injections or in feeds
P- Include in vaccination program
**Listeria – L. monocytogenes infection of central nervous system
CS – Incoordination, circling, acute blindness, facial paralysis, sudden death
TX – High doses of penicillin, fluid therapy, hand feeding, wear gloves
P- Don’t feed poor quality silage, prevent poor nutrition, parasites, and other diseases
**Caseous Lymphadenitis (CLA) – Bacterial lymph node infection
CS – Enlarged or abcessed lymph nodes, chronic wasting
TX –Isolate, surgical excision, cull
P- Careful exam of new animals, sterilize shearing equipment
Johne’s Disease – M. paratuberculosis infection
CS – Chronic wasting, diarrhea
TX – none/fatal
P- Cull, prevent colostral transmission, control fecal/oral route
**Tetanus - Clostridium tetani infection, common organism in intestinal tract
CS- Stiff, rigid stance, hyper excitable
TX- Tetanus anti-toxin, penicillin, valium (call Vet)
P- Vaccinate ewes annually, TAT at docking, (CD&T vaccine)
Pneumonia – Lung infection
Causes – Viral: OPP, CLA , bacterial – Pasturella, inhalation – drenching, bloat, and parasitic
Mastitis – Inflammation/infection of udder - many causes listed above, : unsanitary barn, single lamb
Parasites – will be covered in next directory
*- Most of these diseases require treatment and advice from a Veterinarian
** - Represents potential zoonotic disease (contagious to people). Don’t drink unpasturized milk and wear
gloves when medicating or handling sheep with any of these signs!
Legend: CS=Clinical Signs