Immune Status Study of Dentistry Student and Children Naturally Infected with Measles Virus for Detection of Primary and Secondary Immune Failures Younis Abdulredha K. Al-Khafaji Branch of Medical Microbiology, College of Dentistry, University of Babylon, Iraq. MJ B Abstract This study was carried out on 52 subject of Babylon dentistry student and children who were naturally infected with measles virus and laboratory confirmed as measles during 2009 by detection of specific anti-measles IgM .They were tested for IgG avidity to estimate their immune status and to distinguish between primary measles infection and reinfection due to secondary vaccine failure. The study reflected that all unvaccinated subjects (19.2%) showed a primary immune response whereas secondary immune responses were detected in( 46.09%). Of 34 subjects sourly vaccinated (42.9 %) of them reflected a primary immune response, whereas (57.1%) of them reflected secondary immune response ,thereby indicating a secondary vaccine failure that was seen at very high proportion in subjects > 11 years old, so that revaccination of 11 years old children is recommended for reactivation of their immune status to restrict secondary reinfection. دراسة الحالة المناعية لطلبة كلية طب األسنان وألطفال المصابين طبيعيا بفيروس الحصبة .لتحديد فشل االستجابة المناعية األولية والثانوية الخالصة وقبد2009 تم دراسة الحالة المناعية لطلبة كلية طب األسنان واألطفال المصابين طبيعيا بفيروس الحصببة يبب باببال بلل العبام الد ارسبب كمببا تببم التحبري عببن النلوييببولينM إصبابة تببم تص يصببتا م تبريبا مببن ببلل التحبري عببن النلوييببولين المنباعب52 الد ارسببة علب الد ارسبة ببان أجريب بنية التفريق بين اإلصابة األولية بفيروس الحصبة ويين عودة اإلصابة بسببب الفصبال النبانوي للل باو ك وعكسبG المناعب )مبنتم اسبتجابة مناعيبة نانويبة كةصبارة إلب%57.1( ) أعطوا استجابة مناعية أوليبة بينمبا أببد%19.2( جميع المرض غير المطعمين يصال نانوي للل او والذي لوحظ بنسبة عالية جدا يب األعمار أكنبر مبن احبد عصبر عامبا وعليبأ أر ضبرورة إعبادة تطعبيم األطفبال بتبذا العمر لتنصيط الحالة المناعة لديتم للحد من العدو النانوية بالفيروسك بببببببببببببببببببببببببببببببب Introduction easles is a highly communicable infections disease , it remains the leading cause of vaccine preventable childhood mortality in developing countries, and is still a major public health concern in the developed countries [14] Measles virus (MV) is a member of the family paramyxoviridae, genus Morbillivirus. It is transmitting via the respiratory M rout and has an incubation phase of 9 to 19 days [5]. Measles outbreaks are known to occur even in highly vaccinated population despite the availability of an effective live attenuated measles virus vaccine [19]. Mild or asymptomatic measles infection are probably very common among measles- immune persons exposed to measles cases and may be the most common manifestation of measles during outbreaks in highly immune populations [9] . Measles control has a high priority in many countries, and it is important that questions surrounding possible vaccine failures eliminate measles may be evaluated and strengthened [20]. A study from the united states of 80 blood donors of whom 8 developed measles during an outbreak in a university college , reported that individual with low measles antibody titers ( ≤ 120 m IU) were susceptible to infection [2] . Observation from immunized populations suggest that undetectable antibodies may not necessarily imply that the individual is fully susceptible to disease [1] ,[13]. Measles virus-specific high-avidity antibodies are associated with preexisting B-cell memory, whereas low avidity IgG is an indication of the primary immune response [18], [7] ; [21] .Thus avidity measurement can be used to assess the success of measles vaccination [3],[7] and offers a way of assessing the type of vaccine failure without knowledge of prior antibody status [16]. In this study, we used IgG avidity assay to analyze sera from conformed measles patient in order to determine how many cases of reinfection (high- avidity antibodies) and how many were cases of primary infection (low- avidity antibodies) in adult subject and study of there immune response. It is important that highly sensitive andspecific laboratory test Enzyme Immune Assay (EIA) used to accurately determine the antibody level resulting from vaccination or naturally infection with measles virus. Several enzyme immune assay (EIA) kits for anti-measles virus antibodies are available commercially, among which the Dade Bering EIA kit was previously found to perform better in comparison with other commercial EIA kits [10]. Therefore this kit was used in evaluation of the immune response in this work. The objectives of present study were: 1. To evaluate measles-specific humeral immune response IgM in teenager (Dentistry students), as well as children naturally infected with measles virus. 2. To differentiate between primary and secondary immune failure by detection the avidity of immunoglobulin G. Materials and Methods During March to June 2009 several cases of measles were detected in Babylongovernorate including teenager university student, and childrens. The first case came from Wasit governorate who live in student resident house, in Hilla city. Most students in contact with him became ill and seafaring from fever, cough and coryza most of them after 3 days later developed a generalized maculopapuler rash and was subsequently confirmed by serological study to have measles. Information about students' illness, vaccination status and their age were reported. Blood samples by vein puncture at acute and convalescent period were collected to test for the presence of measlesspecific antibodies . Serological analysis Serum were separated from collected blood samples , they were tested for the presence of measles specific IgM and IgG antibodies by using previously described indirect enzyme immunoassay that have been shown to be highly sensitive (99.6%)and highly specific (100%){Enzygot, Dade Behring, Marburg, Germany} (Hamkar R. et al., 2006). Study group samples Nine sera sample were collected from laboratory confirmed measles patients aged ≤ 2 years old whom were received single dose of measles virus ( except two of them of unknown vaccination status) experienced primary infection, and were not re infected by measles virus, therefore their sera were regarded as low avidity anti- measles IgG. Another 7 sera sample were collected from subjects (3 male and 4 female) age 12 years old who had been vaccinated twice for measles at 9 months with measles vaccine and 15 months of age with MMR vaccine during vaccination program in Hilla city Babylon governorate (one of them of unknown vaccination status). The third group of sera sample were colleted from 36 university student aging from 19 – 25 years whom were suffering from acute measles infection regarded as having high avidity IgG against measles virus. At the time of sera sample collection, a question about personal data, vaccination status was completed. Cases were confirmed as measles when testing for anti-measles IgM gave positive IgM results when using Enzygost anti-measles IgM and IgG (EIA) kits (Dade Behring, Marburg, Germany) . Avidity measurement All sera samples were subjected to anti-measles IgG avidity assay according to [2],[7];[8]. The avidity of IgG for measles virus was measured by a protein- denaturing enzyme immune assay where the antibodies were first allowed to bind to the virus antigen followed by elution with or without, six molar urea. Each sample was tested at dilution of 1:21 and each sample at 4 replicates. For each replicate a single serum dilution (1:21) of the kit serum diluents was applied to each of 4 wells on one row of ELISA plates. (Two wells of measles antigen positive - coated and 2 wells of measles antigen negative coated). After incubation for 1 hour, test plates were washed 4 times according to ELISA kit procedure. Then 2 wells (one antigen – positive and one antigen – negative were soaked for 5 minutes in wash buffer containing 6 mol / L. urea. Fresh buffer were applied and the soaking was carried out twice more. The plates was then washed 4 times with wash buffer. Then the test was continued according to the kit restriction manual. The remaining specific antibody was then detected according to the EIA kit procedure. An avidity index (AI) was calculated from the optical density (OD) of the wells according to the following formula : AI = (∆OD with urea / ∆OD with wash buffer) ×100 Three control were used for testing EIA plates serum sample containing strong high- avidity, weak high avidity and low- avidity antimeasles IgG- antibody, in addition to kit positive and negative control were also applied. Results Serum samples included in this study was grouped by age and measles vaccination status and their distribution was shown in table (1). All samples were tested and confirmed as measles case in laboratory, (anti-measlesIgM positive). Nine ≤ 2 year old children and seven (12) years old subjects samples were used as a control source of low and high avidity from all age groups, 10 (19.2%) had unknown vaccination status, 8 (15.4%) had not been vaccination, and 34(65.4%) had received one (21 subjects) or two (13subjects) doses of measles vaccine. Overall, 24 (46.2%) measles cases confirmed by a positive IgM test exhibit high-avidity IgG representing secondary immune response to measles (that representing secondary vaccine failure),while remaining other 28 subjects (53.8%)of them exhibiting a primary immune response (low avidity) indicating primary measles infection see table (2). The table reflected also anti-measles virus low and high- avidity IgG which was distributed as following: subjects less than 2 years old show 100% low avidity and this proportion decreased gradually with increasing age and reach 28.5% of those age 23 years. High avidity anti - measles virus IgG in higher proportion at subjects age 23 years (71%) followed by 22 years (70%) then 21 years(60%). Whereas 2 cases (28.6%) was found in 12 years age group and non in ≤ 2 years age group . The distribution of anti-measles virus high and low-avidity IgG among the study group by vaccination status was reflected in table (3) below. Non of the 8 unvaccinated patients (0 %) reflect high- avidity anti-measles IgG so their infection was regarded as a primary measles infection. Of the remaining 35 patients which were sourly vaccinated 15 (42.9%) showed low avidity ( i.e., a primary immune response) and 20 (57.1%) showed a secondary immune response, which indirectly reflecting a secondary vaccine failure . There was no relationship between vaccination status and age(P > 0.05), but there was a clear relationship between anti-measles virus IgG avidity with age (P < 0.05). Also there was no relationship between vaccination and avidity (P > 0.05) but there was a direct relationship between number of vaccine dose and avidity. Table (3) also reflected that subjects who received two dose of measles virus ( infected and vaccinated) showed highavidity anti-measles virus IgG proportion (55%) , where as subjects who received single dose vaccine showed lower proportion (45%) . Discussion Although vaccination program with measles virus live attenuated virus vaccine in Iraq started since 1980s, by a routine immunization program, under which the vaccine is given in one dose scheduled at 9 months of age, with a recommendation for vaccination at 18 month age with MMR trivalent vaccine. yet measles cases were reported every year anywhere in Iraq and neighboring countries, however during March 2009 a large episodes of measles infection was seen and teenager subject were included most of them had been vaccinated, so this study was directed mainly toward teenager patients (dentistry student). Several research published that vaccine- induce protection with less duration less robust than naturally acquired immunity against measles virus [7],[15], also high occurrence of mild symptoms measles due to secondary vaccine failure [4], [7]; [9]; [11]; [17]; [18] has been found among measles patients vaccinated over decade age especially among those who were revaccinated [7],[17]. Hence the evolution of measles control programmes in Iraq and neighboring countries require well understand of the resions for primary and secondary vaccine failure. The presence of high proportion of primary vaccine failures in vaccinated patients with measles, give an indication of improper vaccine handling, for example, improper cold chain or misvaccination, in addition to suppressing factors influencing Iraqi population since more them 3 decades, besides persistent exposure to naturally circulating measles virus. All this gave reasons to follow up the immune status of Iraqi population, to improve measles control in Iraq. Therefore introduction of good diagnostic test for detection of measles such as IgM- capture EIA for detection of measles IgM is not sufficient to differentiate between primary infection and re infection due to second vaccine failure [7],[17]. Detection of specific measles IgM detected only in primary measles infection or vaccination but also inducible by overcame end. Few researcher used IgG avidity test as a useful procedure for identifying primary and secondary immune responses [7], yet few reports upon this test used during measles outbreaks [7],[17]. However in this study 46.2 % of 52 of measles cases confirmed by a positive IgM EIA test mounted a secondary immune response, giving an indication that presence of IgM can not be used as a reliable indicator of a primary immune response [7],[17]. The present study also reflected that all unvaccinated subjects showed a primary immune response supporting the information giving by the IgG avidity test. This finding inconsistent with other researchers, and I had concluded that: 1. measles virus can infect previously immune responded persons, producing classic symptoms of measles in some, and mild or no symptoms in others. 2. The protective immunity induced by vaccination may not be life long without being boosted by an exposure, mostly sub clinically, to a naturally circulating virus. 3. Due partly if not entirely, to the secondary vaccine failure, the numbers of measles cases among adults in Iraq increase in recent over the previous year. 4. Measles is still endemic in Iraq, and person has the potential for repeated exposure to wild type measles virus. 1- Large scale serological estimation of immune status of Iraqi population is required in all governorates to find the population requiring vaccination to be included in rotten vaccination program 2-Implementation of better vaccination programs is urgently required especially for those aging 15-20years as a boaster dose. 3-IgG immunoglobulin avidity test is a good parameter for detection of primary and secondary immune response failure. Table1 Distribution of anti-measles IgM-positive cases by age and measles vaccination status Age (years) ≤2 12 19 20 21 22 23 Total Total subject Tested 9 7 6 8 5 10 7 52 vaccination status unknown Known No. % No % 2 1 2 1 0 2 2 10 22.2 14.3 33.3 12.5 0 20 28.6 19.2 7 6 4 7 5 8 5 42 77.8 85.7 66.7 87.5 100 80 71.4 80.8 No. of vaccine doses(Known vaccination status) 0 No. 2 0 1 2 0 2 1 8 1 No. 2 0 2 4 4 5 4 21 2 No. 3 6 1 1 1 1 0 13 Table 2 Distribution of low and high- avidity anti-measles virus IgG in the study group by age. anti-measles virus IgG Age (years) Total subject Tested Low- avidity high- avidity No. No. % % ≤2 9 9 100 0 12 7 5 71.4 2 19 6 3 50 3 20 8 4 50 4 21 5 2 40 3 22 10 3 30 7 23 7 2 28.5 5 Total 52 28 53.8 24 Table 3 Distribution of low and high- avidity anti-measles virus group by vaccination status. antimeasles virus IgG Total subject Tested No. 0 28.6 50 50 60 70 71 46.2 IgG in the study known vaccination status (No. of doses of vaccine) vaccination status unknown known No. % No % 0 1 2 No. % No. % No. % Highavidity 24 4 44.4 20 46.5 0 0 9 60 11 55 Lowavidity 28 5 55.6 23 53.5 8 100.0 6 40 9 45 Total 52 9 100.0 43 100.0 8 100.0 15 100.0 20 100.0 References 1- Bin D., Zhihui C.; Qichang L.;et al.1991. 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