y9_sow_le_sport - Hertfordshire Grid for Learning


Yr 9 Term 4 ~

Language Content Le sport

 sports vocab

 faire vs jouer

 du, de la, des vs au, à la, aux

 importance of learning gender (strategies, learn common endings which usually follow particular gender, eg ...ment = masculine)

 revision of imperative with key verbs needed for aerobics (students to brainstorm infinitives, use dictionary skills to translate and grammatical knowledge to conjugate)

 key vocab needed while playing football

(students to generate – dictionary work + teacher help to find)

 key verbs to describe action in football

(eg pass, strike, dribble, defend etc)

 revise past tense – regular and key irregular verbs (limited number)

Learning Outcomes ~

Pupils are able to …

 us e effective strategies for finding

(dictionary skills) and learning (thinking skills) vocab including gender

 use their knowledge of English to help them learn new vocabulary

 know how verbs work (perhaps to be able to use verb tables with more confidence – extension)

 describe action in the past (written)

 commentate on action in the present



 du, de la, des vs au, à la, aux

 gender

 verbs

 perfect tense

 present tense

 imperative

Possible Learning Activities

 2 lessons: sport vocab, faire vs jouer, du, de la, des vs au, à la, aux, importance of learning gender (give common endings which usually follow certain gender (eg .......ment = masculine)

 2 lessons : present tense verb revision – key verbs re football (eg to pass, to dribble, to score, to defend etc - list to follow)

 aerobics lesson using the imperative: students to brainstorm infinitives needed for aerobics, use dictionary skills to translate and grammatical knowledge to conjugate. Aerobics sessions (2-3 mins) are practised and filmed in groups to appropriate music, using dance music of students’ choice.

 students generate vocab needed while playing football (2 starters)

 1 lesson playing football while teacher / TA films

 2 lessons (1 to write, 1 to record) present tense commentary to accompany section of video

 4 lessons + homework: revise perfect tense to be able to write short newspaper report on the football match they played / imaginary football match

PLTS project

 go to sports hall to play football in French and be filmed in order to create present and past tense oral and written commentaries, students to give self and peer feedback in French (simplified version of www and ebi using writing frame produced by SLI / AME) reflective learners, team workers, self-managers, effective participators
