Sample HP LIFE e-Learning Integration Plan Educator integration of HP LIFE into the Classroom College Course Name and Objectives: Business Planning Course Demonstrate an understanding of the entrepreneur’s role and impact on the economy. Describe and demonstrate an understanding of the various legal organizational structures. Recognize opportunities and be able to complete a feasibility analysis. Analyze and complete an industry and competitor analysis. Begin and complete portions of a business plan. Type of Student: Community College Business Student Meeting type: Traditional Face to Face course Required Student Materials: Course assigned textbook; Provided Selected Articles; HP LIFE e-Learning Suggested Instructor Presentation Tools: Data projector, screen, speakers and high-speed Internet; and/or enough computers with high-speed Internet access for all students to have individual or shared access Course Schedule: Sample 18-week schedule Sample Weekly Schedule and Related HP LIFE Courses Week Topic HP LIFE Module Week 1 Introduction Unique Value Proposition Week 2 Opportunities & Ideas Your Target Audience Week 3 Feasibility Setting Prices Week 4 Business Plan Sales Forecasting Week 5 Competition Maximizing Capacity Week 6 Model Basics of Financing Week 7 Legal Profit & Loss Week 8 Financial Cash Flow Week 9 Team Effective Presentations Week 10 Getting Financing or Funding Finding Funds/Presenting Data Week 11 Marketing Effective Business Websites Week 12 Global Marketing Week 13-18 Business Plan Creation Available as reference Sample HP LIFE e-Learning Integration Plan Sample Classroom Lecture Approach Educator plays the 1-3 minute HP LIFE Story segment to the whole class to set the scene for the HP LIFE Course topic. Then leads the students in discussing the business/technology issues raised by the opening Story. Students work independently on the Business Concept step of the HP LIFE course online; educator circulates around room answering individual questions, offering personalized guidance Educator leads students in discussing HP LIFE Business Concept activity, talking through questions and sharing ideas Educator assigns HP LIFE Technology Skill activity and HP LIFE Course Discussion posting as homework; students upload course completion certificates to schools learning management system (LMS), online drop box or brings printed copies to the next class to validate course completion HP LIFE Next Steps resources are used during the next class to deepen future discussions Additional graded activities in the Business Planning Course outside of the HP LIFE e-Learning Courses HP LIFE e-Learning is one component of this Business Planning Course. Most will have additional graded activities to demonstrate mastery of the College Course Objectives. Samples of these additional activities could include: Business Plan Projects Chapter Quizzes/Tests Midterm and Final exams Discussions/Participation/Attendance Sample Grading Point System The grading scale for your course will be based on the activities you require from your students and your individual college requirements. Below is a sample of a basic weighted point system that demonstrates the importance of the activities you assign, including completion of the HP LIFE e-Learning Courses. 10 pts = Class Discussion/Participation/Attendance 20 pts = HP LIFE Course Completion 30 pts = Chapter Quizzes/Tests 40 pts = Business Plan Project A=90-100 points B= 80-89 points C= 70-79 points D= 60-69 points F= 59 points and below Developed in collaboration with NACCE.