chapter four - University of Education, Winneba





The chapter contains information on the background to the study, statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, educational significance of the study, and the research questions addressed by the study. Also presented are the limitations and delimitation of the study. The chapter ends with the presentation of the operational definitions used in the study as well as a description of the organization of the research report.

Background to the Study

In all the history of education, science has held its leading position among all school subjects because it is considered as an indispensable tool in the development of the educated person. Educators give special recognition to biology among the sciences because of its educational values, its close relation to man as a living organism, its peculiar field of experimentation and interrelationships with the other sciences

(Akinmade, 1987). As a result of this, biology occupies a relatively pivotal position in the natural sciences and it is one of the requirements to professions such as medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, dentistry and many others. It is for this reason that Bibby (1964) advocated for adequate biology education for every child in the contemporary world dominated by science.

The importance accorded science, and for that matter biology, in the school curriculum from the basic level to the senior high level reflects accurately the vital role played by the subject in contemporary society. The importance of the subject is not restricted to the


development of the individual alone but for the advancement of the social, economic and political goals of countries all over the world.

In Ghana, biology as a subject is known to have the highest number of student enrolments in recent years in senior high schools. Research findings of Abdullahi (1982) have indicated that student enrolments in biology from 1977 to 1989 have always surpassed the combined enrolment in other science subjects. These high enrolments in biology figures indicate that biology is popular among the other sciences. However, this number does not match the students' achievement in the subject.

Since the inception of the senior secondary school (SSS) programme as one of Ghana’s educational reforms in 1987. The Chief Examiners’ Reports from the West African

Examination Council (WAEC) have consistently indicated poor performance of SHS students in the science (WAEC, 1994; 1995; 1996; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005). Most students fail or get low quality grades in biology more than in the other science subjects such as physics and chemistry.

The Chief Examiners’ Reports show that more students fail in biology because they do not perform creditably in paper 2, which is a practical paper. The biology paper 2, tests skills in drawing, identification and classification, analysis of some processes and interpretation of biological data. This gives the impression that the students were either not taken through practical work or were not serious with the practical work. Some weaknesses identified by the Chief Examiners over the years (1994-2005) for biology are as follows:


(i) Candidates’ answers show that they had not been taken through adequate practical lessons.

(ii) Students’ answers indicate that they had not done any practical work along the lines of the tested questions.

(iii) Candidates wrote unobservable features. Thus they answered the practical questions from the theory they had learnt.

(iv) The standard of students’ drawings was poor. This indicated they did not practice biological drawing as required by the practical examination.

With these weaknesses in mind, the way the biology practical works are organized is of great interest and is worth investigating. To investigate biological phenomenon effectively it is required that students posses the requisite skills of observation, critical thinking and appreciation, perform experiments competently and record data accurately

(Bremner, 1967). Akinmade (1987), reported that on the average 78.8 % of the students that sat the West African Schools Certificate Examinations (WASCE) fail biology and the situation has not improved with time. For this reason, in recent times there has been public outcry on the declining standard of science education, especially in the area of biology.

In modern life, the rule is absolute, that any country that disregards the study of science is doomed to obsolescence (Ogunniyi, 1988). The rise of Japan into the status of an economic giant today (Evans , 1991) as well as the emergence of Singapore, Hong Kong,

Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia recently into economic miracles have all been attributed to the heavy investments these countries made in the science education of their citizens (

Ranis ,1990) .


According to Anamuah – Mensah (1989), by having knowledge in science education the economy and social –cultural status of the nation will be transformed. This implies that science education and for that matter biology is important in producing the required human resources needed for harnessing the natural resources of the country.

The current approach to science teaching and learning in most SHSs is most often based on classroom and laboratory work which are intended to meet examination requirements.

Unfortunately, the examination- driven mode of biology teaching and learning has limited the biological (science) and technological scope and perspectives of the students.

The approach also tends to make the study of biology and for that matter science uninteresting, boring and unenjoyable. Students find it difficult to relate the theoretical knowledge with the practical realities of life and the use of manipulative skills. There is also very little orientation for problem -solving, inculcation of investigative skills and counseling on biology career opportunities. For this reasons, this research is to investigate how practical activities is done in the various schools. Biology is an activity -based subject and as such students must be made to participate fully in the teaching and learning process of the subject, so that they can understand the concepts involved better.

One way of causing students to fully participate in activity-based work is through group work during practical lessons.

Practical work is viewed as an essential component of studying the natural sciences. The

“hands- on” approach has the potential to stimulate students’ interest in the subject matter, teach laboratory skills, enhance the learning of knowledge, and give insight into scientific attitudes and objectives. Practical work gives students the opportunity to learn and practice all the activities involved in the inquiry processes of science.


Practical classes in animal diversity, ecology and behaviour offer students opportunities to handle preserved specimens of animals and to see the external and internal structures of animals first- hand. The practical exercises allow students to review the lecture content and to fully understand the functions of the various structures. Students are arranged on benches in small groups. This gives them the opportunity to discuss concepts together.

The teachers are available to identify structures and to interpret what they see in terms of their functions. All these benefits are lost if biology lessons follow literary approaches.

Although there is some concern about the lack of biology practical activities in the senior high schools (Okoampa, 2003), no study has been conducted to investigate the issue in the study area. Hence the need for this study.

Statement of the Problem

In spite of the numerous policy provisions and other efforts by the government of Ghana to lay emphasis on science education as the engine of development to the country, its advancement has not been up to expectation (Anamuah-Mensah,1995). The biology syllabus advocates for the use of practical approach in the teaching and learning of biology but most of the teachers employ the lecture method. This is supported by a study conducted by Serwaa (2007),”the status of science Teaching and Learning at the

Upper Primary Levels”. This is probably due to non-availability of biology practical materials/chemicals for the designed activities in the syllabus or teachers own ways of teaching. Refusal to perform activities during teaching and learning of biology will affect the performance of the students negatively.


A survey of biology practical work in the target area will provide insight into what is to be done to reverse the negative trend in biology in the senior high level in this area.

Purpose of the Study

This study had a four-fold purpose. The first purpose of the study was to determine how competent the senior high school biology teachers were with respect to the organization of biology practical work. The second purpose was to determine the teaching and learning strategies utilized by the teachers and students during biology practical activities.

Thirdly, the study was designed to determine the types of resources ( human resource which include teachers and laboratory assistance, financial resources which is made up of money to buy chemicals, imprest and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure made up laboratory and apparatus ) available for the organization of biology practical work.

The fourth objective of the study was to determine how biology practical activities were organised in the selected schools.

The overall aim of the study was to enable the researcher acquire an appropriate overview of the status of biology practical work in the surveyed schools. Hopefully this knowledge will suggest various research directions and also interventions to improve the organization of biology work at the senior high school level in Ghana.

Research questions

In order to ascertain how biology practical work is organised in the selected Senior High

Schools, the following questions were addressed in the study:


What are the qualifications and areas of specialization of the biology teachers?



Which teaching and learning strategies are used during biology practical activities?

3. How often do the biology teachers use practical work during biology lessons?

4. What materials and equipment are available for biology practical activities?

5. How are the available materials and equipment used during biology practical activities?

6. What problems do students and teachers face in connection with biology practical lessons?

7. How can the classroom environment be properly managed to make biology practical work more effective?

Educational Significance of the Study

The importance of the research cannot be overlooked. The findings’ recommendations and suggestions could be an important source of information to the teachers in the selected schools and other teachers who teach biology. The study could bring to bear the teaching and learning activities that could ensure maximum student participation in the teaching and learning of biology. The study could give a useful information to the

Ministry of Education and other educational authorities to undertake interventions to promote practical lessons in biology. This study could also serve as a source of information for further research work on the topic. Additionally , the findings could augment the pool of data required by other educational researchers in their bid to design interventions to solve educational problems in the sciences in general and biology in particular.


Delimitation of the Study

The study focus on the views of biology teachers and students with respect to the practical aspect of the subjects in the selected senior high schools. Due to financial constraints, the study would cover 400 students and 60 teachers. Additionally, data were collected from students in senior high school 2 and 3 only. Students in senior high school

1 were excluded due to the fact that at the time of the study they had not engaged in biology practical activities.

Limitations of the Study

Ideally a large number of Senior High Schools (SHS) should be targeted in this study.

However, this study targeted only schools in the Eastern Region of Ghana due to lack of funds, proximity and accessibility. This was done in order to cut down cost and for effective management of time to complete the study within the time limit, and also to enable the researcher to undertake thorough and adequate data collection. In researches of this type where direct contact with respondents is made, there is bound to be psychological and emotional imbalances which can make teachers artificial and would not reflect normal classroom situations. To get a true picture of how biology is taught in the schools, the researcher occasionally sat in the classroom during biology lesson to release tension from the teachers.

Organisation of the Study

This research report is presented under five chapters. The first chapter deals with the background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, educational significance of the study, delimitation of the study, limitation of the study, definition of terms and organisation of the study.


The review of the relevant literature on the study forms the chapter two with the chapter three dealing with the methodology. This comprises of the design of the study, population, sampling and sampling techniques used, instrument and data collection procedure as well as the procedure for analyzing the data.

Chapter four, dealt with the presentation of results and the discussion of the findings.

Lastly, the conclusion which includes the summary, the main findings and recommendations constituted the fifth chapter.





This chapter contains the review of the literature related to the study and the theoretical frame work related to the important aspect of the study. The literature review discussed the aim of biology education in senior high schools, the methods use in teaching biology at the senior high school level, the use of available teaching materials, the biology teachers' areas of specialization and qualifications. The availability of conducive environment in terms of facilities like laboratories for biology practical work was also discussed. The time allocated for biology lead to practical work and available practical learning materials in various Schools.

The Aims of Biology Education at the Senior High School Level

According to Renner and Strafford (1972), no matter how well a teacher knows, unless he is successful in promoting the learning of science by the students, he has not taught. This implies that whatever the teacher does and how he teaches is more important in stimulating learning, rather than the mere curriculum framework.

The aim of the senior secondary school(SHS) biology curriculum was categorized into concept domain, process approach, creativity domain, attitudinal, application and connection domains.

The concept domain aims at grouping the observable universe into manageable units for study and to describe any physical and biological relationships existing in the units(Yager1992).The current senior high school(SHS) biology syllabus made in 2008


advocates this and comprises facts, concepts, laws and existing hypotheses and theories being used by biologists. Numerous information is usually classified into manageable topics such as cells, diversity of living things, life processes, genetics and evolution etc.

The process skill or approach reveals some of the processes of science such as observing and describing; classifying and organizing, measuring and charting, communicating, predicting and inferring, hypothesizing, hypothesis testing, identifying and controlling variables, interpreting data and constructing instruments. All these processes can be achieved through group work during practical activities. The biology syllabus seeks to make students more creative and cause them to use their own initiatives to solve problems of life. Agboala(1984), is of the view that some of the specific important human abilities in this domain are visualizing, thus producing mental images, combining objects and ideas in new ways; offering explanations for objects and events encountered, questioning, producing alternate or visual uses of objects, solving problems and puzzles, designing devices and machines, producing ideas and devising tests for explanations. The development of the above domain will not be achieved if practical work is not effectively organized during biology lessons.

Attitudinal domains such as values, human feelings and decision making skills are also important to be addressed at the senior high school level. Practical work done in groups enables students develop positive attitudes towards themselves, positive attitudes towards biology and science in general and science teachers.The students also develop sensitivity and respect for others while expressing personal feelings in a constructive manner, making decisions about personal values as well as social and environmental issues.


In the application and connections domain, Adedapo (1976) observed that science is related to everything, especially other curricula areas such as mathematics, the social sciences, vocational subjects and the humanities.

Practical work done by students during biology lessons help them to acquire knowledge of scientific concepts in everyday life. It also enables them to apply the learned biology concepts and skills to everyday social problems, understanding scientific and technological principles involved in household technological devices, and the evaluation of mass media reports of scientific development.

A diverse and growing body of opinion points to the need for an overhaul of Africa’s public educational systems to address the needs of Africans (Brown-Acquaye, 2001,

Noye, 2001, Erinosho, 2001).

This research will find out whether teachers prepare students in line with the aim of the biology curriculum.

Teacher Qualification and Area of Specialization .

Certification or licensing is a measure of teacher qualifications that combines aspects of knowledge about subject matter and about teaching and learning. Certification varies across countries because of differences in licensing requirements, but a standard certificate generally means that a teacher has been prepared in a country’s approved teacher education programme at the undergraduate or graduate level and has completed either a major or minor in certain field(s) to be taught.


Most countries require one or more tests of basic skills, subject matter knowledge, and or teaching continuing license for admission into the teaching profession. Studies of teachers admitted with less than full preparation, with no teacher preparation or through very short alternate routes have found that such recruits tended to be less satisfied with their training (Darling-Hammond, Hudson and Kirby, 1987), and they tend to have greater difficulties planning curriculum, teaching, managing the classroom and diagnosing students’ learning needs (Bents & Bents, 1990; Derlling –Hammond, 1992;

Lenk, 1989).

Druva and Anderson (1983) found that students’ science achievement was positively related to the teachers’ course background in both education and in science. According to

Hawk, Coble and Swanson (1985), the relationship between teachers training in science and students achievement was greater in higher level science courses.

Akinmade (1992) suggested that the kinds of attitudes which students develop in their classrooms may be dependent upon how professionally and academically competent the science teacher is, as well as upon what the teacher does or does not do during his day to day transactions in the classroom.

It is asserted that the quality of teaching staff is probably the most important determinant of education standards at all levels. That is to say that teachers are the limbs of the educational system.

A study by Okunlola (1985), showed that a significant positive relationship exists between quantity and quality of teachers and the academic performance of their students.


Fuller (1987) in his research found out that the teachers’ qualifications in terms of post secondary teacher training has influence on their proficiency in organizing instruction and motivating children.

Mensah (1995), adding his voice, maintained that quality education does not lie in handsome or quality ideas and programmes but rather it depended on the availability of qualified teachers and their preparedness to offer quality teaching. Robinson (1981) among other authors, observed that teachers are of immense importance for development and socio-cultural progress. The teachers’ level of academic achievement or qualification was the strongest predictor of students’ achievement in a sample primary school graduates in Uganda when compared against several other school factors (Darojaiye,


Hallak(1977) emphasized that the quality of the educational system depends on the quality of the teachers. In his own contribution, Gomoran (1992) noted that school resources and books in the library, had little impact on students' achievement once the students background variables were taken into account.

Teachers are the most important element in the school system. They are more important than the quality and quantity of equipment and material and the degree of financing.

The recent National Policy on Education in 2004 recognized the importance of teachers in an educational system. It emphasized that no educational system can rise above the quality of its teachers and promised that the government will continue to give major emphasis to teacher education in all the country’s educational planning activities.


Adejumo (1984), in his view about the secondary school system, noted that the teacher is first and foremost, required to give knowledge and train students in some basic skills as stipulated in the curriculum and provide guidance for effective learning activities in the classroom.

Adamu (1974), recognized the importance of teachers, equipment and other servicing factors in any education system. In his opinion, the educational system is a rather complex and mechanized production system. The basic raw materials are human beings.

As the raw materials proceed through the educational system for specific lengths of period, from one level to another, they are transformed by the action of teachers equipment and other serving factors.

Manson (1981) is of the view that the success of an educational system is attributed to the teachers .He is of the opinion that teachers’ quality is an important input in effective learning, since high quality output requires input of high quality. Teachers are very important in any educational system (Taiwo, 1983). Teachers interpret the aims, goals and plans of education and ensure that the students are educated in the direction of the aims and goals. He gave an advice that adequate number of teachers should be employed, so as to cope with the constant increase in school enrolment at different levels, and in addition are sufficiently trained and selected for their duties.

Bajah (1986) in his view, noted that teachers are more important than the equipment of the laboratory for the understanding of the chemical concepts had always been evident.

Laboratory equipment may remain teaching materials for improved performance without teachers. Despite conventional wisdom that school inputs make little difference in student


learning, a growing body of research suggests that schools can make a difference, and a substantial portion of that difference is attributable to teachers.

Recent studies of teacher effects at the classroom level using the Tennessee Value-Added

Assessment system and a similar data base in Dallas, Texas, have found that differential teacher effectiveness is a strong determinant of differences in student learning, far outweighing the effects of differences in class size and heterogeneity (Sanders and

Rivers, 1996)

Students who are assigned to several ineffective teachers in a row have significantly lower achievement and gains than those who are assigned to several highly effective teachers in sequence (Sanders and Rivers, 1996).

Many studies as far back as the 1940s have found positive correlations between teaching performance and measures of teachers’ intelligence or general academic ability

(Hellfritsch, 1945; LaDuke,1945; Rostker, 1945).

Subjects matter knowledge is another variable that could be related to teacher effectiveness. While there is some support for this assumption, the findings of some studies are not as strong and consistent as one might suppose. Studies of teachers’ scores on the subject matter tests of the National Teacher Examination (NTE) have found no consistent relationship between the measure of subject matter knowledge and teacher performance as measured by student outcomes.

Byrne (1983) summarized the results of thirty studies relating teachers’ subject matter knowledge to the number of college courses taken within the subject area. The results of


these studies were mixed, with 17 showing a positive relationship and 14 showing no relationship. It makes sense that knowledge of the material to be taught is essential to good teaching. However, in a study involving mathematics and science, Monk,(1994) found that the relationship between students achievement and the teachers subject matter knowledge was curvilinear. This implied that other factors but not only the teacher’s knowledge of the subject matter affect the student’s achievement.

Knowledge of Teaching and Learning Strategies

Studies have found a somewhat stronger and more consistently positive influence of education coursework on teachers’ effectiveness. Ashton and Crocker (1987) found significant positive relationship between education coursework and teacher performance in four of seven studies they reviewed –a large share than those showing subject matter relationships. Evertson, Hawley, and Zlotnik(1985) reported a consistent positive effect of teachers’ formal education training and students learning. Monk’s (1994) study of students’ mathematics and science achievement found that teacher education coursework had a positive effect on students’ learning and was sometimes more influential than additional subject matter preparation. Teachers’ coursework credits in science were not significantly related to their students’ achievement on tasks requiring problem solving and applications of science knowledge (Perkes, 1967). Teachers with greater training in science teaching were more likely to use laboratory techniques and discussion and to emphasize conceptual applications of ideas, while those with less or no education training placed more emphasis on memorization.


A program-based, study by Denton and Lacina (1984) found positive relationships between the existent of teachers’ professional education course work and their teaching performance, including their students' achievement.

Guyton and Farokhi,(1987) found consistent strong and positive relationships between teacher education coursework performance and teacher performance in the classroom as measured through a standardized observation instrument. Additionally, the relationship between classroom performance and subject matter test scores were positive but insignificant while relationships between classroom performance and basic skill scores were almost non-existent.

It may be that the positive effects of subject matter knowledge are augmented or offset by knowledge of how to teach the subject to various kinds of students. That is, the degree of pedagogical skill may interact with subject matter knowledge to bolster or reduce teacher performance. As Byrne (1983) suggested, it is surely plausible to suggest that in so far as a teacher’s knowledge provides the basis for his or her effectiveness, the most relevant knowledge will be that which concerns the particular topic being taught and the relevant pedagogical skills.

A pedagogical strategy for teaching must be to the particular types of students to whom it will be taught. The kind and quality of in-service professional development as well as pre-service education may make a difference in developing this knowledge.

Several recent studies in mathematics have found that higher levels of student achievement are associated with mathematics teachers’ opportunities to participate in sustained professional development grounded in content – specific pedagogy linked to


the new curriculum they are learning to teach (Cohen and Hill, 1997; Wiley and Yoon,

1995). In these studies, both the kind and extent of professional development mattered for teaching practice and for student achievement.

Other studies have found that students achieved at high levels and were less likely to drop out when they are taught by teachers with certification in their teaching field, by those with master’s degrees and by those enrolled in graduate studies (C.S.P, 1997; Sanders,

Skonie – Hardin, and Phelps, 1994)

Continuity of teachers’ learning may also matter. Penick and Yager(1983) found that teachers in exemplary science programmes had higher levels of education and more recent educational experiences than others, even though they were older than the average science teacher.

As Murnane (1985) suggested, these findings may indicate that it is not only the knowledge acquired with ongoing professional development but also the teacher’s enthusiasm for learning that relates to increased student achievement. A profession is expected to have strong technical culture with a specialized body of knowledge gained through an extended period of advance training.

Antwi (1992), in Ghana, noted, that the teaching profession is still in the process of building up a specialized and systematic education based on intellectual training.

Consequently, some people with various levels of education, including those with no professional qualification have been employed as teachers. Probably some of the biology teachers currently on the field are not professionally qualified. Among all academic- based professions, it is only in teaching that non-professionals or those without the


requisite professional qualification and training are allowed to teach subjects which are not of their special area (Antwi, 1992, p.132, 133). Probably these findings apply to the teachers in this study. For this reason, an attempt will be made to determine whether the teachers in the present study have the requisite qualification in biology and whether they had undergone any in-service training.

Available Biology Practical Teaching and Learning Materials

The availability of teaching and learning materials for biology practical work plays an important role in the learning of biology. In his study, Bajah (1986) found a significant relationship between teachers, facilities and schools' academic performance. Adequate provision of instructional materials is an important method that science teachers can use in promoting skills acquisition in consonance with the objective of developing manipulative skills in students (Eshiet, 1987).

Ogunyemi (1990) found out that when physical and material resources are provided to meet the needs of a school system, students will not only have access to reference materials maintained by the teacher but individual students will also learn at their own pace. The net effect is that it increases the overall academic performance of the students.

In his own contribution, Gamoran (1992) noted that school resources and books in the library alone, had little impact on students' achievement once student background variables are taken into account. This meant that before such students could perform well at the higher educational level, they must be supplied with the requisite educational materials at the secondary level to propel them to higher achievement.


Many scholars (Bajah, 1986 Akinwumigu and Orimoloye, 1986) are of the view that availability of physical and material resources are very important for the success of any worthwhile educational endeavour. These researchers agreed that, availability of adequate school buildings, number of classrooms, chairs, desks and laboratories for science teaching are imperative for the attainment of any educational objectives. Hallak

(1977) in Adedji and Owoeye (2000) identified facilities as a major factor contributing to academic achievement in the school system. According to him, the facilities include the school buildings, classroom accommodation, furniture, libraries, laboratories, equipment and other instructional materials.

Arubayi (1987) found a positive relationship existing between the independent variables of laboratory facilities, recommended text books, number of science books in the library and teachers’ qualifications and the dependent variable, academic performance of students in biology, chemistry and physics.

Obemeata (1995) provided evidence to support the claim that physical structure is significantly related to school academic performance. Effort must therefore be made to renovate the dilapidated science laboratories and schools offering science without separate laboratories for the science must be assisted to construct more laboratories. In this study careful note will be made of the available biology teaching and learning materials. Special attention will be paid to these materials used during lessons to maximize the students’ learning.


Practical methods used in Teaching Biology

One important aspect in the study of the sciences and biology is the method used during impartation of knowledge to the students. Teaching biology through investigation, research activities and problem solving and by linking these with a focus on local environment achieves better understanding of biology as opposed to rote learning of scientific facts and theories for examinations after which learning ends. Too often in practical examinations, students show that they can not use even rulers accurately for measurements. The claim that teaching of science in Ghana has become more theoretical than practical. There is therefore the need to search for more effective strategies that are likely to improve achievement in senior high school biology. Such strategies perhaps, include co-operative based learning instructional strategies (activity-based) which have been found to improve biology learning outcomes (Okebukola, 1984; Iroegbu, 1998;

Slavin, 1990).

Peer tutoring is a personalized system of instruction which is leaner rather than teacher oriented, it emphasizes active student participation in the learning process. It is an individualized attention to a learner by a person of similar status who serves as the tutor.

Studies have shown that this instructional strategy benefits both the students being tutored and the tutor, although the tutor is associated with greater cognitive gains than the student being taught (Annis, 1982, Bargh & Schul ,1980; Lambiotte et el; 1987).

It has also been observed that when biology lessons are done in groups students are allowed to make valuable decisions which result in satisfactory accomplishment.

Mary, (1996) explained that group work during practical is a pervasive and influential


feature of the classroom ecosystem which must be encouraged in the teaching and learning of biology in the senior high schools.

Activity -based methods of teaching, in the form of group work during practical, enable students to be actively involved in seeking information that can be applied to solve real life problems. By this method students are placed at the centre rather than the teacher and it’s not text book centered. The activity method is used to teach science in which the child is placed at the center of the learning process and made to interact with materials and experience things for themselves.

The methods used in teaching biology can be categorized under two main methods.

These are:

(a) The activity – based method of teaching.

(b) The lecture (transfer) methods of teaching.

The activity -based method of teaching consider students as a very important in the instructional process, where teachers build on the students’ experiences. Also, the procedure used for the activity – based method of teaching is based on current information and research in developmental psychology involving cognitive, affective, experimental and maturational issues.

Co-operative work on problems and issues is a common phenomenon associated with the activity -based methods of teaching science. Also, individualized and personalized instructional strategies, recognizing student’s diversity are employed. The curriculum structure for the activity -based method of instruction is multifaceted, including local and


community relevance as well as considering values ethical and moral dimension of problems and issues, using the natural environment and community resources.

Some of the approaches used for the activities include group activity, project work, practical work, inquiry, discovery, discussion and demonstration. In all the approaches mentioned, practical work is found to permeate in all aspects and they in turn relate to one another.

In science practical work, it is necessary for students to offer each other assistance.

According to Lazarowitz, Lazarowitz-Heads, & Bird, (1994, p.1121 - 1122) learning methods generally involve heterogeneous groups working together on tasks that are deliberately structured to provide specific assignments and individual contributions for each group members.

Practical work is found to enhance the teaching and learning of science and for that matter biology at all levels. Co –operative learning within groups will enable students to have cognitive as well as social benefits as they clarify their own understanding and share their insights and ideas with each other as they interact within the group during biology practical activities (Lazarowitz, et al, 1994, p.1122).

They further found that emphasizing laboratory inquiry had a small equity effect, while emphasis on critical thinking was associated with a magnification of gender and minority gaps. They concluded that de-emphasizing traditional, teacher – centered instruction is expected to increase average science achievement and minimize gaps in achievement between individuals of different socio- economic statuses.


Kolb (1994), recommended that teachers helps students to become critical scientific thinkers by teaching life science through inquiry. Through scientific inquiring, students learn the intricacies of investigations, including experimental design, data collection, data interpretation and explanation and defense of results.

Advantages of the Activity – Based Method

The activity – based methods of teachings have the following advantages:

(i) Students are trained to easily identify problems with local interest and impact.

(ii) Students are also encouraged to use local resources in locating information that can be used in problem resolution.

(iii) It also extends the learning situation beyond the classroom.

(iv) Teaching and learning become more realistic and meaningful to students who explore and share ideas together.

(v) High order thinking skills in the context of the problem, rather than seeing problems as separated entities in the school programme is enhanced.

(vi) Creativity, freedom of expression, initiative and leadership qualities are inculcated into students.

Disadvantages of the Activity-Based Method

Though this method is perceived to be one which help students to explore , there are some disadvantages. They include the following:

(i) Lesson may take a very long time for students to go through the activity successfully.

(ii) Students normally become frustrated especially, when they fail to discover or find the solution to a problem.


(iii) Organizing, managing and controlling of students towards effective achievements of results can be difficult.

(iv) It can be an expensive method of teaching considering resources, materials and funds to be provided for the learning process.

In spite of the disadvantages of the activity-based method of teaching it enable students have more hands on than minds-on experiences in the teaching and learning of science.

Lecture Method of Teaching

These methods include the lecture and the programmed instruction. Instructional procedure is a one way process where the teacher transfers a body of knowledge to students according to a pre-planned scheme. The lesson is teacher- centered and the students are regarded as recipients of instruction. The teacher therefore ignores students in terms of what they might bring to the classroom.

The lecture method is also regarded as textbook controlled, which is a inflexible with minimal consideration given to the students’ abilities.

The teacher only presents his ideas, develops them, evaluate and summarize the main points for the students to listen and prepare their own notes.

Advantages of the lecture Method

(i) More topics are covered in a relatively short period of time.

(ii) Students are given good training and insight into the techniques of analyzing issues.


(iii) The method is very suitable for teaching very large classes.

(v) It is very easy in using to deliver knowledge.

With the advantages stated above this method has numerous disadvantages which makes it unsuitable to use in practical lessons.

Disadvantages of the lecture Method

(i) Lessons, which are not interesting and also very long, may bring about boredom in the teaching process.

(ii) Class involvement, class participation and process skill development are not encouraged.

(iii) The method can not be effective, in teaching some specific concepts and subjects at the senior high school level.

(iv) Students understanding is rarely-assessed during lectures, because students are not encouraged to participate fully in the lesson.

(v) It leads more to rote learning and does not give actual understanding of science concepts.

The missing link between learning biology to pass an examination and learning biology to select a career can be attributed to the need for innovativeness, improvisation and foresight by teachers to consciously expose the students to biology in action through the use of modern teaching aids, application of videos, education tours etc. There is the need by the biology teacher to demystify the teaching and learning of biology and science as a whole and to make the process more interesting and to promote the inquisitiveness of the students


Three areas to be addressed to demystify the teaching and learning of biology and all the sciences and also make the process more interesting are (i) introducing new ideas, knowledge and educational technologies (including audio-visuals aids) and (ii) improving the teaching and learning environment (iii) embarking on outreach programmes.

This study will determine the extent to which teachers in the study use innovations to address students’ problems during biology practical work.

Teaching and Learning Environment

The classroom, laboratory and the school environment can be made conducive to the teaching and learning of biology if the following issues are considered;

The capability of the teachers to improvise by preparing simple models where teaching models are not available, using demonstration and activity kits, introducing new ideas and technologies (computers and internet) where available in teaching

• Over viewing misconceptions and inhibitions on the part of students (mindset) that certain subjects or areas are too difficult or irrelevant, while some topics are considered not relevant to the topics to be studied.

• Adequate knowledge of the syllabus by reducing the conflicting demands and contradictions of the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) and Ghana

Education Service (GES) syllabus which calls for comprehensive lesson plans across board, whereby fundamental principles are taught first;

• Provision of logistics and other resources to support teaching, such as computers, projectors etc; Arrangement for distinguished scientists to talk to the students on debatable issues on science and society or science in action;


Experimentation with demonstration must be taken more seriously and handled with vigour and not as mere activities or games as pertains in GAST textbooks. Adepoju

(1991) described the approach used by many teachers of science as one which does not give room for students to develop their intuition, imagination and creative abilities. The minds of the students must be disabused from looking for quick fix approaches to pass their examinations instead of going through the practical approach.

Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) can also be used to make lessons interesting. CAL is a system of educational software of pre-programmed tests for self- assessment on a computer where at each stage a correct answer is required before proceeding to the next item.CAL, unlike the textbook approach is interactive. Research in other countries such as South Africa (Naidoo, 1999), Malaysia (Gharzali & Ismail, 1997) and Greece (Olive,

1997) has shown that using computers when teaching stimulates learning and is good for concept development, concept formation and concept reinforcement. It is also thought provoking, encourages group work and also allows students to manipulate and discover things on their own.

Experiments can be conducted on computers without any resource to physical apparatus.

Common dry laboratory simulations can be used. Simulations act as further aid to understanding the scientific concepts. Graphs and statistical charts can be drawn using

MS-Excel to demonstrate correct techniques of graphing without recourse to graph paper or ruled boards.


Teaching and learning of biology can also be made interesting by relating the topics to science and society and using illustrative examples from new and emerging science and technologies (NEST) to challenge students on new ideas and investigate them through critical observation, recording and analysis of the results. Such projects will demonstrate how things work in practice compared to ideal situations and will serve to remind the students of the limitations of humanity.

According to Young (1990), science is a doing subject. He also stated that science is the system of knowing about the universe through data collection by observation and controlled experiment. Students must observe and experience biology in action in the schools which will set the stage for career selection. Therefore, educational visits to some industries such as Uniliver, VALCO etc, to observe and study processes and products and the development of the technologies utilized in industry.

Time Allocated for Biology Lessons .

Most biology teachers over look the practical aspect of the subject. This is perhaps due to time allocated for the teaching and learning of the subject and the number of topics to be covered. Time is one resource which is not renewable non-interchangeable and finite.

Pratt (1980),is of the view that the greatest amount of time that is used in schools is that spent by pupils, time that is committed not by their own consent but by the order of their elders.

Mathews (1989) is of the opinion that a pupil’s level of attainment is directly related to the period of time actively spent on learning. This opinion also holds for biology practical lessons. The biology curriculum for senior high schools has allocated seven (7) periods a


week for biology lessons. Each period lasts forty (40) minutes. This inadequacy of lesson time for science perhaps has forced teachers to ignore the practical work when teaching in order to be able to complete the syllabus.

Fisher et al (1980) gave two ways by which time for subjects can be allotted in the curriculum.

The two ways were time allotment in periods and allotment of time to the subjects, taking into consideration the number of activities involved in the teaching and learning of the subject. This to them will give adequate time for practical lessons. The instructional time has the same scientific status as the concept of homeostasis in biology, reinforcement in psychology, or gravity in physics. That is like those more admired concepts, adequate instructional time allows for understanding, prediction, and control, thus making it a concepts worthy of a great deal more attention than it is usually given in education and in educational research (Berliner, 1990).

Instructional time refers to a family of concepts, some of which have not yet achieved the status of concepts in other, more mature scientific fields (Berliner, 1990).

Berliner gave different dimensions as follows;

Allocated time is usually defined as the time that the state, districts, schools, or teacher provides for the instruction of the students.

Engaged time is usually defined as the time that students appear to be paying attention to materials or presentations that have instructional goals.

Time –on-task is usually defined as engaged time on particular learning tasks.

The engagement must be on particular learning tasks but not just general tasks.


Academic learning time is usually defined as that part of allocated time, in subject –matter area (science, mathematics etc) in which a student is engaged successfully in the activities or with the materials to which he or she is exposed, and which are related to educational outcomes that are valued.

Transition time is usually defined as the non-instructional time before and after some instructional activity.

Perseverance is usually defined as the amount of time a student is willing to spend on learning a task or unit of instruction.

Pace is usually defined as the amount of content covered during some time period. Fisher et al., (1980) reviews a substantial body of research in which measures of time to learn a particular kind of subject matter and conventional measures of intelligence, have both been used to predict learning. The time to learn measures are usually as good or better predictors than are intelligence measures.

In the view of Kraft, (1994),the amount of time spent on the basics of language and mathematics is a critical factor in the achievement level of students as in biology.

According to Lynn (1989), Stigler, Lee and Stevenson (1987) found that Japanese and

Chinese children spent much more time on learning than American children.

Kraft’s (1994) study was focused on primary education; it gives insight into time allocation and time used in schools. According to Kraft, while the length of primary school year in Ghana was 800 hours per year, it was 1080 hours, 1290 hours and 1128 hours per year in Benin, Burkina Faso and Nigeria respectively.


Mathews (1989) confirmed that a pupil’s level of attainment was directly, related to the length of time actively spent in learning. This finding was also supported by the

International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP) Projects in 1991/92.

According to Kraft (1994:17) not only do Ghanaian children spend less time in school than many others, but that the actual academic learning time is less by two to three hours a day. This means that the underutilization or mismanagement of instructional time will result in a limited coverage of the designed curricula, which will finally have negative effect on students' performance. It is perhaps for this reason that Hurd (2002) suggests increasing the amount of time allocated for active experimentation in life science

(biology) as a way of increasing participation by students who are poorly motivated. He noted that often teachers use teacher-centered instructional techniques and assign seat work to unmotivated students while more motivated students perform laboratory activities and are given assessment involving problem-solving. As indicated by Sheppard and Robbins (2002, p .429) there has been very little discussion about the time allocation for science in U.S high schools.

The committee of ten recommended that 25% of curricular time in each year of high school be devoted to science (NEA. 1993, p.139). Currently, students spend 15% of curricular time on science. This estimate is based on six periods a week out of 40 periods per week. Time allocation in Ghana is some what smaller considering that other countries allow their students to enroll in more than one science course per year, thus leading to greater time allocation for the sciences. Because of the experimental nature of biology, more time should be devoted to it in the classroom.


Instructional time intended for science varied across countries participating in the latest

Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Some countries spent up to 32% of instructional time on science (Martin, Mullis & Chrostowski, 2004 p. 189). In the United

States the curriculum did not specify the percentage of total instructional time intended for science, except for the benchmarking state which indicated an average instructional time for science of 180 minutes per week (p. 191). This amount of instructional time is comparable to the one in higher achieving countries such as Singapore.

Curricular time in biology in Ghana, like many other countries has not matched the significant increase in the number of biology topics to be taught at the SHS level. Wood

(2002, p.125) argued that a high school course does not need to be all-inclusive, but when essential topics are omitted students miss opportunities to relate these topics to broader perspectives. One could argue that other countries cover a smaller subset of topics and cover them in more detail.

Literature Related to the Area of study

Although a great deal of effort had been made in the Eastern Region to promote the teaching and learning of biology in the past WAEC results in recent years do not paint the picture as such.

Damtse (2000) conducted a similar study and found out that most of the biology teachers did not make use of new method of teaching biology such as Inquiry , Discovery, and

Group work.


A research carried out by Xedzro (1995) in South Tongu District pointed to the fact that the teachers were not using the recommended teaching approaches and that various activities designed in the syllabus were not being carried out.

The research conducted by Herbert (1970) found out that biology teachers used extensive experimentation and observation as the basis for the development of conceptual structures. He indicated that these conceptual structures evolved out of the regularity found in the phenomena explored during the experiment.

Lawson (2007) conducted a similar study in Akuapem North District and found out that only a few of the teachers used materials that they could gather from the environment for science teaching. She also found out that there were no hands-on activities during science lessons to allow students to interact with the materials at their disposal.

Atteh (1995) conducted a research in Yilo Krobo District and found that even though the teachers used activity approaches, the teaching was mostly teacher-centered. The students were not actively involved in performing the activities.

Lucas (2001) on his part conducted a similar research in Apam District and found out that when teachers used group work in teaching biology and made it more practical-oriented the students were able to learn better and were able to discover things on their own.

For this reason, this study was designed to determine how biology practical work is conducted in the selected schools. This is to provide relevant data to improve biology instructional processes in the schools.





The chapter describes the research design to be used for the study. It also describes the population, the sampling procedure and the instrumentation. The chapter ends with the description of the validity and reliability of the instrument. This is followed by the description of data collection procedure and the method of data analysis.

Research Design

The research design that was used in the study was the descriptive survey. It was to describe what existed with respect to how biology practical work was conducted in the selected senior high schools. According to Gay (1987, p.187), the descriptive sample survey involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of study. The descriptive sample survey has also been recommended by Babbie (2001) for the purpose of generalizing from a sample of a population so that references can be made about some characteristics, attributes or behaviour of the population The data analysis consisted mainly of frequencies and percentages. The use of the survey design enabled the researcher to gather a wide variety of data on the problem rather than the use of case study approach.

Population and Sampling Procedure

The target population consisted of all the 78 public senior high schools in the Eastern

Region of Ghana. The targeted teachers were estimated at sixty ( 60 ). According to Van

Dalen ( 1979) a survey should contain at least ten (10 ) to fifteen (15 ) percent of the


target population. In agreement with this 20 (15.6 %) of the senior high schools in the

Eastern Region were selected by simple random for the study.

The population size were made up of four hundred (400) students and sixty (60) biology teachers in the selected senior high schools. The selection was done so that at least one school was chosen from each of the sixteen (16) districts in the Eastern Region. Simple random sampling technique was used to select schools while in the sampling of the schools, cards with numbers one to four were used to represent the schools. Those schools which were represented by even numbers were selected. The method of selecting the student was such that cards were distributed to students without looking at what was written on it and those who had theirs with inscription “chosen” were selected. In the same way, the teachers were also selected. Random sampling according to Gupta (1993) is one where each item in the universe has an equal or known opportunity of being selected.


Two main instruments were used in the study namely, questionnaires and document analysis. These were supplemented with informal observations ( Barnes 1985 ). These instruments are described in the following sections.

The Questionnaires: Two types of questionnaires were designed for the study. One for the teachers and one for the students. Both sets of questionnaires were designed in such a way as to contain open-ended and close-ended items. In the close- ended questionnaire both teachers and students were required to select from list of options while in the openended questions, respondents were required to write their views on the questions.


Document Analysis: This involved the thorough examination of various documents related to the study. The documents analysed included biology curriculum, materials ( eg text book, syllabuses, etc.).Other documents used were WAEC Chief Examiners’


Informal Observations: In agreement with Barnes (1985), the researcher undertook unscheduled observations of some biology lessons. As reported in Johnson (1978) and in

Smith (1982), this method does not require the use of a check list, instead a free-form procedure of recording data is used. This process was by listening and watching.

Emphasis was laid on teaching and strategies used by teachers and the responses of students throughout the way they learn. No schedule was used but the researcher wrote down as much as possible all that was observed during specific lesson. The observed biology lesson also provided information on how biology is taught in those schools.

During the observation, the researcher considered students contributions to lessons, participation, ways of asking and answering questions and how they participated in activities performed. Teachers’ methods of teaching were considered.

Validity of the Instruments

In order to enhance the content validity of the instruments, some lecturers examined them. After the examination of the instruments vis-à-vis the research questions, these lecturers gave their comments and suggested changes, which were effected. The instruments also underwent face-validity analysis.


Reliability of the Instruments

A pilot test of the instrument was carried out with forty (40) students offering elective biology in Swedru Senior High School in the Central Region of Ghana. These students used for the pilot test did not form part of the sample for the study.

A reliability test was conducted by determining the Cronbach’s alpha. Cronbach’s alpha was then used to calculate the coefficient of reliability, which was found to be 0.825. This was then compared with the tabulated coefficient of reliability which according to

Cramer and Bryman (2001), is acceptable at 0.8. Thus, the internal consistency

(reliability) of the instrument was calculated.

Pilot Study

The questionnaire was pre-tested in a pilot study carried out at Swedru Senior High

School in the Central Region of Ghana. The school was selected because it shares similar characteristics with Senior High Schools selected in the Eastern Region. The pilot study enabled the researcher to restructure the questionnaire to help elicit the right responses.

Data Collection Procedure

Before the data collection began, the researcher used one week to visit each of the selected schools to meet the selected teachers and students. The visits were meant to enable the researcher establish rapport with all the respondents. An additional purpose of the familiarizations visits to the schools was to enable the researcher explain the purpose of the study to the respondents and to elicit their maximum co-operation so that the objective of the study could be achieved.


The questionnaires were administrated by the researcher personally. This was to enable the researcher ensure that the questionnaires got to the respondents directly. It was also to explain further any part of the questionnaires that posed a problem to the respondents.

After the questionnaires was issued out to the respondents, a time frame or interval of one week was allowed so that respondents could respond to them appropriate and on their own convenience.

Additional data for the study were obtained through document analysis. Various circulars, notes, curriculum materials and official gazettes relevant to biology and other aspects of the study were subjected to in-depth examination. As was noted earlier, informal observations of biology practical lessons were also observed by the researcher.

This was to enable the researcher compare what the teachers did and what they said happened during their practical lessons.

Method of Data Analysis

Coding schemes were developed to organize the data into meaningful and manageable categories. This involved the data obtained from the interviews, questionnaires, document analysis and informal observations.

The categorized data were later converted into frequency counts and simple percentages and used to answer the research questions addressed in the study. Portions of the data were also subjected to narrative description. The use of descriptive statistical approach in the analysis of the data resulted from the fact that the study was qualitative in nature.


This chapter sets out to discuss the response to the questionnaire and the outcome of the discussion. It also contains the analysis of the various responses from both teachers and students.




Relevant background information

Twenty two item of questionnaire were given to students and collected by the researcher after one week. Similarly, twenty-nine items of questionnaires were also given to the teachers and collected after one week. This would enable respondents take their time go through the questionnaires before answering them.

Data presentation by research question

The data collected were presented based on the research questions formulated for the study.

Question one: what are the Qualification and Area of Specialisation of biology Teachers?

The bio data of the teachers cover number of years of teaching biology, professional qualifications, area of specialization and in-service training or workshops attended.

The data was used to answer question one which sought to find out the qualifications and areas of specialization of the biology teachers.

The study revealed from teachers background characteristics that majority ( 63.3%) of the respondents in the study had taught biology for less than five years. This means a high proportion of the teachers in the study area had not gain much field experience.


Study on professional qualification indicated that 43 (76.7%) of the respondents were professional teachers. Fourteen (14) of the respondents though not professional teachers had first degrees in their area of specialisation. This means that most of the teachers in the study are professional teachers who had acquired the requisite qualification to organise biology practical activities. This is shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Professional qualification of the teachers (N═60)

Categories of teacher qualifications

1 st

degree professional

1 st

degree non-professional

2 nd

degree professional

Diploma professional











When the researcher further enquired from respondents about their areas of specilisation as indicated in Table 2 below, 30(50%) had specialisd in biology while 5% had specialized in chemistry 45% and 45% had agriculture science background but were teaching biology in their respective schools.

Table 2: Teachers' areas of specialisation ( N═60)

Area of specialisation










Percentage s





Because a higher percentage of 76.7% of the respondents were professional teachers with

50% of the respondents being pure biology teachers, it is expected that they would use


their experience as professionals and biology teachers to organise biology practical work in schools.

The researcher again enquired from respondents if in-service training programmes were organised for the biology teachers from time to time. The results shows that out of the total respondents, it was only 22 (36.7%) that have ever attended an in-service training which was organised by Ghana Association of Science Teachers( GAST), Science

Technology and Mathematics Education( STME) or Peace Corps Volunteer Service


This situation where half of the respondents and majority (63.3%) have taught for less than five (5) years with most respondents (63.3%) who have never attended an in-service training seemed not to be good, since it may directly have impact on the way biology practical lessons are orgainised in the schools.

Question 2: Which teaching and learning strategies are used during biology practical activities ?

In answering this question, items 1 and 4 of the students’ questionnaire were used. The study revealed that most respondents (90% ) consider practical work as effective method of teaching biology. A few (7%) indicated that the effective method of teaching biology was by demonstration and 3% also considered lecture method as effective method.

When researcher enquired from respondents which method their teachers use during biology practical lessons, it was revealed that most (324) representing 81% of the respondents indicated that their teachers use activity method during biology lesson. A


few (12) indicated that their teachers use enquiry while the rest (16) indicated that their teachers use demonstration method as indicated in Table 3.

Table 3: Teaching and learning method used during biology practical lesson (N═ 400)

Teaching strategy








Percentage (%)




This reveals that the few students whose teachers used enquiry and demonstration method of teaching did not have enough opportunity to handle materials and equipments during biology practical lessons. This in a long run affect students performance in their biology examination.

Question 3: How often do the biology teachers use practical work during biology lessons?

In table 4, the researcher sought to find out how frequent biology practical work were organised during biology lessons. Item 7 and 8 of the students’ questionnaire and item 8 and 9 of the teachers’ questionnaire were used to answer this question. In the teachers responses, majority of them 58(96.7%) indicated that practical lessons were conducted once in a week while 2(3.3%) indicated twice in a week as elaborated in the Table

Table 4: Frequency at which biology practical lessons are conducted ( N═ 60 )

No. of times

Once a week

Twice a week

Thrice a week

Any other












These were supported by the students’ responses as in table 5.

Table 5 indicates that 319 (78.8%) of the respondents have practical once a week,

67(16.8%) indicated twice a week. This situation prevent students from getting the chance to manipulate objects to acquire more practical skills which affect their performance in the end.

Table 5: The number of times students have biology practical lessons

( N═ 400 )

No. of times

Once a week

Twice a week

Thrice a week

Any other











An effort was further made by to find out the existence of laboratories in the various schools. Table 6 indicates 386(96.5%) of students indicated that there were laboratories in their schools. They were also asked whether the laboratories they use for biology practical work was the same for all the sciences. 323 (81%) responded that they have different laboratories for biology practical work.


Table 6: Students response on existence of laboratory for biology practical lessons

( N ═ 400 )

Students response


Frequency Percentage

386 96.5







On the part of the teachers most of them 53(84.3%) indicated the existence of laboratories for biology practical work which confirmed the students responses. Only

11.7% indicated that there were no laboratories, this is found in Table 7.

Table 7: Teachers response on existence of laboratory for biology practical lessons

( N═ 60 )

Teachers response












They were further asked whether these laboratories were the same for all the pure sciences, 21(35%) of the respondents indicated that they use the same laboratory while majority (39) indicated that they use different laboratories. The existence of laboratories for all the pure sciences should have given the teachers opportunity to do more practical activities but that is not the case. This may probably be that teachers were giving more attention to the theory aspect than the practical.


Question 5: What materials and equipment are available for biology practical activities ?

The researcher sought to find out from both teachers and students about the availability of materials and equipment in their school laboratories. The common equipment and materials that were listed by both teachers and students include microscopes, water bath, teaching models, computers and projectors, reagents for food test, permanent slides, eosin solutions, dissection boards and sets.

They were further asked whether there were sufficient materials and equipment for the organization of biology practical activities in their various schools. In the teachers’ response, majority 46 (76.7%) were of the opinion that the materials in the laboratories were not enough for effective teaching and learning of biology practical work. A few

14(23.3%) indicated that the materials were enough for effective teaching and learning of biology practical. These responses of the teachers were supported by the students’ opinion which indicates that most of the students (246) representing 61.5% were of the opinion that the equipment and materials were not sufficient for biology practical work.

38.5% responded that it is sufficient. The result is that most of the students do not get access of touching materials and equipment which may be due to the large class sizes in the schools coupled with few materials.

Question 5:How are the available materials and equipment used during biology practical activities?

The researcher wanted to know how biology practical activities were organised in the various schools. Item 14 of students’ questionnaire was used to answer this question and the responses are shown in the Table 8.


When the students were asked of their views about how the available materials were used to organise biology practical activities, 15(3.8%) indicated that they do practical work individually. Majority 294(73.5%) were of the opinion that they are put into groups due to insufficient materials in the laboratories. Few, 91(22.8%) responded that their teachers use the few materials to demonstrate. The need for adequate laboratory material for teaching and learning is of great importance to all stake holders of education.

It is of this reason that the Director-General of Ghana education service(GES),Mr.

Bannerman-Mensah pointed out during the opening ceremony of a three week workshop for science teachers in the Northern sector that the government has awarded a contract to revamp all science resource centers in the country since it would have positive impact on both teaching and learning of science.(Daily Graphic, January 21,2009). He explained that obsolete science equipment and defective teaching and learning of science in senior high schools across the country was a challenge to the GES, which need urgent attention.

Table 8: Teachers’ responses on the use of the available materials during practical activities

( N═ 400)




Whole class demonstration













Question 6: What problems do the students and teachers face in connection with biology practical lessons?

The data gathered to answer this research question were from the biology teachers and the students. Item 19 of students questionnaire and item 27 of teachers questionnaire were used to answer this question.

The summary of the students' responses with respect to the problems during biology practical work is shown in Table 9.

Table 9: Problem hindering the effective performance of students during practical work.

Type of problem

Lack of laboratory assistance or technician

Absence of teachers during practical activities

Lack of protective wears

Lack of practical equipment and materials

Lack of access to practical equipment during students free time

Percentage of responses






The researcher find out the views of both teachers and students on problems they face during biology practical lessons. On the difficulties that students face during biology practical lessons, 68.5% indicated that one of the problems was that they do not have laboratory technicians or assistants to assist them during practical lessons. The research also pointed out that in few schools where there were laboratory assistants or technicians, they do not get time to help them because most of them were responsible for all the pure


sciences. The absence of laboratory technicians or assistants or inadequate number of them denied students of guided approach of science where students are directed in practical work. It is therefore the responsibility of school authorities to recruit laboratory assistants, at least one to a laboratory to complement the science teachers effort by guiding students during biology practical work to find information for themselves through activities approach of learning.

Majority (93%) of students were of the view that their biology teachers set practical work and leave them to work in their absence. This situation prevents students from teachers directives hence a problem to them during practical lessons. The researcher enquired from students what they do if they have difficulty. The general response were that they enquire from the good students among them or wait and ask for explanation from their teachers the next day. This problem may probably resulted from the fact that teachers normally organized practical lessons after instructional hours where both teachers and laboratory assistants might be tired and have gone home. School authorities should occasionally find out when practical lessons take place since the absence of both teachers and laboratory technicians may create other problems when students are using chemicals and equipments. Students also indicated that one other problem they faced was lack of protective wear during practical activities to protect them from being harmed by broken equipments and harmful chemicals. Majority ( 97.5%) of the students indicated that they did not get protective coats and grooves during practical work. This does not help them handle preserved specimens and chemicals with ease.


Another problem stated by the students was lack of practical equipment and materials.

Most (63%) of the students indicated that their schools’ laboratories lacked basic equipment and materials for their practical lessons. The use of teaching and learning materials and equipment help students to be inquisitive and creative. Students again indicated that one major problem they faced was lack of access to practical equipments during their free time. Again, 90% of the students indicated that they were not allowed to use the few equipments and materials in the laboratory in the absence of their teachers.

When further enquired from their teachers they pointed out that students may destroy the few equipments or steal them in the absence of the teachers or any laboratory assistance.

If these problems are solved students will be critical thinkers and their scientific skills of solving problems will be enhanced.

The summary of the teachers’ responses with respect to the problems connection with biology practical activities was shown in the Table 10.

Table 10: Teachers’ responses on the difficulties they faced in connection with practical work

Type of problem Percentage of Responses

Lack of laboratory assistants or technicians

Lack of funds

Lack of equipments and materials





When teachers were asked to give their views on whether there were laboratory assistances or technicians in their schools, 80% of the respondents indicated that they lacked laboratory assistants or technicians which confirmed the students opinion. The teachers also indicated that most of their laboratory assistants were not trained. This was also a problem to the teacher. It is therefore suggested that authorities recruit trained and qualified laboratory technicians. The respondents were also of the view that they should be given incentives, when further asked which type of incentives, they mentioned accommodation on campus, refresher courses, risk allowance, scholarships for teachers’ children and higher salary to science teachers. A situation where teachers pay for the fees of their own wards taught is discouraging and non-motivating.

The researcher also found out that teachers do not get funds to enable them organized practical. When teachers were asked why they do not have regular practical, 93.5 % indicated that they did not organized regular practical activities and study trips because they find it difficult to get funds from their authorities. The teachers also indicated that one of their problems was lack of equipment and materials. A higher percentage (83.3%) indicated that provision of equipment and materials were not frequent. They indicated again that equipment and materials were only supply during West African Examinations

Councils' practical time. The school authorities should appeal to non governmental organizations and Parent Teachers Associations to help in the provision of science materials.


Other findings from both students were presented in Table 11.

One open ended question asked students to list other materials and equipment that they feel should be added to what already existed in their schools. Most of the schools visited mentioned computers, microscopes, water baths, projectors, chemical balances, etc. which was also supported by the teachers responses.

When students were asked to give their opinion on their teachers performances, 27.5% were of the opinion that their teachers were excellent, 46.2% were very good, 21.8% were good. The findings were summarized in Table 11.

Table 11: Students’ assessment of their biology teachers.

( N═ 400)



Very good









Question 7: How can the classroom environment be properly managed to make biology practical work more effective?

In answering this question, items 8 and 9 of the students’ questionnaire were used. The responses are shown in Table 12.







When respondents were asked about whether the time allocated for biology practical activity was sufficient, 23(5.8%) indicated that the time allocated was very sufficient,

66(16.5%) also were of the opinion that the time was quite sufficient while 61(15.3%) indicates the time was sufficient. Majority 250(62.5%) were also of the view that time is not sufficient for practical activities. This means teachers should allocate more time for practical activities to help students get the requisite practical skills to enhance performance.

Table 12: Students’ responses on the time allocated for biology practical activities

( N══ 400)


Very sufficient

Quite sufficient


Not sufficient











The researcher further wanted to know if the sizes of the class promote effective biology practical work.

From the response a few respondents 58(14.5%) indicated that the size of the classrooms promotes effective organisation of biology practical work. Majority 342(85.5%) of respondents were of the opinion that the size of their classes does not promote effective organisation of biology practical work.

When they were further asked to give their reasons why they think the size did not promote effective organisation of practical lessons, most of them indicated that their


classes are too large for practical work.

Practical work in such classes can be done in sections or groups.

Item 26 was used to find out the teachers views about the type of practical work which was commonly organise in their biology laboratory, most (76%) of them indicated drawing,15% identification and classification, 18%food tests, and 7%analysis and interpretation of graphs and data.

Respondents were further asked to mention some of the benefits that can be derived from biology practical lessons. The common responses were that it helps in sharing of ideas, exposing students to life, appreciating life, bring co-operation among students.





In the previous chapter, the data collected were presented and analysed with the view of assessing teachers and students’ response on the use of biology practical work in teaching and learning of biology at the senior high school level.

In this chapter, the researcher discusses the findings of the study in relation to the statement of the problem and the literature review. Recommendations and suggestions are also offered to improve the effective organisation of biology practical lessons.


The study revealed that 50% of the teachers specialized in biology while the rest specialized in areas such as agriculture, physics and chemistry. The background of the latter group of teachers will certainly affect their biology lesson output. Druva and

Anderson (1983) have noted that the performance of students is strongly related to their teachers’ course background both in science and education. Hence if for the lack of biology teachers school authorities recruit teachers of any other area of specialization to teach biology; such teachers will skip the practical aspect of the subject and treat the theoretical aspect. Such a situation will result in low performance by the students.

The findings also pointed to the fact that most of the teachers in the research had never attended any in-service training or science workshops. The fact that only a few of the surveyed teachers specialized in biology and also did not attend in-service training


creates a potential danger for the study area with respect to the teaching and learning of biology. There is therefore the need to upgrade teachers’ knowledge in biology by professional associations such as Ghana Association of Science Teachers (GAST),

Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (STME), Ghana Education Service

(GES), etc.

Out of the sixty teachers surveyed ,only 23 of them had taught biology for more than five years. 76.7% were professional teachers who had acquired the requisite qualification to organize biology practical lessons. It is expected that with such high percentage of professional teachers they would raise the level of students academic achievements since teachers’ level of academic qualification was a strong predictor of students’ achievement

(Duarojaiye, 1974). This support the view of Mensah (1995) that the quality education does not lie handsome ideas but rather depends on the availability of qualified teachers and their preparedness to offer quality teaching .

The research findings showed that both teachers and students considered practical lessons in the form of activity as one of the effective means of teaching and learning of science.

Young (1990), in his opinion emphasized that teachers in science education, should guide the students to fish out for information on their own through activities rather than by being fed with information. He explained that when students are involved in most of the activities during lessons not only do they learn to be inquisitive and creative but they also acquire knowledge more meaningfully.

The findings also indicated that practical lessons were not frequent in the various schools.

Students response (96%) indicated that practical lessons were conducted once in a week


which was confirmed by the teachers response of 78.8%. The research further indicated that majority of the schools had biology laboratories but teachers used it for theory lessons instead of practical lessons. Another finding was that the laboratories were illequipped with materials and equipment necessary for biology practical lessons. The insufficient materials enable teachers use demonstration or group method of teaching which denied students the opportunity of handling equipment. These approach used by many teachers of biology does not give room for students to develop their creative abilities (Adepoju, 1991). The need for biology material and equipment can not be ignored in our schools if quality individuals who could handle our society in technological advancement are needed.

According to Ogunyemi (1990), when materials are provided to meet the needs of school system, students will not only have access to reference materials but the individual students will learn at their own pace.

The researcher observed the following difficulties faced by students during practical lessons:

There were only few biology laboratory assistants in the schools. Consequently, the students were not able to do further explorations during practical lessons. Another problem was the frequent absence of the teachers during biology practical lessons. This deprived the students of critical guidance during practical lessons.

Lack of materials and equipment, and access to practical equipment during students’ free time were other problems identified. Students learn faster when they are allowed to interact with materials and equipment during their free time with their peers. These


situations prevent students from engaging in self-initiated explorations. All these problems were also observed by the teachers as difficulties they encounter as a result inadequate equipment and materials.

Other consents by the teachers included the lack of incentives and risk allowances, scholarships to their wards and the organization of refresher courses to motivate teachers to give out their best.

From the study, the issue of large class size also came to light because in this study the sizes of most of the biology classes in the schools were too large. The large numbers of students in most of the science classes coupled with inadequacy of equipment and materials, did not promote effective teaching and learning during biology practical lessons

Summary of the main findings of the study.

From the analysis of the data in the study, the following were the major findings:

1. The findings indicated that the majority of the biology teachers were professional teachers holding diploma, first degree and second degree certificates in their field of study.

2. It was also found that most of the teachers who taught biology did not offer biology as the area of specialisation but rather specialized in agriculture and chemistry. Although most of the teachers had not specialized in biology, they did not attend in-service training courses to sharpened their knowledge in biology teaching.

3. The study revealed that both students and teachers consider the activity method as the effective method of teaching and learning biology.


4. The study further revealed that the time allocated for biology practical lessons was inadequate or insufficient. The study revealed that there were laboratories in the schools but on the contrary practical lessons were not frequent. Practical lessons were organized once in a week.

5. One other observation made was that the few teaching and learning materials available were used in groups or by demonstration. This did not give students the opportunity to handle materials.

6. The study also revealed that some of the problems both teachers face in connection with biology practical were lack of laboratory assistants, lack of practical equipment and materials and lack of funds to organize practical lessons. It was also found that most of the available laboratory technicians were not trained

7. The study revealed that the size of the classes and the classrooms arrangement did not promote effective practical work.


The study conducted in some selected Senior High Schools in the Eastern Region of

Ghana revealed that majority of the teachers were professional teachers but majority did not offer biology as their major area of specialization in the University. Such teacher practical skills could be improved by organising regular in-service training for them by the stakeholders of Education such as GNAT, NAGRAT etc.

From the study it can be concluded that the most effective method of teaching and learning of biology is through practical work as students learn better by doing. In the researcher’s opinion, all stakeholders of education need to put in the needed efforts in


providing well-equipped laboratories for all the senior high schools. This will enable teachers and students use practical work effectively to teach and learn biology.

The inadequate time allotted for biology lessons in most senior high schools did not promote frequent use of practical activity in biology lessons. Teachers, are however, expected to do more to stimulate and sustain students’ interest in biology practical lessons. For them to be able to whip up the interest of students in this direction there is the need to adjust these time slots to favour more practical work.

More so, the large sizes of science classes in most of the schools visited had been a major drawback toward the effective use of practical activities in the teaching and learning of biology. This therefore has become a major cause for concern, which must seriously be looked at by all stake holders of education. Much success could be attained, if such, large classes are split into more manageable units

It appears that the school authorities did not have interest in the provision of science materials and equipment. . According to the respondents (teachers), school authorities only tried to procure science materials during WAEC designated examinations, a situation which is not helping both teachers and students at all.

The laboratories in the various schools lacked laboratory assistance/technicians who could help the biology teachers during biology practical lessons.



Based on the findings of the study the following are recommendation are made: i.

School authorities should as much as possible, recruit teachers who specialised in biology to teach the subject at the SHS level. ii.

Educational directors, shareholders in education, GNAT, GAST and Ghana

Education Service should organize frequent in-service training workshops and courses to up-grade and up-date science teachers knowledge in the organisation of practical lessons. iii.

Teachers should make conscious efforts to organise more practical work not withstanding the numerous topics in the syllabus. iv.

A point worth considering is the time slot on the school time table. It is suggested that the curriculum developers, educational directors and headmasters in senior high schools should extend the time allocated for the sciences so that teachers will have enough time for practical lessons with their students. v.

Headmasters and educational authorities should provide adequate and relevant teaching and learning materials for teachers to be used during practical lessons. vi.

Schools with inadequate materials for teaching are advised to make good use of the various science resource centers nearer to them for practical activities. vii.

As much as possible, Headmasters should try to provide the laboratories with enough laboratory assistants or technicians to aid the students during practical lessons and to motivate students intermittently to reinforce their interest in practical work. viii.

Teachers should introduce field trips and excursions as part of their biology teaching and learning programmes.


Suggestions for Further Study

Since we are in an educational reform era, there is room for further research on any aspect of the senior high school level. It is therefore recommended that:


Studies could be undertaken to find the attitudes of students towards biology practical lessons.


Again, further studies could be undertaken to find out the influence of practical activity method in the teaching/learning of biology in the senior high schools.


A research could also be carried out to find out whether the Qualifications and Area of Specialisation of the teacher has any influence on teaching of biology so that an appropriate decision could be taken.


More work need to be done to find out whether student and teacher motivation could have influence on the teaching and learning of science at the senior high school level.


A study could be carried out to find out whether gender has any influence on the teaching and learning of science at the senior high level.


A study should be conducted to find out whether gender has any influence on the teaching and learning of science at the senior high level.



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Dear respondent,

This study is purely for academic purposes. Kindly read through each of the items carefully and indicate the opinion that is the nearest expression of your views on each of the issues raised. Your anonymity is assured.


Please tick the box [ ] to the answer you have chosen fill in the blank space where necessary.


Which of these methods of teaching would you consider effective to the learning of biology?

(a) Activity [ ]

(b) Lecture [ ]

(c) Demonstration [ ]


Do you have laboratory for biology practical work?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]


Is the laboratory for biology practical work the same for all the science electives?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

4. Which method does your biology teacher use during practical lessons?

(a) Activity [ ] (b) Enquiry [ ] (c) Demonstration [ ]


5. How often are biology practical lessons conducted in your school laboratory?

(a) Frequent [ ] (b) Quite frequent [ ] (c) Very frequent [ ]

6. Is your biology laboratory equipped with materials necessary for WAEC designated

SHS biology practical work?

(a) Very adequate [ ] (b) Adequate [ ]

7. How many times in a week do you have biology practical work?

(c) Inadequate [ ]

(a) Once a week [ ] (b) 2 times a week [ ]


(c) 3 times a week [ ] (d) Any other specify [ ]

Is the time allocated for biology practical sufficient?

(a) Sufficient [ ]

(b) Quite sufficient [ ]

(c) Very sufficient [ ]

(d) Not sufficient [ ]

9. (a) Does the size of the class promote the use of biology practical work?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

(b) In a short sentence give a reason for your answer.





10. Are you allowed by your teacher to practice on your own in the laboratory?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]


11. Are the equipment and facilities in the laboratory appropriate for biology practical work?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

12. Are the equipment adequate to go round all students during biology practical work?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

13. If NO then, what do you normally do in such situations?




14. How are the available teaching materials used during biology lessons?

(a) Individual teaching work[ ] (b) Group work [ ]

(c)Whole class demonstration [ ]

15. Do you have laboratory assistant(s) or technician(s)?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

16. If you answered “YES” to item 15, do the laboratory technician(s) or assistant(s) assist you during biology practical lesson?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

17. If YES, is/are the laboratory technician(s) or assistant(s) responsible for all the pure sciences?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

18. (a) Is/ are your biology teachers always present when having practical?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]


(b) If NO, what do you do when you are in difficulty?




19. What problems do you face during biology practical lessons ?





20. Are there other facilities and equipment that you feel should be added to what already exist? …………………. ……………………… ……………………...

…………………… ……………………… ……………….. ……………….

21. Do you go for field work and excursions?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

22. How would you grade your biology teachers?

(c) Good [ ] (a) Excellent [ ]

(d) Fair [ ]

(b) Very good [ ]

(e) Poor [ ]





Dear Respondent,

T his study is purely for academic purposes. You will be contributing to its success if you answer the item as frankly and honestly as possible .Your responses will be kept confidential. Moreover, your anonymity is assured by neither writing your name nor indicating your school. Kindly read through each of the items carefully and indicate the opinion that is the nearest expression of your view on each of the issues raised.

General instruction

Please tick [ √ ] the appropriate bracket or column or fill in the blanked spaces where necessary.



How long have you been teaching biology ?

(a) 0-5 years [ ] (b) Above 5years [ ]


What is your professional qualification?

(a) 1 st

degree professional [ ]

(b) 1 st degree non-professional [ ]

(c) 2 nd

degree professional [ ]

(d) 2 nd

degree non-professional [ ]

(e) Diploma Professional [ ]



What is your area of specialization?

(a) Biology (b) Chemistry (c) Physics

(d) Any other, specify ……………………………………………………………


Have you ever had any in-service training in the teaching of biology?

(a) Yes (b) No


Who organizes the in-service training programme?

(a) GES [ ] (b) STME [ ] (c) GAST Organizers [ ]

(d) Any other, specify …………………..



Do you have a laboratory in your school for biology practical work?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]


Is the laboratory the same for all the pure sciences?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]


How often are biology practical lessons conducted in your school biology laboratory?

(a) Once a week [ ] (b) 2 times a week [ ]

(d) Other, specify ……………. (c) 3 times a week [ ]


Is your school laboratory equipped with materials necessary designated for

WASSCE practical work? Yes [ ] No [ ]


If you answered “ yes” to item 9, how adequate are the materials in your school laboratory?

(a) Very adequate [ ]

(c)Inadequate [ ]

(b) Adequate [ ]



Are these materials enough for effective teaching and learning of biology practical work?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]


Are the equipment adequate to go round all the students during practical work?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]


If “NO” to item 12, what do you normally do in such a situation?



Do the students have access to practical equipment during their free time?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]


If No to item 15, give reason(s)





Do you think there are other important equipment and facilities that should have been provided but are not available? (a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]


If yes to item 16, please list them…………….………………………………




How often do the school’s authorities provide /supply the laboratory with materials?

(a) Very frequent [ ]

(c) Quite Frequent [ ]

(b) Frequent [ ]

(d) Not frequent [ ]



Do the school authorities perceive the provision of equipments and materials waste of fund and

resources? (a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]


What make you thinks so? Give reason(s)





Do you have laboratory assistant(s) in your school?

Yes [ ] No [ ]


If “yes” how many laboratory assistant(s) do you have?

(a) 0 [ ] (b)1 [ ] (c) 2 [ ] (d) 3 [ ]

25. If “ yes” how many of the laboratory assistants are trained?

(a) None [ ] (b) 1 [ ] (c) 2 [ ] (d) 3 [ ]

26. What type of practical work commonly is done in your school’s biology laboratory?

You can tick more than one.

(a) Drawing [ ]

(b) Identification and classification [ ]

(c) Food tests [ ]

(d) Analysis/interpretation [ ]

27. What problems do you face during biology practical lessons ?





28. List some of the benefits of biology practical work.




29. Do you think biology teachers should be given some incentives?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

30. If yes to item 27, please specify the kind of incentives






