January 27, 2011 - Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism

Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism
One Capitol Mall, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
January 27, 2011
Commissioners Present:
John Pope, Chairman
Laurie Black
Georgette Garner
Thurston Lamb, Vice-Chairman
Randy Frazier
Debbie Hoofman
Commissioners Absent:
JeNelle Lipton
Carroll Prewett
Staff Present:
Robert Phelps, Brenda Halbert and Sarah Wruck
Guests Present:
Sharon Vogelpohl and Heide Harrell of Mangan Holcomb Partners
Adam Roberts of Hot Springs/Garland County Beautification Commission
Betty Barnhardt of Keep Sherwood Beautiful
Nina Johnson of Lake Village
Fran Flener, Arkansas State Drug Director
Call to Order/Invocation/Roll Call/Welcome:
John Pope called the meeting to order, and Thurston Lamb presented the invocation. Brenda
Halbert called the roll. John Pope welcomed guests.
Action Items:
Mr. Pope called for approval of the agenda:
Debbie Hoofman made a motion, seconded by Randy Frazier, approving
the January 27, 2011, KAB Commission Meeting Agenda, as distributed.
The motion passed.
Mr. Pope called for corrections or additions to the November 18, KAB Commission Meeting
Minutes. There being none, a motion followed:
Debbie Hoofman made a motion, seconded by Thurston Lamb, to approve
the November 18, 2010, KAB Commission Meeting Minutes, as distributed.
The motion passed.
Mr. Pope called for questions regarding the KAB Financial Report for the period ending
December 31, reflecting expenditures of $219,072 or 31% of the 2011 fiscal year budget. There
being none, the following motion was made:
KAB Commission Minutes
January 27, 2011 – page 2
Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Randy Frazier, to approve the
KAB Financial Report for the period ending December 21, 2010, as printed.
The motion passed.
Program Reports:
Executive Director:
Robert Phelps elaborated on items from his printed report, as follows:
Keep America Beautiful Annual Conference in December:
1) Randy Frazier received KAB’s 2010 Iron Eyes Cody Award, its highest honor;
additionally, Mr. Frazier contributed 500 volunteer hours to the state last year;
2) The Keep Arkansas Beautiful state office received the Diamond Level designation
while local affiliates were recognized with the Gold Level President’s Circle Awards;
3) KAB Foundation received the Innovation Award for its Litter Free Zone Campus
4) The Hot Springs/Garland County and Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Affiliates received
recognition for granted programs.
AR Governor’s Conference on Tourism – March 6-9 in Little Rock with budget to send
two Commissioners; discussion to follow under new business.
Commissioners’ 2010 Statement of Financial Interest due January 31, 2011.
KAB office renovation complete.
Lowe’s $1 million survey participation garnered Keep America Beautiful second place
that will result in gifts of $100,000 to four groups; the remaining $600,000 will be
divided proportionately based on percentage of votes, and KAB has announced they will
share proceeds with KAB Affiliates in good standing.
KAB Commissioner Duties and Responsibilities has been updated based on Mr. Pope’s
reference in November to the KAB bylaws regarding “other duties…….” of the
Chairman and Vice-Chairman; therefore, it was not deemed necessary to change the
bylaws at this time.
The KAB Overview, “Information that may be helpful…about the Keep Arkansas
Beautiful Program……” has also been revised.
Volunteer Services Coordinator:
Sarah Wruck referred to her printed report regarding the following:
2011 Great American Cleanup, March 1 – May 31:
1) Lowe’s one of the new national sponsors;
2) KAB staff readying the warehouse for receipt and shipment of supplies;
3) Two regional coordinating meetings scheduled – February 15 in Van Buren;
February 22 in Pine Bluff.
2010 Great Arkansas Cleanup:
1) Final report reflected 14,166 volunteers, including the Adopt-A-Highway program of
AHTD, collecting 1,786,253 pounds of litter, resulting in a value of $950,285;
2) Ms. Wruck commended AR State Parks and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers for
their support.
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January 27, 2011 – page 3
January 12-13: AR Municipal League Winter Conference in Little Rock garnered record
attendance, including a lot of new mayors visiting the KAB booth.
January 26 – Ms. Wruck facilitated meeting of Little Rock City Beautiful Commission.
Mangan Holcomb Partners:
Sharon Vogelpohl presented a scripted version of the promotion/advertising update from Julie
Robbins, as follows:
New Keep Arkansas Beautiful brochure went to press Tuesday; one copy was provided
each Commissioner with more copies available soon.
KAB promotional ads continue in college newspapers, Arkansas magazines statewide,
select green guides and other media outlets.
Billboards up thru April; GAmC advertising April thru June.
Radio: GAmC in April; TV will be the second “Shine” spot.
SUV “Cigarette Litter Tour”promotion, including Adam Roberts’ interview on Roby
Brock’s “Talk Business” that has been linked to KAB Facebook page.
2011 Great American Cleanup campaign:
1) Promoted online and news release;
2) Youth poster contest posted online with statewide news release.
KAB website being updated, refreshing the site and insuring better security.
“Take Back Drugs” state program: Ms. Robbins and other MHP representatives have
been appointed by Fran Flener to serve on that committee.
Activity Reports:
Mr. Phelps noted that ADPT Administration has been busy with legislative issues.
Commissioner Reports:
Congressional District 3:
John Pope added to his printed report, as follows:
Supports House Bill # 1043 “. . . to enact the reusable shopping bag act; to provide a
store from providing a single-use carryout bag to a customer” (referring to plastic) “to
encourage the use of reusable bags . . .”:
1) Introduced by Rep. Altes of Fort Smith; referred to committee;
2) Important issue, particularly in coastal and waterway areas;
3) Fort Smith Landfill reports problem with bags blowing everywhere.
Proud to be a part of Arkansas delegation to the KAB Annual Conference with awards
presented to Commissioner Frazier, KAB Foundation and KAB Affiliates.
Georgette Garner added to her printed report, as follows:
Proud to also represent the Commission at the KAB Annual Conference.
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January 27, 2011 – page 4
“Take Back Drugs” program:
1) First learned of national interest at KAB Conference in 2008;
2) Walgreens prescription drug recycling practices studied at several locations;
reviewed and distributed instruction card and mail-in bag;
3) Ms. Garner has been appointed to the Environmental Committee of the “Take Back
Drugs” program with the first meeting in February.
Presented pre-school students with holiday bags from the Eureka Springs Garden Club.
Congressional District 4:
Laurie Black reported on the following:
Lake Village Chamber of Commerce Director has taken a position in Eudora.
2010 GAC event: Lake Village partnered with the state park.
SE Arkansas Library Board meeting in McGehee on Monday; met with Mayor.
Talked with new Lake Village resident regarding recycling at Wal-Mart.
Congressional District 2:
Thurston Lamb commented on his printed report, as follows:
Keep North Little Rock Beautiful pre-certification status: Check, letter and application
are ready to be mailed to the KAB national office.
1) Judge Villines has agreed to support an early cleanup in February;
2) Notified 13 schools about poster contest;
3) Oak Grove community organizing their cleanup; also, holding potential affiliate
meeting in February.
Randy Frazier presented a status report on the Litter Free Zone program, as follows:
Second phase is complete with third phase pending additional funding.
Paid director is needed for further administration of the program.
Fall would be the earliest the program could move forward.
The KAB Foundation Board will meet tomorrow.
KAB Affiliate Reports:
Adam Roberts of Hot Springs/Garland County Beautification Commission reported on his end of
the year report as well as an update on the AR Cigarette Litter Prevention Tour, as follows:
2010 reflected a cost benefit ratio of $6.89 return for every $1.00 invested.
KAB recognized with a special commendation as well as President’s Circle Award.
Mr. Roberts is working with USACE in conducting litter study of 40 sites at Lake
CLPP program in Hot Springs: Cigarette litter reduced 87% at Farmer’s Market area.
KAB Commission Minutes
January 27, 2011 – page 5
The CLPP statewide tour:
1) Events held in Sherwood, Hot Springs, Statewide AWAG Conference, Little Rock
and Fort Smith;
2) Fort Smith Central Mall event reached 378 people with 425 pieces of material; John
Pope and other volunteers assisted.
Mr. Roberts concluded that the SUV Tour is working, thanks to $3,500 funding from the KAB
Foundation and $8,000 worth of in-kind tools from Keep America Beautiful.
Mr. Phelps recommended that everyone view Mr. Roberts’s January 12 “Clean & Green”
segment of Talk Business that is linked to our Facebook page. The Hot Springs E-Day event on
June 5 will be filmed from Hot Springs.
Betty Barnhardt presented an update for Keep Sherwood Beautiful, as follows:
Thanks to Mr. Roberts for CLPP visit during Sherwood’s GAC event.
Sponsored calendar includes cleanup events shots of Mr. Phelps and Mr. Frazier.
GAmC events:
1) April 9 cleanup;
2) April 30 “shred it” event; also, “Take Back Drugs” day;
3) Retired teacher volunteers are relaying poster contest information to schools.
Ms. Barnhardt confirmed the March 24 KAB Commission meeting at Sherwood Forest.
John Pope of Keep Van Buren Beautiful reported on the following:
Potential KAB partner: Cox Communications is interested in involvement.
Rejuvenation of a Forth Smith Affiliate looks promising with new city leadership.
Community service workers program yearly report:
1) 159 individuals working off fines up to three Saturdays a month, collected 149,700
bags of trash in 1,272 hours;
2) $10,000 budget is provided by the city and A&P Commission;
3) According to last litter index, litter has been reduced by 50% in Van Buren.
Guest Remarks:
Georgette Garner introduced Fran Flener, Director, AR State Drug Office, expressing
appreciation for accepting our invitation to speak on the “Take Back Drugs” program.
Ms. Flener distributed printed material, as follows:
“Prescription Drug Abuse Guide” booklet
“The abuse of prescription and over-the-counter drugs . . . PARENTS the Anti-Drug”
KAB Commission Minutes
January 27, 2011 – page 6
Ms. Flener presented a PowerPoint presentation with topics, as follows:
Substance abuse: Working with Governor to make changes; making progress.
Methamphetamine: No. 1 drug problem.
2007 – Arkansas was No. 1 in non-medical use of pain medications in 12-17 age group.
Arkansas residents one of the highest users of sedatives.
Top 10 drugs overdose/death – 8 legal drugs and 2 illegal drugs, also alcohol;
Methadone, a legal opiate/same as heroine, a big problem.
AR Protective Needs Assessment (APNA) Survey in 2008 reflected that smokers are
more at risk to use drugs.
Arkansas high on the list of number of filled prescription drugs.
Monitor/secure/dispose of unused prescription drugs; 2/3 of children and teens are getting
drugs from friends and family.
Partners are important to the success of the “Take Back Drugs” program: Rotary is a
Success of “Take Back Drug” events include local involvement; September 24 statewide
event netted 4 tons, 7-9 million pills, during a 4-hour collection period; commended AR
National Guard and environmental groups for their assistance.
www.ARTakeBack.org website link, including contacts.
Ms. Flener concluded her presentation by sharing the story of two outstanding teenagers who
overdosed on drugs.
Business Items:
Unfinished Business:
After discussion, the 2011 Commission meeting schedule was approved, as follows:
Laurie Black made a motion, seconded by Thurston Lamb, to approve the
2011 KAB Commission Meeting Schedule dates, as proposed. The motion
New Business:
Mr. Pope called for approval of a Commissioner per diem in 2011, as follows:
Laurie Black made a motion, seconded by Georgette Garner, to approve
a $70 per diem rate for KAB Commission meetings. The motion passed.
Mr. Phelps stated that the budget allows for two Commissioners to attend the Governor’s
Conference on Tourism in March. After lengthy discussion, action failed.
Mr. Phelps raised two issues:
KAB Bylaws and reference to Chairman and Vice-Chairman job descriptions: If
Commissioners are satisfied with the updated Commissioner job description, no action is
necessary at this time.
KAB Commission Minutes
January 27, 2011 – page 7
Proposal that KAB Commission minutes be submitted in a shorter, more concise format.
After discussion, Ms. Garner recommended that unresolved issues of each meeting should be
added to the next meeting agenda under unfinished business. The following motion was made:
Randy Frazier made a motion, seconded by Georgette Garner, that the
KAB Commission Minutes be submitted in a shorter, more concise version.
The motion passed.
Pending items:
Laurie Black will need material for 300 attendees to the 2012 AR Federation of Garden
Clubs State Convention to be hosted by the SE District in Dumas.
Randy Frazier continues interest in acquiring the State Police Director’s signature on the
litter violation letter.
ADEQ has drafted legislation regarding electronic waste disposal, since disposal at local
landfills will not be an option in 2012; also, proposed uniform regulations and methods of
disposal by Solid Waste Management Districts. We will support ADEQ on these issues.
There being no further business, the following motion was made:
Laurie Black made a motion, seconded by Debbie Hoofman, to adjourn
the meeting at 12:40 p.m. The motion passed.
The next meeting of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission will be March 24, 2011, at
Sherwood Forest hosted by Keep Sherwood Beautiful.
Robert Phelps, Director
Keep Arkansas Beautiful
John W. Pope, Chairman
Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission