Syllabus for French In Action/ Leçon 2 : Th

Tentative Syllabus for French In Action/ Leçon 2
Mon., Aug. 11, 2008 – Fri., Aug. 15, 2008
Guiding Question: How do I present basic information about myself?
Mon. Aug. 11:
View portion of video, Leçon 2/ French In Action
Presentation of dialogue from French In Action (handout)
Overview of class rules, grading policy, letter to parents
Homework: Copy dialogue in French & translate it into English
Tues. Aug. 12:
Wed., Aug. 13:
Introduction: “Comment ça va?” & responses (on board)
Review video from Thursday/ Copy new vocabulary from board
Practice dialogue
Homework: Study vocabulary copied from board & its translation
into English / Prepare dialogue for presentation from memory on
Thursday (a 20 point major grade)
Introduction of “Comment t’appelles-tu?” & “Je
Class work : Copy vocabulary from wall charts (Comment ça
va & answers/ Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle
Finish copying video vocabulary from board/ View video
Homework: Prepare dialogue for presentation from memory on
Thursday (a 20 point major grade: Memorization, pronunciation,
Thurs., Aug. 14:
Warm Up: Comment ça va? Comment t’appelles-tu?
Major grade (20 pts) Students present dialogues from memory
Handout: “Où vas-tu?” with destinations.
Class work : Copy handout with “Je vais + destinations”
Introduce conjugation chart of “aller” with pronouns (30 pts
Major grade next week)
Lab Workbook: 2.9 & 2.10
Review vocabulary on board for quiz
Homework: Study for vocabulary quiz tomorrow
Fri., Aug. 15:
Warm Up: Comment ça va? Comment t’appelles-tu ?
Review : Destinations with « aller » Je vais à/ au/ à l’
Review : Conjugation chart of « aller » with pronouns
Homework and/or class work: Read 2.9 & 2.10 Lab workbook
Homework: Copy 2.11 & 2.13 with blanks from lab package
Quiz: Vocabulary (video/ board/ wall charts)
Recite from memory a dialogue including basic greetings and questions about how they are doing.
Write all subject pronouns in French & their English translations.
Conjugate the verb “aller” in French and translate to English.
Identify common destinations in French (maison, école, etc.)
French In Action Leçon 2 Week 2
Monday, August 17 – Friday, August 21, 2008
Mon., Aug. 18:
Warm Up : Comment tu t’appelles? Comment ça va ?/
Destinations with « aller »
Check 2.11 & 2.13 with blanks from lab workbook
Introduction to reading: Genèse Leçon 2 & listen with cassette/
Begin translation of Genèse Leçon 2 (Section 1)
Homework: copy conjugation chart as it appears on worksheet
(This will be a major grade in 3 days)
Tues. Aug. 19:
Warm Up: Days of week/ Counting 1-10
Continue reading & translation of “Genèse” from FIA Leçon
Homework: Practice Test: “Aller” chart/ Fill in English & French
pronouns & correct form of the verb “aller” (30 points in 2 days)
Finish translating Genèse, Leçon 2 (Sections 2-4)
Wed. Aug 20:
Warm Up: days of week, numbers, destinations
Copy days of week from board
View video that reviews conjugation of “aller”/ Check practice test
Continue reading & translation “Genèse” from FIA Leçon (2-4)
Review vocabulary from Genèse (sections 1-8)
Class work: Tu vs. Vous/ Syllable/ Lab Workbook 2.6, 2.7, 2.8
Homework: Study Practice Test for tomorrow (Major Grade)
Thurs., Aug. 21:
Major Grade: Conjugation chart of “aller” w/pronouns (30 pts.)
Continue reading Leçon 2: Genèse with
listening (5 &6)
Classwork: Translate Genèse (Sections 1 - 8) into English
Homework: Worksheet- forming questions
with “est-ce que”
Friday, Aug.22:
Correct homework (Est-ce que worksheet)
Introduction to être: copy partial conjugation from board.
Lab Package: Read 2.20/ Write 2.21 & leave blanks for tomorrow
Finish translating Genèse (1-8) & review related vocabulary
Write all subject pronouns in French & their English translations.
Conjugate the verb “aller” in French and translate to English.
Identify common destinations in French (maison, école, etc.)
Identify vocabulary related to where French is spoken, the people in a classroom, & the expressions “Je suis/ vous êtes/
Determine when to use “tu” and “vous”
Translate a passage from French to English given contextual clues
When an extended class allows for time, cultural enrichment will be presented, videos will be viewed & discussed.
Because we have a rotating schedule, this has not been indicated on the syllabus.
I will instruct the students as we engage in enrichment activities or watch a culture video what they need to retain for assessment and
when necessary a worksheet accompanies the activity, discussion and/or viewing of a video.
French In Action Leçon 2/ Week 3
Monday, August 25 , 2008 – Friday, August 29, 2008
Mon. Aug 25 :
Read 2.20/ Write in blanks for 2.21 (if not done Friday)
Contrast “aller & être”
Review for quiz (game/ drills)/ Vocabulary from Genèse
(Sections 1-8)/ aller, être/ listening comprehension
Begin translation Genèse (sections 9,10,11) with audiocassette
Homework: Study vocabulary of Genèse (1-8) & être for quiz
Home or Class work: Write out translations of Genèse, section 9
Tues. Aug 26:
Quiz: Vocabulary of Genèse (1-8)
Continue translating Genèse (section 9 ) & listen to accompanying
Introduction to negation: Lab packet: 2.22 (read)/ 2.23 (write)
Homework: Worksheet and/or sentences: negation & verbs
Wed., Aug. 27:
Continue to translate Genèse (sections 9)/ accompanying
Continue the negation: Oral drills & worksheet
Homework: Worksheet on Negations
Thurs. Aug 28
Introduction to French alphabet & diacritical marks
Check worksheet on negations and prepare for quiz
Finish translation of Genèse if not completed (9-11)
Homework: Study for quiz on negations (20 points)
Fri., Aug 29:
Quiz: Negations (written and aural/ 20 pts)
Finish translation of Genèse if not completed (9-11)
Introduction to questions words (comment, où, quand, pourquoi,
quand, qui, qu’est-ce que) Worksheet : Questions on Genèse
Review: days, alphabet, greetings
Home/ Classwork: Worksheet on Interrogative Words
Objectives/ Student will be able to:
Conjugate “aller” with pronouns
Conjugate “être” partially with pronouns
Correctly use “aller” & “être” in spoken & written language
Form yes/no questions with “est-ce que” or “est-ce qu” + vowel sound
Translate passages from French to English using basic vocabulary of greetings, simple “er” verbs (rencontrer,
parler, manger) as found in Genèse/ Leçon 2
Identify interrogative words (pourquoi, qu’est-ce qu/e, où, quand, comment)
Extended time classes: When an extended class allows for time, cultural videos will be viewed & discussed or students
will work on reviewing and/or reinforcing material learned. -Because we have a rotating schedule, this has not been
indicated on the syllabus. I will instruct the students as we watch a video, what they need to retain for assessment and
usually a worksheet accompanies the viewing.
French In Action Leçon 2/ Week 4
Monday, Sept. 1, 2008 – Friday, Sept. 5, 2008
Mon, Sept. 1:
No school
Tues. Sept 2:
Questions on Genèse 1-14 (See back of Negations worksheet)
Lab Workbook: 2.2 (write answers) 2.3 (write entire exercise)
Homework: Study for quiz on question words (mots interrogatifs)
Wed. Sept 3:
Review greetings, days, numbers, alphabet
Worksheet on Interrogative Words
Lab Workbook: 2.2 (write answers) 2.3 (write entire exercise)
View part of video (Leçon 2) for test review
Class and/ or homework: Translation & Questions for test review
Thurs., Sept 4:
Begin “Récapitulation” worksheet
Prepare for Quiz: Question words (mots interrogatifs)
Class and/or homework: Do “Récapitulation” worksheet for test review
Fri. , Sept. 5:
Warm Up: Spoken Question
Review Question words for Monday’s quiz (20 pts)
Begin correction of worksheet done yesterday (Récapitulation)
Practice alphabet for recitation Wed. & Thurs. (25 points)
Do Lab packet 2.2 & 2.3 with classes that have not finished them
Homework: Study for next week’s Chapter Test (100pts)
Prepare for alphabet recitation (25 pts.); Interrogative Quiz (20pts)
Objectifs/ SWBAT:
Form questions with interrogative words (pourquoi, où, quand, comment, etc.).
Answer questions formed with interrogative words (pourquoi, où, quand,
comment, etc.).
Translate sentences from English to French using vocabulary from Leçon 2.
Translate sentences from French to English using vocabulary from Leçon 2.
Form sentences using être & aller
Write words that are spelled orally with the French alphabet.
Use third person pronouns to replace proper names.
Recognize days of the week in spoken language.
Recognize numbers in spoken language.
Form regular negations.
French In Action Leçon 2/ Week 5
Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2008 – Friday, Sept. . 8, 2008
Mon. Sept 11:
Quiz on question words (20 pts)
Lab packet 2.2 & 2.3 with classes that have not finished these
Alphabetg recitation (25 major grade points)
Finish worksheet (Récapitulation/ Translation Leç 2) for Test Review
Homework: Look up words for vocabulary review
Tues., Sept 12:
Finish alphabet recitation (25 major grade points)
Vocabulary Review
Video viewing of leçon 2 for review
Homework: begin practice test (Leçon 2/ French In Action)
Test review: Lab Package: 2.25, 2.26, 2.27
Wed. Sept 13:
Vocabulary Review Worksheet for Test
Finish practice test/ Finish all test review
Thurs., Sept 14 :
Test: French In Action (Leç 2: 100 pts)/ Begin “Bien dit” if time permits
Conjugate “aller” with pronouns
Conjugate “être” partially with pronouns
Correctly use “aller” in answer to questions referring to destination
Correctly use “aller” in answer to questions referring to health
Correctly use “être” in answer to questions referring to states of being (i.e. “malade,”
fatigué(e), pressé(e), etc.)
Form yes/no questions with “est-ce que” or “est-ce qu” + vowel sound
Translate passages from French to English using basic vocabulary of greetings,
simple “er” verbs (rencontrer, parler, manger) as found in Genèse of leçon 2 French
In Action
Form questions with interrogative words (pourquoi, où, quand, comment, etc.).
Answer questions formed with interrogative words (pourquoi, où, quand, comment,
Translate sentences from English to French using vocabulary from Leçon 2 FIA
Translate sentences from French to English using vocabulary from Leçon 2 FIA
Form sentences using être & aller
Write words that are spelled orally with the French alphabet.
Use third person pronouns to replace proper names.
Recognize days of the week in spoken language.
Recognize numbers in spoken language.
Form regular negations.