Investigations of climate change with EDM:

Prepared October 2004; updated May 2006
G. Beauvais, Wyoming Natural Diversity Database (University of Wyoming)
-This is not a complete list, but rather a sample of recent papers detailing the use and application of EDM.
All papers are from primary technical journals and are arranged chronologically in each category.
Each paper is listed only once, but some have relevance to multiple categories.
Two recent journal issues present several papers on EDM application - individual papers from these issues
are not listed below, and readers are encouraged to explore these issues in their entirety:
2002 Biodiversity and Conservation 11(12)
2004 Journal of Applied Ecology 41(2)
A recent book discusses EDM applications rather thoroughly - individual chapters from this book are not
listed below, and readers are encouraged to explore this book in its entirety:
J.M. Scott, P.J. Heglund, M.L. Morrison, J.B. Haufler, M.G. Raphael, W.A. Wall, and F.B. Samson
(editors). 2002. Predicting species occurrences: issues of accuracy and scale. Island Press. Covelo,
California, USA.
Shao, G. and P.N. Halpin. 1995. Climatic controls of eastern North American coastal tree and shrub distributions.
Journal of Biogeography 22:1083-1089.
Franklin, J. 1998. Predicting the distribution of shrub species in southern California from climate and terrain
derived variables. Journal of Vegetation Science 9:733-748.
Guisan, A., J.P. Theurillat, and F. Kienast. 1998. Predicting the potential distribution of plant species in an alpine
environment. Journal of Vegetation Science 9:65-74.
Heegarrd, E. and H.H. Hangelbroek. 1999. The distribution of Ulota crispa at a local scale in relation to both
dispersal- and habitat related factors. Lindbergia 24:65-74.
Leathwick, J.R. 2001. New Zealand’s potential forest pattern as predicted from current species-environment
relationships. New Zealand Journal of Botany 39:447-464.
Lehmann, A., J.M. Jaquet, and J.B. Lachavanne. 1997. A GIS approach of aquatic plant spatial heterogeneity in
relation to sediment and depth gradient, Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Aquatic Botany 58:347-361.
Lehmann, A.C.T. 1998. GIS modeling of submerged macrophyte distribution using Generalized Additive Models.
Plant Ecology 139:113-124.
Augustin, N.H., M.A. Muggelstone, and S.T. Buckland. 1996. An autologistic model for the spatial distribution of
wildlife. Journal of Applied Ecology 33:339-347.
Selected papers on the use and application of EDM, May 2006
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Mladenoff, D.J., T.A. Sickley, and A.P. Wydeven. 1999. Predicting gray wolf landscape recolonization: logistic
regression models vs. new field data. Ecological Applications 9:37-44.
Franco, A.M.A., J.C. Brito, and J. Almeida. 2000. Modelling habitat selection of Common Cranes Grus grus
wintering in Portugal using multiple logistic regression. Ibis 142:351-358.
Osborne, P.E., J.C. Alonso, and R.G. Bryant. 2001. Modelling landscape-scale habitat-use using GIS and remote
sensing: a case study with great bustards. Journal of Applied Ecology 38:458-471.
Texeira, J., N. Ferrand, and J.W. Arntzen. 2001. Biogeography of the golden-striped salamander, Chioglossa
lusitanica: a field survey and spatial modelling approach. Ecography 24:618-624.
Woolf, A., C.K. Nielsen, T. Weber, and T.J. Gibbs-Kieninger. 2002. Statewide modeling of bobcat, Lynx rufus,
habitat in Illinois, USA. Biological Conservation 104:191-198.
Mastorillo, S., S. Lek, F. Dauba, and A. Belaud. 1997. The use of artificial neural network to predict the presence of
small-bodied fish in a river. Freshwater Biology 38:237-246.
Olden, J.D., D.A. Jackson, and P.R. Peres-Neto. 2002. Predictive models of fish distributions: a note on proper
validation and chance predictions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:329–336.
McKenna, J.E. Jr. 2005. Application of neural networks to prediction of fish diversity and salmonid production in
the Lake Ontario basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:28–43.
Higgins, S.L., D.M. Richardson, R.M. Cowling, and T.H. Trinder-Smith. 1999. Predicting the landscape-scale
distribution of alien plants and their threat to plant diversity. Conservation Biology 13:303-313.
Peterson, A.T. and D.A. Vieglais. 2001. Predicting species invasions using ecological niche modeling: new
approaches from bioinformatics attack a pressing problem. BioScience 51:363–371.
Peterson, A.T., V. Sanchez-Cordero, C.B. Beard (et al.). 2002. Ecological niche modeling and potential reservoirs
for Chagas disease, Mexico. Emerging Infectious Diseases 8: 662–667.
Peterson, A.T. 2003. Predicting the geography of species invasions via ecological niche modeling. Quarterly
Review of Biology. 78:419–433.
Drake, J.M. and J.M. Bossenbroek. 2004. The potential distribution of zebra mussels in the United States.
Bioscience 54:931-941.
Brzeziecki, B., F. Kienast, and O. Wildi. 1993. Modeling potential impacts of climate change on the spatial
distribution of zonal forest communities in Switzerland. Journal of Vegetation Science 6:257-258.
Brown, D.G. 1994. Predicting vegetation types at treeline using topography and biophysical disturbance variables.
Journal of Vegetation Science 5:641-656.
Franklin, J. 1995. Predictive vegetation mapping: geographic modelling of biospatial patterns in relation to
environmental gradients. Progress in Physical Geography 19:474-499.
Box, E.O. 1996. Plant functional types and climate at the global scale. Journal of Vegetation Science 7:309-320.
Selected papers on the use and application of EDM, May 2006
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Zimmermann, N.E. and F. Kienast. 1999. Predictive mapping of alpine grasslands in Switzerland: species versus
community approach. Journal of Vegetation Science 10:469-482.
Franklin, J. 2002. Enhancing a regional vegetation map with predictive models of dominant plant species in
chaparral. Applied Vegetation Science 5:135-146.
Monserud, R.A. and R. Leemans. 1992. Comparing global vegetation maps with the Kappa statistic. Ecological
Modelling 62:275-293.
Prentice, I.C., W. Cramer, S.P. Harrison, R. Leemans, R.A. Monseraud, and A.M. Solomon. 1992. A global biome
model based on plant physiology and dominance, soil properties and climate. Journal of Biogeography 19:117-134.
Tchebakova, N.M., R.A. Monseraud, and D.I. Nazimova. 1994. A Siberian vegetation model based on climatic
parameters. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research 24:1597-1607.
Neilson, R.P. 1995. A model for predicting continental-scale vegetation distribution and water balance. Ecological
Applications 5:362-385.
Owen, J.G. 1989. Patterns of herpetofaunal species richness: relation to temperature, precipitation and variance in
elevation. Jounral of Biogeography 16:141-150.
Heikkinen, R.K.K. 1996. Predicting patterns of vascular plant species richness with composite variables: a mesoscale study in Finnish Lapland. Vegetatio 126:151-165.
Fraser, R.H. 1998. Vertebrate species richness at the meso-scale: relative roles of energy and heterogeneity. Global
Ecology and Biogeography Letters 7:215-220.
Wohlgemuth, T. 1998. Modeling floristic species richness on a regional scale: a case study in Switzerland.
Biodiversity Conservation 7:159-177.
Ferrier, S., M. Drielsma, G. Manion, and G. Watson. 2002. Extended statistical approaches to modelling spatial
pattern in biodiversity in north-east New South Wales. II. Community level modelling. Biodiversity Conservation
Oertli, B., D.A. Joye, E. Castella, R. Juge, D. Cambin, and J. Lachavanne. 2002. Does size matter? The relationship
between pond area and biodiversity. Biological Conservation 104:59-70.
Moisen, G.G. and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 1999. Use of generalized linear models and digital data in a forest inventory of
Utah. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 4:372-390.
Raxworthy, C.J., E. Martinez-Meyer, N. Horning, R.A. Nussbaum (et al.). 2003. Predicting distributions of known
and unknown reptile species in Madagascar. Nature 426: 837–841.
Engler, R., A. Guisan, and L. Rechsteiner. 2004. An improved approach for predicting the distribution of rare and
endangered species from occurrence and pseudo-absence data. Journal of Applied Ecology 41:263–274.
Kienast, F., B. Brzeziecki, and O. Wildli. 1996. Long-term adaptation potential of Central European mountain
forests to climate change: a GIS-assisted sensitivity assessment. Forest Ecology and Management 80:133-153.
Selected papers on the use and application of EDM, May 2006
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Kienast, F., O. Wildi, and B. Brzeziecki. 1998. Potential impacts of climate change on species richness in mountain
forests - an ecological risk-assessment. Biological Conservation 83:291-305.
Guisan, A. and J.P. Theurillat. 2000. Equilibrium modeling of alpine plant distribution and climate change: how far
can we go? Phytocoenologia, Special Issue 2000.
Peterson, A.T., M.A. Ortega-Huerta, J. Bartley, V. Sanchez-Cordero, J. Soberon, and R.W. Buddemeier. 2002.
Future projections for Mexican faunas under global climate change scenarios. Nature 416:626-629.
Pearson, R.G. and T.P. Dawson. 2003. Predicting the impacts of climate change on the distribution of species: are
bioclimate envelope models really useful? Global Ecology and Biogeography 12:361-372.
Thomas, C.D., A. Cameron, R.E. Green, M. Bakkenes, L.J. Beaumont, Y.C. Collingham, (et al.). 2004. Extinction
risk from climate change. Nature 427:145–147.
Thuiller, W. 2004. Patterns and uncertainties of species range shifts under climate change. Global Change Biology
Mourell, C. and E. Ezcurra. 1996. Species richness of Argentine cacti: a test of biogeographic hypotheses. Journal
of Vegetation Science 7:667-680.
Leathwick, J.R. 1998. Are New Zealand’s Nothofagus species in equilibrium with their environment? Journal of
Vegetation Science 9:719-732.
Anderson, R.P., A.T. Peterson, and M. Gomez-Laverde. 2002. Using niche-based GIS modeling to test geographic
predictions of competitive exclusion and competitive release in South American pocket mice. Oikos 93: 3–16.
Araujo, M.B. and P.H. Williams. 2000. Selecting areas for species persistence using occurrence data. Biological
Conservation 96:331-345.
Margules, C.R. and R.L. Pressey. 2000. Systematic conservation planning. Nature 405:243-253.
Polasky, S. and A.R. Solow. 2001. The value of information in reserve site selection. Biodiversity and Conservation
Ferrier, S. 2002. Mapping spatial pattern in biodiversity for regional conservation planning: where to from here?
Systems Biology 51:331–363.
Williams, P.H. and M.B. Araujo. 2002. Apples, oranges, and persistence: integrating multiple factors into
biodiversity conservation with consistency. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 7:139-151.
Loiselle, B.A, C.A. Howell, C.H. Graham, J.M. Goerck (et al.). 2003. Avoiding pitfalls of using species distribution
models in conservation planning. Conservation Biology 17:1591-1600.
Araujo, M.B., M. Cabeza, W. Thuiller, L. Hannah, and P.H. Williams. 2004. Would climate change drive species
out of reserves? An assessment of existing reserve-selection methods. Global Change Biology 10:1618–1626.
Maes, D., D. Bauwens, L. De Bruyn, A. Anselin, (et al.). 2005. Species richness coincidence: conservation
strategies based on predictive modelling. Biodiversity and Conservation 14:1345–1364.
Selected papers on the use and application of EDM, May 2006
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