Seasonal nutrient dynamics in the western Bering Sea Kirill Kivva1 and Vladimir Matveev2 1 Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), Moscow, Russia. E-mail: 2 Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO-Center), Vladivostok, Russia Intra- and interannual changes in the nutrient content in some regions of the Bering Sea have been shown previously to be affected by climatic state of the North Pacific, and have an impact on mean seasonal primary production rates. The objective of this study is to reconstruct the seasonal changes of dissolved inorganic nutrient content (silica, phosphorus, and nitrogen) in the western Bering Sea. To achieve broad temporal and spatial coverage, nutrient data from VNIRO, TINRO-Center, and NOAA NODC datasets were merged into a single data set. The Bering Sea area was divided into eight regions in accordance with previously documented physical environmental characteristics (e. g. presence of ice, current and frontal systems, and heat-exchange regimes). Combination of data from several earlier and recent surveys allowed us to revise the regional-scale seasonal dynamic of the nutrient field. Despite the lack of winter and spring data for the area, existing data was supported with values of the cold intermediate layer. The analysis provides new results on regional ΔSi/ΔN/ΔP ratios which may be used further for assessment of primary production.