2013 ARTICULOS EN LA WEB OF SCIENCE (WoS) Y SCOPUS Ciencias Naturales y Exactas: 1. Arencibia Arrebola DF., Rosario Fernández LA., Delgado Roche L., Alonso Laurencio A., Vidal Novoa A. (2013). Potencial genotóxico del extracto oleoso de la semilla de Carapa guianensis Aublet para inducir anomalías en la morfología de la cabeza del espermatozoide. Rev Int Androl. 11(2): 54-59. (alexisvidal@fbio.uh.cu) 2. Gómez H., Chappé M., Valiente P., Pons T., Chávez Planas MA., Jean-Louis C., Alonso Pascual I. (2013) Effect of zinc and calcium ions on the rat kidney membrane-bound form of dipeptidyl peptidase IV. Journal of Biosciences. 38.3: 1-9. (isel@fbio.uh.cu) 3. Ros Quincoces U., Edwards M.A, Epand R.F., Lanio M.E., Schreier S., Yip C.M., Alvarez C., Epand R.M. The sticholysin family of pore-forming toxins induce the mixing of lipids in membrane domains. (2013). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1828. 2757–2762. (uris@fbio.uh.cu) 4. Ros Quincoces U., Souto AL., de Oliveira FL, Crusca EJ., Pazos, F., Cilli E.M., Lanio, ME., Schreier, S., Alvarez, C. Functional and topological studies with Trp-containing analogs of the peptide StII1-30 derived from the N-terminus of the pore forming toxin sticholysin II: contribution to understand its orientation in membrane. (2013). Biopolymers (Peptide Science). 100 (4): 337-346 (uris@fbio.uh.cu) 5. López-Abarrategui C., Figueroa-Espí V., Reyes-Acosta O; Reguera E., OteroGonzález AJ. (2013) Magnetic nanoparticles: New players in antimicrobial peptide therapeutics. Current Protein and Peptide Science, vol 14(7): Aug 2. [Epub ahead of print] PMID (PubMed): 23968342 (clopez@fbio.uh.cu) 6. López-Abarrategui C., Otero-González AJ. (2013) Subcellular proteomics for understanding Host Defense Peptides mechanism of action. Review article. Organelles Proteomics, 7-15. DOI: 10.2478/orpr-2013-0003 • ORPR • 2013 • 7–15 No (Número inicial) (clopez@fbio.uh.cu) 7. Lima L., Migliolo L., Clovis Castro, Pires D., Lopez-Abarrategui C., Gonçalves E., Vasconcelos I., Oliveira J., Otero-Gonzalez A., Diaz S., Franco OL. (2013). Identification of a Novel Antimicrobial Peptide from Brazilian Coast Coral Phyllogorgia dilatata. Protein & Peptide Letters, 20 (10): 1153–158. (aotero@fbio.uh.cu) 8. Martínez D., Cutiño-Avila B., Rosendo Pérez E., Menéndez C., Hernández L., del Monte-Martínez A. (2014). A thermostable exo-b-fructosidase immobilised through rational design. Food Chemistry 145: 826–831.(adelmonte@fbio.uh.cu) 9. Cutiño-Avila B., Cunill-Semanat E., Gil DF., Chávez MA., Díaz J., del Monte-Martínez A. (2013). Synthesis of Tetanus Toxoid-Sepharose CL 4B derivatives by Rational Design. In: V Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2011, IFMBE Proceedings Volume 33, José Folgueras Méndez, Tania Y. Aznielle Rodríguez, Carlos F. Calderón Marín, Susana Beatriz Llanusa Ruiz, Jorge Castro Medina, Haddid Vega Vázquez, Maylen Carballo Barreda, Rafael Rodríguez Rojas (Eds.), pp 160-163. (adelmonte@fbio.uh.cu) 10. Del Monte-Martínez A., Cutiño-Avila B., Gómez D., Pereda I., Díaz J., Rojas J.. Computational mathematic model for the immobilization of cells and proteins on charged solid surfaces by electrostatic interactions. In: V Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2011, IFMBE Proceedings Volume 33, José Folgueras Méndez, Tania Y. Aznielle Rodríguez, Carlos F. Calderón Marín, Susana Beatriz Llanusa Ruiz, Jorge Castro Medina, Haddid Vega Vázquez, Maylen Carballo Barreda, Rafael Rodríguez Rojas (Eds.), (2013) pp 73-76. (adelmonte@fbio.uh.cu) 11. Borrero R., García M.A., Canet L., Zayas C., Reyes F., Prieto J.L., Infante J. F., Lanio M.E. (2013). 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Perez-Riverol Y., Hermjakob H., Kohlbacher O., Martens L., Creasy D., Cox J., Leprevost F., Shan BP., Pérez-Nueno VI., Blazejczyk M., Punta M., Vierlinger K., Valiente PA., Leon K., Chinea G., Guirola O., Bringas R., Cabrera G., Guillen G., Padron G., Gonzalez LJ., Besada V. (2013) Computational Proteomics Pitfalls and Challenges: HavanaBioinfo 2012 Workshop Report. J. Proteomics. 2013 S1874-3919 (13) 00049-3. (valiente@fbio.uh.cu) 14. Alonso-del-Rivero M., Reyto R ML., Trejo SA., Chávez MA., Avilés FX., and Reverter D. (2013). A novel and non-canonical mechanism of carboxypeptidase inhibition revealed by the crystal structure of the tri-Kunitz SmCI in complex with human CPA4. Structure. 21, 1118–1126. (valiente@fbio.uh.cu) 15. Salas Sarduy E., Cabrera-Muñoz A., Cauerhff A., González-González Y., Trejo SA., Chidichimo A., Chávez Planes MA., Cazzulo JJ. (2013). 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Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. www.scientific.net/AMR825-33. (ocoto@fbio.uh.cu) 19. Almaguer M., Aira MJ., Rodríguez-Rajo FJ., Rojas TI. (2013). Temporal dynamics of airborne fungi in Havana (Cuba) during dry and rainy seasons: influence of meteorological parameters. International Journal of Biometeorology http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1007/s00484-013-0748-6. (michelam@fbio.uh.cu) 20. Almaguer M., Rojas T.I., Rodríguez-Rajo F.J., Aira M.J. (2014). Airborne basidiospores of Coprinus and Ganoderma in a Caribbean region. Aerobiología. 30: 197-204. (michelam@fbio.uh.cu) 21. Salgado-Bernal I., M. E. Carballo-Valdés, A. Martínez-Sardiñas, M. Cruz-Arias, M.C. Durán-Domínguez-de-Bazúa. 2012. Interacción de aislados bacterianos rizosféricos con metales de importancia ambiental. Revista Tecnología y Ciencias del Agua. 3(3): 83-95... (irina@fbio.uh.cu) 22. Manzano AM, G. Torres, O. Domínguez, E. Batista, G. Torres, Ma. I. Sánchez, M. Ramos-Leal, P. Valiente, A. Sánchez, A. González, A. Banguela, P.L. Ramos- González, D. Rochefort, MD McLean, G. Guerra. 2013. Role of lacasse isozymes in textile dye decolorization and diversity of laccase genes from Ganoderma weberianum (B-18). J. Appl. Sciences and Environmental Sanitation 8(4): 237-242. (manzale@fbio.uh.cu) 23. Alfonso YU.; Morris HJ., Gutiérrez A., Rodríguez-Schettino L., Denis D., Steffen J. E. (2013). Dewlap color variation based on pterin and carotenoid pigments in three Anolis jubar subspecies of the Cuban southern coast. Copeia (2): 205–209. (dda@fbio.uh.cu) 24. Cádiz, AN. Nagata, M. Katabuchi, L. M. Díaz, L. M. Echenique- Díaz, H. Akashi, T. Makino and M. Kawata. (2013). Relative importance of habitat use, range expansion, and speciation in local species diversity of Anolis lizards in Cuba. Ecosphere 4(7): 1-33. (cadiz@fbio.uh.cu) 25. Hechavarría JC., Macías S., Vater M., Mora EC., Kössl M. (2013). Blurry topography for precise target-distance computations in the auditory cortex of echolocating bats. Nature Communications 4:2587. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3587. Pages: 1-11. (emanuel@fbio.uh.cu) 26. Hechavarría JC., Macías S., Vater M., Mora EC., Kössl M. (2013): Evolution of neuronal mechanisms for echolocation: specializations for target-range computation in bats of the genus Pteronotus. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133: 570-578. (emanuel@fbio.uh.cu) 27. Kössl M., Macías S., Hechavarría JC., Mora EC., Vater M. (2013): Neural maps for target range in the auditory cortex of echolocating bats bats. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 24:68-75. (emanuel@fbio.uh.cu) 28. Macías S., Hechavarría JC., Kössl M., Mora EC. (2013): Neurons in the inferior colliculus of the mustached bat are tuned both to echo-delay and sound duration. Neuroreport 24:404–409. (emanuel@fbio.uh.cu) 29. Mora EC., Cobo-Cuan A., Macías F., Pérez M., Nowotny M., Kössl K. (2013): Mechanical tuning of the moth ear: distortion-product otoacoustic emissions and tympanal vibrations. 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Tamayo A., Geada-López D., Fernández EG. , Dorta L., Padilla S., Cecilia D., Villegas Y., González T., Wood M., Sosa R., Lao M., Calás G., Milá L. , Valdés R. (2013). Demonstration of Affinity Chromatography Stability Used to Purify a Monoclonal Antibody Expressed in Tobacco Plants Employed as Inmunoreagent in Hepatitis B Vaccine Manufacturing.. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 32 (4): 543-9. (dgeada@fbio.uh.cu) 34. Cabrera JC., Nápoles MC., Falcón A. Costales D., Diosdado-Salces E., González S., González L., González G., Rogers HJ., Cabrera G., Wégria G., Onderwater R., Wattiez, R. (2013). Developing application for oligosaccharins in agriculture. Acta Horticulturae, 9. (ediosdado@fbio.uh.cu) 35. Bao-Fundora L., Hernández R., Diosdado-Salces E., Román MI, Gonzalez C., Rojas A., Rodríguez A. (2013). Embriogénesis somática de Citrus macrophylla Wester con el empleo del Pectimorf® y análogos de brasinoesteroides.. Rev. Colomb. Biotecnol. Vol. XV No. 1 Julio 2013: 189-194. 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Rodríguez-Ramos, R., Guinovart-Díaz, R., López-Realpozo, J.C., Bravo-Castillero, J., Otero, J.A., Sabina, F.J., Lebon, F. Effective properties of periodic fibrous electroelastic composites with mechanic imperfect contact condition. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 73,1–13, 2013. (reinaldo@matcom.uh.cu) 71. Rodríguez-Ramos, R., Ricardo de Medeiros, Guinovart-Díaz, R., Bravo-Castillero, J., Otero, J.A., Volnei Tita. Different approaches for calculating the effective elastic properties in composite materials under imperfect contact adherence. Composite Structures 99, 264-275, 2013. (reinaldo@matcom.uh.cu) 72. Otero, J.A., Rodríguez-Ramos, R., Bravo-Castillero, J., Guinovart-Díaz, R., Sabina, F.J., Monsivais, G. Semi-analytical method for computing effective properties in elastic composite under imperfect contact. International Journal of Solids and Structures 50, 609-622, 2013. (jbravo@matcom.uh.cu) 73. 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