Health and Well Being Physical Education and Sport Lessons will be carried out with a first level primary 3 class by Miss Julie Auld. Generic outcome (Early to third level) “I can recognise progress through shared criteria and the use of feedback.” Focus outcome (First level) “I can recognise progress and achievement by discussing my thoughts and giving and accepting feedback.” HWB1-24a Lesson focus Gymnastics Floor work Sequence of 4 movements Peer and self assessment Assessment strategies Fist to 5 – self assessment 2 stars and a wish – peer assessment traffic light cards – self/peer assessment tips to improve – peer assessment response to tips – self assessment Evidence Photographic Video Audio NB-The first lesson originally took place on the 8th February but due to other class commitments the subsequent lessons were postponed. I felt it necessary to recap the original lesson again for the benefit of the pupils. Learning Intentions Throughout the series of lessons the pupils are learning to: identify various ways of travelling, jumping, rolling and balancing. create a floor sequence incorporating 4 movements. work co-operatively together to create and perform a floor sequence. give and accept feedback with our peers . identify personal strengths and areas for development. Success Criteria By the end of the series of lessons the children should be able to say “I can” to the following statements: demonstrate basic rolling, balancing and jumping skills. use linking/travel movements to create simple sequences. Work co-operatively with a partner or in a small group. Give and accept constructive feedback with good manners. Highlight an area of gymnastics that I am good at and can set personal next steps. Lesson Plans Date Lesson Content/Assessment Evidence Evaluation Tuesday 1st March Warm up- travelling pairs/octopus Introduce learning intention and success criteria. Discuss and model various ways that the children know of rolling and balancing. Split class into groups of 3 or 4. Stations set up around the Learner 1 showed 4 out of 5 when asked how confident she felt about her performance. She explained that she gave this score because she did not carry out the cartwheel at first because she was nervous but eventually tried with the help of her peers. I agree with this assessment. Learner 1 is normally a confident pupil unless faced with unknown concepts. hall with a roll or balance written on whiteboard. Model each station. Children have around 3 minutes at each station to practice the concept. Ask a different group each time to share their feelings about their own performance, using fist to 5, with the class. Cool down- 60 second challenge. Lesson assessment using fist to 5 - overall how do children feel they performed. Learner 2 showed 5 out of 5. Learner 2 is very confident and can find it difficult to highlight areas for improvement within a personal performance. During this lesson learner 2 attempted all stations with confidence but must remember the criteria for each movement or balance. Learner 3 showed 5 out of 5. Again this child is generally very confident during PE. This child will take on board advice from class teacher and peers and is very willing to assist his peers when required. Learner 3 attempted all stations with confidence and discussed what was expected at each. Lesson evaluation Pupils were unsure of some balances so more time was required to model. It would have been beneficial to have senior pupils or another member of staff to work with certain pupils. Overall children appeared confident when trying new balances or rolls. The children would benefit from from more group work. Use the balance line challenge next week to try to encourage team work. Tuesday 8th Warm up – travelling March pairs/traffic light balances Recap last lesson and discuss learning intentions and success criteria. Discuss and model various ways of travelling and jumping. Split class into groups of 3 or 4. In groups create a routine that involves travelling then a jump and then another method of travelling. Groups model to class and discuss. What could we do to make the routine more interesting? Individually create a routine that has a method of travel, a roll or a balance and a jump. Teacher models a few Audio Evidence (tips to improve) L1 tips for L3.MP3 Learner 1 highlighted very clearly that learner 3 must remember to tuck his head in when performing a forward roll. This tip was very specific and accurate however I feel that she could have explained why that was required. Learner 2 assessed learner 1's jump. He does not give any specific tips except “jump higher”. Although learner 2 is confident in his performance I do not feel that he is confident in using the specific criteria required for each movement. Learner 3 gave excellent feedback in my opinion. He explained that if you hold your arms out it will allow for a better balance. I will encourage learner 3 to use more subject specific vocabulary in the future. examples and ask any volunteers. Pupils work independently whilst in groups. Discuss what we would make a good routine, note suggestions on the whiteboard. In groups pupils perform their routine to fellow group members. Group members give oral feedback (tips for improvement). Cool down- colours. In class pupils reflect on their peer feedback and think about what they could do better next time. Make note on post it notes. L2 response.MP3 Photographic Evidence (personal goals-post it notes) All pupils completed a personal goals sheet and as a class we discussed them. Learner 1 wants to improve her cartwheel as she does not feel confident performing them. Learner 2 wants to work better in a group listening to and helping others (this I agree with and I am very pleased that he has recognised that this is an area for improvement). Learner 3 highlighted that he would like to get better at forward and backwards rolling. I was pleased that the peer feedback and self assessment was similar in some cases. Unfortunately learner 1 may not have the opportunity to develop her cartwheel skills but a note has been taken to focus on this during the next block. Tuesday 15th March Warm up- beans/hoop aerobics Recap lessons so far and discuss learning intentions and success criteria. Discuss and model ways of linking 4 movements together to create flow. Split into groups of 2 or 3each group has a mat, a sheet of paper, a pencil and a rubber. Teacher/senior pupil models a sequence of 4 linked movements. Discuss what pupils saw? What was good? What did they like? How could they do this? Set success criteria for sequence. In groups discuss and try out various sequences (CT/senior pupil support available). Have they improved after last sessions peer assessment? Review and Photographic Evidence (traffic light peer assessment) Learner 1 assessed both learner 2 and 3 with a yellow traffic light. She explained that this was because although she thought they both tried hard to improve, she felt they could still do better when linking their movements together. I agree with this assessment, I think she was sensible and fair and explained herself clearly. Learner 2 assessed learner 1 with a yellow traffic light and simply said she was good but could do better. He was reluctant to explain and when he did he contradicted himself at times. Learner 2 assessed learner 3 with a green traffic light and said it was excellent. Again there was little explanation and in my opinion this assessment was given because the boys are friends. More focus on the success criteria is required for this learner to give appropriate feedback. Learner 3 assessed learner 1 with a yellow Tuesday 22nd March give oral response. Using traffic light cards children give feedback to their partner/peers on their performance- linked to success criteria created. Encourage pupils to write down or draw their sequence to help them remember it. Cool down – toes. Back in class discuss with children if they think they managed to improve the skill they highlighted as a personal goal and discuss benefits of setting goals and using peer feedback. traffic light highlighting that she tried really hard and her roll was lovely but would like her to work on staying still during her balance. I agree with this assessment and I am pleased learner 3 is using subject specific vocabulary. Learner 3 assessed learner 2 with a green traffic light. I was slightly disappointed with the feedback given here and again feel that friendship is the reason behind this. Learner 3 did however say that he would like learner 2 to change his balance as he is unable to keep still when performing a hand stand. In class explain the checklist assessment and peer assessment pairings. Warm up- octopus/tunnel tig Discuss format of lesson and recap on learning intentions and success criteria. In groupings pupils rehearse their sequences. Pupils perform sequences and carry out peer assessment using the written checklist. Class teacher films the performances. (If time allows play a team game). Back in class discuss lesson and performances. Pupils share feedback with their partners. Video Evidence (performance and 2 stars and a wish assessment) The following day allow pupils to watch their performances and give oral feedback highlighting what they think they did well and what they would like to work on during their next gymnastics block. All pupils indicated an improvement on the skill highlighted by peers – I agree but still work to be done. Learner 1's performance shows that she has tried to link the movements together well. Unfortunately the start of the forward roll was missed due to a technical problem however I am pleased to note that she had her hands in the appropriate position and tucked her head in. She has taken on board the success criteria and has used it in her performance. Learner 2 and 3's assessment of learner 1 was not as accurate as I had expected. Learner 2 required a prompt from CT but did however explain why learner 1's roll was successful. Unfortunately learner 3 highlighted straight legs as a positive for the balance but only one leg was straight. I am pleased that learner 3 is still using subject specific vocabulary. The wish was that she wouldn't move when she landed from her jump, I can understand what learner 2 meant but in future the wish must be clearer. Learner 2's performance shows clearly his confidence but I am disappointed that he has not taken on board the feedback given to him by learner 3 (change the balance). If learner 2 listened more and was willing to take on board advice from his peers he would be able to improve his sequence. Learner 1 and 3's assessment of learner 2 showed that learner 1 is taking on board the success criteria and is using this in her feedback. I agree that learner 2 managed to turn and jump successfully. Learner 3 is indicating again a star performance that is not totally accurate, I once again believe that this is down to friendship. The wish was accurate and clear and reinforces previous feedback. Learner 3's performance shows that he has taken onboard feedback and has followed his personal goal to improve his rolls. I was surprised that he used a backwards roll when his focus had been a forwards roll but I am pleased that he is challenging himself. I would like to see learner 3 link his movements better. Learner 1 and 2's assessment of learner 3 is very accurate and clear. I agree with both stars- learner 3 did manage to get his legs over his head (this does however require work) and he did try to keep his legs straight in the balance. Learner 1 is once again making clear reference to the success criteria with her 2 stars and a wish assessment. I think learner 2 has been very accurate with his wish for the movements to be joined better. I am very pleased that learner 2 identified this and is perhaps beginning to take on board the success criteria. Self assessment/ next steps highlight that the pupils can identify changes or improvements that they would make to their own sequence. The children were given the opportunity to watch their performance and then self assess again. The children gave similar responses to those shown in the video clip. They did indicate that watching their performance helped them to focus, which I feel highlights the value of providing the children with the opportunity to watch their own performance and then set next steps. The next steps generated will be taken forward into their profile as a focus for the next gymnastics block. I will use this method again in the future.